Skua's Weightloss and Health Problems Log


Jan 24, 2021
7/18/2021: 252lb
5’9”, F, 34

Current/recent Problems:
  • Blurred vision with subtle headaches sometimes becoming migraines in evening, especially during middle of menstrual cycle
  • Feel like my blood sugar is all over, especially after high protein meal
  • Severe fatigue, worse after any activity
  • Feeling cold: oral temp starts in high 96.something in morning, rises to 97-sometimes even 98, after breakfast and caffeine, then falls, coldest in the afternoon/evening
  • Periods of feeling cold, hands look raisin-like and lacking color, tired (often just lay in bed)
  • Trouble holding breath, sometimes as soon as 4 seconds large urge to inhale
  • High cortisol (?), sometimes trouble sleeping and staying asleep
  • Fast and heavy weight gain, some stretch marks and varicose veins (upper thighs)
  • Retain water easily, especially around middle
  • Disc degeneration, scoliosis and rotated pelvis
  • Strange symptoms during luteal phase (not always all) but including: paratoid and lacrimal gland swelling, dry eyes, thyroid gland discomfort, dry and itchy skin, an increase in digestive issues, bleeding gums and nose bleeds, PMS (worse right after ovulation, right before menstruation, and then on day 3-5 after) including anxiety, depression, weeping, moodiness, shyness/avoidance and extremely low motivation.

My back in 2020: mostly manifested as hip/groin pain after walking for 20min or so. Rotated pelvis.


December 2020: lowest weight while carnivore, I'm crunching forward to exaggerate how my torso does not line up with my hips (I'm trying to be as straight as possible).


Current (252lb)

What I have (or am still) trying:
  • ivermectin and H1/H2 blockers to combat what could be chronic EBV (little to no gland swelling since also decrease urination problems [from peeing frequently to normal and concentrated urine])
  • small doses of pregnenalone, progersterone, DHEA and desiccated thyroid (oral temperature went from 96s to 97s, sometimes 98 after a meal)
  • vitamin D and K
  • correcting lack of calcium in diet with dairy (for the first time in a decade)
  • mega dosing vitamin c (does stop gum bleeding during luteal)
  • b-vitamins, b1 and niacin in particular
  • adaptogen herbs off and on most of my adult life: tulsi tea, ashawangha most recently
  • meditation at least twice a day and breath-work
  • McGill Big Three everyday - The McGill Big 3 For Core Stability


[formula fed]
- constant screaming and “temper tantrums”

[stressful family events]
[whooping cough]
[became overweight after – stayed this way]
- severe constipation w/ hemorrhoids
- frequent stomach aches, usually after eating

- early period, irregular, months-long
- very emotional
- socially withdrawn

- years of frequent ear and sinus infections
* diagnosed with arthritis in hips and lower-back
* diagnosed with IBS
- late teens fell into a vegan peer-group and ate vegan for about a year
* diagnosed with PCOS
* surgery to remove ovary as it had been overtaken by a cyst
- late teens started to address problems with diet (low carb for PCOS and eventually paleo for arthritis)

- health improved dramatically on bodybuilding bro science and paleo-like diets (looked younger in my 20s than in my late teens)
- diagnosed at some point with scoliosis, but seemed to get better with weight-training
- started working out regularly but often relied on pre-workouts and energy drinks
- lowest weight ~180lb – very muscular, into powerlifting and trying to be wildfire-fighter
- started addressing high stress state with adaptogenic herbs
- social and confident
[tested positive for mono]
- long-lasting fatigue after
- liver/gallbladder issues
- bouts of fatigue, sluggish liver/thyroid and dry eyes after
[still active, landscaping job, working out]

