What is and what causes homosexuality?


Feb 3, 2020
Did anyone of you guys ever thought about why prostate stimulation through anal intercourse or however you want to call it seems to be the peak sexual experience for males?


Jul 3, 2021
Did anyone of you guys ever thought about why prostate stimulation through anal intercourse or however you want to call it seems to be the peak sexual experience for males?
Estrogen excites the prostate, and causes insatiable sex drive, which is not satisfied through the penis, therefore homosexuals resort to the anus.

However the peak is not that, the female clit is equivalent to the nerves at the tip of penis, that is the intended pleasure system.


Do you then accept pedophilia, necrophilia, and zoophilia as alternative forms of sexuality as well, or just homosexuality?

Re: the normality of homosexuals, are you aware of decades of research showing that homosexuals are not the clean-cut people you think they are?
Ridiculous extrapolation, obviously not. Your intolerance and hate for them must be immense to equate the gay group as a whole with the disgusting pedophilia, necrophilia, and zoophilia category. I don't normally go into a mental cause for a comment like yours but, such hate equating the gay behavior with those other deviant and highly illegal behaviors, I would guess it is possible it is based in self loathing , perhaps you are internally wrestling with secret subconscious same sex desires.

And my love towards all my human brothers including homosexuals is certainly no endorsement of the lifestyle. The school system is pushing and favoring homosexual behavior in schools where I would prefer they do not endorse it and push any sexual agenda. It's not how I choose to live my life. As to judging and condemning homosexuals for their behavior , I already have a full time job judging my own self and altering my own unproductive behaviors and spiritual shortcomings trying to become the best person I can. I won't invest the time and effort into hating them.

Apologize in advance if my reply seems a bit harsh, and also it is worthy to give you credit for your posted comment:

"But, the agenda pushers have now redefined ‘tolerance’ to ‘acceptance and promotion’. It’s crossing that line that so many people find repulsive - the flag of LGBT Imperialism flies throughout the month of June in many countries now, alongside national flags. It’s gone way beyond tolerance and into aggressive, cancel-culture driven agenda pushing, even on little children. This politicization is reprehensible"

Is actually spot on and is reasonable and sound............
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Apr 18, 2021
Assume? Mainly? What kind of thinking is that? Any evidence? I've met some homosexuals who have evident hormone problems. Most homosexuals I've observed seem normal hormonally, though this could be checked scientifically. Some homosexuals I've known seem to have a strong homosexual belief system (so I'd call it homosexualism, not homosexuality) that in the case of lesbians seems to be an extension of radical feminism and liberalism--a desire to be special and on the cutting edge of coolness and with all the rights and advantages of rebellious victimhood. There seems to be a meme involved, pushed by moneyed interests. I don't assume anything, but guess, from observation, that this is the nature and source of a good deal of if not most homosexuality.
Why assume? Because we simply do not have quality human studies. However, the change in sexuality from chemical exposure can be observed in animal models. This is well known in toxicology. Now the question is how well can we extrapolate from the results? I assume quite a bit but that isn't well known. So it is just an assumption.


Aug 13, 2020
Ridiculous extrapolation, obviously not. Your intolerance and hate for them must be immense to equate the gay group as a whole with the disgusting pedophilia, necrophilia, and zoophilia category. I don't normally go into a mental cause for a comment like yours but, such hate equating the gay behavior with those other deviant and highly illegal behaviors, I would guess it is possible it is based in self loathing , perhaps you are internally wrestling with secret subconscious same sex desires.

And my love towards all my human brothers including homosexuals is certainly no endorsement of the lifestyle. The school system is pushing and favoring homosexual behavior in schools where I would prefer they do not endorse it and push any sexual agenda. It's not how I choose to live my life. As to judging and condemning homosexuals for their behavior , I already have a full time job judging my own self and altering my own unproductive behaviors
Nice ad hominem attack there. So tolerant and empathetic. Oddly, for someone so empathetic with homosexuals you resort to trying to slur me as one. Weird contradiction.

