Is Too Many Supplements? Any Comments Appreciated


Apr 14, 2013
My issues are:
- Vitamin mineral deficiencies (glutathione, vit. C, Vit. D, a-lipoic acid, ALL B vitamins except Biotin, all minerals except Molybdenum, Zinc, Magnesium, and possibly Selenium and Iodine) [determined via NutraEval]
- High homocystiene
- Low Red blood cell count
- High amount of aluminum in blood [Dx'd via blood plasma]
- SIBO and dysbiosis (of the constipation type)
- Torturous colon ("big and floppy" as my GI doc says)
- Low Elastase (indicating pancreas not working well) [determined via stool analysis]
- Chronic gastritis (not H. Pylori though)
- Permeable gut (aka leaky gut)
- Recurring shingles virus
- Celiac and possibly fibromyalgia (flare ups caused by dairy, grains, tomatoes, peppers, gum thickeners, and some other unidentified things, this list is growing)
- Allergies to dust, pets, ragweed, melon fruits, some scents
- MTHFR snp
- Scoliosis
- Can't eat much food do to stomach pain, liver is downright agonizing to eat
- Vertigo (this is the newest symptom, just started a few weeks ago)

So theoretically I'd need...
1. Correct deficiences
- Energin plus extra B1 and B2
- Calcitrol Vit. D + extra Kuinone to balance
- Estroban
- Calcium supplement since all dairy causes a.i. flare ups
- Mangenese, Magnesium (already started), Zinc + copper

2. Eliminate the bacterial and viral infections
- Squalamine + Biodicin (rotate every 30 days)
- Monolaurin
- Artimisinin (will try again, but last time increased constipation)

3. Heal guts, fix mitchondria, increase ATP, fix low RBC, fix lack of pancreas enzymes
- Colstrum
- BCAA's (taurine, glycine, lysine specifically, and minus the tryptophan, methonine, and arginine)
- Gelatin (already started)
- Proteoytic enzymes
- Oxidial (already started)
- Mitolipin (already started)
- Difibron (already started)
- Zinc carnosine
- Mastic gum (already started)

4. Restore microbe balance
- bacteriophages (probably Florassist)
- 5 strain Bifobacteria (Custom probiotics)

5. Reduce endotoxin
- Baking soda
- carrot salad

6. Continue with meds
- Levothyroxine and Liothyroxine
- Progesterone 200mg on days 18 through 28
- All most forgot, I already take Aged cascara bark and Aloe Ferox every night for the emodin and laxative effects

7. Other things I'll need to do
- red light
- mitigate effects of EMFs
- ab exercises to strengthen and tone my guts

This list was compiled via my own research and reading of various members experiences including Natedawg, gbolduev, @haidut , @Mito , @bzmazu , @mayweatherking , @managing , @lisaferraro , @Travis , @Broken man @goodandevil , @Regina , @Birdie , @tara , @Janelle525 , and sunmountain . Thank you all for your posts! Now I just have to figure out how to put it all together. It's very overwhelming, especially now with the onset of vertigo, so any tips would be so appreciated!
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Jun 19, 2014
Hard for me to know where to start. However, I give an emphatic yes to the question of is this too much.

I think its best to build a hierarchy and work your way through things to discover what helps. For me, tyromix is constant. Everything else is on/off to see how it goes.


I would water fast then vegan smoothies then OMAD vegan and then add back i-n dead animals into y0ur diet if you have to0 if the OMAD goes well. No supplements until you g0 a couple months and then add b12 d maybe and that’s it- try a 20 h0ur fasting window on your OMAD and no gluten at all. It is the only thing that worked For me . I am now doing vegan OMAD , estroban , b12 spray d spray . I eat from 10-2- and that’s it . It does seem t0 be healing my gut and I have a l0t of the same stuff - I have super Northern Europe DNA - Celiac ( diagnosed) and Lyme .


May 27, 2015
I'm making a lot of progress personally, focusijg on abdominopelvic musculature. I have an ab decline bench which is very good and has helped me progress into other valuable exercises for abdomen and pelvic floor, such as woodchoppers, lunges (contracrijg the core), and glute bridges. I went through many, many supplements and this has helped me more. If you're constipated from weak abdominals and pelvic floor, most supplements arent goijg to make much of a difference. I'd stick with progesterone and thyroid, maybe urea. It soujds like you might have difficulty absorbing nutrients.


Apr 14, 2013
Hard for me to know where to start. However, I give an emphatic yes to the question of is this too much.

I think its best to build a hierarchy and work your way through things to discover what helps. For me, tyromix is constant. Everything else is on/off to see how it goes.

I've been doing a T4/T3 mix too, for several years. I've done stuff on an off for many years too, but I just keep getting sicker. It doesn't seem right to take all these supplements but at the same time, all these issues are the very issues that lead to serious degenerative disease and so I can't do nothing either. It's quite the quandary. It's like there's some underlying issue that's causing it all. But what? Severely deficient in vitamins and minerals, I have chronic viral and bacterial infections, and lots of endotoxin, proteins are leaking through my gut walls, my blood vessels are shot. I have no answer as to what is causing what. I've been sick since the day I was born. Never breast fed so that maybe a clue. I just don't know so I think I should treat everything.

