
Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
This new study is yet another grim reminder of how much the health of the "young" has really declined over the last several decades. I put the "young" in quotation marks because it is becoming increasingly clear that those people are only young chronologically. Biologically, these people are effectively several decades older since cancer and aging are essentially the same energetically-driven process (as Peat has written many times). Actually, increased cancer rates are only one such indication of biological age far exceeding the chronological one. We have numerous threads on the forum about other biomarkers signalling the declining health of young people. The shear diversity of those biomarkers makes the picture on how old the "young" really are that much more obvious and grim.
Heart Attacks Are On The Rise Among Young Women
Health Of Young People Has Declined Strongly In The Last 30 Years
Breaking News: Colorectal Cancer Rates In Young People Have Doubled
Stroke Rates Have Almost Doubled In Young Adults
One In Four People Will Have Stroke At Least Once, Including People In Their 20s
Breaking News: Colorectal Cancer Rates In Young People Have Doubled
Rates Of Diabetes I And II Are Rapidly Rising In Young Children And Teens
IQ Scores Have Been Dropping For Decades And The Reason Is NOT Genetic
World IQ Scores Are Declining
Sperm Count (Biomarker Of Male Health) In The West Has Declined By 60% Since The 1970s
Remarkable Decline In Fertility - Half The World Below Replacement Levels
Americans Are Retiring Later, Dying Sicker And Sooner In-between

One of the threads above discusses strikingly increasing colon cancer rates in the youngest segment of the population studied. The new study adds pancreatic cancer, multiple myeloma, kidney cancer, endometrial cancer, leukemia, GI cancer, and gallbladder cancer to that list of dramatically increased risk in the youngest cohorts studied. And the explanation offered is laughable - obesity. As if obesity rates are somehow only rising in the young. Millenials may be many things but one thing they are not is more obese than other generations.
Are Millennials On Course To Be The Unhealthiest Generation?
"...Young adults have the freedom to eat, drink, and smoke as they please while their metabolisms help them curtail the threat of America’s obesity epidemic. According to Gallup’s recently released lifestyle data, the Gallup-Healthways Well-Being Index, the Millennial generation has the lowest obesity rate compared to older generations, but their eating and lifestyle habits are far from healthy."

I have no idea how such remarkably idiotic and outrightly fraudulent explanation can ever make it past peer review, but apparently mainstream medicine is willing to do anything to cover up the real reasons. For the record, while almost every cancer can technically be shown to have a positive correlation with obesity only colon cancer has been definitively linked to BMI, and the increased risk is only for a very narrow range of BMI. In fact, morbidly obese people actually have lower risk for colon cancer than people considered slightly overweight (BMI in the 25-27 range). However, cancers such as pancreatic, kidney, leukemia and myeloma have long been touted as mostly genetically driven, with risk mostly determined by whether the cancer runs in the family combined with smoking habits. Yet now, when it is convenient to say so, we are being told that these cancers are suddenly driven by lifestyle choices, especially uncontrolled eating habits.
Poor Millenials, both literally and figuratively! Not only are they likely to be the financially poorest generation in the last 100 years, but they get to be the sickest and dying at the youngest age. It's almost as if the youngest and the oldest people today are one and the same. Maybe that's why so many new politicians run on campaigns of universal health care. They know quite well this may turn out to be most important political issue for ALL living generations, and especially for the Millenials (and even younger people).

For millennials, cancers fueled by obesity are on rise, study says - CNN
"...The study, published in The Lancet Public Health, examined data on 12 obesity-related cancers between 1995 and 2014, as well as 18 common cancers not associated with weight. They found a disturbing trend among adults age 24 to 49. "The risk of cancer is increasing in young adults for half of the obesity-related cancers, with the increase steeper in progressively younger ages," said co-author Ahmedin Jemal, who is the vice president of the Surveillance and Health Services Research Program for the American Cancer Society."

"...The six obesity-related cancers that showed startling increases among younger adults were colorectal, endometrial, gallbladder, kidney, pancreatic and multiple myeloma, a cancer of the bone marrow. Most of these cancers have traditionally shown up in patients later in life, usually in their 60s and 70s. Yet the study found some of the most significant increases were seen in the millennial age bracket, at a time when "overall cancer incidence is decreasing in males and stabilizing in females in the US," Jemal said. Take pancreatic cancer for example, typically diagnosed in people over age 65. The analysis found the average annual increase for pancreatic cancer was 4.34% for ages 25 to 29, 2.47% in people aged 30 to 34, 1.31% for those in the 35 to 39 age bracket, and only 0.72% in those aged 40 to 44 years. Overall, the risk of colorectal, endometrial, pancreatic and gallbladder cancers in millennials was about double the rate baby boomers had at the same age, the study found."
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Mar 15, 2014
No such thing as a free lunch. Mass industrial civilization means unintended consequences.


Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
Raised on a steady supply of round-up.
Nov 17, 2017
This sort of thing is very depressing news. But comparing the young men and women of the 1970s to those of today makes it obvious that a physical degeneration has taken place. I wonder if it is deliberate?

Sugar Bun

Oct 8, 2018
images (2).jpeg


Sep 15, 2017
We seem to know the causes of this; PUFA, added iron, mass produced grains and processed foods, vegetarianism/ veganism ideology utilizing the aformentioned foods, GMO, radiation, EMF, chronic stress, excessive vaccination, prescription meds, alcoholism, party culture, smoking in context with everything else, pollutants... did i miss anything?

