Scoliosis Since I Was 12


Oct 20, 2016

One of the things I haven't told about myself is that I have scoliosis. Today was a very exhausting day. I had an appointment at the orthopedist and after a frustration conversation I eventually left the office in a calm manner. So what happened was they took some measurements. Luckily, the scoliosis hasn't progressed in 8 years and has stayed stable since.

I have done alot of exercises and I tried all kinds of supplements and to be honest, I never expected a miracle. However, they did say that there was nothing they could really do and that's one thing that was hard for me to accept. Realizing they did their job, I just got frustrated in my head and was like, damn. I love to work out and this scoliosis is just bugging my workouts and more importantly my life in general. I don't want to complain as I have to be grateful for the other things in life and I truly am. This scoliosis is just wrecking havoc, that is what nags me the most.

Anyone who has a form of scoliosis should know what I am talking about. Even though I am grateful to have legs, eyes, arms and a (from what I believe) generally healthy body (aside from the scoliosis) it's very annoying to deal with the pain that's nagging me everyday. Heck, I've been a kickboxer for a very long time and I don't even mind taking a beating, that temporary pain is something I would take any day over this "nagging" pain that just frustrates the hell out of me. While I don't expect empathy, I do hope that there is a solution out there that could alleviate or reverse this scoliosis thingy. I believe scoliosis is a disease, not just a malformation and for every disease there should be a cure right.

Anyways, I won't get my hopes up too much but I was wondering whether someone knows something can be done about scoliosis? I searched all over internet but I couldn't find anything specifically that is succesfull. Could pregnenolone or any other hormones, perhaps even steroid injections reverse or help with scoliosis?

Last week when I took some gelatin with milk and plenty of sugar, alot of backpains went away and I am talking about the nagging ones. I though it was my imagination but I redid the gelatin yesterday with some red light and I sure did notice a difference again. Could any of these play a role in bone health and/or muscle issues in scoliosis?

This scoliosis is so annoying that it's starting to eat away my joy, and today I am a bit more emotional because I still don't know how I can possible approach this. I was hoping to reach out to Ray Peat hoping he could provide an answer on scoliosis in general. Again, I expect the worst but who knows, he might have an answer. Does anyone know whether there is a way to contact him? I actually thought about this a year ago, but never persued in trying to contact him. But now, this long journey which came to an end today feels weird. Weird in a way that I am willing to accept certain flaws in my health but that I should not give up on searching for an answer/solution yet. I don't expect Ray Peat to know everything about everything, but he usually is spot on. If he doesn't know, then I'll probably have to accept for what it is.

Thanks everyone,

Eat, sleep, Ray, (re)Peat!

Hugh Johnson

Mar 14, 2014
The Sultanate of Portugal
I have been doing traditional Finnish treatment similar to chiropractic adjustment and my scoliosis is less, tension headache is gone and I feel lighter.

Chiropractor might be able to help. I have also feel like iodine is helping. Alexander technique has also made a big difference.


Oct 20, 2016
I have been doing traditional Finnish treatment similar to chiropractic adjustment and my scoliosis is less, tension headache is gone and I feel lighter.

Chiropractor might be able to help. I have also feel like iodine is helping. Alexander technique has also made a big difference.

Thanks for replying, do u mean less as in the curve has straightened up? I tried iodine for a long time (was like 1.5-2 years ago) but I can't really say recall the effects it had on backpain. Haven't heard of the Alexander technique before, I will look it up, seems interesting. Thanks for tuning in :)!


Nov 10, 2014
Which vertebrae are mainly affected?

Gelatin seems like a no brainer to continue with.

bernard jensen 'tissue cleansing through bowel management' old ladies who are doubled over with what looks like completely incurable scoliosis, spines straightened out about 80%

gallbladder and l4-l5 run on same circuit.


Jan 17, 2016
I have the curve type of scoliosis but I do not have the twist. Upper thoracic to my skull.

A lot of chiropractic care which helped manage pain but the degree of the curve increased. This put my head over the center of my body mass so it did help with balance despite technically worsening.

Years ago I found a YouTube video from India of a guy that uses aqua puncture to fix scoliosis. I have since lost the link but if you want to know where to put the pressure I'll try to make a diagram. You might be able to find an accupuncturist to do the job for you.

My chiropractor was not keen on using an accupressure technique although he said he has seen it done before. He was concerned that my curve may be caused by incorrect tension and may cause worse problems if we straighten my spine.


Apr 14, 2013
I have scoliosis. I was diagnosed at age 10. I have been seeing a chiropractor regularly since then and I am now 41 years old and it has not progressed and rarely gives me pain. I see the chiropractor at least once per month, more if I have active pain but it's more preventative. I was fortunate to find a great chiropractor, some of them are quacks unfortunately. Ideally you want one that has a long upstanding presence in your community. Of course all the typical RP suggestions will help to prevent further degeneration.
As far as straightening the curvature, you could look into a ScoliSMART boot camp (where they teach you exercises to help). I'm not sure to what extent the curve could be reversed though.


Jul 8, 2014
@Insomnia — I can totally understand your pain and frustration. I have scoliosis and a kyphosis due to fracturing half my spine and the vertebrate compressing/wedging, forcing my ribs to interlock — I now stand 4" shorter. I was told the same thing as you. I started out as an active person, hiked mountains every weekend, danced etc. and ended up totally disabled (had to learn how to walk again) and in so much pain I fought the need to end my life on a daily basis so accepting what doctors told me wasn't an option in my mind.