It might be good to decide if you are taking things like Energin transdermally or not

I take it orally since the scent is a bit nauseating.

I would water fast then vegan smoothies then OMAD vegan and then add back i-n dead animals into y0ur diet if you have to0 if the OMAD goes well. No supplements until you g0 a couple months and then add b12 d maybe and that’s it- try a 20 h0ur fasting window on your OMAD and no gluten at all. It is the only thing that worked For me . I am now doing vegan OMAD , estroban , b12 spray d spray . I eat from 10-2- and that’s it . It does seem t0 be healing my gut and I have a l0t of the same stuff - I have super Northern Europe DNA - Celiac ( diagnosed) and Lyme .

I was vegan for 10 years. Also did a water fast during that time and then did the 16 hour intermittent fasting. Even spent thousands and hired Dr. Joel Fuhrman (the guy who wrote Eat to Live) to help. Not even he could help. Ended up jaundice and high triglycerides so reluctantly started eating meat again. I can only fit about a cup of food in my belly every 3 hours or so, so that probably why i failed with intermittent fasting. Thank you for sharing your success story though! This very inspiring. I do hope to be vegan or even vegetarian again someday.

I'm making a lot of progress personally, focusijg on abdominopelvic musculature. I have an ab decline bench which is very good and has helped me progress into other valuable exercises for abdomen and pelvic floor, such as woodchoppers, lunges (contracrijg the core), and glute bridges. I went through many, many supplements and this has helped me more. If you're constipated from weak abdominals and pelvic floor, most supplements arent goijg to make much of a difference. I'd stick with progesterone and thyroid, maybe urea. It soujds like you might have difficulty absorbing nutrients.

Thanks! I did get an ab bench and I love it! With scoliosis and GERD it's a bit difficult to do some of those exercises though. I'm going slowly with it, but I am 100% sure that it will help in the long run.
Oh and yes, I do have a difficulty in absorbing nutrients. Not sure if that's the cause of my problems or a symptom.
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Broken man

Sep 11, 2016
My issues are:
- Vitamin mineral deficiencies (glutathione, vit. C, Vit. D, a-lipoic acid, ALL B vitamins except Biotin, all minerals except Molybdenum, Zinc, Magnesium, and possibly Selenium and Iodine) [determined via NutraEval]
- High homocystiene
- Low Red blood cell count
- High amount of aluminum in blood [Dx'd via blood plasma]
- SIBO and dysbiosis (of the constipation type)
- Torturous colon ("big and floppy" as my GI doc says)
- Low Elastase (indicating pancreas not working well) [determined via stool analysis]
- Chronic gastritis (not H. Pylori though)
- Permeable gut (aka leaky gut)
- Recurring shingles virus
- Celiac and possibly fibromyalgia (flare ups caused by dairy, grains, tomatoes, peppers, gum thickeners, and some other unidentified things, this list is growing)
- Allergies to dust, pets, ragweed, melon fruits, some scents
- MTHFR snp
- Scoliosis
- Can't eat much food do to stomach pain, liver is downright agonizing to eat
- Vertigo (this is the newest symptom, just started a few weeks ago)

So theoretically I'd need...
1. Correct deficiences
- Energin plus extra B1 and B2
- Calcitrol Vit. D + extra Kuinone to balance
- Estroban
- Calcium supplement since all dairy causes a.i. flare ups
- Mangenese, Magnesium (already started), Zinc + copper

2. Eliminate the bacterial and viral infections
- Squalamine + Biodicin (rotate every 30 days)
- Monolaurin
- Artimisinin (will try again, but last time increased constipation)

3. Heal guts, fix mitchondria, increase ATP, fix low RBC, fix lack of pancreas enzymes
- Colstrum
- BCAA's (taurine, glycine, lysine specifically, and minus the tryptophan, methonine, and arginine)
- Gelatin (already started)
- Proteoytic enzymes
- Oxidial (already started)
- Mitolipin (already started)
- Difibron (already started)
- Zinc carnosine
- Mastic gum (already started)

4. Restore microbe balance
- bacteriophages (probably Florassist)
- 5 strain Bifobacteria (Custom probiotics)

5. Reduce endotoxin
- Baking soda
- carrot salad

6. Continue with meds
- Levothyroxine and Liothyroxine
- Progesterone 200mg on days 18 through 28
- All most forgot, I already take Aged cascara bark and Aloe Ferox every night for the emodin and laxative effects

