Hair Loss (AGA) And Low Blood Flow: What Everyone Gets Wrong

Blue Water

Apr 26, 2020
Here is something that may help as I'm going to order it:

Dang Gui Bu Xue Wan - Tang Kwei & Astragalus Extract

Yes, TCM. It's got two ingredients - astragalus and angelica sinensis, also know as dong quai in Chinese. It is an old Chinese formula, but it's been studied in the West already, if you search Dang Gui Bu Xue Tang.

I didn't specifically look for this formula to improve on my hair, but to treat my hypertension, which is the result of my kidneys having immune complexes which causes macrophage infiltration,, and the macrophages produce cytokines that cause inflammation. But I thought to do a search on this formula with hair loss added to that search, and I came up with this:

11 Best Skin and Hair images | Health tonic, Chinese medicine, Herbalism

As I see it, this formula addresses the cause of my kidney problem - immune complexes. The immune complexes will also plug up the capillaries that feed the scalp, and will cause hair loss. On top of that, it also affects my knee joints, as immune complex tend to accumulate also in the joints. I also have some knee arthritic pain, although it's starting to go away.

Here is something to read on it:

Sci-Hub | Chinese Herbal Medicine in the Treatment of Chronic Kidney Disease. Advances in Chronic Kidney Disease, 12(3), 276–281 | 10.1016/j.ackd.2005.03.007
Sci-Hub | Treatment of Idiopathic Membranous Nephropathy With the Herb Astragalus membranaceus. American Journal of Kidney Diseases, 50(6), 1028–1032 | 10.1053/j.ajkd.2007.07.032

While my case does not apply to all, it is an example of how low blood flow can lead to hair loss. The production of immune complexes is one cause.

Note that the TCM formula can deal with the immune complexes, but to truly fix the cause, I still have to deal with the underlying cause of the production of immune complexes - bacterial infection.
Did you ever have success with astragalus + Dong Quai?


Mar 29, 2016
Did you ever have success with astragalus + Dong Quai?
Unfortunately, no. I think the cause of my hair loss goes deeper, as it involves oxidative stress and the need to spend resources and energy to counter it with the body's antioxidant resources constantly that it is a drain on the body's ability to regenerate on some levels. And since hair is just one of those things the body considers as optional, lush hair would be the last of its priorities. So, I am currently dealing with a latent systemic infection (in my blood vessels) that is chronically being dealt with by my immune system, and the chronic inflammation and oxidative stresses leaves less resources available for hair growth.


Oct 21, 2018
Unfortunately, no. I think the cause of my hair loss goes deeper, as it involves oxidative stress and the need to spend resources and energy to counter it with the body's antioxidant resources constantly that it is a drain on the body's ability to regenerate on some levels. And since hair is just one of those things the body considers as optional, lush hair would be the last of its priorities. So, I am currently dealing with a latent systemic infection (in my blood vessels) that is chronically being dealt with by my immune system, and the chronic inflammation and oxidative stresses leaves less resources available for hair growth.
How much calcium do u get?


Mar 29, 2016
How much calcium do u get?
I don't count it but I get a glass of milk, coffee with eggshell powder sprinkled on its froth, and 2 large servings of cooked greens, and sprinkled eggshell powder on my over-easy egg each breakfast. I think that should get me away from deficiency territory.


Oct 21, 2018
I don't count it but I get a glass of milk, coffee with eggshell powder sprinkled on its froth, and 2 large servings of cooked greens, and sprinkled eggshell powder on my over-easy egg each breakfast. I think that should get me away from deficiency territory.
And magnesium? I hear it should be taken with calcium. I noticed when i taken magnesium by itself dont notice anything. If i take calcium alone. I dont notice much either together i notice a very calming effect


Mar 29, 2016
And magnesium?
Around 400mg. Lately it's the magnesium acetate form. Before that, it was as magnesium ascorbate. 2 or 3 years ago, I went on therapeutic magnesium oral therapy at 800 mg/day for a whole year. I felt from looking back at my history of magnesium intake that I would be very deficient, so I went on therapeutic intake mode.