Anyhow, I absolutely notice a difference in pain based on the foods I eat, which is the main reason why I stuck to a fruitarian diet for so long. If your doctors haven't done so yet, you could ask them to check the main glands involved in calcium metabolism, your parathyroid glands (PTH and calcium levels) and thyroid (including temps, pulse and the Achilles tendon reflex test if possible), vitamin D, B12 and possibly your adrenal glands (aldosterone, sodium, potassium, cortisol levels etc., and your blood pressure).


Mar 2, 2016
From Jack Kruse



The incidence of scoliosis in patients with congenital heart disease has been found to be considerably higher than in the youthful population at large. Furthermore, patients with cyanotic congenital heart disease have a remarkably greater incidence of scoliosis than patients with acyanotic cardiac malformations. Cyanotic heart disease = lowered oxygen tensions in blood plasma. The etiology of the spinal abnormality, apart from those patients with vertebral malformations, is not completely clear to classical medicine, although statistically there appears to be some relation to the side of thoracotomy when surgery is done on these patients. This is the clue that it is related to the location of the superior cervical ganglion. The ganglion is not anatomically symmetric from right to left. The right superior cervical sympathetic cardiac nerve passes in front of or behind the first portion of the subclavian artery, following the innominate artery, and terminating in the deep cardiac plexus. On the left side, the nerve passes between the left common carotid and the left subclavian artery, and over the left side of the arch of the aorta, to the left of the left pneumogastric nerve, terminating in the superficial cardiac plexus. Rapid progression of scoliosis during adolescence is often encountered; the concave side of the curve often gives a photoelectric clue to the quantum clinician because of Fermat’s law. Frequent follow-up of patients at that time is warranted and I always ask about their light environment, Vitamin D3 status and check their pupillary team for hints of what is really going on. If one side is dominant in cerebral blood flow you can bet that the curve in the spine will compensate the other way because of the relationship to the superior cervical ganglion.

Does scoliosis or curvature of the spine lead to shorter life because of the change in CBF? Is this related to TIME?

According to an article published in the Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery in June of 1981, the average age of death in an untreated scoliosis patient in 1948 was 49.3 years. Here is the direct quote from the paper: “The age at death ranged from eighteen to seventy-seven years, with an average of 49.3 years.”

Upon further research, it can be determined that the average life expectancy of a US citizen in 1932 (the year the study began) was 61 years. The average life expectancy of a US citizen in 1948 (the year the study ended) was 67.2 years. This information is obtainable from official sources such as The average of the two is 64.1 years. So it appears that scoliosis does affect time by shortening longevity. This is consistent with a lowered CBF to the brain and eye. This would affect the symmetry of the central retinal pathways in the eyes and the asymmetric release or hormones from the pituitary gland that could lead to helical growth of the spine due to the amount of light and oxygen carried on the blood to both sides of the brain

If the average life expectancy for someone born between 1932 and 1948 is 64.1 years, and the average life expectancy of one of the scoliosis patients followed in this study was 49.3 years, then scoliosis patients, on average, lived 14 years less than expected (64.1 minus 49.3 equals 14.8).

One article, “Natural History of Untreated Idiopathic Scoliosis after Skeletal Maturity,” by Ascani et al, makes the following statement:

“Regarding mortality, our results agree substantially with those of Nilsonne and Lungren and Nachemson. The mortality rate of 17%, within the first 50 years, is about twice as high as the mortality rate of the general Italian population between the ages of 20 and 50 years.”

So it does appear this time link exists in the spine. Why? Is it correlation versus causation? Let us examine how light links our anatomy to control signaling using our autonomic nervous systems. Could light and oxygen be the quantum controller?


They key is the white rami communicates at the first 4 thoracic vertebra in cerebral blood flow and in scoliosis cases. What does the first 4 white rami communicates do in the first 4 thoracic nerves? What do they connect? The intermediolateral cell column (IMLCC) exists at vertebral levels at the top of the thoracic vertebra. It turns out T1 – L2 and mediates the entire sympathetic innervation of the body, but the nucleus resides in the grey matter of the spinal cord. Why?

The hypothalamic paraventricular nucleus (PVN) gives its entire output to the intermediolateral cell column of the spinal cord, where neurons project and innervate the superior cervical ganglion. (Adrenal fatigue link)

These nerves are the only nerve roots in the spine that connect the superior cervical sympathetic ganglion to the IMLCC which then directly connect to the brown fat pads in humans which sits upon the trapezius muscle at the top of your thoracic spine. No one, to date, has figured out why human brown fat sits where it does. Now you have my opinion of why our anatomy is built this way. It is done because the entire systems is quantized to light. This fat provides us the ability to burn fat to heat to make infrared light and water from the brown fat when stress is present. Stress liberate ELF-UV light from cells and this is the signal that is used to change blood flow in the carotid system.

The first four white rami also take sympathetic fibers to heart and larynx as well. This is why heart math programs work as they do. They cannot explain any of these connections directly of specifically, but they just know it works. Why does Wim Hof push breathing as part of his CT protocol? Breathing is also innervated by these nerves. These nerves monitor blood flow to the brain in the carotid system. This is how the brain samples the free radicals, oxygen, and CO2 in your plasma that come from all your surfaces. Neurosurgery taught me lowering the amount of CO2 in a damaged brain can help transient lower the blood plasma temperature to raise oxygen tensions. Geology biohacks taught me lowering the CO2 in the air will drop the environment’s temperature, while raising the oxygen tension of the local environment. That geology lesson explained to me that hyperventilation is a way to maximize cold thermogenesis in a sick brain using quantum principles.
Electron spin is the key to free radical signaling in mitochondria. They determine heteroplasmy % in the mitochondria of our tissues. Heteroplasmy % in our mitochondria determine how energy can or cannot flow into any organ system. Energy flow is linked to CO2 and oxygen tensions. Why? Mitochondria only use oxygen as their terminal electron acceptor.

