How long does natural covid immunity last?


Jan 25, 2014
I don't think that is possible with many viruses. People catch them yearly (flu, cold) or catch it once and never develop immunity but rather a degeneration (VIH) or flare up (Herpes). So no lifelong immunity. Covid... assuming the thing is real... it is not known yet I guess.

Why do you think that?

People often get colds or the so called "flu" yearly (or several times a year), but the "official" thinking on it is that it is a different strain of virus every time. Considering there are potentially millions/billions/trillions of various types of viruses and other germs out there, and if the "official" thinking is correct, you could still catch a cold every year for a million years, and not have the same virus (or even a similar variant) twice.

Of course, that's if viruses are even the cause in the first place- The "Flu" May Be Simply A Sign/Symptom Of Elevated Endotoxin

As for HIV (which is also written as VIH sometimes), there is no study anywhere to back up the claim "HIV is the probable cause of AIDS." Even the "official" mechanism of degeneration is not the HIV retrovirus itself, but supposedly the Antibodies to fight HIV. When planning a vaccine, they planned to get around this inconvenience by issuing everyone who took the vaccine (and got antibodies) a letter that stated it was okay, not to worry, since they got the vaccine. Apparently, our own antibodies respond very well to paperwork!

Of course, as Peter Duesberg and Kary Mullis have suggested, the real cause of AIDS could likely be due to drugs and other factors. And, of course, Magic Johnson, in his 29th year of being HIV positive, is doing a lot to destroy the idea that somehow, it causes degeneration. He still looks like one of the healthiest 60 year olds on the planet.


Jan 25, 2014
Ahh yes, I remember when they actually changed the definition of herd immunity from natural immunity to "vaccinated" immunity. The push for vaccinations as the holy grail and savior is intense. It's hard to tell whether or not this could be a variation of a Corona virus that's existed, a bioweapon, or just the regular old flu with a hyped up media reporting DOOM every single day,
If it is a "bioweapon," its a complete and utter failure, seeing as it needed two years of propaganda and tyranny to back it up.


Dec 4, 2021
If it is a "bioweapon," its a complete and utter failure, seeing as it needed two years of propaganda and tyranny to back it up.
Actually that's a beautifully evil masterpiece of a bioweapon.

It has to be something that won't kill the powers that be but can be used to deeply fosters slow growing fear that makes you take a jab that's going to kill many people very slowly & drop birth rates.

Can't make people believe it's something/someone else's fault if they drop dead soon enough to be correlated with the people who are behind the curtain.
Nov 21, 2015
Based on my own observation and my own experience i don't think there is any need to worry about it "waning" at all and one will get sick in a flu/corona like fashion eventually anyway, usually around the "colder times" of the year.

If you are constantly around people and the virus is so widespread as its claimed then your body/immunesystem will be "trained" and confronted on a regular basis. Another reason to not be worried either way. Our body does this each and every day.

Take care of your general health, especially gut and emotional health and things will be okay for the majority of people.



Jan 25, 2014
Actually that's a beautifully evil masterpiece of a bioweapon.

It has to be something that won't kill the powers that be but can be used to deeply fosters slow growing fear that makes you take a jab that's going to kill many people very slowly & drop birth rates.

Can't make people believe it's something/someone else's fault if they drop dead soon enough to be correlated with the people who are behind the curtain.
The only thing is, you'd have to strike the "bio" part from the word "bioweapon."

Lord Cola

It has to be something that won't kill the powers that be but can be used to deeply fosters slow growing fear that makes you take a jab that's going to kill many people very slowly & drop birth rates.
It's the media, the government and their collaborators that did that. What part of the "Covid" experience can't be plausibly explained with other illnesses like the flu? "Covid" has no distinct symptoms, I have never heard of anyone who "died from Covid" who died with symptoms that could not have been attributed to an illness that was supposed to be common before 2019. If it is a bioweapon, it is a terribly ineffective one that did not help push the narrative, made the media and the government do all the work, and the discrepancy between the official narrative and observed reality is becoming so great that even the most zealous supporters of covid measures are starting to question things.