Like I said before, there is an overlap between homosexuality and other forms of deviancy, implying they have related underlying causes. For example, more than half of self identified pedophiles also self identify as homosexuals. Another example is the overlap between homosexuality and transgenderism, about 25%. Historically the sexual revolution movement has monilithic roots, that’s the whole “allyship” thing, so politically it’s not the good gays and then the unacceptable rest, it’s everything that isn’t straight in opposition to the normal straights. They advertise it right there in the ever-growing acronym (LGBTQIA++). That’s also where their umbrella term “queer” comes from. It literally means “strange” or “aberrant”. That’s how they collectively describe themselves.

I’m afraid you can’t pick and choose which deviancy is ok and which isn’t. If you have one foot on the dock and one foot on the boat in this issue, your **** is eventually going to land in the water when the boat starts moving. I don’t know if you know this but the pedophilia normalization pushers have already been at work for a few years in the West attempting to lower the age of consent, producing bogus studies promoting sexualization of children, passing laws to decriminalize their proclivities, and they are using the same game plan homosexuals used in the early 2000s: all love is equal, don’t persecute us for being different, we are good people, we just want equality, etc. The goal is to tack a “P” onto the movement’s acronym and then proclaim it’s a great day for tolerance and equality, and anyone against it will be labeled a pedophobe, just like “homophobe” has become such a popular slur nowadays, where it used to be nonexistent 20 years ago outside of liberal arts departments in universities. In some circles zoophilia is already a protected sexual orientation, e.g. Twitter’s official corporate policy recognizes it for a couple of years now.

FWIW I don’t hate homosexuals as individuals, but I absolutely, resolutely despise the broader political movement, what another user on this thread called “homosexualism” earlier, although it actually includes an ever-growing list of sexual deviancies.

Thing is though, if it’s not them as individuals pushing the movement, then who is? At some point, the individuals have to take responsibility for the movement that represents them. I wish people like you would get serious and drop the virtue signaling before all of this gets way out of hand. Your position on this issue is like saying that fundamentalist Muslims are warm, salt of the earth, generous, spiritual people who respectfully keep their beliefs inside their homes, but man oh man do you hate Sharia law! (Not ragging on Islam here, just using it as an example).

Things that exist on the margins shouldn’t get to define what is normal for the majority.


Apr 7, 2021
Nice ad hominem attack there. So tolerant and empathetic. Oddly, for someone so empathetic with homosexuals you resort to trying to slur me as one. Weird contradiction.

Like I said before, there is an overlap between homosexuality and other forms of deviancy, implying they have related underlying causes. For example, more than half of self identified pedophiles also self identify as homosexuals. Another example is the overlap between homosexuality and transgenderism, about 25%. Historically the sexual revolution movement has monilithic roots, that’s the whole “allyship” thing, so politically it’s not the good gays and then the unacceptable rest, it’s everything that isn’t straight in opposition to the normal straights. They advertise it right there in the ever-growing acronym (LGBTQIA++). That’s also where their umbrella term “queer” comes from. It literally means “strange” or “aberrant”. That’s how they collectively describe themselves.

I’m afraid you can’t pick and choose which deviancy is ok and which isn’t. If you have one foot on the dock and one foot on the boat in this issue, your **** is eventually going to land in the water when the boat starts moving. I don’t know if you know this but the pedophilia normalization pushers have already been at work for a few years in the West attempting to lower the age of consent, producing bogus studies promoting sexualization of children, passing laws to decriminalize their proclivities, and they are using the same game plan homosexuals used in the early 2000s: all love is equal, don’t persecute us for being different, we are good people, we just want equality, etc. The goal is to tack a “P” onto the movement’s acronym and then proclaim it’s a great day for tolerance and equality, and anyone against it will be labeled a pedophobe, just like “homophobe” has become such a popular slur nowadays, where it used to be nonexistent 20 years ago outside of liberal arts departments in universities. In some circles zoophilia is already a protected sexual orientation, e.g. Twitter’s official corporate policy recognizes it for a couple of years now.

FWIW I don’t hate homosexuals as individuals, but I absolutely, resolutely despise the broader political movement, what another user on this thread called “homosexualism” earlier, although it actually includes an ever-growing list of sexual deviancies.