One organ system can be radically different than any other. This makes the local geometry within mitochondria extremely important. It turns out that humans allow their brains to steal energy from other tissues when the carotid system and brain sense there is a major stressor present.

Anything that monitors blood flow also measures electrons spin, and electron spin is affected by electric fields, magnetic fields, and the frequency of light. The frequency of light carries information of the angular momentum of a light wave. That information comes via the retina of the eye. It turns out how much UV light is contained in hemoglobin, porphyrins, and in the exclusion zone of the blood plasma is a critical measure for humans because of their brain. Cerebral blood flow is auto regulated by this system that measures electron spin.

I will remind you again blood is 93% water by volume. So how does electron spin directly link to all the controllers of growth metabolism in your body? Remember those are mediated by the central retinal pathways. Is the retina part of the human brain? Yep……………..welcome to a new world reality. Your “eye clock” controls a lot more than you thought. It is an electronic counter for numbers of electrons and their spin and the photonic power contained in your tissues. This information all comes from your mitochondria and is dumped into your blood for your brain to decipher how to spread out the energy budget via your blood plasma. Now you should understand why all types of stressors can lead to cognitive haze. Too much stress can steal cerebral blood flow if the system is not attuned to light properly.

What is in the head that deals with light to control the central retinal pathways? The eye clock. What is the lumen receptor in the vascular system and skin? Neuropsin. These upper thoracic nerves control the information in electrons to control the blood flow to your retina and brain. The amount of blood flow that gets delivered to the head is delivered to the ophthalmic artery which feeds the retina and the RPE where the eye clock is located. The anatomy of the ophthalmic artery is very unusual as well. Every neurosurgeon learns this in detail. Why? It unusual turns are tied to sun light too. How does this circulatory pathway link your eye to your spine? Why have I told you looking at MRI”s of your spine tells me a lot about your mitochondria?

The top 4 rami of the thoracic nerves sit atop of your spine. Might the condition of your discs or the shape of your spine be a quantum sign of a loss of photons, or DC electric current? Why would your spine curve abnormally in this case as you are growing to give you scoliosis? Might it be your brain is acting to steal blood flow from the spine to shunt it to the brain under a chronic light stress? YEP

Is this a mechanism that a clinician should pay deep attention too? Is scoliosis a way we rob Peter to pay Paul because the DC electric current is no longer present in the anterior and posterior longitudinal ligament in their spine? Is this why degenerative disc disease maybe a signal of a circadian mismatch? Where would the spine go to get or recover this loss of energy? The brown fat is located where in humans again? It sits on the top of your trapezius muscles and over your cervical and thoracic junction and shoulders. This is precisely where the first four thoracic nerves of the white rami nerve fibers go to get this energy. What does this imply?

Those 4 sympathetic rami communicantes monitor the DC electric current between brain and spine, and when the DC electric current is low, these nerves act to liberate or steal energy from brown fat or re-direct energy from the spine if they cannot harvest it from the brown fat because of your excessive use of technology and blue light. This is why discs lose water and shrink in degenerative conditions.


This is a pretty profound explanation in my experience. Shine a halogen light generating UV on your neck irradiating your carotid bodies and you will feel what he is describing.


Oct 20, 2016
@Hugh Johnson @robertf @steel_reserve @Zpol @Jennifer @Diokine

Thank you all! I really appreciate you all taking the time to reach out and comment.

Which vertebrae are mainly affected?

Gelatin seems like a no brainer to continue with.

bernard jensen 'tissue cleansing through bowel management' old ladies who are doubled over with what looks like completely incurable scoliosis, spines straightened out about 80%

gallbladder and l4-l5 run on same circuit.

I have a picture (I took one of the screen when they showed me the scan of today. The first picture has a before and now (so left is of today and right is of 2010). They did a check-up in 2010 to see whether it progressed or not. 2nd picture is also the one of today.

Btw, that's an insane percentage 80% sounds very promising. And why is gelatin a no-brainer, just asking out of curiosity, since I am quite new to gelatin when it comes to researching it and the knowledge. I have used it before but never really researched it well enough, I went by recommendations here on the forum. I mainly focused on vitamins/minerals. As of lately I heavily focus on diet aswell.

I have the curve type of scoliosis but I do not have the twist. Upper thoracic to my skull.

A lot of chiropractic care which helped manage pain but the degree of the curve increased. This put my head over the center of my body mass so it did help with balance despite technically worsening.

Years ago I found a YouTube video from India of a guy that uses aqua puncture to fix scoliosis. I have since lost the link but if you want to know where to put the pressure I'll try to make a diagram. You might be able to find an accupuncturist to do the job for you.

My chiropractor was not keen on using an accupressure technique although he said he has seen it done before. He was concerned that my curve may be caused by incorrect tension and may cause worse problems if we straighten my spine.

Thank you for tuning in, I would love to try out and put pressure on the recommended spot. If u could point it out I'll make an appointment at the accupuncturist and have it done for me, because at this point I am open to try anything out.

I have scoliosis. I was diagnosed at age 10. I have been seeing a chiropractor regularly since then and I am now 41 years old and it has not progressed and rarely gives me pain. I see the chiropractor at least once per month, more if I have active pain but it's more preventative. I was fortunate to find a great chiropractor, some of them are quacks unfortunately. Ideally you want one that has a long upstanding presence in your community. Of course all the typical RP suggestions will help to prevent further degeneration.
As far as straightening the curvature, you could look into a ScoliSMART boot camp (where they teach you exercises to help). I'm not sure to what extent the curve could be reversed though.

