Would appreciate good information regarding How to Reverse Autism


Mar 21, 2021
I'm high functioning, so does that mean I forfeit IQ points if my autism is cured?

(Actually, I would take that trade.)

I would say from experience that half the battle is metabolic and the other half is psychological. Looking at it as being deficient in this or that never really got me anywhere.

If it's a B vitamin then I've probably tried it. Most do little to nothing perceivable for me including TTFD and high dose thiamine. The only one that clearly does, and I regularly take, is NMN. Niacin is not in the same league in my book.

I definitely do not become more neurotypical when drinking, lol, which is why I don't drink. Even small amounts wreck me physically.

Other than that, TRT, aspirin, and eating according to Peat have been the best therapeutics.
Check out this essay, very good:

In 2018, the first study on aluminum in the brains of deceased autistic individuals found “extraordinarily high” levels, the highest ever found in human brain tissue(92). In Imagine You Are an Aluminum Atom, Exley, one of the study’s authors, explains one way it got there—immune reactive cells, like macrophages, take in aluminum at the injection site; when these cells die, in the brain and elsewhere, they release their “highly toxic cargo.” Seneff, in Toxic Legacy: How the Weedkiller Glyphosate Is Destroying Our Health and the Environment (2021), describes another way it got there:

Two glyphosate molecules wrap around an aluminum atom, hiding its charge and producing an uncharged small molecule that easily crosses barriers. This glyphosate binding allows aluminum to be carried past the gut barrier and into the brainstem nuclei, where an acidic environment prompts the glyphosate to release it.
Glyphosate and aluminum may be the current largest factors so far identified in autism


Jan 10, 2023
I think autism is associated with impaired methylation.

Optimizing TSH, fT3 and rT3 is important to activate B2 into it’s bioactive metabolites to support MTHFR function, alongside the other B‘s like B6, folate and B12.

Mg-ATP is also needed for almost every enzymatic reaction in the methylation cycle. (Most importantly: SAMe synthesis) So correcting energy deficiency is more important than pushing the typical methyl-nutrients in most cases.
Not sure about that, raising metabolism and thyroid activity= more oxidation. Autistic people are already dealing with high amounts of oxidative stress, they are in a downregulated state for a reason as they have low glutathione due to heavy metal toxicity and pathogens.


Jan 10, 2023

In 2018, the first study on aluminum in the brains of deceased autistic individuals found “extraordinarily high” levels, the highest ever found in human brain tissue(92). In Imagine You Are an Aluminum Atom, Exley, one of the study’s authors, explains one way it got there—immune reactive cells, like macrophages, take in aluminum at the injection site; when these cells die, in the brain and elsewhere, they release their “highly toxic cargo.” Seneff, in Toxic Legacy: How the Weedkiller Glyphosate Is Destroying Our Health and the Environment (2021), describes another way it got there:

Glyphosate and aluminum may be the current largest factors so far identified in autism
Glyphosate is a huge factor for sure, I’ve had major issues with glyphosate poisoning myself which contributed to my “Vit A toxicity” problems and liver issues. I think glyphosate is a much big problem than gluten and that people often mistake gluten intolerance when it’s actually glyphosate causing the issues.


Mar 21, 2021
Glyphosate is a huge factor for sure, I’ve had major issues with glyphosate poisoning myself which contributed to my “Vit A toxicity” problems and liver issues. I think glyphosate is a much big problem than gluten and that people often mistake gluten intolerance when it’s actually glyphosate causing the issues.
There have been a lot of mothers reporting there kids getting vaccinated and immediately getting sick and autistic like symptoms right afterwards. Probably something to do with the aluminum or mercury going to the brain and causing severe damage and inflammation.

Then glyphosate damaging the the intestinal lining which causes intestinal permeability which allows other toxins to infiltrate the body and lead to autoimmune diseases and for some metals like mercury , aluminum or other toxins to pass through the intestines and even pass the blood brain barrier which can to lead to autism.

Autism is in a spectrum and probably has a lot to do with the severity of the poisoning and at what age and how much the brain has developed. So if the poisoning is happening and for how long at let’s say at age 3 when the brain is rapidly developing the damage will be harder to overcome because of the missed years of development and you will see the severe autistic people.