Thing is though, if it’s not them as individuals pushing the movement, then who is? At some point, the individuals have to take responsibility for the movement that represents them. I wish people like you would get serious and drop the virtue signaling before all of this gets way out of hand. Your position on this issue is like saying that fundamentalist Muslims are warm, salt of the earth, generous, spiritual people who respectfully keep their beliefs inside their homes, but man oh man do you hate Sharia law! (Not ragging on Islam here, just using it as an example).

Things that exist on the margins shouldn’t get to define what is normal for the majority.
About that 'P'.
I hope I don't live long enough to catch that day.

As the atrocious events unfold on a global scale, I believe that gender categories will soon appear, 'good pedophiles', who deeply regret what they did and who should not stay too long in prison or 'protected pedophiles' who can quickly get a exemption from punishment for accusing certain imaginary mental illnesses and so on.


Feb 3, 2020
Estrogen excites the prostate, and causes insatiable sex drive, which is not satisfied through the penis, therefore homosexuals resort to the anus.

However the peak is not that, the female clit is equivalent to the nerves at the tip of penis, that is the intended pleasure system.
Thanks man, finally making sense of it!


Feb 8, 2021
Ridiculous extrapolation, obviously not. Your intolerance and hate for them must be immense to equate the gay group as a whole with the disgusting pedophilia, necrophilia, and zoophilia category. I don't normally go into a mental cause for a comment like yours but, such hate equating the gay behavior with those other deviant and highly illegal behaviors, I would guess it is possible it is based in self loathing , perhaps you are internally wrestling with secret subconscious same sex desires.

And my love towards all my human brothers including homosexuals is certainly no endorsement of the lifestyle. The school system is pushing and favoring homosexual behavior in schools where I would prefer they do not endorse it and push any sexual agenda. It's not how I choose to live my life. As to judging and condemning homosexuals for their behavior , I already have a full time job judging my own self and altering my own unproductive behaviors and spiritual shortcomings trying to become the best person I can. I won't invest the time and effort into hating them.

Apologize in advance if my reply seems a bit harsh, and also it is worthy to give you credit for your posted comment:

"But, the agenda pushers have now redefined ‘tolerance’ to ‘acceptance and promotion’. It’s crossing that line that so many people find repulsive - the flag of LGBT Imperialism flies throughout the month of June in many countries now, alongside national flags. It’s gone way beyond tolerance and into aggressive, cancel-culture driven agenda pushing, even on little children. This politicization is reprehensible"

Is actually spot on and is reasonable and sound............
LGBT people use the phrase love is love to justify themselves, if we take this then who are you to condemn paedophiles and people with zoophilia when for them love is love. Homosexual people thrive with postmodern justification, morality for them is relative, and therefore if morality is relative your condemnation of paedophiles is just an expression of disapproval, not objectively wrong, so THEORETICALLY IT IS NOT AN EXTRAPOLATION. I do not believe morality is relative but many in the lgbt community do


Jun 22, 2021
FWIW I don’t hate homosexuals as individuals, but I absolutely, resolutely despise the broader political movement, what another user on this thread called “homosexualism” earlier, although it actually includes an ever-growing list of sexual deviancies.

That's exactly how I feel. I have always had gay and bi-sexual friends and had a "live and let live" approach to people's sexuality. My problem is with the modern LGBTQIA+-!?ABCD alphabet-soup activism that is always trying to push things further. I live in a very liberal UK city and you simply can't get away from it at this time of year, pride flags everywhere (they even painted a pedestrian crossing with a pride flag), parades, business windows all with artwork to show how LGBT friendly they are. The fact that they demand so much attention attention for their sexuality just feels really narcissistic.

But on the original subject of the thread, a number of gay or bi-sexual men that I have known experienced some kind of sexual abuse or molestation at a young age, which I believe can be a factor. I have also known a number of lesbian women who became lesbians after bad relationships with men.


Jul 7, 2020
Estrogen excites the prostate, and causes insatiable sex drive, which is not satisfied through the penis, therefore homosexuals resort to the anus.

However the peak is not that, the female clit is equivalent to the nerves at the tip of penis, that is the intended pleasure system.
This is the opposite of how it works... The prostate requires androgens to be sexually active. There is no "intended pleasure system," we are not machines. Homosexuality has existed forever, in every culture. What I see here is a lot of very sad straight men.