Thanks for tuning in, I looked into the ScoliSMART and that one seems really interesting. I just couldn't find many in depth reviews of it (I did find some videos on youtube). I wonder whether something can be achieved without the use of ScoliSMART (i.e. exercises), I do not mind investing in but it's more of a convenience type of thing. I reckon that one doesn't permanently wear this after some time of use?

@Insomnia — I can totally understand your pain and frustration. I have scoliosis and a kyphosis due to fracturing half my spine and the vertebrate compressing/wedging, forcing my ribs to interlock — I now stand 4" shorter. I was told the same thing as you. I started out as an active person, hiked mountains every weekend, danced etc. and ended up totally disabled (had to learn how to walk again) and in so much pain I fought the need to end my life on a daily basis so accepting what doctors told me wasn't an option in my mind.

Anyhow, I absolutely notice a difference in pain based on the foods I eat, which is the main reason why I stuck to a fruitarian diet for so long. If your doctors haven't done so yet, you could ask them to check the main glands involved in calcium metabolism, your parathyroid glands (PTH and calcium levels) and thyroid (including temps, pulse and the Achilles tendon reflex test if possible), vitamin D, B12 and possibly your adrenal glands (aldosterone, sodium, potassium, cortisol levels etc., and your blood pressure).

Thanks Jennifer, I haven't really spoken to other people who have scoliosis (since I don't know really someone who has it) so it's relieving to hear people who understand the pain and the frustrations that come with it. On the other side it's a contradictory feeling , since I know how it feels, so I hope you get rid of it aswell or at least find relief somehow. As for the bloodworks, I had them done 2 weeks ago. Pretty much everything was okay. Everything you mentioned was measured, except for aldosterone, sodium and potassium. Everything was also within range, except for Iron levels (which were a bit on the low side). I experimented with iron a couple of months ago and I eat liver on a regular basis. Whenever I eat liver I also have less backpains since I feel my muscles relax more. It's insane how immediate it's effects are, it's almost unbelievable. I also had the Achilles tendon reflex done 2 years ago, the reflex was a bit slow but everything did work. The neurologist concluded everything was fine.


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Oct 20, 2016
From Jack Kruse



The incidence of scoliosis in patients with congenital heart disease has been found to be considerably higher than in the youthful population at large. Furthermore, patients with cyanotic congenital heart disease have a remarkably greater incidence of scoliosis than patients with acyanotic cardiac malformations. Cyanotic heart disease = lowered oxygen tensions in blood plasma. The etiology of the spinal abnormality, apart from those patients with vertebral malformations, is not completely clear to classical medicine, although statistically there appears to be some relation to the side of thoracotomy when surgery is done on these patients. This is the clue that it is related to the location of the superior cervical ganglion. The ganglion is not anatomically symmetric from right to left. The right superior cervical sympathetic cardiac nerve passes in front of or behind the first portion of the subclavian artery, following the innominate artery, and terminating in the deep cardiac plexus. On the left side, the nerve passes between the left common carotid and the left subclavian artery, and over the left side of the arch of the aorta, to the left of the left pneumogastric nerve, terminating in the superficial cardiac plexus. Rapid progression of scoliosis during adolescence is often encountered; the concave side of the curve often gives a photoelectric clue to the quantum clinician because of Fermat’s law. Frequent follow-up of patients at that time is warranted and I always ask about their light environment, Vitamin D3 status and check their pupillary team for hints of what is really going on. If one side is dominant in cerebral blood flow you can bet that the curve in the spine will compensate the other way because of the relationship to the superior cervical ganglion.

Does scoliosis or curvature of the spine lead to shorter life because of the change in CBF? Is this related to TIME?

According to an article published in the Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery in June of 1981, the average age of death in an untreated scoliosis patient in 1948 was 49.3 years. Here is the direct quote from the paper: “The age at death ranged from eighteen to seventy-seven years, with an average of 49.3 years.”

Upon further research, it can be determined that the average life expectancy of a US citizen in 1932 (the year the study began) was 61 years. The average life expectancy of a US citizen in 1948 (the year the study ended) was 67.2 years. This information is obtainable from official sources such as The average of the two is 64.1 years. So it appears that scoliosis does affect time by shortening longevity. This is consistent with a lowered CBF to the brain and eye. This would affect the symmetry of the central retinal pathways in the eyes and the asymmetric release or hormones from the pituitary gland that could lead to helical growth of the spine due to the amount of light and oxygen carried on the blood to both sides of the brain

If the average life expectancy for someone born between 1932 and 1948 is 64.1 years, and the average life expectancy of one of the scoliosis patients followed in this study was 49.3 years, then scoliosis patients, on average, lived 14 years less than expected (64.1 minus 49.3 equals 14.8).

One article, “Natural History of Untreated Idiopathic Scoliosis after Skeletal Maturity,” by Ascani et al, makes the following statement:

“Regarding mortality, our results agree substantially with those of Nilsonne and Lungren and Nachemson. The mortality rate of 17%, within the first 50 years, is about twice as high as the mortality rate of the general Italian population between the ages of 20 and 50 years.”

So it does appear this time link exists in the spine. Why? Is it correlation versus causation? Let us examine how light links our anatomy to control signaling using our autonomic nervous systems. Could light and oxygen be the quantum controller?


They key is the white rami communicates at the first 4 thoracic vertebra in cerebral blood flow and in scoliosis cases. What does the first 4 white rami communicates do in the first 4 thoracic nerves? What do they connect? The intermediolateral cell column (IMLCC) exists at vertebral levels at the top of the thoracic vertebra. It turns out T1 – L2 and mediates the entire sympathetic innervation of the body, but the nucleus resides in the grey matter of the spinal cord. Why?