Then you have the Asperger’s types which could come from a variety of things like glyphosate damaging the intestinal lining let’s at say age 9
And the glyphosate molecule wrapping around the aluminum atom and crossing the blood brain barrier and being more like a slow drip poison and depending on the diet the amount of that poison contributing to the damage in the brain will vary and the development of that child will be hindered but not completely stopped and will be able to function in society.

Biofilms in the intestines have been found to have lots of toxic metals to keep the matrix that keeps the biofilms intact and protect the pathogens from the immune system and antibiotics.

Eliminating the toxins in our diets that feed the problem which can be a variety of things helps with a lot of people.

Have a good metabolism so your body can eliminate the toxins in your body.

Destroying any pathogenic biofilms in your intestinal tract that could be contributing to intestinal permeability and letting heavy metals into the body.

Then repairing the damage to the brain as much as possible through diet and supplements and at what age of development and the severity will depend if people can recover as much as possible.


Jan 10, 2023
There have been a lot of mothers reporting there kids getting vaccinated and immediately getting sick and autistic like symptoms right afterwards. Probably something to do with the aluminum or mercury going to the brain and causing severe damage and inflammation.

Then glyphosate damaging the the intestinal lining which causes intestinal permeability which allows other toxins to infiltrate the body and lead to autoimmune diseases and for some metals like mercury , aluminum or other toxins to pass through the intestines and even pass the blood brain barrier which can to lead to autism.

Autism is in a spectrum and probably has a lot to do with the severity of the poisoning and at what age and how much the brain has developed. So if the poisoning is happening and for how long at let’s say at age 3 when the brain is rapidly developing the damage will be harder to overcome because of the missed years of development and you will see the severe autistic people.

Then you have the Asperger’s types which could come from a variety of things like glyphosate damaging the intestinal lining let’s at say age 9
And the glyphosate molecule wrapping around the aluminum atom and crossing the blood brain barrier and being more like a slow drip poison and depending on the diet the amount of that poison contributing to the damage in the brain will vary and the development of that child will be hindered but not completely stopped and will be able to function in society.

Biofilms in the intestines have been found to have lots of toxic metals to keep the matrix that keeps the biofilms intact and protect the pathogens from the immune system and antibiotics.

Eliminating the toxins in our diets that feed the problem which can be a variety of things helps with a lot of people.

Have a good metabolism so your body can eliminate the toxins in your body.

Destroying any pathogenic biofilms in your intestinal tract that could be contributing to intestinal permeability and letting heavy metals into the body.

Then repairing the damage to the brain as much as possible through diet and supplements and at what age of development and the severity will depend if people can recover as much as possible.
Yes agree with this, pathogens hold onto metals in the gut.

Also glyphosate chelates zinc, magnesium, copper, sulfur which causes major issues too.

Stephanie Seneff did some research about glyphosate and aluminium causing neurotoxicity in autism.


Mar 21, 2021
Yes agree with this, pathogens hold onto metals in the gut.

Also glyphosate chelates zinc, magnesium, copper, sulfur which causes major issues too.

Stephanie Seneff did some research about glyphosate and aluminium causing neurotoxicity in autism.
Did you see this above
Two glyphosate molecules wrap around an aluminum atom, hiding its charge and producing an uncharged small molecule that easily crosses barriers. This glyphosate binding allows aluminum to be carried past the gut barrier and into the brainstem nuclei, where an acidic environment prompts the glyphosate to release it.
This study evaluated the impact of different concentrations of glyphosate (Rondup®) on planktonic and biofilm growth of P. aeruginosa. Aerobic and anaerobic cultures of P. aeruginosa ATCC®15442 inoculated in MHB + glyphosate (0.845 ppm, 1.690 ppm, 8.45 ppm, 16.90 ppm, 84.50 ppm, 169 ppm, 845 ppm, and 1690 ppm) and cultured in normoxia and anoxia, following their OD560nm every hour for 24 h. Biofilms of adapted cells were formed in the presence of glyphosate (0.845 to 1690 ppm) in normoxia and anoxia for 36 h. Glyphosate at concentrations higher than 84.5 ppm reduces the cell density of planktonic aerobic cultures (p < 0.05). However, these same concentrations favor the planktonic anaerobic growth (p < 0.05). On the other hand, the herbicide favors a slight growth of biofilms in a concentration-dependent manner up to 84.5 ppm (p > 0.05), and more pronounced over 169 ppm. Anaerobic biofilms have their growth more readily favored (p < 0.05), regardless of concentration. In a concentration-dependent manner, glyphosate interferes with the growth ability of P. aeruginosa ATCC®15442.