[dog walking]
- start to get deterioration of my spine/maybe even fracture (starts with intense hip pain and leg weakness)
- tried carnivore diet (believing it to be arthritis related) – better digestion overall
- two years in carnivore still bad hip-pain plus new issues including histamine-sensitivity, scurvy-like symptoms, worsening bouts of fatigue, dry eyes, joint pain and sluggish liver/thyroid
- pushed my self to be more resilient during pandemic: wim hof method breathing, cold showers and working a grocery store (where I fasted most eight hour shifts) this stopped September 2020
-Moved to a new state in October 2020
- Dec 2020 – health crisis:
- Excessive thirst and urination (suspect insulin resistance/or type II, though still eating carnivore)
- morning heart attack like symptoms, feeling like I'm not breathing, need to sit down from lack of oxygen
- generally feeling low on oxygen, sometimes more pronounced
- experiencing heart pain
- blurred vision that comes and goes
- yellow skin (palms, soles, armpits)
- confused, speech problems
- extreme fatigue
- stomach pain and alcohol intolerance
- kidney pain (sometimes felt like passing tiny stones)
- nose bleeds at night sometimes
- feeling cold, especially in hands and feet (suspect anemia)
-Air-head feeling all the time and would feel faint after getting up too fast and winded easily. It wasn’t quiet a headache but it felt extremely uncomfortable, like I couldn’t think correctly. Air-head for multiple days, culminating in the worst migraine of my life Dec 31. Migraine was a pounding in my head, like my brain was leaking fire and I started to lose my vision.

[lost weight – probably around ~190lb, but not muscular - see pic above]

January –current: bioenergetics, gained at least 50lb. Although I definitely could have done the transition back to carbs a lot better, I was not eating 3000 calories a day as my weight gain would suggest. I did have problems cutting fat and eating smaller meals (was used to meals of 1-2lb meat).

  • Eating 1800-2500cal in smaller meals per day
  • Eating oysters (usually canned) about 1/week
  • Eating about an oz of liver every second day [copper]
  • Eating pineapple and mussels frequently [manganese – for blood sugar regulation + bone problems]
  • Cautious exercise after McGill Big Three warmup, probably no squats, deadlift or kettlebell swings for a while longer

Meal examples:

Breakfast: ~500cal
* three pasture-raised eggs, sunny-side up (lightly cooked in a bit of tallow, butter or coconut oil)
* udis gluten free white toast OR replace with a piece of fruit
* glass of juice (~2 cups)

Lunch ~400-600cal
* ground beef, drained ~8oz
* maybe mushrooms and/or oz of liver added in
* fruit or skimmed milk with sugar

Afternoon ~100
* raw carrot salad with coconut oil

Dinner ~400-600cal
* low fat or drained protein ~8oz
* maybe mushrooms and/or oz of liver and/or canned oysters added in
* fruit or skimmed milk with sugar or white rice

Dessert ~300
* salted fruit and a piece of cheese or glass of 2% milk or ONE scoop of ice cream (>.>)
* tulsi and/or chamomile tea with honey

I’m still planning to use desiccated thyroid and progesterone but want to move away from the use of supplements. I'm also going to steer away from glyphosate sources (like eating conventional corn tortillas and drinking lots of Tropicana OJ).

Let me know if you have any thoughts or recommendations (please keep in mind I'm very poor right now). I will post blood-work if/when I go to the dr.

Also, something I've been wondering is it possible to get diabetes WHILE zero carb? A lot of my problems, including frequent urination, started during a carnivore diet.
Mar 10, 2021
So glad you you reached out skuabird! You got a lot going on, but it looks like you are doing a lot of things right. There are a lot of knowledgable people on this forum that will be able to hack your health better than me, but for my two sense, it seems your torso to hip ratio is likely coming from the scoliosis. My son has scoliosis and his rib cage is uneven. The scoliosis can cause more problems than you realize. Hearing your story I was reminded of Ray Peat saying this....

"Some women with premenstrual fatigue have found that the “premenstrual” phase tends to get longer and longer, until they have chronic fatigue. I found that to be one of the easiest "PMS" problems to correct. When people are older, and have been sick longer, the fatigue problem is likely to involve more systems of the body. The larger the quantity of "toxic fat" stored in the body, the more careful the person must be about increasing metabolic and physical activity. Using more vitamin E, short-chain saturated fats, and other anti-lipid-peroxidation agents is important."-Ray Peat

I will ponder your situation some more and come back with anything else helpful I find. I do think this is very good thread you have started to document positive progress and what things have helped or hindered, even if it only helps one other person.