The hypothalamic paraventricular nucleus (PVN) gives its entire output to the intermediolateral cell column of the spinal cord, where neurons project and innervate the superior cervical ganglion. (Adrenal fatigue link)

These nerves are the only nerve roots in the spine that connect the superior cervical sympathetic ganglion to the IMLCC which then directly connect to the brown fat pads in humans which sits upon the trapezius muscle at the top of your thoracic spine. No one, to date, has figured out why human brown fat sits where it does. Now you have my opinion of why our anatomy is built this way. It is done because the entire systems is quantized to light. This fat provides us the ability to burn fat to heat to make infrared light and water from the brown fat when stress is present. Stress liberate ELF-UV light from cells and this is the signal that is used to change blood flow in the carotid system.

The first four white rami also take sympathetic fibers to heart and larynx as well. This is why heart math programs work as they do. They cannot explain any of these connections directly of specifically, but they just know it works. Why does Wim Hof push breathing as part of his CT protocol? Breathing is also innervated by these nerves. These nerves monitor blood flow to the brain in the carotid system. This is how the brain samples the free radicals, oxygen, and CO2 in your plasma that come from all your surfaces. Neurosurgery taught me lowering the amount of CO2 in a damaged brain can help transient lower the blood plasma temperature to raise oxygen tensions. Geology biohacks taught me lowering the CO2 in the air will drop the environment’s temperature, while raising the oxygen tension of the local environment. That geology lesson explained to me that hyperventilation is a way to maximize cold thermogenesis in a sick brain using quantum principles.
Electron spin is the key to free radical signaling in mitochondria. They determine heteroplasmy % in the mitochondria of our tissues. Heteroplasmy % in our mitochondria determine how energy can or cannot flow into any organ system. Energy flow is linked to CO2 and oxygen tensions. Why? Mitochondria only use oxygen as their terminal electron acceptor.

One organ system can be radically different than any other. This makes the local geometry within mitochondria extremely important. It turns out that humans allow their brains to steal energy from other tissues when the carotid system and brain sense there is a major stressor present.

Anything that monitors blood flow also measures electrons spin, and electron spin is affected by electric fields, magnetic fields, and the frequency of light. The frequency of light carries information of the angular momentum of a light wave. That information comes via the retina of the eye. It turns out how much UV light is contained in hemoglobin, porphyrins, and in the exclusion zone of the blood plasma is a critical measure for humans because of their brain. Cerebral blood flow is auto regulated by this system that measures electron spin.

I will remind you again blood is 93% water by volume. So how does electron spin directly link to all the controllers of growth metabolism in your body? Remember those are mediated by the central retinal pathways. Is the retina part of the human brain? Yep……………..welcome to a new world reality. Your “eye clock” controls a lot more than you thought. It is an electronic counter for numbers of electrons and their spin and the photonic power contained in your tissues. This information all comes from your mitochondria and is dumped into your blood for your brain to decipher how to spread out the energy budget via your blood plasma. Now you should understand why all types of stressors can lead to cognitive haze. Too much stress can steal cerebral blood flow if the system is not attuned to light properly.

What is in the head that deals with light to control the central retinal pathways? The eye clock. What is the lumen receptor in the vascular system and skin? Neuropsin. These upper thoracic nerves control the information in electrons to control the blood flow to your retina and brain. The amount of blood flow that gets delivered to the head is delivered to the ophthalmic artery which feeds the retina and the RPE where the eye clock is located. The anatomy of the ophthalmic artery is very unusual as well. Every neurosurgeon learns this in detail. Why? It unusual turns are tied to sun light too. How does this circulatory pathway link your eye to your spine? Why have I told you looking at MRI”s of your spine tells me a lot about your mitochondria?

The top 4 rami of the thoracic nerves sit atop of your spine. Might the condition of your discs or the shape of your spine be a quantum sign of a loss of photons, or DC electric current? Why would your spine curve abnormally in this case as you are growing to give you scoliosis? Might it be your brain is acting to steal blood flow from the spine to shunt it to the brain under a chronic light stress? YEP

Is this a mechanism that a clinician should pay deep attention too? Is scoliosis a way we rob Peter to pay Paul because the DC electric current is no longer present in the anterior and posterior longitudinal ligament in their spine? Is this why degenerative disc disease maybe a signal of a circadian mismatch? Where would the spine go to get or recover this loss of energy? The brown fat is located where in humans again? It sits on the top of your trapezius muscles and over your cervical and thoracic junction and shoulders. This is precisely where the first four thoracic nerves of the white rami nerve fibers go to get this energy. What does this imply?

Those 4 sympathetic rami communicantes monitor the DC electric current between brain and spine, and when the DC electric current is low, these nerves act to liberate or steal energy from brown fat or re-direct energy from the spine if they cannot harvest it from the brown fat because of your excessive use of technology and blue light. This is why discs lose water and shrink in degenerative conditions.


This is a pretty profound explanation in my experience. Shine a halogen light generating UV on your neck irradiating your carotid bodies and you will feel what he is describing.

That's quite interesting. So if I understand it correctly (please correct me if I didn't) , mitochondria aren't working optimally as they should in people with degenerative disc diseases (such as scoliosis). What can I do exactly when it comes to experimenting with CO2/Oxygen and perhaps light therapy?
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Jul 8, 2014
@Insomnia — Thank you! I hope the same for you, as well. :)

Yes, it really is crazy how immediate the effects of a food can be. I've often questioned if I'm just imagining things, it happens so quickly. Given your reflex was a bit slow, I still wonder if your thyroid and/or adrenals are involved. Is your name any reflection of a symptom you suffer from? If so, that would be another sign for me.


