

Jun 2, 2017
I've noticed that most people suffering hair loss also have flaky, inflamed scalps. Their foreheads are also very oily. I've also noticed that on days that my scalp is flakier and face is oilier than others is when I shed more hair. There's clearly a connection. I've been sitting on a theory the past few days that our scalps are being inhabited by fungus which is causing our scalps to become inflamed. Then our bodies send androgens to the scalp to try and reduce the inflammation. Although, I think maybe our bodies have always sent more androgens to the top of the scalp, because this is the only area without muscle which creates tension which creates inflammation. A high level of tension creates high levels of sebum which feeds any fungus that might be on your scalp. Then overgrowth occurs and eventually calcification. The inflammation is treated with androgens, the androgens create sebum, the sebum feeds the fungus, the fungus creates inflammation. It's a cycle. I think this is why some people have regrown hair with nizoral alone. Also, finasteride greatly lowers dht which is what controls sebum. Reduce sebum and the fungus begins to starve. I've reduced my sebum levels with progesterone and by taking coconut oil internally. I've noticed less shed. Although, today my androgens seemed high so I shed quite a bit, I could tell because my face was oilier than normal and libido was high. This could possibly be caused by stress, I've had a rough past few days. Stress = dht = sebum.

I also came across this interesting study:

"Malassezia may cause hair loss by utilizing the lipids present in different strata of epidermis and dermis leading to weakening of hair root and hair fall."
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Pablo Cruise

Jan 7, 2018
I accidentally started using dandruff shampoos when I had seborrheic dermatitis. My hair was falling out in clumps. It took 3-4 weeks to stop the loss and get rid of dandruff. Since then my hair has seemed to become thicker and healthier. I often see totally bald men with shiny scalps wondering if they had used or use dandruff shampoos they would have less hair loss, healthier scalps, etc.
I alternate about 3 different shampoos, use 3 times a week and I leave on scalp about 10 minutes. I use DhS Zinc 2% (most zinc shampoos are 1%), Selenium sulfide prescription strength 2.25% I think (the OTC probably works ok) and a combo Sulfacetamide/Salicylic Acid. Sebex or Sebux is the brand.


Jun 2, 2017
I think that’s the case for most men with hair loss, especially diffuse. There are small spots along my hairline where the hair is thin. I’ve noticed that there are always flakes there. If I scrape them off after showering, they’ll return within 24 hours. Progesterone has helped a lot with excess sebum. I’m also going to alternate between selenium sulfide, nizoral, coal tar, and a coconut oil apple cider vinegar shampoo bar with tea tree essential oil to hopefully kill off the fungus.

Pablo Cruise

Jan 7, 2018
I think that’s the case for most men with hair loss, especially diffuse. There are small spots along my hairline where the hair is thin. I’ve noticed that there are always flakes there. If I scrape them off after showering, they’ll return within 24 hours. Progesterone has helped a lot with excess sebum. I’m also going to alternate between selenium sulfide, nizoral, coal tar, and a coconut oil apple cider vinegar shampoo bar with tea tree essential oil to hopefully kill off the fungus.

I think most of the dandruff shampoos work on Malassezia yeast but work better when left on the scalp for several minutes. I don't know if the regular use of dandruff shampoos stops baldness but at least for me, it has thickened up my hair considerably and have less fall out. I think dht in sebum on the scalp is part of the problem whether dht is causative or a reaction to the inflammation of the yeast.

I developed serious dandruff at 16 years old. I washed my hair more frequently and thought I had cured the dandruff back then. About 3 years later I started losing my hair. I can only guess there was a connection then but I am not guessing now dandruff/sebum plays a role in hair loss possibly some possibly all. Or that Malassezia encourages the PGD2 stimulation throught the inflammation process? Hairloss is due to some inflammatory process they say....Who knows, but never seen much research into this yeast (fungus) and try dandruff shampoos for at least 3-4 weeks for visible relief and maybe 3-4 months to see if that slows your hairloss.....what do you have to lose? hair :)

Pablo Cruise

Jan 7, 2018
I've noticed that most people suffering hair loss also have flaky, inflamed scalps. Their foreheads are also very oily. I've also noticed that on days that my scalp is flakier and face is oilier than others is when I shed more hair. There's clearly a connection. I've been sitting on a theory the past few days that our scalps are being inhabited by fungus which is causing our scalps to become inflamed. Then our bodies send androgens to the scalp to try and reduce the inflammation. Although, I think maybe our bodies have always sent more androgens to the top of the scalp, because this is the only area without muscle which creates tension which creates inflammation. A high level of tension creates high levels of sebum which feeds any fungus that might be on your scalp. Then overgrowth occurs and eventually calcification. The inflammation is treated with androgens, the androgens create sebum, the sebum feeds the fungus, the fungus creates inflammation. It's a cycle. I think this is why some people have regrown hair with nizoral alone. Also, finasteride greatly lowers dht which is what controls sebum. Reduce sebum and the fungus begins to starve. I've reduced my sebum levels with progesterone and by taking coconut oil internally. I've noticed less shed. Although, today my androgens seemed high so I shed quite a bit, I could tell because my face was oilier than normal and libido was high. This could possibly be caused by stress, I've had a rough past few days. Stress = dht = sebum.

I also came across this interesting study:
Association of Malassezia species with dandruff

"Malassezia may cause hair loss by utilizing the lipids present in different strata of epidermis and dermis leading to weakening of hair root and hair fall."
Based on my experience, I agree the Malassezia yeast plays a role in hairloss for some or all.