Sep 24, 2016
No, it's not "absolutely possible" because of so called "mutations." The evidence for ANY of these "variants" even existing is even more dodgy than SARS-Cov-2 existing. There isn't an "approved" test for any of these variants, so the idea that these variants are running around out there is based on even less than the COVID mythology in the first place. No one can even point to a lab test and say "See? I got the Delta Airlines and the Lambada, Dance of Death variant!" In the US, you aren't even allowed to know-

Then just look beyond the US if it helps you acknowledge reality. There are endless publications about the mutations and their respective gene sequencing. Also clinical and non-clinical evidence and Empirie clearly corroborate what research finds.

Omicron is harmless the majority of people. And CoV likely is a gain of function product of Wuhan. But it exists.


Jan 25, 2014
Then just look beyond the US if it helps you acknowledge reality.
This has nothing to do with the US. Every country pushing the COVID narrative is relying on the same fraudulent methodologies and interventions.

They are all relying on "Isolates" which made zero attempt to isolate any virus from Human DNA, and then actually added foreign DNA, usually in the form of African Green Monkey Kidney Cells, and Bovine Fetal Serum.

They are all relying on surrogate tests to "detect" the virus that spit out ridiculously high numbers of false positives, mostly the PCR. There is no gold standard test.

They are all relying on the same untested and/or proven ineffective measures (masks, lockdown, tyranny) as an excuse to stop a "Novel Corona Virus."
There are endless publications about the mutations and their respective gene sequencing.
So what? Just because you repeat a lie one million times doesn't make it true. Since they never isolated any sample from Human DNA (and in fact, always contaminated it with foreign DNA prior to any "gene sequencing"), it makes all of them fraudulent. That goes for the original "Novel Corona Virus" and all so called mutations.

You can publish hundreds of blueprints for building a 100 story skyscraper built out of toothpicks and strawberry ice cream, but that doesn't mean you could ever build one in the real world.
Also clinical and non-clinical evidence and Empirie clearly corroborate what research finds.
Ridiculous. It clearly doesn't. All the clinical evidence that uses any test relies on easily manipulated PCR tests, which don't detect any virus. Non-Clinical evidence (and some clinical) would rely on symptoms, and again, 100% of symptoms of Covid (original and all so called "variants") overlap with the common cold and flu. And Individual symptoms (like cough, fever, chills) occur in dozens to hundreds of conditions on their own.
Omicron is harmless the majority of people. And CoV likely is a gain of function product of Wuhan. But it exists.
Prove that it exists. No one has. If it doesn't exist (and really, there is no proof that it does), then speculating about an "origin" is as silly as grilling a 5 year old about providing a birth certificate for their imaginary friend.

Here's a study from the CDC claiming "isolation," but if you read the materials and methods, you will see zero claim of removing Human DNA and other microflora, and will also see the contaminants (including foreign DNA) they added during "isolation."

Cell Culture, Limiting Dilution, and Virus Isolation​

We used Vero CCL-81 cells for isolation and initial passage. We cultured Vero E6, Vero CCL-81, HUH 7.0, 293T, A549, and EFKB3 cells in Dulbecco minimal essential medium (DMEM) supplemented with heat-inactivated fetal bovine serum (5% or 10%) and antibiotics/antimycotics (GIBCO, https://www.thermofisher.comExternal Link). We used both NP and OP swab specimens for virus isolation. For isolation, limiting dilution, and passage 1 of the virus, we pipetted 50 μL of serum-free DMEM into columns 2–12 of a 96-well tissue culture plate, then pipetted 100 μL of clinical specimens into column 1 and serially diluted 2-fold across the plate. We then trypsinized and resuspended Vero cells in DMEM containing 10% fetal bovine serum, 2× penicillin/streptomycin, 2× antibiotics/antimycotics, and 2× amphotericin B at a concentration of 2.5 × 105 cells/mL. We added 100 μL of cell suspension directly to the clinical specimen dilutions and mixed gently by pipetting. We then grew the inoculated cultures in a humidified 37°C incubator in an atmosphere of 5% CO2 and observed for cytopathic effects (CPEs) daily. We used standard plaque assays for SARS-CoV-2, which were based on SARS-CoV and Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV) protocols (9,10).