Apr 14, 2013
bernard jensen 'tissue cleansing through bowel management' old ladies who are doubled over with what looks like completely incurable scoliosis, spines straightened out about 80%.

I do not mind investing in but it's more of a convenience type of thing. I reckon that one doesn't permanently wear this after some time of use?

I don't know if I could do the suit either frankly. If you could find a ScoliSMART clinic to visit or have a remote consultation with; that'd probably be best and most informative as to how to proceed for your individual case and what you can personally manage.

I second doing some research into Bernard Jenson. You will have to invest in a slant board or ab bench to do his protocol but he has a lot of good information. I had a pdf with exercises but I lost it. @robertf if you have any links, maybe you could share them with us if you get a moment?


Nov 10, 2014
I don't necessarily think you have to follow any specific protocol. I mentioned Jensen because the book is very graphic and results are dramatic. Once people become aware of what's lurking in the gut they can formulate their own plan to get it out. There are plenty of options. No idea of any current forums or anything.

Also forgot to mention hair mineral test. Definitely want to see what's going on with your calcium, mag, sodium, phosphorous, heavy metals, etc.

Hugh Johnson

Mar 14, 2014
The Sultanate of Portugal
Thanks for replying, do u mean less as in the curve has straightened up? I tried iodine for a long time (was like 1.5-2 years ago) but I can't really say recall the effects it had on backpain. Haven't heard of the Alexander technique before, I will look it up, seems interesting. Thanks for tuning in :)!
Yeah. Less. The spine appears less curved. It's called jäsenkorjaus, and it's a traditional Finnish treatment. He massages the spine straight, increases mobility in ribs etc in holistic manner
Apr 22, 2019
I was diagnosed with scoliosis around the age of 11 in school, never thought too much about it.

Developed lower back pains by the age of 20 doing a job that included regular lifting of ~40-50lbs and lots of bending and stooping.

Fixed the lower back pains by mobilizing the hips, particularly by using the 'couch stretch' made popular by Kelly Starrett. For me I realized a direct correlation between hip, psoas, and QL mobility and spinal health.

Suggestions include:
-mobilize hips, psoas, QL
-lie down on the floor, breathe through the diaphragm, and allow the body to thoroughly express itself as a means of releasing emotional trauma that's manifested itself as your living shape. The mind holds onto traumas that perpetuate familiar physical patterns that aren't of an ideal stature. This isn't something to be forced, but instead allowed. A fascial expression as it were.
-lie down on the floor or a table. Have someone else grab you by your big toes (or heels if too uncomfortable) and have them lean backwards as if to emulate a skiers position. Have the gripper rock back and forth in an attempt to straighten the spine out (taken from someone else's notes that were taken from Atom Bergstrom)
-develop a proper ability to hang from a bar with a hollow body position, knuckles over the bar, etc. This can alleviate tension around the cervical and thoracic spine

Dave Clark

Jun 2, 2017
My atlas-orthoganol practitioner told me that if the atlas/axis is not aligned correctly, the rest of the spine will follow through with the misalignment. Sort of like a train, if the engine is not straight and curved to the left or right, the rest of the cars behind it will follow in that direction. I know little about scoliosis, but I wanted to just mention this, as it makes sense and could be the cause of many people's spinal curves. I feel this sort of treatment should be standard of care in chiropractic, since the atlas/axis can be the root cause of many problems. Just some food for thought.


Apr 15, 2020
From Jack Kruse



The incidence of scoliosis in patients with congenital heart disease has been found to be considerably higher than in the youthful population at large. Furthermore, patients with cyanotic congenital heart disease have a remarkably greater incidence of scoliosis than patients with acyanotic cardiac malformations. Cyanotic heart disease = lowered oxygen tensions in blood plasma. The etiology of the spinal abnormality, apart from those patients with vertebral malformations, is not completely clear to classical medicine, although statistically there appears to be some relation to the side of thoracotomy when surgery is done on these patients. This is the clue that it is related to the location of the superior cervical ganglion. The ganglion is not anatomically symmetric from right to left. The right superior cervical sympathetic cardiac nerve passes in front of or behind the first portion of the subclavian artery, following the innominate artery, and terminating in the deep cardiac plexus. On the left side, the nerve passes between the left common carotid and the left subclavian artery, and over the left side of the arch of the aorta, to the left of the left pneumogastric nerve, terminating in the superficial cardiac plexus. Rapid progression of scoliosis during adolescence is often encountered; the concave side of the curve often gives a photoelectric clue to the quantum clinician because of Fermat’s law. Frequent follow-up of patients at that time is warranted and I always ask about their light environment, Vitamin D3 status and check their pupillary team for hints of what is really going on. If one side is dominant in cerebral blood flow you can bet that the curve in the spine will compensate the other way because of the relationship to the superior cervical ganglion.

Does scoliosis or curvature of the spine lead to shorter life because of the change in CBF? Is this related to TIME?

According to an article published in the Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery in June of 1981, the average age of death in an untreated scoliosis patient in 1948 was 49.3 years. Here is the direct quote from the paper: “The age at death ranged from eighteen to seventy-seven years, with an average of 49.3 years.”