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Jan 24, 2021
So glad you you reached out skuabird! You got a lot going on, but it looks like you are doing a lot of things right. There are a lot of knowledgable people on this forum that will be able to hack your health better than me, but for my two sense, it seems your torso to hip ratio is likely coming from the scoliosis. My son has scoliosis and his rib cage is uneven. The scoliosis can cause more problems than you realize. Hearing your story I was reminded of Ray Peat saying this....

"Some women with premenstrual fatigue have found that the “premenstrual” phase tends to get longer and longer, until they have chronic fatigue. I found that to be one of the easiest "PMS" problems to correct. When people are older, and have been sick longer, the fatigue problem is likely to involve more systems of the body. The larger the quantity of "toxic fat" stored in the body, the more careful the person must be about increasing metabolic and physical activity. Using more vitamin E, short-chain saturated fats, and other anti-lipid-peroxidation agents is important."-Ray Peat

I will ponder your situation some more and come back with anything else helpful I find. I do think this is very good thread you have started to document positive progress and what things have helped or hindered, even if it only helps one other person.
Ahh, that is interesting. That quote from Peat seems pretty relevant. When I was younger I'd go through huge energy changes, follicular phase I was a real go-getter, started new goals, spent more time at the gym, very social and a bit of a risk-taker etc, but I'd really lose momentum in the luteal, definitely something I planned for. But it has gotten more and more on the low energy side. It's like low energy followed by lower energy now.

Most of the fat I've gained recently has been on a bioenergetic, low-pufa diet. I've been aware of pufa-risks for about ten years or so. So even though my weight gain is unsightly it may not be as bad as it could be. I think lowering stress and drinking tulsi tea is helping a lot.

That bit about scoliosis is interesting too! I really never considered it could be a structural problem that could be effecting my heart/lungs. Another thing I was considering was that the heart stuff was connected to panic attacks from liver/thyroid problems, hypothyroid to be specific.

Thanks so much for you input!
Mar 10, 2021
Before finding Ray Peat I was experiencing panic attacks too, where I couldn't breath and sometimes thought i was gonna have a heart attack. They would come on so suddenly. At the same time I was having irregular heart beats, uncomfortably so, where my heart would skip beats and get uncomfortable extra strong beats to make up for it. I could even stop my heart by thinking of something fearful. It was a trick people were impressed with! After wearing a heart monitor for several days I was prescribed heart pills that they said I would have to take the rest of my life. Needless to say I flushed them and dis a lot of reading. It turns out it was my adrenal glands affect my heart. Once I took care my adrenals my heart issues followed and I haven't an issue for a dozen years now. Your extreme dieting like mine sounds like it has taken it's toll. Getting older and being a woman doesn't make things any easier. There is a product I took for my panic attacked called "Happy Camper". I only took a half dose and boy did it help for weeks at a time. I think you should consider the adrenal angle.


Jan 24, 2021
I looked up "Happy Camper" and saw it has kava kava. I happen to have some so I took some last night. I may look to getting the happy camper supplement...

I've been thinking more on the scoliosis/structural issue angle.

Last night, during some breathing exercises I noticed changing my posture does change my ability to breath in deeply and also changes the urgency to take a breath.

It got me thinking... When I was a kid, I would lug around textbooks in my backpack all the time- and often walk 45min to and from school with terrible posture, bag hanging low on my back. I noticed it pulled my head forward and rounded my shoulders. To this day, it is something I notice about my posture and really dislike (it really rounds my upper back and I have a sharp angle in my neck- my whole posture feels too far forward like a candy cane, probably to compensate for being a terrible backpacker).

It wasn't until I tried straightening it out with the rest of my physio routine for my back and hips that I started getting headaches. I have really neglected my neck and upper back because they don't bother me as much, but seem to be part of the problems, and in correcting it I'm getting tension headaches and maybe even vision changes(?)