Andrew Kaufamn does a step by step refutation of why these so called "isolates" aren't isolated in the slightest-

If you know of sample where they actually did make an attempt to isolate the "Novel Corona Virus" from human DNA, and didn't add foreign DNA, please post it. That would go a long way in backing up the claim that SARS-Cov-2 exists. Of course, you would still have the problem with the fraudulent tests used for "detection" in the real world.
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Dec 4, 2021
It's the media, the government and their collaborators that did that. What part of the "Covid" experience can't be plausibly explained with other illnesses like the flu? "Covid" has no distinct symptoms, I have never heard of anyone who "died from Covid" who died with symptoms that could not have been attributed to an illness that was supposed to be common before 2019. If it is a bioweapon, it is a terribly ineffective one that did not help push the narrative, made the media and the government do all the work, and the discrepancy between the official narrative and observed reality is becoming so great that even the most zealous supporters of covid measures are starting to question things.
It's a bioweapon in the way that it was made to be novel so people would get sick as hell from it.

Again, genius.

They needed something that would absolutely kill people due to comorbilities to justify treatments that would further kill people so people would be prone to listen to the media making them afraid in the first place.

We just got over the second time we had it & it's not like anything I've ever had prior to 2019.

I mean we we're fine, it just sucked...

But also, gain of function literally makes it a bioweapon so there's that.


Jan 25, 2014
It's a bioweapon in the way that it was made to be novel so people would get sick as hell from it.
But.... do they?

There is no indication that this is happening. People appear to be getting sick at the same rate from the same diseases that happened in 2019 and all years previous. The "Official" death toll is a big, fat fraud, as Anthony Colpo detailed. Classifying people like Colin Powell (who was 84, had Parkinsons and Cancer) as dying from a common cold virus (which is what Corona Viruses are thought to be) is just insane, there is no reason for it, regardless of a positive PCR test.

When you have 95% of so called "Covid" deaths averaging four serious co-morbidities (like the Colin Powell Example), there is every reason to believe that it was the original diseases that caused those deaths, and not a "Novel Corona Virus." So if you strip all of those, you get (in the US) a number closer to 40,000 deaths for 2 years, which is roughly 40-60% of the flu and pneumonia deaths you would normally expect over two flu seasons.

"Propaganda" isn't a "bioweapon." Isolation, leading to depression and suicide, isn't a "bioweapon." Tyranny and forced poverty isn't a "bioweapon." Just like a gun and nuclear bombs and knives aren't "bioweapons." There is nothing "bio" about any of these weapons. They are just weapons.

Everyone suggesting that COVID is a "Bioweapon" needs to offer some proof, like where the millions of tons of aerosolized virus were blasted in countries around the world. Leaking a few milligrams or grams of a "virus" from a lab is not enough to "Infect the world." It's like you never even heard of true bioweapon tests, like Operation Sea Spray.


Dec 4, 2021
But.... do they?

There is no indication that this is happening. People appear to be getting sick at the same rate from the same diseases that happened in 2019 and all years previous. The "Official" death toll is a big, fat fraud, as Anthony Colpo detailed. Classifying people like Colin Powell (who was 84, had Parkinsons and Cancer) as dying from a common cold virus (which is what Corona Viruses are thought to be) is just insane, there is no reason for it, regardless of a positive PCR test.

When you have 95% of so called "Covid" deaths averaging four serious co-morbidities (like the Colin Powell Example), there is every reason to believe that it was the original diseases that caused those deaths, and not a "Novel Corona Virus." So if you strip all of those, you get (in the US) a number closer to 40,000 deaths for 2 years, which is roughly 40-60% of the flu and pneumonia deaths you would normally expect over two flu seasons.