Jul 3, 2021
This is the opposite of how it works... The prostate requires androgens to be sexually active. There is no "intended pleasure system," we are not machines. Homosexuality has existed forever, in every culture. What I see here is a lot of very sad straight men.
"It was noticed several decades ago that estrogen causes the prostate gland to enlarge in experimental animals, but by then an oversimplified view of the sex hormones was already well established, that led people to say that "estrogen causes the female organs to grow, and testosterone causes the male organs to grow."

-Ray peat article on prostate cancer

Pleasure has to do with adaptation, not machinery.


Mar 9, 2018
Do you then accept pedophilia, necrophilia, and zoophilia as alternative forms of sexuality as well, or just homosexuality?

Re: the normality of homosexuals, are you aware of decades of research showing that homosexuals are not the clean-cut people you think they are? There are elevated levels of mental disease, drug abuse, alcoholism and partner abuse (lesbians), and pedophilia. Gay men have elevated levels of STDs because anal sex causes tears in the anal sphincter that make transmission of disease easier. This is why AIDS is such a big thing in the male homosexual community. If you think about it, it’s also a signal from Mother Nature that our a-holes weren’t meant to have things shoved up them.

Morality, in practice, can be summed up as rules to promote the long term survival of a group, transmitted in some kind of ethical, mystical or religious packaging. Homosexuality is judged as immoral by just about every moral system ever known to man because it opposes heterosexual relations, which produce new life (a good thing in and of itself, a good thing for the community, continued survival). The only thing that gay love can physically produce is, literally, filth (feces).

As far as what causes it is concerned, I've seen evidence suggesting that homosexuals are groomed in their early years, and some suggesting various endocrine processes in utero. It’s not well understood and I agree with Tarmander that it’s likely multifaceted, and I suspect that a good portion of it is choice - historically, societies have gone through phases of sexual liberation/degeneracy in various places at various times and almost without exception these periods are associated with general cultural, economic, and demographic decay and decline and terminate with a rapid snapback as the pendulum swings back the other way. Homonormativity has never endured anywhere where it popped up. This makes me think some of it has to do with social pressure and peer pressure, people getting caught up in the changing times, until the times change back again.

I think we also need to be reminded of what tolerance actually means sometimes. It just means to put up with something, even if one doesn’t like it. Using the actual definition, like 98% of the population is tolerant of it. What gays do in the bedroom doesn’t interest me, nor do I care, as long as it stays there.

But, the agenda pushers have now redefined ‘tolerance’ to ‘acceptance and promotion’. It’s crossing that line that so many people find repulsive - the flag of LGBT Imperialism flies throughout the month of June in many countries now, alongside national flags. It’s gone way beyond tolerance and into aggressive, cancel-culture driven agenda pushing, even on little children. This politicization is reprehensible and the more it’s pushed now, the worse the inevitable backlash will be when the culture swings back to historical norms again.
Thank you -- took the words right out of my mouth. I'd like to add that sticking one's **** into where another person shits is the ultimate human degradation and self-hatred.


Mar 9, 2018
I feel like you're missing the point of what I'm saying. I'm straight as an arrow, to the point that the constant barrage of homosexual imagery and normalization in our world has practically driven me away from society. No new media appeals to me, I'm not the target demographic for any advertisement, and I really can't get on board with anyone who's gung ho about it. It's like all anyone wants to talk about. My government is obsessed with it. It's very suspect to me how hard the media has been pushing it. All that said, I don't hate homosexual people - I'd never attack someone for whatever it is they wanna do because I know I only have control over one person in this world, myself. But I just don't connect with them. I've tried, but I just can't.

I don't think I was always this way. I was a pretty effeminate boy when I was younger. I didn't have much of a relationship with my father when I was young, I ate a lot of PUFA, I wasn't a Christian. I was never gay, or even bi-curious, but I knew a lot of people who were, and they were just like regular people to me. We connected, we got along.

But when I was about 25 or so, I started eating a diet very low in PUFA, I reconnected with my father, and I became a Christian. Now that I'm 32, I have no gay friends or trans friends because it seems so incredibly alien to me that I just can't connect with it at all. I don't share any of their interests, or their ideologies or anything. There's a big part of me that feels kinda guilty about it. Like, am I a bigot for not caring about gay shows? Society sure makes a straight guy feel like it, but it's silly cuz I don't feel like I'm a bigot for not liking chick flicks. I feel like society is trying to strap me in like A Clockwork Orange and force me to 'get used to it', but really it's just generating a bunch of media that I can't connect with in any way.