I was also thinking about how they immobilize mice/rats to induce a stress response for experiments. As I've been doing more bioenergetic things, especially making sure I have the nutrients for bone building, I have felt more and more mobile and less stressed. Everyday I'm a bit more social and a bit less anxious.
Mar 10, 2021
Gosh girl I never though how my son's scoliosis could have come from lugging so much weight on one side for so many years from his heavy HEAVY backpack! When he gets home I am gonna see what side he carried his on and compare it to his twisted rib cage. I had him going to chiropractic appointments, during high school and a couple years after, trying to get it alligned as much as pissible while his bones were still growing and not completely hardened, and it did help. His was so apparent through a shirt that one pec protruded and the other receded. If he was a girl I may not have ever caught it in time. I am glad you are starting to connect some dots. In all the years my son's doctor never caught it. When i went to school they would have health days once a year and tested for that, but not anymore.


Jun 18, 2021
Sorry I couldn't relate to both of you, except that @skuabird is coming from Keto/Carnivore.

As from what I've read, I didn't see Aspirin and Taurine on your list (asides from Vitamin-E).

I think adding these in will help you:
- Aspirin = just for overall relaxation, lowered inflammation, etc.
- Taurine = there's a lot to mention, but mainly it antagonizes Tryptophan which promotes Serotonin, and Serotonin promotes Fibrosis (if I got that right)
- Vitamin-E = Anti-PUFA agent
- Gelatin/Collagen = its Glycine content will balance out other Amino Acids, it's also Pro-Thyroid from what I've read

[I take Taurine with every Tryptophan containing meals, in hopes of countering that event (theoretically).]

As with the Raw Carrots, I've noticed better outcomes from consuming a grated/juice squeezed out Carrot Pulp than just Shredded Carrots, like:
- Increased Appetite after consumption
- Increased Bowel Movements
- Better Stool Formation (instead of seeing random Carrot Chunks)

Also, I'd switch B-Complex supplements to just eating Beef Liver daily.
And switching Niacin to Niacinamide instead, I don't know the exact science but I only get this Flushing effect from Niacin.
But when I take Niacinamide it gets me calmer, almost like emotionally numb (probably in higher doses).
So I divide the Niacinamide into smaller doses, from my experience you can start at 100mg or lower, 'cause at first it gave me headaches.

With Vitamin-C, I don't know if taking high doses of it gives any lasting benefits.
I think it's better to just eat Oranges/Citrus Fruits while having a good Vitamin-K status (ie. supplementing Vitamin-K...).

As with Ivermectin, you can read more about it in this forum -- but overall it's not good for you; in context maybe?

As with the Herbs, I think it's better to skip them for now.
'Cause it could be difficult to pin point what you should be feeling at that moment, as the Herbs might just mask some of your issues.

As with the Diet, I think a simple approach would be:

- Skimmed Milk
- Salt
- Potatoes (little to no Tryptophan?)
- MCT Oil (just to complex away stuff like Solanine from Potatoes)
- Eggs (same with MCT Oil, asides from its Choline)
- Lean Beef
- Beef Liver
- Oranges (or other Peaty Fruits)
- Carrots

***If I had the money, I'd try out consuming just Fruits as my main Carb Source...***

[So typically Low-Fat.]

'Cause I think adding variety like Cheeses and Ice Cream really skews up your Total Macros for the day (maybe even for the entire week if you've consumed that much).

As with your Scoliosis... I have no idea, but for sure Physios can deal with that.

But if you can still exercise, a really simple one that I cannot help but stress enough, is just bouncing up and down with a Rebounder.
Though it kind of looks dumb, specially when some else is looking at a grown person bouncing up and down a trampoline.
But I don't mind and still use it all the time, like right after waking up and just straight up watching stuff on YouTube for about 10-15mins.
Now I don't know if that's bad for your situation (like your back and pelvis), but it just helps a lot with this 'Lymphatic Flow'.
And speaking of 'Lymphatic Flow', a Portable Sauna also helps (actually it's a 1-2 combo).

