If Current Trends Hold, Soon The Entire Population May Become Autistic


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
Peat published a newsletter not long ago in which he presented evidence that not only are autism rates rising but the general population is starting to exhibit some signs/symptoms of the condition. I think he called the phenomenon a "generation-wide autism". The study below alarmingly predicts that if current trends hold within the next decade all differences between people diagnosed with autism and the general, "healthy" population will disappear. The study argues that this will happen because of increased vagueness of the autism diagnosis itself. I personally, think the study has it backwards. Given the evidence I posted in numerous other threads showing young people having the "health" of people 30-40 years older, I suspect it would happen because within a decade everybody will be sick. Instead of generation-wide we will have population-wide autism.

Temporal Changes in Effect Sizes of Studies Comparing Individuals With and Without Autism
Is it autism? The line is being increasingly blurred

"...However, Dr. Laurent Mottron, a professor at Université de Montréal's Department of Psychiatry and a psychiatrist at Hôpital Rivière-des-Prairies of the CIUSSS du Nord-de-l’Île-de-Montréal, has serious reservations about this data. After studying meta-analyses of autism data, his research team found that the differences between people diagnosed with autism and the rest of the population are shrinking."

"...“If this trend holds, the objective difference between people with autism and the general population will disappear in less than 10 years. The definition of autism may get too vague to be meaningful—trivializing the condition—because we are increasingly applying the diagnosis to people whose differences from the general population are less pronounced."


Feb 13, 2016
I don't think just increased PUFA consumption can be responsible for this. There has to be some pollutant in the environment that has drastically gone up in recent years that hasn't been discovered yet.


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
I been saying this. Babies are subjected to something like 75 doses of vaccines before they are through with them. Along with the huge push of "formula". Also major deficiencies piling up that get passed for generation to generation. We literally do not have enough of the substances in our body to fire ATP.

Also it seems that the mothers are having a much harder time getting those babies out. Not even enough energy to deliver a baby. We are in a mess, but I think the ship is starting to turn and heading back towards Peatopia. Full steam ahead please!


Aug 23, 2018
Also major deficiencies piling up that get passed for generation to generation. We literally do not have enough of the substances in our body to fire ATP.

That's the main thing I think. Vaccines can be bad because they are a burden to the body since they create an exaggerated response from the immune system, but I think they do more damage in a compromised metabolism than they do to a healthy one (I tend to think of them as stressors). Are there really 75 vaccines given in the USA?

From personal experience, I think most of it can be tracked down to deficiencies and imbalances. My toddler dramatically improved when I woke up from the mainstream advice and started feeding more sugar, less whole foods and more animal products. Carbs and animal products are keys to a healthy metabolism and a healthy mind, yet they are demonized in favor of hard to digest plant foods and PUFA oils. We are spiraling downwards because mothers are passing their deficiencies to their offsprings and without them being properly addressed.


Dec 17, 2018
I don't think just increased PUFA consumption can be responsible for this. There has to be some pollutant in the environment that has drastically gone up in recent years that hasn't been discovered yet.

We have to think about the average person's diet and it becomes very obvious why there is a rise in autism and other disorders of the mind. Fast food and grain based meals. The small amounts of meat they do eat are heavily processed so lose nutrients. Grains are fortified with bare minimum nutrients. A typical American diet is grossly lacking in Bs, especially niacin because fresh meat consumption has dropped in favor of processed meats that lose B content during processing.

The only significant sources of B12 are red meat, organs, and milk, which have all been severely decreased in the typical diet. B12 is integral along with protein for the brain. Most people get 50-60g of protein a day, maybe. Zinc is only really found in red meats, certain seafood, and organs in significant bioavailable quantities. Low zinc intake means low T3 conversion = a stupid population. Choline, saturated fat, and cholesterol intake is also piss poor nowadays.

Adults who grew up on good diets have well developed brains that take much longer to deteriorate. But imagine how well brain development in the current generation of kids and teens is with low B12, zinc, niacin, choline, fats, and cholesterol intake, not considering the insufficiency of other nutrients. That's why we are screwed as a whole.
Last edited:
Nov 26, 2017
So it seems like Klages and Land where right...


Sep 24, 2016
Could we compile these degeneration-epidemiological articles in a dedicated thread for easier reference? I like to substantiate my dystopian outlook with a quick glance.

The young become like the old, testosterone level and fertility decline, less copulation and all that


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
Could we compile these degeneration-epidemiological articles in a dedicated thread for easier reference? I like to substantiate my dystopian outlook with a quick glance.

The young become like the old, testosterone level and fertility decline, less copulation and all that

Feel free to make one. I can give you the links but since you seem to remember the exact titles those threads are easily findable and you can quickly get them in case you get in an argument and need something to back it up.


Sep 24, 2016
I will, didn’t meant to ask of others to do the „work“, just thinking in typing


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe


Jun 13, 2019
i don’t think it’s the vaccines. i think it’s as simple as obese mothers eating french fries and chips and pufa at restaurants having kids who then go on to grow up on french’s fries formula and pufa. the amount of pufa consumed nowadays is way way way more then someone would have consumed 100 years ago. The vaccine argument doesn’t seem very strong with regards to brain development, given that a lot of it is determined in the womb and the diet that’s eaten in childhood. combined with the chronically low testosterone of most men.

