Would appreciate good information regarding How to Reverse Autism

purple pill

Nov 19, 2022
United Kingdom
My oldest son is multiply handicapped with severe autism. I spent over 2 decades researching and trying soooo many things. The ONLY thing that made a difference was the gfcf (gluten free casein free) diet, as well as homemade yogurt. He cried literally for the first time EVER after a week of gfcf. He never cried before that, even if he hurt himself. He let me hold him and even wanted that for the first time. His speech improved, also. Not a cure but helped in the most major way. Chelation did not SEEM to help but we couldn't get the hang of that and saw worsening symptoms and were too afraid to keep moving forward through that. He couldn't verbalize what he was feeling which also made it too risky for us. Everything else that helped was just coping skills: communication skills, active ignoring, predicting, and LOTs of positive reinforcement. Now at 26 he laughs, cries, expresses all of his basic needs, and enjoys company. However he still has occasional meltdowns for seemingly no reason, still needs a lot of routine and structure and predicting, and needs constant music via headphones or he can't cope with his lack of sensory data.

Not sure there is a way to completely reverse it yet.
The late @Travis on this forum seemed to have a great interest and understanding of this, something about gluten and milk messing with the uptake of folate in the brain among other things. My brain hurts when i read his posts though, too advanced for me lol but upping methylfolate at the same time as the gfcf diet, or even just upping the greens may help.... youve maybe tried this tho?


Feb 10, 2013
I don't think you can cure it, you can maybe manage the symptoms but autistic brains develop differently, if you look at the studies there are some showing brain stem developmental differences, amygdala, prefrontal cortex. I know Peat says progesterone and pregnenolone can help the brain but 10 years of peating and i'm still autistic lol. Serotonin is definitely a huge issue for autistic people, with some of the most common issues being depression, anxiety, insomnia and sensory issues, also anorexia is common in autistic women but i don't know what causes that. Avoiding gluten and gut irritants helps ime, I'll become suicidal if i eat the wrong thing.

Anything that increases GABA should mitigate a lot of the symptoms of autism, like sensitivity to noise and the need to stim, or the lack of mental energy to do certain tasks that are necessary. A decent dose of Phenibut might help in some circumstances.
i took phenibut for years to sleep, didn't do anything for my anxiety, some studies show up to 90% of autistic people have sleep issues, not really recommended because you become addicted pretty fast and withdrawal's suck, i find i get addicted/dependent on drugs very easily, most of my autistic friends have a history of drug abuse, especially anything that can help us with anxiety and to cope with social situations and sensory overload. Lisuride did help with social anxiety though, i posted about it in the lisuride thread but it used to be so bad i couldn't even bring myself to post anonymously online. I recommended it to some friends and while their results weren't as amazing as mine, it helped with some things like anxiety when making phone calls.

My son is an Aspie and probably I am too though all the tests show only a little bit of autism. It is way harder to diagnose in women. We have never treated him like he has a disease. His HTMA shows he does have great issue excreting heavy metals as do I and he was low on so many essential minerals. The build up of heavy metals is very damaging to the brain, they make the good minerals not be able to do their job, if certain metals lodge in areas of the brain that are supposed to process sensory things that could cause the sensory processing, it could also be why they have greater levels of social anxiety and irrational fears and obsessions.

The greatest thing they need is supportive parents who are willing to get into their world. They have a hard time opening up because they are deeply deeply sensitive humans and are extremely loyal so once they let you in you better not hurt them!

I was fully vaccinated so I may have passed that on, he has had no vaccines and self weaned past 5.
you probably already know this but the meltdowns might have a really simple explanation, sometimes it's jsut a tag on the clothes or the texture of the clothing that could be bothersome, the lights in the room, some noise in the distance that you haven't noticed etc, once i felt like i was having a panic attack and would have a meltdown in public and it turns out i was just too warm, poor interoception is common in autism so often we don't know the cause of our feelings/discomfort. You sound like a great parent, it's great that you have made an effort to support and understand your son.


Jan 10, 2023
@Mephisto It can be cured but you need to chelate the body properly, fix minerals and methylation issues, fix gut microbiome issues (there will be multiple pathogens causing issues with proper metabolism like fungi, bad bacteria, parasites, viruses.). Fixing all this takes years and it’s not something you can just work out yourself. People like Dr Amy Yasko have made incredibly complex protocols for fixing autism based on regular biochemical testing.

But yeah something like Peating is never gonna fix autism.


May 13, 2015
I read a lot about Autism having a correlation to low Vitamin B1 via Derrick Lonsdale/Hormones Matter
Here are a few links; food for thought about autism and thiamine (B1):

So what is causing the mitochondrial dysfunction? A thiamine deficiency/functional blockage? Heavy metals will do that; lead and mercury are attracted to the sulfur in the thiamine molecule and glom onto it which makes the thiamine unavailable to the body. They use heavy metals as adjuvants in vaccines. Mercury amalgams are still being used in dentistry in the U.S. There are a LOT of sources for mercury.

"Results of the current meta-analysis revealed that mercury is an important causal factor in the etiology of ASD. It seems that the detoxification and excretory mechanisms are impaired in ASD patients which lead to accumulation of mercury in the body. Future additional studies on mercury levels in different tissues of ASD patients should be undertaken."