"Propaganda" isn't a "bioweapon." Isolation, leading to depression and suicide, isn't a "bioweapon." Tyranny and forced poverty isn't a "bioweapon." Just like a gun and nuclear bombs and knives aren't "bioweapons." There is nothing "bio" about any of these weapons. They are just weapons.

Everyone suggesting that COVID is a "Bioweapon" needs to offer some proof, like where the millions of tons of aerosolized virus were blasted in countries around the world. Leaking a few milligrams or grams of a "virus" from a lab is not enough to "Infect the world." It's like you never even heard of true bioweapon tests, like Operation Sea Spray.
So you're clearly not in a place where you're willing to have a discussion about this & that's okay. I get it.

But... Yeah a virus can spread like wildfire from a single infected person, especially when you consider how mobile humans are with all of those new fangled planes, trains, & automobiles.

Lastly before I let you go. I live in one of the counties that was hit fast & hard from it, I've never once seen so many people fall so severely ill during a standard flu season & part of my job is health related within my community.

There were 87 new graves dug in our small community tribal cemetery in 2020 alone due to covid.

These numbers are not the norm.

Anyhow I'm not looking to argue or for you to tell me your data says otherwise etc. Take it easy.


Jan 25, 2014
So you're clearly not in a place where you're willing to have a discussion about this & that's okay. I get it.
No, I am totally willing to have a discussion about it. But if you claim it's a "Bioweapon," I suggest you bring proof of that. If you look at my earlier post, I detailed how the "isolates" didn't really isolate anything. So, at this point, the idea of this "Novel Corona Virus" has the same amount of proof as something like Bigfoot. Meaning, not much. It doesn't mean either doesn't exist (that's impossible to prove), but there isn't really any proof to support it's existence.
But... Yeah a virus can spread like wildfire from a single infected person, especially when you consider how mobile humans are with all of those new fangled planes, trains, & automobiles.
You got proof of this? This is another thing that is widely assumed, but again, is rarely proven.
Lastly before I let you go. I live in one of the counties that was hit fast & hard from it, I've never once seen so many people fall so severely ill during a standard flu season & part of my job is health related within my community.
Hit hard and fast.... from what? There was a concurrent propaganda campaign, massive tyranny, unemployment, forced masking, and other medical experiments going on that could have made people sick, or made existing illnesses worse. To blame all of this on an unproven "Novel Corona Virus" out of China that was claimed to be discovered in the very first patient it infected (and wasn't circulating in the population for years or decades previous) is a large stretch at best, outright fraudulant at worst.
There were 87 new graves dug in our small community tribal cemetery in 2020 alone due to covid.

These numbers are not the norm.
Okay, so what is the norm? 10 graves a year? 80? 100? 1,000 or more? Without context, this number doesn't say much. And are you sure it was "due to covid?" Maybe your community had a rash of suicides due to the draconian measures and a lot more people lost hope and decided to end it all. Or, maybe they were murdered on ventilators in your local hospital, considering those "death machines" has a lethality rate of 97.2%. A kill rate, by the way, that is even higher than the lethality rate of suicide by firearm (which is only 82%).
Anyhow I'm not looking to argue or for you to tell me your data says otherwise etc. Take it easy.
The reason you're not arguing is because you aren't bringing any data. Only anecdotes, and one out of context report about new graves where you live (how can I even verify if that is true, or in any way different from the norm?)

Nothing that you wrote suggests a "Novel Corona Virus" was ever discovered in Wuhan China in December 2019, nor does it indicate that any such virus made even one person sick or travelled to any other country or city, and it certainly doesn't prove it was a "bioweapon."