LUH 3417

Oct 22, 2016
i don’t think it’s the vaccines. i think it’s as simple as obese mothers eating french fries and chips and pufa at restaurants having kids who then go on to grow up on french’s fries formula and pufa. the amount of pufa consumed nowadays is way way way more then someone would have consumed 100 years ago. The vaccine argument doesn’t seem very strong with regards to brain development, given that a lot of it is determined in the womb and the diet that’s eaten in childhood. combined with the chronically low testosterone of most men.
I don’t think it’s due to womb development. A lot of parents claim their children were perfectly normal and then developed autism. Pufas and malnutrition may set someone up to being vulnerable to an inflammatory brain disorder and then the vaccines tip into autism. That would explain why all people do not become autistic. I do believe autism is due to brain inflammation.


Aug 23, 2018
i don’t think it’s the vaccines. i think it’s as simple as obese mothers eating french fries and chips and pufa at restaurants having kids who then go on to grow up on french’s fries formula and pufa. the amount of pufa consumed nowadays is way way way more then someone would have consumed 100 years ago. The vaccine argument doesn’t seem very strong with regards to brain development, given that a lot of it is determined in the womb and the diet that’s eaten in childhood. combined with the chronically low testosterone of most men.

A high PUFA diet with low micronutrient density is most probably the reason we are declining so rapidly. That and the increase of stress in modern society from pollutants, bad lifestyle... We're basically burning the candle at both ends.


Aug 23, 2018
I don’t think it’s due to womb development. A lot of parents claim their children were perfectly normal and then developed autism. Pufas and malnutrition may set someone up to being vulnerable to an inflammatory brain disorder and then the vaccines tip into autism. That would explain why all people do not become autistic. I do believe autism is due to brain inflammation.

That's also how I interpret autism from vaccines, but not all autistic children can be directly linked to an adverse reaction to a vaccine. There's a bigger picture here.


Jun 13, 2019
I don’t think it’s due to womb development. A lot of parents claim their children were perfectly normal and then developed autism. Pufas and malnutrition may set someone up to being vulnerable to an inflammatory brain disorder and then the vaccines tip into autism. That would explain why all people do not become autistic. I do believe autism is due to brain inflammation.

the idea that all of a sudden a child “got autism” after a vaccine doesn’t seem to have much evidence apart from a couple testimonials, and even those it’s hard to know if a certain agenda or bias is underneath it. when a child gets autism, parents will look for anything to blame so they don’t have to take responsibility themselves, and vaccines are an easy excuse to make. certainly brain inflammation is a part of it but their are so many stresses in life and the environment that it’s hard to pinpoint. I would say a heavily pufa fed baby in the womb is not able to adequately respond to stress, possibly a vaccine, while a more saturated organism can take stresses like a vaccine and not have ill effects.

LUH 3417

Oct 22, 2016
the idea that all of a sudden a child “got autism” after a vaccine doesn’t seem to have much evidence apart from a couple testimonials, and even those it’s hard to know if a certain agenda or bias is underneath it. when a child gets autism, parents will look for anything to blame so they don’t have to take responsibility themselves, and vaccines are an easy excuse to make. certainly brain inflammation is a part of it but their are so many stresses in life and the environment that it’s hard to pinpoint. I would say a heavily pufa fed baby in the womb is not able to adequately respond to stress, possibly a vaccine, while a more saturated organism can take stresses like a vaccine and not have ill effects.
Yes, it’s the response to a stress. But I would say it’s a lot more than a few random accounts.


Sep 15, 2017
In no particular order:
-Lack of breastfeeding
-grain heavy, processed food diets with minimal micronutrients and lots of chemical exposure
-fluoridation of tap water
-lack of exposure to sunlight, with excess exposure to flourescent light
-pharmaceutical drug use including but not limited to ssri’s, biologic immunosuppresants, birth control, radiation, NSAID, synthetic steroid derivatives, synthetic retinoid derivatives, opiates etc.
-lack of social structure, communities, relationships and socialization
-excessive stress

If its not the autism, I’m sure depression, anxiety, drug dependency, menstrual difficulties, hypothyroidism, low T, an autoimmune disease, and/or obesity etc. will gladly take its place. Dont worry tho, burger king now serves the impossible burger, all of our health woes are on the way out. Between that and all the 100 kcal ice cream showing up I think the generational disease momentum will dissipate.... like a prostate tumor on estrogen therapy


Dec 21, 2014
Also circumcision.

Autism seems to be a sort of "prenatal PTSD" caused by stress in the mother. Basically the nervous system is stuck in a "shut-down" state so the person can't naturally sense emotional cues (or feel the full experience of their own body), and they adapt by intellectualizing everything. Being that it happens so early in life they miss out on learning about these things in the first place, hence why they're socially awkward.
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