So that's it for now.



Note that my comments were just based on my background in Meatheadology and are not coming from a Real Professional.


Jan 24, 2021
Something strange happened.

I've been feeling fatigued, water-logged and basically weighed down, trouble breathing (walking and talking winds me sometimes, as does doing "relaxing" breathing exercises- box breathing panics me for any amount holding). I've always been very active, and even fit at 200lb (passed firefighting fitness tests), and I do walk and do my exercises everyday, as well as house-work....I have never felt this heavy, this level of tiredness/weakness.

Anyway, last night we ate out for the first time in months. Sushi with a salad and miso. After I ate all of that food I got really, really relaxed. More relaxed than I have felt in a long while. I couldn't stay up with my husband and went to bed. I had a great sleep and in the morning I kept waking up, falling asleep for 5min and then waking up again, over and over. (I've always related this to HGH). This has not happened for at least a year or so. My morning temp was 98.7! This has literally never happened since I started taking it regularly. And I feel great, movement is way easier.

What is that about? My best guess is salt from the miso.

Anyway, I got niacinamide, so I'll start taking that today. I also got unbiqunol because I am worried about my heart.
Mar 10, 2021
Something strange happened.

I've been feeling fatigued, water-logged and basically weighed down, trouble breathing (walking and talking winds me sometimes, as does doing "relaxing" breathing exercises- box breathing panics me for any amount holding). I've always been very active, and even fit at 200lb (passed firefighting fitness tests), and I do walk and do my exercises everyday, as well as house-work....I have never felt this heavy, this level of tiredness/weakness.

Anyway, last night we ate out for the first time in months. Sushi with a salad and miso. After I ate all of that food I got really, really relaxed. More relaxed than I have felt in a long while. I couldn't stay up with my husband and went to bed. I had a great sleep and in the morning I kept waking up, falling asleep for 5min and then waking up again, over and over. (I've always related this to HGH). This has not happened for at least a year or so. My morning temp was 98.7! This has literally never happened since I started taking it regularly. And I feel great, movement is way easier.

What is that about? My best guess is salt from the miso.

Anyway, I got niacinamide, so I'll start taking that today. I also got unbiqunol because I am worried about my heart.

That is wonderful to hear that you might be onto something more in your health! When i would wake up in the night I would mix sugar and salt together in a half cup of water and it would knock me out! So I am thinking your salt theory is at least partially right! Then you get a domino effect, good sleep helps your body heal and function better. Try the sugar and salt at bedtime and see if it gets you to sleeping good too!


Jun 18, 2021

Have you yet tried using a Rebounder (excuse me for pushing it too much, not a shill for it either)?
If you can use one and won't affect spine, I honestly think this would be of great benefit.
I mean I could jump rope all day or do any sports specific activities -- but I only realized its difference after comparing Rebounding to other Physical Activities.
I think that's what this 'Anti-Gravity' they're talking about with these Rebounders that I feel after using.

As with eating out... I'd rather not share my experience (as it might also turn-out as a bad influence), 'cause I've been doing it quite a lot lately; since now I've been experiencing noticeable surplus of health after a year of 'Peating' as much as possible.

[I don't care much of its aftermath since I've got a low body fat percentage, though I'd have to deal with the: Arthritic Symptoms, Bloating, hang over like feeling, and others; which I'd normally be able to counteract with supplements.]

So I do take stuff to 'biohack' junk foods like taking expensive supplements, ie:
- DHB (Berberine)
- Protease Blend w/ DPPIV
- Policosanols
- Vitamin-E (w/ High Gamma-Tocopherols)

As with Ubiquinol, I have no experience with it; but I've been eating Beef Heart regularly for its CoQ10 (as it says in its Nutrient Profile).

And also check out @Rinse & rePeat on her post about her weight journey w/ just Peating.
I think that brings a lot of justice to following a Ray Peat inspired approach to dieting.

'Cause I always hear bad results from people that I know who tried this and are just saying to me:

'You were never fat to begin with, so you don't have the tiniest clue on what it actually is.'

