Thoughts On My Hair Loss Regimen?


Feb 18, 2018
Greetings guys this is my first post on here. I'm a 27 year old Black guy. I'm about a NW1.5 but I'm usually able to style my hair to where it looks like I have no hair loss at all. All the guys on my mom's side of the family are NW0's, they all have great hair. On my dad's side of the family it varies but most of the men have great to decent heads of hair (Besides my dad).

My dad went bald when he was in his early 40s (He is 61 now). What I find interesting are my uncles (My Dad has three younger brothers) all have full heads of hair with zero hair loss even though they only are a few years younger than my dad. Judging from pictures it looks like he also had perfect hair for a very long time just like my uncles do now, so where did his hair loss come from? Was he just unlucky?

Anyway I'm lucky because my hair loss progression is pretty slow overall. But I'm a pretty vain person when it comes to hair and I want to eventually get back to having my teenage hairline back.

Here are some things in my regimen with the reasoning for using it:
A tea that promotes Hair Growth (This tea is loaded with vitamins and also seems to be pro-thyroid)
Organic Sulfur (To break up fibrosis and transport Oxygen)
Emu Oil mixed with Peppermint/Lavender and Rosemary (Emu Oil helps with Scalp fatty layer, other essential oils promote blood circulation in scalp)
Hair loss Shampoo and Conditioner (This will thicken hair)
Laser Helmet (LLT has numerous benefits for hair)
Scalp Tension relaxer (My scalp seems to be chronically tense and this helps with that issue)

Any thoughts on these items? I already have used most of the items listed above but never really on a consistent basis or in conjunction with one another. I also have some supplements I take that I will post about later.

Hey man I’m interested in your Dads and Uncles case. Do they all live near each other? Do they have similar lifestyles? Would you know enough about their various dietary habits?

In regards to hair I’m pretty much in the same position as you in terms of arresting the MPB progression, but I don’t focus so much effort on regrowth. I figure if I optimize enough of other aspects of my health I’ll either

1) Not care at all about the small amount of recession I’ve acquired from my years of suboptimal health or
2) Regenerate hair as a side effect of everything else fixing itself


Mar 4, 2019
Hey man I’m interested in your Dads and Uncles case. Do they all live near each other? Do they have similar lifestyles? Would you know enough about their various dietary habits?

In regards to hair I’m pretty much in the same position as you in terms of arresting the MPB progression, but I don’t focus so much effort on regrowth. I figure if I optimize enough of other aspects of my health I’ll either

1) Not care at all about the small amount of recession I’ve acquired from my years of suboptimal health or
2) Regenerate hair as a side effect of everything else fixing itself
Well my Dad is currently retired now and lives in New Jersey. He worked as Law Enforcement in New York for over 20+ years. He generally worked long, stressful hours and I know his diet was never really good. Although my Dad is in decent shape he has been on medication for High Blood pressure for nearly 3 decades. 2 of my uncles also live in New Jersey and my Dad's youngest brother lives in San Francisco. My Dad's youngest brother appears to be the healthiest of them all as he has a very good diet, Water fasts quite frequently, and generally seems to have a low stress personality.

My Dad is a man who was working extremely hard in a stressful environment for 20+ years. This along with poor dietary choices, inadequate sleep, High Blood pressure, and possibly other underlying conditions are most likely what caused him to lose his hair. Meanwhile my Uncles even though they all have their own personal issues don't seem to have been under the same kind of stress my Father was which is why they all were able to keep their hair imo.

The way I see it now is if one has the genetics for MPB stress and inflammation must be kept at a minimum in order to prevent hair loss. The big problem is many stressors and things that cause inflammation can be hard to identify. In order to regrow hair that has been lost the main factors that need to addressed are the hardening of the scalp (Calcification), Hardened collagen formation/scarring (Fibrosis), and lymphatic stagnation in the scalp (Lymphodema).

Your hair looks pretty good to me. I think maintaining hair pretty much comes down to avoiding inflammatory foods, keeping stress at a minimum, a healthy thyroid and adequate Magnesium/Vitamin D3 are huge as well.


Nov 16, 2019
Well my Dad is currently retired now and lives in New Jersey. He worked as Law Enforcement in New York for over 20+ years. He generally worked long, stressful hours and I know his diet was never really good. Although my Dad is in decent shape he has been on medication for High Blood pressure for nearly 3 decades. 2 of my uncles also live in New Jersey and my Dad's youngest brother lives in San Francisco. My Dad's youngest brother appears to be the healthiest of them all as he has a very good diet, Water fasts quite frequently, and generally seems to have a low stress personality.

My Dad is a man who was working extremely hard in a stressful environment for 20+ years. This along with poor dietary choices, inadequate sleep, High Blood pressure, and possibly other underlying conditions are most likely what caused him to lose his hair. Meanwhile my Uncles even though they all have their own personal issues don't seem to have been under the same kind of stress my Father was which is why they all were able to keep their hair imo.

The way I see it now is if one has the genetics for MPB stress and inflammation must be kept at a minimum in order to prevent hair loss. The big problem is many stressors and things that cause inflammation can be hard to identify. In order to regrow hair that has been lost the main factors that need to addressed are the hardening of the scalp (Calcification), Hardened collagen formation/scarring (Fibrosis), and lymphatic stagnation in the scalp (Lymphodema).

Your hair looks pretty good to me. I think maintaining hair pretty much comes down to avoiding inflammatory foods, keeping stress at a minimum, a healthy thyroid and adequate Magnesium/Vitamin D3 are huge as well.
Thanks for sharing this.


Mar 4, 2019
First pic is my hair in September 2019
Second pic is my hair today. As you can see the center of my hair is still thin but much better than it was back in Sep 2019.


  • Sep 2019.jpeg
    Sep 2019.jpeg
    36.6 KB · Views: 151
  • April 4.jpg
    April 4.jpg
    205.1 KB · Views: 148


Mar 4, 2019
The frustrating thing now is I think I know exactly what to do to reverse my hair loss significantly. Every time I've used high dose MSM, Taurine, Vitamin D3, Vitamin A, along with Vitamin K2 I always see noticeable improvements to my hair thickness and quality in a matter of weeks.

The problem is I've been struggling with chronic constipation all my life (I truly think this is one of my hair loss triggers in the first place). Using all those supplements makes me bloated and even more constipated than normal. If I could find a way to use those sups without the constipation I'm convinced I can significantly regrow my hair.


Nov 16, 2019
Maybe you could try the vitamins D, A, K2 etc topically. You can get pure taurine from places like bulk supplements, very pure with no additives. I’m sure that could help.
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