Thiamine is needed by the liver to do its detoxifying job. Thiamine is known to be used to detox lead via the liver. If heavy metals have caused a thiamine deficiency, the body will have impaired detoxification and excretory mechanisms.

My point here is that a child could start off with heavy metal poisoning which would cause a thiamine deficiency which would impair both mitochondrial function and also the detox system which would make the situation much worse.

I think Dr. Lonsdale was on the right tract.

Dr. Lonsdale interview:
Last edited:


Jan 10, 2023
Well B1 binds to aldehydes: The Pivotal Role of Aldehyde Toxicity in Autism Spectrum Disorder: The Therapeutic Potential of Micronutrient Supplementation

So that it is important but I don’t think something as simple as just taking b1 will cure Autism for anyone. As the condition is much more complex than that.

TTFD - OnibasuWiki - Here Andy cutler highlights that TTFD can be dangerous for certain people especially autistic kids. I know Elliot Overton tried to debunk this but I don’t agree with him.


Dec 3, 2022
United States
Dr Lonsdale:

A patient of mine whose medical problem came from thiamine deficiency, had raised blood folate and B 12 that became normal when he was treated with thiamine. When thiamine was stopped, they both rose again and decreased when thiamine was restarted. That is why I treated autism with megadoses of thiamine


Dec 3, 2022
United States
I'm not saying Autism needs to be cured or that B1 alone will do this....I believe there are many paths to healing when there is something that needs healing. I know B1 has helped my energy levels and a few other things including sleep which requires energy.


May 13, 2015
Well B1 binds to aldehydes: The Pivotal Role of Aldehyde Toxicity in Autism Spectrum Disorder: The Therapeutic Potential of Micronutrient Supplementation

So that it is important but I don’t think something as simple as just taking b1 will cure Autism for anyone. As the condition is much more complex than that.

TTFD - OnibasuWiki - Here Andy cutler highlights that TTFD can be dangerous for certain people especially autistic kids. I know Elliot Overton tried to debunk this but I don’t agree with him.
I think it is important to understand that thiamine hcl and TTFD are not the same thing. For example, TTFD consumes glutathione and thiamine hcl is known to increase glutathione (normalizes levels).

For your consideration:
"Acetaldehyde can cause a deficiency of vitamin B1 or thiamin. Vitamin B1 is so critical to brain and nerve function it is often called the "nerve vitamin." The work of Dr. Herbert Sprince, MD(7) showed that acetaldehyde has a very strong tendency to combine with vitamin B. Unfortunately, in detoxifying acetaldehyde, vitamin B1 is destroyed."

So that it is important but I don’t think something as simple as just taking b1 will cure Autism for anyone. As the condition is much more complex than that.
The effect of B1 on the body is extremely broad because it is required for oxidative metabolism to make ATP which is vital for every cell in the body. B1 is foundational.


May 18, 2020
Whatever allows the autistic person to "mask" permanently and without pain or discomfort would count as a cure. Many autistic people report becoming more "neurotypical" under the influence of alcohol, so perhaps something to shut down whatever parts of the brain that the early stages of inebriation shuts down would constitute a partial cure?


Mar 21, 2021

haven’t done a lot of research on autism, but there seems to be connections with serotonin. Many people say they had success with diet and with this mms people seem to be having some success, but I would think the cause is something in the environment vaccines etc.

And I heard many autistic people have intestinal problems.

So mms is good at breaking up biofilms and I would think some sort of biofilm is attached to some apart of the intestine and the body can’t get rid and the body is using serotonin to try to fight this infection in the biofilm and possibly passing the gut barrier and getting into the blood stream and passing the blood brain barrier or some connection with the vagus nerve.

So my theroy is the mms comes in and breaks up this biofilm then allows the body to restore the intestinal lining.


May 10, 2018
Whatever allows the autistic person to "mask" permanently and without pain or discomfort would count as a cure. Many autistic people report becoming more "neurotypical" under the influence of alcohol, so perhaps something to shut down whatever parts of the brain that the early stages of inebriation shuts down would constitute a partial cure?
Would it be too obvious to point out a potential GABA deficit?


Jan 16, 2023
A few years ago I had a colleague with an autistic son (on the severe side of the spectrum). He reported that after putting his kid on a rotation diet he had a huge improvement and my colleague got the first hug from his son.

The diet consisted on only one food per day, for instance potatoes (and the kid ate 5 kg of potatoes on that day), and then after about 10-15 days they restarted the cycle. Unfortunately I don't remember anymore what were the foods that they discovered were a no-no (beef perhaps?)


Mar 21, 2021

The relationship between the human host and these bacteria can result in symbiosis or dysbiosis. While symbiosis is related to good health, dysbiosis due to a disturbance in the microbiome with respect to changes in populations of certain species can cause diseases such as coeliac disease, inflammatory bowel syndrome (IBS), allergy, asthma, cardiovascular disorders, metabolic syndrome, and ASD.