And then they start explaining about the Low-Carb wisdom, as if I've never gone through it.
Which is kind of ironic on my end, so I just let them be with their Low-Carb life-style... hahaha.


Jan 24, 2021
@fr@ the rebounder isn't in the cards. Although, my husband would probably benefit a lot from it because the lymph nodes in his abdomen have all been removed because of cancer. We are poor and live in an apt. I also can't afford any more supps, I feel bad with my recent splurge.

I have looked at success stories, like Rinse & RePeat, recently I've been looking at Kate Deering's free material.

The problems seem to be more than just obesity. I think I may have had heart attacks in december and my body is slowly recovering. The first time it happened was when I was in a cold shower (I was really into the Wim Hof method)- my heart suddenly and sharply ached. I had to get out and just sit for a bit. I stopped all cold showers and anything stressful after that, but I often had heart attack like symptoms in the morning (mostly feeling like I couldn't get oxygen no matter how much I breathed or controlled my breathing and in particularly bad attacks my arm ached too). Then my urination system went crazy (excessive thirst and urination) and I wasn't able to concentrate my urine for months (+ peeing 20x a day). I went from breath holds of about 2min, to now, I struggle with seconds. I think heart failure would explain the water-logged feeling too.

It may not even be diet related. I was diagnosed as a kid with a heart arrhythmia but no drs have said anything about it since. However, in my twenties, when I pushed myself during exercise I'd at least get palpitations if not cardiac asthma. These chronic things kind of build up...when I lived in Canada I did go to the dr about them, but I never got good input or to the root of anything. Just take pharma arthritis pills, birth control, eat more fibre, etc., etc.

It may also be genetic. I have a lot of snps that relate to a greater chance of heart disease, including ApoE4. So it could be my diet of high fats that accelerated it, also a diet low in folic acid as I'm also predisposed to hyperhomocysteinemia.


Jun 18, 2021

Ah... you caught my attention with Heart Arrhythmia.
Actually I'd want to do a full Cardiac Test (or whatever it's called) just to get over with what I'm guessing for myself.
'Cause when I was a kid, I had these moments where I'd get PVC symptoms, just from playing video games late at night.
But the PVC thing wasn't really that bothering at all, unlike when I've gone Keto for years.
On my 2nd year of doing Keto I was getting more bouts of that PVC symptoms and exacerbated even more when I transitioned to 'Carnivore' (yeah, super cringy).
Now people could say that you're just having Electrolyte Issues, but to me I think there's been some Fibrosis happening in the background.
So the time I've heard that Danny Roddy episode w/ Georgi talking about the Keto diet & Fasting causing Fibrosis, made me committed to stop it fully.
'Cause at the time, I was still thinking that this 'Autophagy' will clean up all the gunk inside the body (hahaha).
So now I'm think that it's not just PVC but some A-Fib probably.

And since you mentioned Hyperhomocysteinemia, I'm not sure if having a daily viscous Bone Broth (because of it's Glycine content) would help that issue.
From my experience w/ Glyince (supplement), I've stopped it again 'cause I'm getting a noticeable pain, like some nerve swelling at the back of my head (near right ear).
And that only happens when I'm supplementing Glycine for a couple of days straight.
But when I stop it, that Nerve Pain immediately goes away.
And with that experience, I remembered right away when Ray Peat said that he's not a fan of taking Isolated Aminos (which I don't know yet the reason why).
Now, I've tried Gelatin but I'm getting a heavy feeling in my stomach -- to my imagination, I think it glues up all food that I just ate.
So I'm not taking any Gelatin now.
So next is Collagen (ie. Great Lakes), but it doesn't fit my budget so it's a pass.
So the most viable option for me is having the 'discipline' to make Bone Broths, which I'm not a fan of; 'cause it's tedious and takes a long while to prepare.
'Cause first off, it's making sure that the butcher you'll go to will give you the bones you want.
And I also prefer Beef Bones (just for less PUFA to my understanding) and Beef Bones don't fit something like an 'Instant Pot'.
Probably they have bigger sizes which I'm not aware of, but the one I have can only fit in Chicken Bones.
So best option for me is to do Beef Bones in a Large Cauldron (hahaha) and cook a large batch then put it in a Chest Freezer.

