If Current Trends Hold, Soon The Entire Population May Become Autistic


Mar 29, 2016
I was formula fed, grew up eating an insane amounts of pufa, have every vaccine pretty much, flu shot every year, had a laptop or phone almost always by me from like middle school. And yet I was always and remain pretty fit, 10% ish body fat (ik that can be unhealthy, but i’ve always had it without trying) grew to be 6’2, and always had straight As and school was always a joke to me. It’s crazy how adaptable the human body is where throughout all those stresses, i came out “normal”. Granted, my IQ certainly may have been higher without any of those, but I’m not very elitist, and Being smarter than all my friends was good enough for me. I do wonder sometimes though how smart, or how tall, or how much my look would differ if I grew up in near perfect conditions, no emf, no pufa, no vaccine, etc. Although i must say thinking “what could have been” is a very unhealthy mindset, and doesn’t help in anyway

While I'm happy that you survived the onslaught, it probably has more to do with your age, and that you haven't been put through the test of time. I don't know if this is a common observation, but I've wondered about people who appear robust, never having to use a sick day throughout their career, and one day you hear of them being confined diagnosed with cancer. They were healthy, until proven otherwise.

Until recently, I've thought of myself as being sturdy - no allergy, no colds nor coughs, no fever nor flue for nearing twenty years, despite being highly hypertensive - where prior to that my past life had been all of the above, except the hypertension. But what makes my immune system this way could very well be because my immune system is constantly exposed to endotoxins - not too much to make me real sick, but enough to keep immune system always on an alert level. It probably also increases my body temperature - and it gives the false appearance of being normal and healthy.

So, there could a dark underbelly to what lies and appears calm and orderly. An illusion.

Add: Perhaps a dose of endotoxin may be the solution to people prone to allergies? I'm not being facetious though. We've heard of helminthic therapy, where inoculation a person with parasitic worms rid them of allergies.
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Jun 13, 2019
While I'm happy that you survived the onslaught, it probably has more to do with your age, and that you haven't been put through the test of time. I don't know if this is a common observation, but I've wondered about people who appear robust, never having to use a sick day throughout their career, and one day you hear of them being confined diagnosed with cancer. They were healthy, until proven otherwise.

Until recently, I've thought of myself as being sturdy - no allergy, no colds nor coughs, no fever nor flue for nearing twenty years, despite being highly hypertensive - where prior to that my past life had been all of the above, except the hypertension. But what makes my immune system this way could very well be because my immune system is constantly exposed to endotoxins - not too much to make me real sick, but enough to keep immune system always on an alert level. It probably also increases my body temperature - and it gives the false appearance of being normal and healthy.

So, there could a dark underbelly to what lies and appears calm and orderly. An illusion.

Add: Perhaps a dose of endotoxin may be the solution to people prone to allergies? I'm not being facetious though. We've heard of helminthic therapy, where inoculation a person with parasitic worms rid them of allergies.

yea definitely, i’m only 24 so I’ve got a long ways to go, and the seeds for certain cancers may have very well been planted. I can only control what I can control right now so hopefully a good lifestyle/diet will prevent those seeds from sprouting. The main point I was trying to make though was how fckin crazy our bodies our to where everything in the environment is a complete crap show and yet it is able to somewhat flourish by flushing out those toxins


Mar 29, 2016
The main point I was trying to make though was how fckin crazy our bodies our to where everything in the environment is a complete crap show and yet it is able to somewhat flourish by flushing out those toxins
Thanks for the clarification. Our body is indeed very adaptive and tries to make the best of the insults thrown at it. It is more geared to the here and now, more to survive and getting thru to the next day. It will then deal with problems when it "crosses the bridge" in the future, hoping it has more tricks up its sleeve.

It is a reasonable approach for the body. It reasons what good is a perfect future when it can't get past the present? It will deal with the present booby traps and spend its resources on it, even at the expense of using up future supplies. It may risk running out of ammo, water, and supplies, but it will be able to see light after the current darkness. But when winter comes, it will just have to find a way. Being exhausted of options come winter, it will just expire.
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Mar 15, 2014
A high PUFA diet with low micronutrient density is most probably the reason we are declining so rapidly

I wonder what soil nutrient concentrations are like now vs. 100 years ago.


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
You highlighted the wrong part. The study is about the misdiagnosis of autism, ie that many “autistic” people are not actually autistic.