Upon further research, it can be determined that the average life expectancy of a US citizen in 1932 (the year the study began) was 61 years. The average life expectancy of a US citizen in 1948 (the year the study ended) was 67.2 years. This information is obtainable from official sources such as The average of the two is 64.1 years. So it appears that scoliosis does affect time by shortening longevity. This is consistent with a lowered CBF to the brain and eye. This would affect the symmetry of the central retinal pathways in the eyes and the asymmetric release or hormones from the pituitary gland that could lead to helical growth of the spine due to the amount of light and oxygen carried on the blood to both sides of the brain

If the average life expectancy for someone born between 1932 and 1948 is 64.1 years, and the average life expectancy of one of the scoliosis patients followed in this study was 49.3 years, then scoliosis patients, on average, lived 14 years less than expected (64.1 minus 49.3 equals 14.8).

One article, “Natural History of Untreated Idiopathic Scoliosis after Skeletal Maturity,” by Ascani et al, makes the following statement:

“Regarding mortality, our results agree substantially with those of Nilsonne and Lungren and Nachemson. The mortality rate of 17%, within the first 50 years, is about twice as high as the mortality rate of the general Italian population between the ages of 20 and 50 years.”

So it does appear this time link exists in the spine. Why? Is it correlation versus causation? Let us examine how light links our anatomy to control signaling using our autonomic nervous systems. Could light and oxygen be the quantum controller?


They key is the white rami communicates at the first 4 thoracic vertebra in cerebral blood flow and in scoliosis cases. What does the first 4 white rami communicates do in the first 4 thoracic nerves? What do they connect? The intermediolateral cell column (IMLCC) exists at vertebral levels at the top of the thoracic vertebra. It turns out T1 – L2 and mediates the entire sympathetic innervation of the body, but the nucleus resides in the grey matter of the spinal cord. Why?

The hypothalamic paraventricular nucleus (PVN) gives its entire output to the intermediolateral cell column of the spinal cord, where neurons project and innervate the superior cervical ganglion. (Adrenal fatigue link)

These nerves are the only nerve roots in the spine that connect the superior cervical sympathetic ganglion to the IMLCC which then directly connect to the brown fat pads in humans which sits upon the trapezius muscle at the top of your thoracic spine. No one, to date, has figured out why human brown fat sits where it does. Now you have my opinion of why our anatomy is built this way. It is done because the entire systems is quantized to light. This fat provides us the ability to burn fat to heat to make infrared light and water from the brown fat when stress is present. Stress liberate ELF-UV light from cells and this is the signal that is used to change blood flow in the carotid system.

The first four white rami also take sympathetic fibers to heart and larynx as well. This is why heart math programs work as they do. They cannot explain any of these connections directly of specifically, but they just know it works. Why does Wim Hof push breathing as part of his CT protocol? Breathing is also innervated by these nerves. These nerves monitor blood flow to the brain in the carotid system. This is how the brain samples the free radicals, oxygen, and CO2 in your plasma that come from all your surfaces. Neurosurgery taught me lowering the amount of CO2 in a damaged brain can help transient lower the blood plasma temperature to raise oxygen tensions. Geology biohacks taught me lowering the CO2 in the air will drop the environment’s temperature, while raising the oxygen tension of the local environment. That geology lesson explained to me that hyperventilation is a way to maximize cold thermogenesis in a sick brain using quantum principles.
Electron spin is the key to free radical signaling in mitochondria. They determine heteroplasmy % in the mitochondria of our tissues. Heteroplasmy % in our mitochondria determine how energy can or cannot flow into any organ system. Energy flow is linked to CO2 and oxygen tensions. Why? Mitochondria only use oxygen as their terminal electron acceptor.

One organ system can be radically different than any other. This makes the local geometry within mitochondria extremely important. It turns out that humans allow their brains to steal energy from other tissues when the carotid system and brain sense there is a major stressor present.

Anything that monitors blood flow also measures electrons spin, and electron spin is affected by electric fields, magnetic fields, and the frequency of light. The frequency of light carries information of the angular momentum of a light wave. That information comes via the retina of the eye. It turns out how much UV light is contained in hemoglobin, porphyrins, and in the exclusion zone of the blood plasma is a critical measure for humans because of their brain. Cerebral blood flow is auto regulated by this system that measures electron spin.

I will remind you again blood is 93% water by volume. So how does electron spin directly link to all the controllers of growth metabolism in your body? Remember those are mediated by the central retinal pathways. Is the retina part of the human brain? Yep……………..welcome to a new world reality. Your “eye clock” controls a lot more than you thought. It is an electronic counter for numbers of electrons and their spin and the photonic power contained in your tissues. This information all comes from your mitochondria and is dumped into your blood for your brain to decipher how to spread out the energy budget via your blood plasma. Now you should understand why all types of stressors can lead to cognitive haze. Too much stress can steal cerebral blood flow if the system is not attuned to light properly.

What is in the head that deals with light to control the central retinal pathways? The eye clock. What is the lumen receptor in the vascular system and skin? Neuropsin. These upper thoracic nerves control the information in electrons to control the blood flow to your retina and brain. The amount of blood flow that gets delivered to the head is delivered to the ophthalmic artery which feeds the retina and the RPE where the eye clock is located. The anatomy of the ophthalmic artery is very unusual as well. Every neurosurgeon learns this in detail. Why? It unusual turns are tied to sun light too. How does this circulatory pathway link your eye to your spine? Why have I told you looking at MRI”s of your spine tells me a lot about your mitochondria?

The top 4 rami of the thoracic nerves sit atop of your spine. Might the condition of your discs or the shape of your spine be a quantum sign of a loss of photons, or DC electric current? Why would your spine curve abnormally in this case as you are growing to give you scoliosis? Might it be your brain is acting to steal blood flow from the spine to shunt it to the brain under a chronic light stress? YEP

Is this a mechanism that a clinician should pay deep attention too? Is scoliosis a way we rob Peter to pay Paul because the DC electric current is no longer present in the anterior and posterior longitudinal ligament in their spine? Is this why degenerative disc disease maybe a signal of a circadian mismatch? Where would the spine go to get or recover this loss of energy? The brown fat is located where in humans again? It sits on the top of your trapezius muscles and over your cervical and thoracic junction and shoulders. This is precisely where the first four thoracic nerves of the white rami nerve fibers go to get this energy. What does this imply?