Mar 21, 2021
So if glyphosate increases the formation of biofilms and biofilms collect these heavy toxic metals for the biofilm matrix and glyphosate molecules helps the aluminum cross the blood brain barrier.

One hand getting glyphosate out of your diet and then breaking up these biofilms which are very resistant to antibiotics and the immune system can be beneficial to many people


Jan 10, 2023
Did you see this above
Two glyphosate molecules wrap around an aluminum atom, hiding its charge and producing an uncharged small molecule that easily crosses barriers. This glyphosate binding allows aluminum to be carried past the gut barrier and into the brainstem nuclei, where an acidic environment prompts the glyphosate to release it.
Yeah I saw it, have you seen this also



Mar 21, 2021
they don’t make a connection to glyphosate in the study below

But the aluminum glyphosate connection damaging the pineal gland in a child’s brain and possibly not being able to get proper sleep so the brain can develop is leading to autism and autistic behaviors depending on the severity of the damage? and if it happens in older people when the brain is more fully developed or fully developed brain it leads to things like depression Parkinson and anxiety etc?

So I’m guessing the intestinal gut barrier function and the blood brain barrier in millions who consume products with glyphosate is sufficient at keeping these toxins out and or having a good metabolism that also detoxifies these toxins out of the system before they can do damage until they get to a point where there health has deteriorated and that it doesn’t anymore. And does not necessarily lead to problems with the brain but other autoimmune disease and health problems.

Is there any relationship between autism and pineal gland volume?​

Abnormalities in melatonin physiology and circadian rhythm are detected in patients with autism. Melatonin is produced predominantly in the pineal gland and the amount of melatonin released is proportional to the pineal gland volume. This study aimed to examine whether the pineal gland volume in children with autism is different from that in healthy children.

Material and methods​

Brain magnetic resonance images (MRI) of 120 paediatric patients with autism and 82 control paediatric subjects were examined; pineal parenchymal volume (PPV), pineal cyst rate (PCR), and total pineal gland volume (TPGV) were measured using a multimodality viewer (MMV), but only the TPGVs were measured using a tumour tracking (TT) method. Measurements were taken by 2 separate radiologists.


In patients with autism, the PPV and TPGV according to MMV, and the TPGV according to TT were significantly lower, and the PCR was significantly higher. Moreover, the ratio of PPV to TPGV was significantly lower in the autism patient group. In both groups, the TPGVs were significantly lower in the autism patient group than the controls among all age groups.

In ASD, the physiological levels of melatonin and/or melatonin derivatives are generally below average and are associated with autistic behaviour. In ASD, this might be due to the abnormalities in the genes associated with melatonin. Treatment with melatonin supplementation significantly improves sleep time and sleep delay in ASD [17,18]. Maruani et al. [19] found that both early-morning melatonin level and pineal gland volume were lower in patients with ASD in comparison to the controls. Another study found that the PPV was linearly correlated with the plasma concentrations of melatonin in humans [16]. That study showed similar differences between individuals with 24-hour melatonin per pineal tissue volume [16]. Examining the relationship between MRI volumetry and melatonin levels facilitates the characterization of the secretory capacity of the pineal gland. This is especially seen in diseases that include a disturbed circadian melatonin rhythm, such as schizophrenia, Parkinson’s disease, sleep disorders, and aging [20-22]. We found the TPGV in patients with ASD to be low, in accordance with the literature, using both the MMV and TT methods. A brain imaging study in autistic patients reported abnormalities such as an increase in total brain volume and cerebellar abnormality [23].

David PS

Jan 5, 2016
Dark side of the moon
Stephanie Seneff posts her articles and presentations at:

Here is graph related to autism. There are others as well.

