What is and what causes homosexuality?


Jan 3, 2021
We are in LGBT month and I am very curious what causes homosexuality. I have read many theories such as social conditioning, trauma, wrong cocktail of hormones in the womb, epigentics, theological vice and even gay germ theory.

Please note I come from a Christian background so to me I can’t comprehend homosexuality being natural and thus moral. Many gay people I know are good people so I am very torn inside and need to know what is homosexuality?

What is your theory?


Apr 18, 2021
I assume it is mainly abnormal hormone/endocrine disruptor exposure during critical phases of development (e.g. womb) which may also influence gene expression.


Jun 26, 2021
Metabolic syndrome.

Doctor Francis Pottenger made an experiment on cats and cancer and degenerative diseases appears together homosexuality.

"For instance, X-ray pictures showed that skulls of third generation cooked-fed animals had neutral profiles for both sexes, as contrasted to the difference in raw-fed animals. At the same time sex interest was very slack; in many cases it was perverted, with some cats developing into true homosexuals."



May 10, 2021
nowadays i would say it s mostly caused by endocrine disruptors , childhood trauma , absence of mother an father figures , indoctrination , the desire to "fit in" with a group of people .


Jun 4, 2016
We are in LGBT month and I am very curious what causes homosexuality. I have read many theories such as social conditioning, trauma, wrong cocktail of hormones in the womb, epigentics, theological vice and even gay germ theory.

Please note I come from a Christian background so to me I can’t comprehend homosexuality being natural and thus moral. Many gay people I know are good people so I am very torn inside and need to know what is homosexuality?

What is your theory?
I don’t need a theory, I just see what can be seen in nature and we are part of nature, believe it or not. I don’t need any mind games, excuses or explanations. Homosexuality always was, it is and always will be in humans and other mammals. Regardless of race, religion or not, culture or political system.


Jan 6, 2019
I don’t need a theory, I just see what can be seen in nature and we are part of nature, believe it or not. I don’t need any mind games, excuses or explanations. Homosexuality always was, it is and always will be in humans and other mammals. Regardless of race, religion or not, culture or political system.
Same could be said about any sickness. Why seek to understand things that exist, am I right? What a bizarre, truly anti-intellectual attitude.


What causes heterosexuality?
Lol.............witty, and a very good contrast.

This is one of the most longstanding debates in culture and religion. All the time we spend on condemning those different than us shows not just a lack of ability to think properly but really exposes our tendency to not love others as they are and a desire to control and judge everything and everyone around us that we don't agree with.

If you follow the Christian God, I have no issue with you at all. It's only natural to look for God in this tough existence. Condemning homosexuality as not natural and immoral............ not good. Why even go down that convoluted rabbit hole. No good can come from it. Just love and appreciate every person you encounter regardless if their orientation is different from yours and mine. It does not mean you endorse it or that you don't have a different preference.

Maybe what you need is a few good gay friends so you can see that apart from the bedroom, they are much like any other person. I have had friends who happened to be gay and it was no problem forming a great healthy relationship. And I never felt it was a religious conflict and a sin to have those friends either.

I have an issue with intolerance and lack of empathy.

If you are straight and cannot tolerate or love gays and seek to control their behavior and ability to express themselves and what opinions they can voice and say they are sick and deviant........ you need to grow.

If you are gay and cannot tolerate straight people's speech and opinions and seek to use your groups platform control their ability to express themselves and what opinions they can voice and want to ban free speech.... you need to grow.
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Mar 29, 2016
I don’t need a theory, I just see what can be seen in nature and we are part of nature, believe it or not. I don’t need any mind games, excuses or explanations. Homosexuality always was, it is and always will be in humans and other mammals. Regardless of race, religion or not, culture or political system.
I also don't need to deny that more exposure to endocrine disruptors increases the chances of disturbing the sexual development of a person. Added to that exposure to LGBT children's shows in formative years, and TV shows and movies making it appear LGBT is more prevalent than it really is, and even documentaries that purport to show that LGBT is very common in the animal kingdom, to drive acceptance that it is really a normal part of nature than an abberation. On that basis, one can also believe that mass murdering is a part of nature if a nature documentary should drive a narrative that animals also engage in this behavior.

I think that altogether there is a sinister plot to. break down society and by making everything normal that is deviant that can more easily be accomplished.

Is having one ball instead of two balls considered normal, or having three boobs instead of two? If the system were purposely made to make men only have one ball and women have three breasts, would we simply accept the outcome or would we want to question why the system is making something abnormal become the norm? Isn't the system geared to actually encourage more LGBTs to be produced that goes beyond what nature left on its own produces?

Dr. B

Mar 16, 2021
Low androgens, hormonal imbalance in general.
Metabolic syndrome.

Doctor Francis Pottenger made an experiment on cats and cancer and degenerative diseases appears together homosexuality.

"For instance, X-ray pictures showed that skulls of third generation cooked-fed animals had neutral profiles for both sexes, as contrasted to the difference in raw-fed animals. At the same time sex interest was very slack; in many cases it was perverted, with some cats developing into true homosexuals."

this is saying raw food causes heterosexuality, cooked food homosexuality?

nowadays i would say it s mostly caused by endocrine disruptors , childhood trauma , absence of mother an father figures , indoctrination , the desire to "fit in" with a group of people .

i think for some people it could be theyre normally hetero, and poor metabolism could change it. but for some people it is simply a choice or whatever, as theres some who are metabolically healthy yet bi or homosexual


I think that altogether there is a sinister plot to. break down society and by making everything normal that is deviant that can more easily be accomplished.
I suspect that you are correct on this one salient point, there are extremist groups with a sinister agenda that are all about control and domination working to change society and normalize certain behaviors and ban any verbal opposition from you. They would flip the paradigm from a unjust society polarized against gays to a unjust society polarized against straights, and call any straight intolerant and must be silenced. I would only encourage you to consider to differentiate between normal everyday gay individuals with no agenda other than their love for each other ......... and those large radical organized gay political groups.
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Apr 28, 2018
I think this too
Since this topic has been studied and observed in all the animal kingdoms, and anthropology, archeology and other fields have documented it throughout history, this is the most easily understood and widely accepted.


Apr 30, 2015
If it had a single explanation like "genes" or "lots of older brothers" we would probably already know. Multifaceted


Apr 7, 2021
I also don't need to deny that more exposure to endocrine disruptors increases the chances of disturbing the sexual development of a person. Added to that exposure to LGBT children's shows in formative years, and TV shows and movies making it appear LGBT is more prevalent than it really is, and even documentaries that purport to show that LGBT is very common in the animal kingdom, to drive acceptance that it is really a normal part of nature than an abberation. On that basis, one can also believe that mass murdering is a part of nature if a nature documentary should drive a narrative that animals also engage in this behavior.

I think that altogether there is a sinister plot to. break down society and by making everything normal that is deviant that can more easily be accomplished.

Is having one ball instead of two balls considered normal, or having three boobs instead of two? If the system were purposely made to make men only have one ball and women have three breasts, would we simply accept the outcome or would we want to question why the system is making something abnormal become the norm? Isn't the system geared to actually encourage more LGBTs to be produced that goes beyond what nature left on its own produces?

The puppeteers know that nothing could stand in their way if they demolish one of the most important defensive walls of humanity, namely the family.

For this they use all the weapons they have at their disposal. Misleading by promoting homosexuality from an early age, through the education system, social system, media etc. Increasing the confusion in the minds of young people about their sex, so that later they become transsexuals etc.
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