Ray has mentioned before they shifted the boundaries for diabetes, so suddenly kore people were “diabetic” and getting insulin or metformin

In my OP, I said that I think the study got it backwards. Yes, autism definitions are getting vaguer but there is hardly any doubt that the population is getting sicker. Not just autism, but across all chronic (and especially neurological) diseases. Considering there is no treatment for autism, there is not much incentive for the medical industry to inflate the new diagnosis. It just makes them look bad - i.e. people are getting sicker and doctors can't seem to be of any help.
Aug 21, 2018
Maybe, autistic people are being kept away from society. I remember reading something about how handicapped people are kept hidden in Japan. It might be the same with autism in China...

I would vouch for it. As someone born in Soviet Union I will extrapolate Soviet regime's advance in building an image of perfect society. All handicaped people were off from the society. Soviet Union had millions of wounded in WW2 who never appeared in public since the end of the war. How? Government had never created infrastructure for the handicapped. Millions of people were prisoners in their own houses. Millions. Government never created damn wheelchair factory. My mom, born in USSR, have never seen a down syndrome or handicapped person in her entire life before going to Eastern Germany (GDR) to work for commies. She told me that "Germans had so much sick and retarded because they drink a lot of beer and government does control nutrition of the people". Chinese gov is not that far from Soviet psychos.


i don’t think it’s the vaccines. i think it’s as simple as obese mothers eating french fries and chips and pufa at restaurants having kids who then go on to grow up on french’s fries formula and pufa. the amount of pufa consumed nowadays is way way way more then someone would have consumed 100 years ago. The vaccine argument doesn’t seem very strong with regards to brain development, given that a lot of it is determined in the womb and the diet that’s eaten in childhood. combined with the chronically low testosterone of most men.

The mother got vaccines as a kid or later on too, which is passed in the womb


May 6, 2014
I wonder what soil nutrient concentrations are like now vs. 100 years ago.

I remember reading in my encyclopedia that the first pioneers who settled west of the Appalachians had the highest live birth rate ever recorded--something like 13 live births per woman, if I recall correctly. As someone familiar with Peat's ideas, I immediately speculated that was due to the nutrient density of the land--untouched, unexploited by civilized men.

Dave Clark

Jun 2, 2017
I remember reading in my encyclopedia that the first pioneers who settled west of the Appalachians had the highest live birth rate ever recorded--something like 13 live births per woman, if I recall correctly. As someone familiar with Peat's ideas, I immediately speculated that was due to the nutrient density of the land--untouched, unexploited by civilized men.
Nutrient dense, and less/no toxins. The industrial revolution is responsible for these modern illnesses, 70 K chemicals made, less than 7 K tested, less than that approved, so it isn't mystery science theater for me. Until we get back to what you described, this will continue, and even if we stop all that, there is still pollution and toxicity that would take years to purge.


Mar 15, 2014
first pioneers who settled west of the Appalachians had the highest live birth rate ever recorded
I think that probably has more to do with social/cultural factors than soil fertility. Poor people have more kids, and this was a meeting of a bunch of poor agricultural people (white settlers) coming into contact with unbelievable resource wealth.
Nov 27, 2017
Environmental exposures are more responsible for this than pufas in food supply although that doesn't help.


Dec 22, 2019
Autism is caused by malnutrition affecting the brain and neurotransmitter imbalances, not hocus pocus. Histamine levels and other neurotransmitters are related to schizophrenia and B3, B6, and B12 deficiencies can also trigger psychosis. Conspiracy juju is a cop out. Spend sometime researching any kind of mental disorder like schizophrenia or autism for example and you will start seeing scientific reasoning behind all of it. There's a scientific answer to all mental disorders even if the answer hasnt been found yet, and it doesn't always end up related to nutrition.

You're right though, our planet is going through a transformation... It's apex predator species is degenerating through starvation that gets worse every passing day. You are witnessing the degeneration of humans at a global scale.

I had a lot of autistic traits when i was on low calory diet, it feels like my brain shrunk. Weird things came out like feeling other people emotions and just couldnt let it go. Brain was working at 30% capacity or it felt like that.


Aug 6, 2015
Also circumcision.