Mar 6, 2022
It is my understanding that the general rule is that natural immunity lasts a lifetime. Here is a report published in 2008 about the antibodies in the survivors of the 1918 pandemic.
No it does not. Most antibodies made against most corona viruses last from a as short as 2 weeks to about 6 months normally that is why you can catch a common cold over and over again with just what 4 coronaviruses and just a hand full of adenoviruses. On the other hand people who had the original SARS-CoV or SARS-CoV-1 showed signs of antibodies 17+ years latter. The people with more robust immune systems or better memory get sick less often.

In most variants there were only a few mutations like 2 to 4 mutations I think Delta had 4 mutations. In Omicron it had something like 38 separate mutations. I am going from memory so do not quote me. That is why everything we thought we knew went out the window when Omicron showed up because vaccinated people, boosted people, and people with known recoveries from natural infections were all catching Omicron.

There are plenty of things you can get more than once even with natural infection like common cold.


Jan 25, 2014
No it does not. Most antibodies made against most corona viruses last from a as short as 2 weeks to about 6 months normally that is why you can catch a common cold over and over again with just what 4 coronaviruses and just a hand full of adenoviruses. On the other hand people who had the original SARS-CoV or SARS-CoV-1 showed signs of antibodies 17+ years latter. The people with more robust immune systems or better memory get sick less often.
This is silly thinking. Oh, our body can make antibodies that last 17 years or more in some cases, and only 2 weeks or less in others. It's the same immune system, why do you think it would act so differently to different "viruses," especially when you are talking about two (in SARS and SARS-Cov-2) that are thought to be very similar?

What you are really talking about is testing of antibodies in patients. Obviously, you can't test for alleged SARS-Cov-2 Antibodies 17 years after exposure, because it was only thought to come into existence about 2 years ago.

Most of the time when people got sick, prior to 2020, they never got tested for ANY sort of virus or bacteria or other germ. I've had at least a few dozen colds in my lifetime, and never got tested for any of them, and I don't personally know anyone who got any sort of test for any cold. With such a lack of data, claims that only 6 viruses or 6,000 or 6 hundred billion are all baseless, and any one of them could be true. Of course, that's assuming viruses even cause some or all colds in the first place.

There was a massive explosion in testing for one alleged "Novel Corona Virus" in 2020, but that test has a host of problems, and the very nature of the test makes it impossible to determine viral load. So, truthfully, we still don't have any good data on this.
In most variants there were only a few mutations like 2 to 4 mutations I think Delta had 4 mutations. In Omicron it had something like 38 separate mutations. I am going from memory so do not quote me. That is why everything we thought we knew went out the window when Omicron showed up because vaccinated people, boosted people, and people with known recoveries from natural infections were all catching Omicron.
Also silly, they have sequenced over 5.5 Million "variants." Omicron really changed nothing, except how they classified the tests (which enabled them to reclassify former negative PCR tests as positive). And as has been discussed on this forum ad naseum, the PCR test doesn't detect any virus, and can have a 97% false positive rate when run at 35 cycles or more, which pretty much every lab is doing. And as bad as the PCR test is, there isn't even a test available to detect the mythical "variants," like delta and omicron.

Of course, that's if you believe in the ridiculous experiments that they try to pass off as "isolation" in the first place-



Feb 28, 2016
About as long as cold and flu immunity. A contrived agenda can't make you sick. A flu and cold are possible every year of your life. Move
Apr 4, 2021
What are those antibodies? Globulin proteins but with a fancier term?
I can cut my hand and prove that I can get "Covid" antibodies through this. I need not even do anything to prove that I can create "covid" antibodies as we speak.
The supposed antibodies are globulins, which are simple foam proteins which help your cell grow, divide or heal fractures. Along albumin, the most abundant protein in the blood.
They sometimes name them "Covid" antibody because the Globulin bind with anything and you can recreate the computer-based Covid genome with the resin or debris of proteins glued to the supposed antibody. The testing for those in the studies should be thoroughly questioned.
Yet to isolate a fully intact virus (while we can culture millions of different bacterias and consistently isolate them)
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