Going back to the Nerve Pain I've mentioned, what made it really go away was the supplementing of Niacinamide and Aspirin.
And what's kind of funny is that, when I unintentionally do Fasts for longer periods -- I get a feeling that, that Nerve Pain is going back again.
So now when I say I'm Fasting, most likely I'm sipping with some Coffee w/ Sugar (adding BCAAs is something I have to experiment soon).
As with Juices, I find it expensive so I just go with Fruits (and make sure to not eat a lot of it, 'cause it'll be just as expensive).

And one more thing of Hyperhomocysteinemia, which at the moment I could only think of Methoinine at the moment.
Supplementing Taurine opposes it, but don't quote me that as I don't know the exact reason yet.
But yeah, I supplement w/ Taurine too for meal that has Protein in it &/or having lots of Tryptophan.
And I'm also lowering my Protein Intake to a minimum now a days (in hopes of avoiding that).

[But I'm still confused with that topic, since there's conflicting studies... probably an expert here could probably clear this out.]

As with the Breath Holds, I think a supplementation of B1 would be beneficial (as it raises CO2? I've honestly felt it though, from supplementation).
'Cause now, I'm back with taking Allithiamine which I'm opposed to back then (I actually made a post on it).
But now I'm just microdosing it, to which I find still beneficial.
But if I take the full dose, I could instantly feel it's effects immediately -- but I'll get the Sulfuric Smell again (which I don't know if it's bad or not).

But going back to supplements that would move the needle on a tight budget, at the moment I'd say:
- Niacinamide
- Aspirin
- B1 (Thiamine or Allithiamine; but so far Allithiamine only gave me noticeable effects)
- Vitamin-E
- Policosanol (PureBulk is cheap)
- Taurine
- K2 *just to support Aspirin supplementation
- Magnesium

[The rest are really affordable, like getting them on Bulk Power, except for: Vitamin-E & K2.]


Jan 24, 2021
I went to the dr. What I know so far is I don't have diabetes and EKG is normal. I was given lisinopril for high blood pressure.

It's weird finally going now as I have been feeling good lately. Things have improved even more while taking niacinamide. I just had the shortest period of my adult life with only one bad cramp and flow day, the rest pretty light. I'm becoming more and more active, don't feel as fatigued.
Mar 10, 2021
I went to the dr. What I know so far is I don't have diabetes and EKG is normal. I was given lisinopril for high blood pressure.

It's weird finally going now as I have been feeling good lately. Things have improved even more while taking niacinamide. I just had the shortest period of my adult life with only one bad cramp and flow day, the rest pretty light. I'm becoming more and more active, don't feel as fatigued.

That's wonderful new! Have you changed any foods in your diet since since you made this thread?


Jan 24, 2021
That's wonderful new! Have you changed any foods in your diet since since you made this thread?
Not really. The biggest changes have been supplements serrapeptase and more recently niacinamide, ubiquinol and Hawthorne berry powder.

Generally, I have moved towards a lower fat diet. When I first started a Ray Peat inspired diet (and after I adapted to reintroducing milk) I was eating a lot of ice cream and cheese. I have since been following his weight loss ideas- skim milk, OJ, eggs- also usually a piece of gluten free toast and fruit, with smaller servings of lean meat. I consistently have a raw carrot. Oh, and when I do eat fat, I try to go for the really waxy saturated fats- cocoa butter and tallow (in small amounts). Not following it perfectly. I do still eat cheese.

The Dr has crossed off diabetes and also wants to look at hypothyroid (for fast weight gain) and anemia before getting into the deeper cardiac stuff. I also have to keep track of my blood pressure. Labs tomorrow.