Autism seems to be a sort of "prenatal PTSD" caused by stress in the mother. Basically the nervous system is stuck in a "shut-down" state so the person can't naturally sense emotional cues (or feel the full experience of their own body), and they adapt by intellectualizing everything. Being that it happens so early in life they miss out on learning about these things in the first place, hence why they're socially awkward.

this is excellent

I have also noticed autistic people reduce life down to a formula and a list, to help them get hrough stress


Mar 29, 2016
I wonder what proportion of the elites are autistic :dead:
As they are Ivy League educated, they'll be getting a lot of Harvard crap into their thick skulls, and they would think vaccination is one of the best things in life (though it's not free). So, yes, I think their children would likely to be autistic. They are, after all, fully covered by healthcare insurance and entitled to the latest and the greatest vaccines.


Mar 20, 2013
Nutrition is hugely important. I can't emphasize that enough. It's also one of the few things we have some measure of control over. There's no point in worrying about things that happened to you in the past that you have no control over. Such as vaccines, or in my case, a bunch of mercury amalgam fillings. The list of potential biological traumas is too long to write.

Over the past few months I've noticed my mental/emotional stability has steadily increased the more I've put an effort into getting proper nutrition. First and foremost was getting enough protein. Then comes avoiding empty calories as much as reasonably possible (e.g., white sugar). Keep it to an occasional treat. Main source of calories should be as nutrient dense as possible: dairy, meat, whole fruit. Cronometer is helpful in identifying potential deficiencies if your diet is consistent, and so consistently lacking in particular nutrients.

Imagine how so many people go their whole lives while hardly meeting even half of the recommended daily requirements for various nutrients. Some people inherit better health, just like some people grow up in wealthier families. But eventually the well will run dry if you're careless and rely only on reserves you started out with.

One of the things that attracted me most to Ray's work is his emphasis on adaptation. The ability to overcome even harsh/brutal environments. I'd say even in modern civilized culture, or even especially modern civilized culture, the environment is extremely harsh/brutal from a biological health standpoint. Rampant social disconnection, rampant nutrient-depleted diets, constant bombardment with toxins and surgeries and medications.

But it's possible to overcome it. The important thing is getting out of fantasy land, collectively pulling our heads out of our a$$es and realizing what we can do today. Not lamenting what could've been or should've been. That kind of thinking is not only a waste of time. It's emotionally draining and destructive. Whatever happened happened. All you can do is change what you're doing today and commit to long-term changes to maintain a better state of health.

Alongside autism, I'd say a lack of mental fortitude is endemic today. Burnout is rampant. Emotional exhaustion. Mental fog/fatigue. A lot of people have simply given up. This is also a huge problem, and while nutrition can help, some conscious effort put into having a better perspective is required. Blaming the environment for everything is only going to disempower the individual, and lighting up that victim pathway in the brain over and over again just ends up completely neutering people in the end.

There is an incredible amount that can be done even by one person. Even just to change their own life. Though inevitably that will spill out to other people. None of us lives in a vacuum, even if it seems like it. It's important to keep that in mind and fortify yourself. You're doing it for other people as much as yourself. Strong, stable, vibrant people have a positive effect on the people around them. And it gives a sense of purpose in life, something that is also missing in so many people today. The way to fight back against the deficiencies in the world is to start addressing the deficiencies in yourself.


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe

The last time we exchanged messages, he actually said he chokes every time he boards an airplane from Kyrgyzstan (the expat community he lives in is in Tian Shan mountains) to go back to Italy to see his parents. He said the air in the plane cabin is palpably polluted and he starts getting nausea as soon as he enters the plane. He says the air filtration systems make the air much more toxic than if the air was just left stale (euphemism for elevated CO2) from having many people in the cabin. He is aware of the research on EMF and thinks that planes produce powerful EMF due to the engines and all the electronics on board. I took my EMF meter on a recent trip to Europe and...basically you don't want to know what the meter showed :-( Keep in mind how many people endure these EMF assaults and toxic air for many, many hours, and often on a regular basis as part of their work, lifestyle, etc.
Once in Italy, he said he cannot stand being there for more than a week. Something about the modern city really does not vibe well with him, health-wise. He complained that he is afraid all the time that he is becoming de-civilized and after a few more years up in the mountains he will not really be able to re-join modern society. He says people look at him with a mix of envy and anger, and sometimes get violent with him as his reactions/behavior are so out of place.


Apr 28, 2018
Best pre-covid rpf thread. Discussions as this sustained me for 2 years of lurking before I mustered the will to join and heal. I remain grateful to all the members here.


Mar 15, 2018
The people that have posted here for years were and have been very friendly from my own lurking as well, I appreciated that. Kind-hearted people.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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