What Is the Microbiota-Gut-Brain Axis and How Does It Function?​

The gut is lined by a complex network of nerve cells that forms the enteric nervous system (ENS), considered to be our second brain. The vagus nerve connects the brain to the gut. This signaling pathway between the brain and the gut constitutes the microbiota-gut-brain axis (MGBA). A bidirectional relationship where each can influence the other is maintained through this axis. Changes are effected through neurotransmitters, immune responses, and hormones.

  1. Microbiota exerts its effects on the brain by the synthesis, turnover, and expression of neurotransmitters such as serotonin, GABA, and neurotrophic factor; immune regulation; protecting the intestinal epithelial barrier, etc. Hence it affects mood, emotions, sleep, and cognition.
  2. Conversely, the brain is anticipated to exert its action through mechanisms like altered intestinal motility, increased intestinal permeability, altered mucous secretion, and biofilm formation. Microbes in the gut are sensitive to changes in the intestinal environment like pH, mucus secretion, etc.
Animal studies on germ-free mice (mice raised without any exposure to microbes and have no gut microbiome) have been performed to understand the functioning of the MGBA.

  • Fecal samples of children with and without autism were inoculated into the stomachs of germ-free (GF) mice and mated pairs of mice were colonized by similar microbiomes to expose offspring to the human microbiome during the developmental stages. Mice colonized with germs from children with autism were less sociable and displayed more repetitive behavior than mice colonized with bacteria from children without autism. Animals with the autism-derived microbiome also had decreased amounts of numerous bacterial species thought to be beneficial.
  • The effect of chronic antibiotic treatment was studied in mice. The group treated with antibiotics like Metronidazole, Vancomycin, etc., and antifungal drugs like Amphotericin B, leading to a disrupted microbiome, showed increased anxiety and altered cognition. This is thought to be due to dysregulation of the MGBA due to the loss of beneficial bacteria in the gut owing to antibiotic treatment.

How Is the Gut Microbiome Related to ASD?​

Autistic children exhibit dysbiotic gut microbiota in addition to increased intestinal permeability (leaky gut). This leads to the production and spread of proinflammatory substances like endotoxins and Lipopolysaccharides (LPS). A cascade effect results in increased activity in brain areas like the amygdala, which controls emotions and behavior, and the production of inflammatory cytokines from immune cells that alter the brain physiology and synthesis of neuropeptides.

The microbiomes in autistic children revealed an increase in bacterial species such as Clostridium (produces endotoxins), Bacteroides, Proteobacteria (produces LPS), Faecalibacterium prausnitzii and a decrease in species like Prevotella, Veillonella, Bifidobacterium, Blautia, Dialister, etc.

When the immune function of the gut microbiome is disrupted due to altered populations of different microbes, the immune system is activated, releasing chemokines and cytokines such as interleukin-1β (IL-1β), interleukin-6(IL-6), interferon-γ (INF-γ), tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α) which crosses the BBB (Blood Brain Barrier). It can ultimately contribute to brain inflammation which is relevant

Pete Rey

Sep 13, 2020
I'm high functioning, so does that mean I forfeit IQ points if my autism is cured?

(Actually, I would take that trade.)

I would say from experience that half the battle is metabolic and the other half is psychological. Looking at it as being deficient in this or that never really got me anywhere.

If it's a B vitamin then I've probably tried it. Most do little to nothing perceivable for me including TTFD and high dose thiamine. The only one that clearly does, and I regularly take, is NMN. Niacin is not in the same league in my book.

I definitely do not become more neurotypical when drinking, lol, which is why I don't drink. Even small amounts wreck me physically.

Other than that, TRT, aspirin, and eating according to Peat have been the best therapeutics.


Feb 3, 2020
I think autism is associated with impaired methylation.

Optimizing TSH, fT3 and rT3 is important to activate B2 into it’s bioactive metabolites to support MTHFR function, alongside the other B‘s like B6, folate and B12.

Mg-ATP is also needed for almost every enzymatic reaction in the methylation cycle. (Most importantly: SAMe synthesis) So correcting energy deficiency is more important than pushing the typical methyl-nutrients in most cases.

Pete Rey

Sep 13, 2020
I think autism is associated with impaired methylation.

Optimizing TSH, fT3 and rT3 is important to activate B2 into it’s bioactive metabolites to support MTHFR function, alongside the other B‘s like B6, folate and B12.

Mg-ATP is also needed for almost every enzymatic reaction in the methylation cycle. (Most importantly: SAMe synthesis) So correcting energy deficiency is more important than pushing the typical methyl-nutrients in most cases.
Yes, just focusing on energy has been the most effective pursuit for me, same advice as most any other health issue discussed here. I don't have any of the MTHFR polymorphisms according to 23andme. I have lots of the COMT ones. I went down the methylation rabbit hole over a decade ago when it was a new buzzword in health circles. It's all very interesting, but practically speaking I didn't gain anything from the knowledge. Methylcobalamin and methylfolate might as well be sugar pills to me. Interestingly adenosylcobalamin makes me tired. The first time I tried it I actually had to lie down and take a nap. I hold on to magnesium just fine, and thyroid numbers have been good in the past although I have benefitted from targeted supplementation anyway.


Jul 7, 2020
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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