Source is page 20 of
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Jul 7, 2020
I definitely do not become more neurotypical when drinking, lol, which is why I don't drink. Even small amounts wreck me physically.
What about beer? When I don't have access to horsetail tea, or silicade, I sometimes drink beer as a source of silica, which can help to chelate aluminum.

Pete Rey

Sep 13, 2020
Check out this essay, very good:

That was a great read, clearly written by "one of us."
Glyphosate is a huge factor for sure, I’ve had major issues with glyphosate poisoning myself which contributed to my “Vit A toxicity” problems and liver issues. I think glyphosate is a much big problem than gluten and that people often mistake gluten intolerance when it’s actually glyphosate causing the issues.
I've heard this argument made before, along with the claim that gluten intolerance doesn't exist in pasta-loving Mediterranean countries where glyphosate is banned. It rings true to me, but also hard to verify a claim like that. I've long since cut out both glyphosate and aluminum to the best of my ability; however, I was unaware of the research connecting the two...
Did you see this above
Two glyphosate molecules wrap around an aluminum atom, hiding its charge and producing an uncharged small molecule that easily crosses barriers. This glyphosate binding allows aluminum to be carried past the gut barrier and into the brainstem nuclei, where an acidic environment prompts the glyphosate to release it.
This study evaluated the impact of different concentrations of glyphosate (Rondup®) on planktonic and biofilm growth of P. aeruginosa. Aerobic and anaerobic cultures of P. aeruginosa ATCC®15442 inoculated in MHB + glyphosate (0.845 ppm, 1.690 ppm, 8.45 ppm, 16.90 ppm, 84.50 ppm, 169 ppm, 845 ppm, and 1690 ppm) and cultured in normoxia and anoxia, following their OD560nm every hour for 24 h. Biofilms of adapted cells were formed in the presence of glyphosate (0.845 to 1690 ppm) in normoxia and anoxia for 36 h. Glyphosate at concentrations higher than 84.5 ppm reduces the cell density of planktonic aerobic cultures (p < 0.05). However, these same concentrations favor the planktonic anaerobic growth (p < 0.05). On the other hand, the herbicide favors a slight growth of biofilms in a concentration-dependent manner up to 84.5 ppm (p > 0.05), and more pronounced over 169 ppm. Anaerobic biofilms have their growth more readily favored (p < 0.05), regardless of concentration. In a concentration-dependent manner, glyphosate interferes with the growth ability of P. aeruginosa ATCC®15442.
This blew my mind. I remember having many shots as a kid which continued into my teens with weekly allergy shots at one point. And being raised on processed food and PUFA. Obviously neither are good, but this connects a lot of dots.
What about beer? When I don't have access to horsetail tea, or silicade, I sometimes drink beer as a source of silica, which can help to chelate aluminum.
I mean, I could have one and be okayish. I'm just at the point where I don't actually like the feeling anymore. I used to get hellish hangovers when I was younger. It was annoying because it always seemed like my male peers in college would drink more and be fine the next day. But it was for the better, because for me it tended to reinforce undesirable behavior anyway.

Interestingly I tried silica cell salts once which is an old homeopathic remedy, and although it may just be placebo, I could swear I could see a difference in hair and skin.

purple pill

Nov 19, 2022
United Kingdom
I mean, I could have one and be okayish. I'm just at the point where I don't actually like the feeling anymore. I used to get hellish hangovers when I was younger. It was annoying because it always seemed like my male peers in college would drink more and be fine the next day. But it was for the better, because for me it tended to reinforce undesirable behavior anyway.

Interestingly I tried silica cell salts once which is an old homeopathic remedy, and although it may just be placebo, I could swear I could see a difference in hair and skin.

Could always try non alcoholic beers, i always used to scoff at the idea of them, they sounded daft and pointless, but since reading up on the high silica content ive been drinking them quite alot the past month. Seem to get some benefits like relaxation, slight increase in sociability, better sleep etc without the negatives like suicidal hangovers i usually get from drinking a few. Probably just from the high level of hops and very small amounts of alcohol left in, (depends what brand you get, some are probably just beer flavoured water, heineken seems good quality and becks), not sure of any benefits from the silica yet but sure ill keep stocked up either way.