Oct 21, 2018
Around 400mg. Lately it's the magnesium acetate form. Before that, it was as magnesium ascorbate. 2 or 3 years ago, I went on therapeutic magnesium oral therapy at 800 mg/day for a whole year. I felt from looking back at my history of magnesium intake that I would be very deficient, so I went on therapeutic intake mode.
So heres what i am thinking. Two aspects to this hairloss. Hypoxia. Excitation and gut health.
The gut no doubt affects skin tremendously. Defeciencies can cause hypoxia. The hair sits on the skin. The hairloss pattern is based on histamine pattern.

so focusing on making sure cells dont get over excited and gut heath is optimal.

pcos and parkinsons disease are my area of focus.


Mar 29, 2016
So heres what i am thinking. Two aspects to this hairloss. Hypoxia. Excitation and gut health.
The gut no doubt affects skin tremendously. Defeciencies can cause hypoxia. The hair sits on the skin. The hairloss pattern is based on histamine pattern.

so focusing on making sure cells dont get over excited and gut heath is optimal.

pcos and parkinsons disease are my area of focus.
Can you explain it in terms of cause and effects. You have many causes that lead to the effect of hairloss. But you're not telling us why each of them leads to hair loss. There are many gaps in between the cause and the effect.


May 10, 2018
Can you explain it in terms of cause and effects. You have many causes that lead to the effect of hairloss. But you're not telling us why each of them leads to hair loss. There are many gaps in between the cause and the effect.


Apr 5, 2016
I completely forgot that I made this thread but while searching for other topics on magnesium and fibrosis i found it and it has inspired me to try something I never fully implemented before with regards to hair growth and that is topical ideaLabs magnoil to the scalp peripheral muscles along with massage of those same muscles. I tried it for the first time this morning and I was surprised at how tight they felt. It has the same feeling as when i have a not in my shoulder that after i press on it for a while it relaxes.

Anyway going to add it into my hair loss regime and see how it goes.


May 10, 2018
I completely forgot that I made this thread but while searching for other topics on magnesium and fibrosis i found it and it has inspired me to try something I never fully implemented before with regards to hair growth and that is topical ideaLabs magnoil to the scalp peripheral muscles along with massage of those same muscles. I tried it for the first time this morning and I was surprised at how tight they felt. It has the same feeling as when i have a not in my shoulder that after i press on it for a while it relaxes.

Anyway going to add it into my hair loss regime and see how it goes.
If you figure out any ways to lessen the tight feeling around the scalp please let me know, I also have this along with hair loss!
Mar 10, 2021
Basically presents a counter to the mainstream view that reduced blood flow to the scalp only occurs after the hair stops growing in other words reduced blood flow is not causative but rather a secondary event.

He presents evidence that what actually occurs is a build up of scar tissue on the dermal and connective tissue sheaths of the hair follicle this causes a reduction in blood and this reduction in blood flow then causes the hair to shed. So reduced blood flow is the cause of hair loss but the way by which the blood flow is reduced makes it appear that it is not. Really you could say that scar tissue is the cause of hair loss because this leads to the reduced blood flow. Either way it is the reduction of blood through some means that results in the hair loss.

"Anyone with any ideas of certain things that I should include please let me know.
If this is the case then “earthing” aka “grounding” would be beneficial…



Jun 4, 2016
If this is the case then “earthing” aka “grounding” would be beneficial…

Funny you mention that as I've been meaning to scoop up a grounding mat to stand on and possibly one for when I sleep.

I'm just trying to determine the efficacy because some redditord claim the plug in one's are a waste and that you actually need it being wired in from the ground outside.
Mar 10, 2021
Funny you mention that as I've been meaning to scoop up a grounding mat to stand on and possibly one for when I sleep.

I'm just trying to determine the efficacy because some redditord claim the plug in one's are a waste and that you actually need it being wired in from the ground outside.
I don’t think I would do a plug in, as EMFs and electronics nearby when sleeping is already a bad thing. I did see a video a couple of years ago with a guy sleeping with a copper wire out of his window. That is dedication!


Sep 12, 2015
Funny you mention that as I've been meaning to scoop up a grounding mat to stand on and possibly one for when I sleep.

I'm just trying to determine the efficacy because some redditord claim the plug in one's are a waste and that you actually need it being wired in from the ground outside.
Nearly every report I've read of someone sleeping with a grounding device plugged into an outlet was negative. Speculation is that it was caused by dirty EMF in the house's grounding system.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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