The question is can this be reversed? And if so can it be done in one liftime?


Mar 15, 2014
vegetarianism/ veganism ideology
You severely overestimate the popularity of veganism. Not to mention that a vegetarian diet is essentially a Peat diet minus the gelatin/shellfish. It's a boogeyman.


Feb 13, 2016
This sort of thing is very depressing news. But comparing the young men and women of the 1970s to those of today makes it obvious that a physical degeneration has taken place. I wonder if it is deliberate?

At this point it's obvious. Ever the since mid 20th century, all the official guidelines for health seem to have been precisely calculated to reduce vitality.

I can't put into words how grateful I am to have found Dr. Peat.


Feb 13, 2016
These studies are so fraudulent in how they lead people in circles. The same things that lead to obesity are what lead to cancer, but it's not obesity that causes cancer. But by making people focus on losing weight when they are already malnourished, these studies are doing nothing but making people worse. Millennials have the lowest rate of obesity but probably would be healthier if they WERE obese instead of maintaining a low weight via semi starvation which seems to be what many people are currently doing.


Sep 15, 2017
Your response may be a response to a boogeyman, yet I did not conjure him:

“Vegetarianism/ veganism ideology utilizing the aformentioned foods

There seems to be a push towards a vegetarian diet not based on dairy, fruit, eggs and leaves but towards increased consumption of whole grains. Whether or not people actually identify as vegetarian or vegan, is besides the point, it is the conditioned base assumption that a grain based, vegetable oil/product based diet is healthy, especially in the context of avoiding red meat, eggs, dairy, saturated fats and organ meats, as well as fruits and sugar.


Aug 23, 2018
These studies are so fraudulent in how they lead people in circles. The same things that lead to obesity are what lead to cancer, but it's not obesity that causes cancer. But by making people focus on losing weight when they are already malnourished, these studies are doing nothing but making people worse. Millennials have the lowest rate of obesity but probably would be healthier if they WERE obese instead of maintaining a low weight via semi starvation which seems to be what many people are currently doing.

I totally agree. My generation is so focus on weight and doing "healthy things" promoted by the government. We have totally disconnected with our body. Technology keeps our mind busy, so that we don't have to take a hard look at our miserable selves.

I'm 28 and others around my age all seem like they are already old with their various health issues and low energy. It's like we're 15 years older if not more.

Fortunately after realizing that doing exactly as I was told just made everything worse. I just stopped believing anything I was taught on health and am following various alternative views to broaden my understanding. I implement what I learn in an intuitive way by listening to my body.

Unfortunately, it is very difficult to convince others that what we're told is BS.


May 17, 2018
Unfortunately, it is very difficult to convince others that what we're told is BS.

Looking at this from a fundamental perspective - the battle is an inner one - that of accepting external authority over internal authority. Personally, I am entirely self-defined and only rely on my own authority to discern everything I read, hear, see etc. (It relates to being truly empowered)

It seems that potent psychological conditioning is in place to create a dependance and acceptance on external authority, the biological aspect would include learned helplessness. Psychologically speaking, these types of people have a disempowered victim mentality, and thus play into the Victim-Victimiser dynamic. (A victim will also play the victimiser role). There is also a theme of 'passivity' - possibly relating to the biological sluggish metabolism, underperforming thyroid and mitochondria.

I feel that trying to convince people who are programmed/conditioned to only accept conventional authoritative figures/groups is a waste of energy. Personally, I cannot be convinced of something - I come to my own conclusions. I am authentic enough with myself to be able to shift my beliefs etc, but not everyone shares these traits.

It is interesting to break down & analyse this phenomana from different perspectives.
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Aug 6, 2015
We seem to know the causes of this; PUFA, added iron, mass produced grains and processed foods, vegetarianism/ veganism ideology utilizing the aformentioned foods, GMO, radiation, EMF, chronic stress, excessive vaccination, prescription meds, alcoholism, party culture, smoking in context with everything else, pollutants... did i miss anything?

The question is can this be reversed? And if so can it be done in one liftime?

screen addiction is rampant too, phones, games etc


May 17, 2018
pollutants... did i miss anything?

  • Pesticides & Herbicides eg Glyphosate
  • Flouride - inhibits thyroid & collagen synthesis, triggers oxidative stress, inhibit enzymes such as those involved in the pentose pathway, undermine antioxidant defense mechanisms
    Fluoride, when in excess, is known to interfere with thyroid gland function causing TSH elevation and lessen T3/T4 hormones in some populations which may be due to its antagonistic properties towards iodine. As an endocrine disruptor, F- induces more toxic outcome in diabetic patients. Chronic F- exposure through drinking water may leads to insulin resistance in humans in addition to its hyperglycemic effect due to increased hepatic glycogenolysis. Fluoride also hinders glycolysis by inhibiting enolase enzyme and repressed insulin secretion from islets of Langerhans cells resulting in elevation of blood glucose level.
    High F- exposure is also associated with increased levels of FSH and LH, decreased estrogen and testosterone levels, disturbed androgen to estrogen ratios (A/E) and estrogen receptor to androgen receptor ratios (ER/AR). Decreased circulating testosterone concentrations were also reported in male skeletal fluorosis patients.
    Citation: Sananda Dey,Biplab Giri,Fluoride Fact on Human Health and Health Problems: A Review.Med Clin Rev. 2015, 2:2. doi: 10.21767/2471-299X.100011

EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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