Jun 2, 2017
Based on my experience, I agree the Malassezia yeast plays a role in hairloss for some or all.

So have your thinner spots filled in since clearing up your seb derm? There’s a spot on my hairline that I really need to thicken up. It’s getting super thin. I think maybe the constant inflammation from seb derm causes a lot of tension on the top of the scalp which causes the arteries to stiffen. I came across a study the other day talking about how minoxidil helps rebuild stiffened arteries which is probably why it regrows hair. At the same time though, I think hormones play a role because almost every male to female transgender regrow their hair pretty much completely. Perhaps it’s from decreasing sebum by lowering dht.
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Apr 9, 2015
This is really interesting as I get flaking and dead skin on my face when I leave the sebum build up its at its worst and I get a type of facial dandruff. Nothing has worked to clear it. I am still searching for the cure.


Jun 2, 2017
This is really interesting as I get flaking and dead skin on my face when I leave the sebum build up its at its worst and I get a type of facial dandruff. Nothing has worked to clear it. I am still searching for the cure.

I used to get the same thing on my face and it cleared up. I was using essential oils on it for a while, but I’m not sure if that’s what cleared it up. Tea tree is a very powerful anti fungal. If I don’t wash my hair everyday, flakes build up really badly. There’s definitely a connection between the flakes and hair loss.

Pablo Cruise

Jan 7, 2018
So have your thinner spots filled in since clearing up your seb derm? There’s a spot on my hairline that I really need to thicken up. It’s getting super thin. I think maybe the constant inflammation from seb derm causes a lot of tension on the top of the scalp which causes the arteries to stiffen. I came across a study the other day talking about how minoxidil helps rebuild stiffened arteries which is probably why it regrows hair. At the same time though, I think hormones play a role because almost every male to female transgender regrow their hair pretty much completely. Perhaps it’s from decreasing sebum by lowering dht.

What if there is one cause of baldness and everything else is symptoms? How you react to Seb derm may be a hormonal response or the hormones might provide a better home to the yeast? DHT is not causal. We are talking, the experts that is, talking about the inflammation and white cells in bald pate and what does the yeast do? Cause inflammation. I know too simple to say the yeast is the problem.


Jun 2, 2017
What if there is one cause of baldness and everything else is symptoms? How you react to Seb derm may be a hormonal response or the hormones might provide a better home to the yeast? DHT is not causal. We are talking, the experts that is, talking about the inflammation and white cells in bald pate and what does the yeast do? Cause inflammation. I know too simple to say the yeast is the problem.

It’s been proven that Malassezia feeds on sebum. Higher dht = more sebum = more Malassezia = more inflammation. Then the body sends more dht to the inflamed areas which results in more sebum. It’s a cycle. When I had seb derm on my face, the oiliest parts would get so red and inflamed. Especially the folds of my nose. It would get oily as hell.


Aug 6, 2015
You are absolutely correct. Hairloss is caused by fungus
I've noticed that most people suffering hair loss also have flaky, inflamed scalps. Their foreheads are also very oily. I've also noticed that on days that my scalp is flakier and face is oilier than others is when I shed more hair. There's clearly a connection. I've been sitting on a theory the past few days that our scalps are being inhabited by fungus which is causing our scalps to become inflamed. Then our bodies send androgens to the scalp to try and reduce the inflammation. Although, I think maybe our bodies have always sent more androgens to the top of the scalp, because this is the only area without muscle which creates tension which creates inflammation. A high level of tension creates high levels of sebum which feeds any fungus that might be on your scalp. Then overgrowth occurs and eventually calcification. The inflammation is treated with androgens, the androgens create sebum, the sebum feeds the fungus, the fungus creates inflammation. It's a cycle. I think this is why some people have regrown hair with nizoral alone. Also, finasteride greatly lowers dht which is what controls sebum. Reduce sebum and the fungus begins to starve. I've reduced my sebum levels with progesterone and by taking coconut oil internally. I've noticed less shed. Although, today my androgens seemed high so I shed quite a bit, I could tell because my face was oilier than normal and libido was high. This could possibly be caused by stress, I've had a rough past few days. Stress = dht = sebum.

I also came across this interesting study:
Association of Malassezia species with dandruff

"Malassezia may cause hair loss by utilizing the lipids present in different strata of epidermis and dermis leading to weakening of hair root and hair fall."

cortisol and prolactin also increase sebum, not just DHT.

if you have no sebum, then there will be no bacteria.

Maybe baldness is just the bacteria on the scalp, and the bacteria are causing the baldness.
The bacteria may happen independently of any hormones.


Aug 6, 2015
kingsley scalp toner is just piroctone olamine in alcohol.
piroctone olamine is better than nizoral.

this product also looks good

Lithium Gluconate (8%), Glycyrrhetinic Acid (2%), Salicylic Acid (0.5%), Pyroctone Olamine (0.5%), Micronized Zinc Pyrithione, Calendula Extract.

Sebovalis facial cream


Aug 6, 2015
selenium sulfide
zinc pythirione
pironctone olamine

are the main antifungals that can kill of the bacteria that produce the stress on the scalp.

Mitolipin can be used to turn the fat in the body back to saturated fat. maybe topically too.

kingley scalp toner is just piroctone olamine in alcohol


Aug 6, 2015
buy piroctone olamine powder and make a potent alcohol/water solution

just 1.5% is enough, shampoos seem to be a pointless way to get the ingredient in the scalp, but I could be wrong,
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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