Now, are you telling me that the only reason I've changed is because I've found God? Because I can't help but feel like there's a lot more to it than that. Is it diet, is it upbringing? Is it microplastics and glyphosate? Is it just brainwashing? And what about allegedly Christian people who find it impossible to renounce their homosexuality? What about completely straight people who are 100% atheist?

I feel like this thread was created with the intention of figuring out what the biological mechanisms are, and why some people can't even imagine themselves as straight, and why some people are 100% the polar opposite. And yes, I feel certain that it's being intentionally done to destroy the fabric of society. They're pushing it way too hard for me to believe otherwise. But within a few posts this thread devolved into gay bashing, which.. all the more power to ya I guess, but I don't think answers the question at hand.

Now, all morality aside - I really think it does have a lot to do with biochemistry. Do chemicals added to foods cause homosexuality? Or do they simply make a person more susceptible to it? Does it have to do with the death of the nuclear family? These are the kinds of questions that are interesting to me.

At the risk of sounding like a homophobe (which I'm sure I already have in this post), is it a sign of a hormonal imbalance, and can it be 'fixed' with proper hormone function? Or is it just a result of watching too much gay TV with mom as children?
I appreciate your comment and thank you for it. The majority of people know and believe that homos are seriously sick. However, the Western world and culture have degenerated precipitously as science became the primal standard of culture instead of spirituality, philosophy, literature and art. These were the foundation of science, but no longer are. Humanity is under attack on many fronts. The LGBT front is the most bestial and dangerous.


Nice ad hominem attack there. So tolerant and empathetic. Oddly, for someone so empathetic with homosexuals you resort to trying to slur me as one. Weird contradiction.

Like I said before, there is an overlap between homosexuality and other forms of deviancy, implying they have related underlying causes. For example, more than half of self identified pedophiles also self identify as homosexuals. Another example is the overlap between homosexuality and transgenderism, about 25%. Historically the sexual revolution movement has monilithic roots, that’s the whole “allyship” thing, so politically it’s not the good gays and then the unacceptable rest, it’s everything that isn’t straight in opposition to the normal straights. They advertise it right there in the ever-growing acronym (LGBTQIA++). That’s also where their umbrella term “queer” comes from. It literally means “strange” or “aberrant”. That’s how they collectively describe themselves.

I’m afraid you can’t pick and choose If you have one foot on the dock and one foot on the boat in this issue, your **** is eventually going to land in the water when the boat starts moving. I don’t know if you know this but the pedophilia normalization pushers have already been at work for a few years in the West attempting to lower the age of consent, producing bogus studies promoting sexualization of children, passing laws to decriminalize their proclivities, and they are using the same game plan homosexuals used in the early 2000s: all love is equal, don’t persecute us for being different, we are good people, we just want equality, etc. The goal is to tack a “P” onto the movement’s acronym and then proclaim it’s a great day for tolerance and equality, and anyone against it will be labeled a pedophobe, just like “homophobe” has become such a popular slur nowadays, where it used to be nonexistent 20 years ago outside of liberal arts departments in universities. In some circles zoophilia is already a protected sexual orientation, e.g. Twitter’s official corporate policy recognizes it for a couple of years now.

FWIW I don’t hate homosexuals as individuals, but I absolutely, resolutely despise the broader political movement, what another user on this thread called “homosexualism” earlier, although it actually includes an ever-growing list of sexual deviancies.

Thing is though, if it’s not them as individuals pushing the movement, then who is? At some point, the individuals have to take responsibility for the movement that represents them. I wish people like you would get serious and drop the virtue signaling before all of this gets way out of hand. Your position on this issue is like saying that fundamentalist Muslims are warm, salt of the earth, generous, spiritual people who respectfully keep their beliefs inside their homes, but man oh man do you hate Sharia law! (Not ragging on Islam here, just using it as an example).