My supplements right now:
serrapeptase (early morning on empty stomach)
vitamin d/k
calcium pyruvate
Hawthorne berry powder in OJ
(sometimes taurine and glycine too)
magnesium (in evening)

(small doses of pregnenalone, progersterone, DHEA and desiccated thyroid usually in late afternoon)
Mar 10, 2021
Not really. The biggest changes have been supplements serrapeptase and more recently niacinamide, ubiquinol and Hawthorne berry powder.

Generally, I have moved towards a lower fat diet. When I first started a Ray Peat inspired diet (and after I adapted to reintroducing milk) I was eating a lot of ice cream and cheese. I have since been following his weight loss ideas- skim milk, OJ, eggs- also usually a piece of gluten free toast and fruit, with smaller servings of lean meat. I consistently have a raw carrot. Oh, and when I do eat fat, I try to go for the really waxy saturated fats- cocoa butter and tallow (in small amounts). Not following it perfectly. I do still eat cheese.

The Dr has crossed off diabetes and also wants to look at hypothyroid (for fast weight gain) and anemia before getting into the deeper cardiac stuff. I also have to keep track of my blood pressure. Labs tomorrow.

My supplements right now:
serrapeptase (early morning on empty stomach)
vitamin d/k
calcium pyruvate
Hawthorne berry powder in OJ
(sometimes taurine and glycine too)
magnesium (in evening)

(small doses of pregnenalone, progersterone, DHEA and desiccated thyroid usually in late afternoon)
Sounds like you are getting ahead! What have you noticed with the pregnenalone?


Jan 24, 2021
Sounds like you are getting ahead! What have you noticed with the pregnenalone?
Decrease in back pain. If I forget to take it for a couple days my pain comes back...very small doses help (>5mg orally). I kind of want to try it topically. I saw that article you posted about how hormones should be applied topically navel and lower. I think there's probably something to that!

My blood pressure was very high today (why I got meds right off the bat?). I measured it again when I got home 141/94 (hypertension type II). Not surprisingly I started developing a subtle headache and have some blurring vision. I guess I wasn't doing so great after all...good thing I followed through and went to the dr. Both of my current theories now involve the heart, though I think chronic EBV was also a problem that has been mostly solved.

I wanted to log to potentially help future searchers. But this is a mess. lol
Mar 10, 2021
Decrease in back pain. If I forget to take it for a couple days my pain comes back...very small doses help (>5mg orally). I kind of want to try it topically. I saw that article you posted about how hormones should be applied topically navel and lower. I think there's probably something to that!

My blood pressure was very high today (why I got meds right off the bat?). I measured it again when I got home 141/94 (hypertension type II). Not surprisingly I started developing a subtle headache and have some blurring vision. I guess I wasn't doing so great after all...good thing I followed through and went to the dr. Both of my current theories now involve the heart, though I think chronic EBV was also a problem that has been mostly solved.

I wanted to log to potentially help future searchers. But this is a mess. lol

I think you taking the time to detail your health journey will be helpful to others, and pics are always an extra brave step!


Jun 18, 2021

But since you've mentioned HBP, try:

- Policosanols
- Olive Leaf Extract (back then it was Cacao, but little did I know that it was a source of my liver inflammation; for me though)

These 2 did a lot for my cholesterol and blood pressure.

But for all this time (asides from Systemic Enzymes), I think it's the supplementation of Niacinamide and Aspirin that really helps (+ Taurine to counter Tryptophan).

[I'd like to second Allithiamine though, 'cause lately I've discovered how to dose it for myself... which now works for me.]


Jan 24, 2021
So, I suspected my HBP was temporary and did not take my prescription. I should have warned the dr I'm like herding a cat. I did tell her I had a blood pressure monitor and it rarely registered high. Throughout my life, drs, nurses, others, would comment on how low both my pressure and my heart-rate didn't feel great- I was prone to having dizziness upon standing, blacking out and having stars.

I have been logging it. The next morning it was 121/68 and rises during the day, especially if I am active. Lately in the morning it has been under 120 and under 80. In any case, salt seems to really sky rocket it and sweating a lot lowers it pretty fast. I'm not eating salt unless I really crave it.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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