Pete Rey

Sep 13, 2020
Could always try non alcoholic beers, i always used to scoff at the idea of them, they sounded daft and pointless, but since reading up on the high silica content ive been drinking them quite alot the past month. Seem to get some benefits like relaxation, slight increase in sociability, better sleep etc without the negatives like suicidal hangovers i usually get from drinking a few. Probably just from the high level of hops and very small amounts of alcohol left in, (depends what brand you get, some are probably just beer flavoured water, heineken seems good quality and becks), not sure of any benefits from the silica yet but sure ill keep stocked up either way.
I certainly looked at it that way when I was younger. It's been so long though, even just the smell of beer triggers my disgust reflex now, so I don't think I'll be doing that. I'm also not about to trust international mega-corporations with the incentive to make their product taste as good as possible, even if they are based in countries with purity laws.

However, I just did a quick search on the topic and stumbled upon this study which inspired me to perhaps give MMST a try.

Pete Rey

Sep 13, 2020
Not sure about that, raising metabolism and thyroid activity= more oxidation. Autistic people are already dealing with high amounts of oxidative stress, they are in a downregulated state for a reason as they have low glutathione due to heavy metal toxicity and pathogens.
This also makes a lot of sense, as I am one of those who only sees a benefit at the smallest of microdoses. More than that and I quickly develop inflammatory symptoms which I believe to be caused by edema. This glyphosate/aluminum connection has me reconsidering that I am still dealing with more oxidative stress than I thought despite having been conscious of both for a long time.


May 13, 2015
Not sure about that, raising metabolism and thyroid activity= more oxidation. Autistic people are already dealing with high amounts of oxidative stress, they are in a downregulated state for a reason as they have low glutathione due to heavy metal toxicity and pathogens.
Addressing thiamine deficiency/functional blockage via high dose thiamine hcl has these benefits:
1. Thiamine is required for oxidative metabolism.
2. Thiamine lowers Reactive Oxygen Species; it "alleviates oxidative stress".
3. Thiamine hcl improves glutathione status.

I have heavy metal poisoning; my glutathione level was in the ditch for many years. After taking high dose thiamine hcl my glutathione level normalized. TTFD thiamine uses glutathione so I could not tolerate taking it. Thiamine hcl resolved my glutathione deficiency.

Optimized oxidative metabolism does not create free radicals; the end product is carbon dioxide which is healthy and helpful. Thiamine is required in the process.

This article might be helpful:


Mar 21, 2021
Aluminum increases the permeability of the blood brain barrier while zinc protects the integrity of the blood brain barrier.

Malic acid chelates or binds aluminium

Malic acid is a naturally occurring compound present in our cells and in many foods particularly apples and apple cider vinegar, it can also be bought as a nutritional supplement, (do not consume apple juice in order to try and obtain malic acid, apple juice has a horribly high GI).

In our cells malic acid is involved in the production of energy, as a supplemental natural remedy it may be appropriate for chronic fatigue syndrome due to a lack of cellular energy production rather than adrenal exhaustion, it can potentially increase energy production in our muscles and enhance athletic performance so it is often used by bodybuilders, it can also potentially help to treat fibromyalgia.

Glutathione, NAC cysteine, glycine and MSM sulphur protect against aluminium damage while you are detoxifying

When mobilising any toxic metal one should also flood the body with natural protective antioxidants particularly glutathione to protect the body as the toxic metal circulates on its way to the outside. Unfortunately glutathione supplements are expensive and not well absorbed and the better alternative is to use substances that are converted into glutathione. The amino acid NAC cysteine and glycine can increase glutathione production, they require the presence of sulphur, you may be sulphur you deficient particularly if you are vegetarian, onions and garlic should be rich in sulphur but they may not be if they are grown in sulphur deficient soil; you can buy MSM sulphur as a supplement.

Exercise also increases glutathione production use every day.

Melatonin binds to aluminium and protects against aluminium neurotoxicity



Mar 21, 2021
And if you have seen in many of these big cities the fentanyl epidemic and the crazy people wandering the streets and most of these homeless drug users are smoking the fentanyl by heating up the aluminum foil instead of injecting it with needles and I was wondering if this is causing the psychosis these people exhibit.

EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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