Those 4 sympathetic rami communicantes monitor the DC electric current between brain and spine, and when the DC electric current is low, these nerves act to liberate or steal energy from brown fat or re-direct energy from the spine if they cannot harvest it from the brown fat because of your excessive use of technology and blue light. This is why discs lose water and shrink in degenerative conditions.


This is a pretty profound explanation in my experience. Shine a halogen light generating UV on your neck irradiating your carotid bodies and you will feel what he is describing.

Awesome theory. In-general one would benefit from limiting Blue Light, more UV to the eye (both early and late UV [Red Light], and morning UV-A and midday UV-B), limiting stress, proper Mitochondrial function.


Nov 10, 2018
I read something the other day certain mineral ratios can effect the spine

Mineral Ratios for Calcium, Magnesium and other Elements
Spinal Alignment (neurological factor) has a profound impact on mineral ratios - which is something that has not been taught in Chiropractic Schools thus far. The relationship became apparent to Dr. Ronald Roth after many years of testing patients before and after they had visited a Chiropractor or Osteopath, where all of a sudden certain mineral ratios - corresponding to specific spinal segments - unexpectedly changed.

However, not only can spinal manipulation affect the ratio of specific mineral pairs -- it works also the other way around. By supplementing various dosages of minerals to manipulate their ratios, one can affect spinal alignment of the corresponding segment as well - both positively or negatively!
This generally works provided there is sufficient spinal mobility, otherwise manual manipulation is required, particularly when calcification has set in, or when long-term supplementation has failed to normalize specific mineral ratios. In such cases, a few spinal adjustments may be the answer, which will correct / normalize a particular mineral ratio, and resolve related medical symptoms as well.

This is also one reason why chiropractic adjustments are at times able to correct specific medical problems - other than simple skeletal or muscular disorders - and where orthodox medical reasoning cannot explain the mechanism involved. On the other hand, we are all too familiar how patients keep visiting chiropractors over and over again, with the effects frequently only lasting a few days, or sometimes only a few hours. In some cases, the solution can be quite simple: Once you normalize the ratio of as many associated mineral pairs as possible - corresponding to the troublesome spinal segments - the adjustment will subsequently "hold," and further chiropractic manipulation is no longer required.

Only Mineral Pairs that are associated with one another such as calcium and magnesium are able to affect specific spinal segments, which in case of calcium and magnesium would be T1, nickel and cobaltwould be T4, and copper and chromium for instance would be L1. The ratio of other mineral pairs such as potassium / sodium, or iron / zinc has mostly organic implications - or only indirectly effects spinal alignment, but they are not associated with specific spinal segments.

Scoliosis (curvature of the spine) can develop when several related mineral ratios become abnormal and subsequently affect their corresponding spinal segments. Practitioners who look at scoliosis from a structural or congenital perspective alone neglect the possible chemical, neurological and/or organic implications with this condition, and they subsequently try to treat scoliosis with exercise, braces, casts or corrective surgery only. Chiropractic manipulation is another option and may be helpful in slowing or even reversing some forms of scoliosis, provided patients receive regular adjustments.

If the primary treatment of scoliosis consists of normalizing a patient's corresponding mineral ratios (which may also include complementary exercise, chiropractic care, and/or a change in habit-forming one-sidedsitting or sleeping positions), then any related chemical, neurological, or organic medical conditions are also taken care of at the same time. This also applies to the treatment of Sciatica when not related to a herniated disk. (for more on sciatica, see "Zinc & Potassium").

Random Self-Supplementation

While it is fairly simple to change a particular mineral ratio with some patients, it is much more difficult with a good percentage of other patients, where mineral ratios are more fixed as a result of genetics, a very one-sided diet, organ damage, old age, or arthritic changes in their corresponding spinal area.

Supplementing large amounts of single nutrients can also have a dramatic effect on mineral ratios, where for instance taking higher doses of Vitamin B6 on a long-term basis will ultimately result in a high magnesium / low calcium ratio. Injections of Vitamin B6 (usually combined with Vitamin B12) given at weight loss clinics affect calcium / magnesium ratios even faster, and if not matched to the individual's nutritional requirements, can lead to a severe calcium deficiency with the usual variety of low calcium-related medical symptoms.

In low sodium types, regular intake of higher doses of Vitamin B6 creates an even worse scenario, where the raising effect on magnesium will also result in an increasingly higher magnesium / calcium ratio, however in addition to lowering lithium and eventually calcium levels, an abnormally high retention of magnesium will result in dramatically lower sodium and silicon, but increased phosphorus levels.

Common long-term effects include alignment problems and/or eventual spinal degeneration at T1 and L2 with right-sided symptoms in the upper back / shoulder, and lower back area due to progressive disk dehydration, along with general osteoarthritic changes in various joints due to cartilage dehydration and calcium depletion. As a result, Vitamin B6 therapy should only be used for someone with an otherwise difficult-to-manage low magnesium / high calcium ratio (where calcium is always high and magnesium is always low).



Mar 4, 2019
I went to a musculoskeletal physiotherapist and fixed my scoliosis. I was wearing flip flops this past year and it pretty much misaligned my spine. My body was so stressed I had to eat more to deal with the pain. Aspirin wasn’t enough. Now I wear sandals that adjust depending on how your feet are and the difference is night and day.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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