Things that exist on the margins shouldn’t get to define what is normal for the majority.
Sorry for what you took as a "Nice ad hominem attack". I can see how it probably did look a little like that. I am not Freud. My remark toward you , be assured, was levity, completely tongue in cheek and not a diagnosis or intended as a slur. Pertaining to your arguments , and avoiding further trips down the unproductive ad hominem route, I have an appreciation for a lot of the points you make, you certainly are capable of thought. As to us not being able to choose which deviancy is ok and which isn’t, wrong wrong wrong, That's what humans always do and always have done throughout all human history as they measure the theoretical right and wrong of things, and choose in their eyes what is acceptable and not and we base all legal and moral precepts on that.

If you think my empathy in this life extends to homosexuals only and not to you, you misread me completely. Just having some trouble my brother at the degree of your reaction and passion against that behavior and going so far as to link them with other illegal behaviors. But, I guess, we can't bake a cake without breaking an egg, these are the things that must come out in discussions as we each ponder our own theories of why things are the way they are in our universe. We can have this discussion and at the end of it even if we differ I bear you no ill will and sincerely wish you well. I just think you are being dogmatic with your belief and I could be mistaken but you are probably very young and like many of us, your views and tolerance and love for others will possibly evolve as you age. I make a huge effort to perceive things correctly and really didn't mentally wake up until a while back well into my 50's.

Or the other possibility is maybe I am so old now that at 60, my mind has begun slipping (more levity) and you are the one who is completely correct in your logic, not I.

The reality I would bet, is instead that both of us have some right ideas mixed in with some wrong ones since no one man is the source of all truth. These discussions help to challenge my preconceptions and disagreements are very welcome indeed.
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LGBT people use the phrase love is love to justify themselves, if we take this then who are you to condemn paedophiles and people with zoophilia when for them love is love. Homosexual people thrive with postmodern justification, morality for them is relative, and therefore if morality is relative your condemnation of paedophiles is just an expression of disapproval, not objectively wrong, so THEORETICALLY IT IS NOT AN EXTRAPOLATION. I do not but many in the lgbt community do
You are correctly breaking it down to the core argument, if morality is objective truth from God himself and is not just a subjective judgement man makes, then all is deviant and to be condemned. But under that standard every single man and woman that walks the earth is deviant in the sense that they deviate on some level from Gods perfect behavior and are worthy only of punishment. No more so or less so than the homosexual under those rigid rules. Under the harshness of perfect objective truth we all must be perceived as failing. God, if he exists will be the one to sort all that out, meanwhile I will do my best to judge myself and not others as we are all flawed in some sense.

Anyway, the thread has been interesting and instructive but is devolving into a purely theological discussion. Thanks for all the replies but I will disengage and I will turn my focus to other interesting topics or threads for now to not fall into the trap of boring others with endless theory or conjecture. Discussions like these can have no end.
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Feb 8, 2021
You are correctly breaking it down to the core argument, if morality is objective truth from God himself and is not just a subjective judgement man makes, then all is deviant and to be condemned. But under that standard every single man and woman that walks the earth is deviant in the sense that they deviate on some level from Gods perfect behavior and are worthy only of punishment. No more so or less so than the homosexual under those rigid rules. Under the harshness of perfect objective truth we all must be perceived as failing. God, if he exists will be the one to sort all that out, meanwhile I will do my best to judge myself and not others as we are all flawed in some sense.

Anyway, the thread has been interesting and instructive but is devolving into a purely theological discussion. Thanks for all the replies but I will disengage and I will turn my focus to other interesting topics or threads for now to not fall into the trap of boring others with endless theory or conjecture. Discussions like these can have no end.
You are right it is turning into a theological discussion, I will put the brakes on


Mar 15, 2021

Article talking about sexuality of transgenders changing during and after hormone therapy. The percentage is pretty high. Like surprisingly high imo. One study from 2015 had 49% of trans masculine and 64% of trans feminine individuals having sexual orientation changes, mostly changes to bisexual but a couple other studies showed 13% of trans women and 7% of trans men experienced a complete reversal of sexuality losing their previous attraction and gaining a new one.

I also remember reading that thread here about one guy that went straight after peating. Was abstaining from sex I think and taking the idealabs dht among other things.

So I think hormones may be at play among other things like self perception and such.
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