7. Other things I'll need to do
- red light
- mitigate effects of EMFs
- ab exercises to strengthen and tone my guts

This list was compiled via my own research and reading of various members experiences including Natedawg, gbolduev, @haidut , @Mito , @bzmazu , @mayweatherking , @managing , @lisaferraro , @Travis , @Broken man @goodandevil , @Regina , @Birdie , @tara , @Janelle525 , and sunmountain . Thank you all for your posts! Now I just have to figure out how to put it all together. It's very overwhelming, especially now with the onset of vertigo, so any tips would be so appreciated!
Alot of things at once is not good idea, just to be sure. How much calories are you eating? I would focus only on fruits, I saw that you cant eat much so it could be problem with low sugar when are you using so much supps, you know. I saw quote from Ray that when blood sugar is low, organism is easily destroyed. About supplements, I would start with lysine, glycine did me problems from the start so I was taking it with theanine or cyproheptadine, same with taurine. About b vits, I have energin but the amount of b6 was high for me from start so I bought isolated and started with very low dose, I can take 5 mg without problems now. I think that we both need more NAD because celiac disease is autoimunne so if niacinamide isnt problem for you, cascara, oxidal. Alot of kuinone with vit D, A, magnesium chloride, calcium. I had very bad flare ups from kuinone but it was worth, I used cypro so it was better. When you will feel good with fat solubles and b vits, I would add more.


Dec 28, 2014
Dallas Texas
For me, I was missing One Fundamental...Riboflavin.

After that, all the other supps worked more like they were supposed to, as described by RPF.

There are really only a few fundamentals to try one at a time in short bursts.

You might get lucky trying that.


Apr 14, 2013
Alot of things at once is not good idea, just to be sure. How much calories are you eating? I would focus only on fruits, I saw that you cant eat much so it could be problem with low sugar when are you using so much supps, you know. I saw quote from Ray that when blood sugar is low, organism is easily destroyed. About supplements, I would start with lysine, glycine did me problems from the start so I was taking it with theanine or cyproheptadine, same with taurine. About b vits, I have energin but the amount of b6 was high for me from start so I bought isolated and started with very low dose, I can take 5 mg without problems now. I think that we both need more NAD because celiac disease is autoimunne so if niacinamide isnt problem for you, cascara, oxidal. Alot of kuinone with vit D, A, magnesium chloride, calcium. I had very bad flare ups from kuinone but it was worth, I used cypro so it was better. When you will feel good with fat solubles and b vits, I would add more.

Not eating much, that's for sure. Blood sugar crashes are frequent. I was doing well until this gastritis flared up and now the vertigo, it's freaky. You make a good point... start with the B-vit's and the Amino Acids. I have had problems taking them individually so I've got a BCAA supp that I will use with meals. Theoretically, these two things should take care of a lot of issues. Maybe I'll continue this for a while and then start with the chelation and anti-microbials. I can only take so niacinamide since I already have elevated homocysteine, but as you mentioned in another post, this could be caused by low B6 which I also have. So, more Energin, maybe 2 or 3 times a day will help. I can take tonnes of Kuinone with no affect, good or bad. Will continue with the Estroban, mag., and calcium. Forming a good base should help before tackling infections.


Apr 14, 2013
For me, I was missing One Fundamental...Riboflavin.

After that, all the other supps worked more like they were supposed to, as described by RPF.

There are really only a few fundamentals to try one at a time in short bursts.

You might get lucky trying that.

I've been taking this in Energin, but maybe it's not enough. I have the MTHFR snp so I'm extremely depleted. Thank you for sharing this :)


Dec 28, 2014
Dallas Texas
You may need to double, triple, quadruple or 1000 times it, or cut it in half, thirds, etc.

Nobody knows.

Go for it. Failure is not an option.


Apr 14, 2013
You may need to double, triple, quadruple or 1000 times it, or cut it in half, thirds, etc.

Nobody knows.

Go for it. Failure is not an option.

Thanks, I will try to go with more.

Sounds like the consensus correcting vitamin/mineral deficiencies are the priority.
This helpful knowledge. I read so much about the importance of eradicating viral and bacterial infections, especially with RP's research that I wasn't sure where to start.


Apr 14, 2013
The fundamentals take out the trash.

This I can understand. It's the basis.
I'll focus on the B-vit's and fat solubles for now.
Thank you!

Broken man

Sep 11, 2016
Not eating much, that's for sure. Blood sugar crashes are frequent. I was doing well until this gastritis flared up and now the vertigo, it's freaky. You make a good point... start with the B-vit's and the Amino Acids. I have had problems taking them individually so I've got a BCAA supp that I will use with meals. Theoretically, these two things should take care of a lot of issues. Maybe I'll continue this for a while and then start with the chelation and anti-microbials. I can only take so niacinamide since I already have elevated homocysteine, but as you mentioned in another post, this could be caused by low B6 which I also have. So, more Energin, maybe 2 or 3 times a day will help. I can take tonnes of Kuinone with no affect, good or bad. Will continue with the Estroban, mag., and calcium. Forming a good base should help before tackling infections.
If you have sugar crashes, you can try about 10-20 g of fructose with every meal, fructose lower insulin and helps build liver storage and/ or 300 thiamine with every meal so you will oxidize all the sugar. High Fasting Blood Sugar Levels - "pre-diabetes" Levels
Aug 18, 2015
the vertigo could be from taking too many "stimulators" and you not having the backup to handle it... like taking thyroid and eating 1k calories a day and drinking coffee and being constipated at the same time and not realizing you are actually starving but you dont feel any hunger at all... like that is a path you don't want to go... that could get bad real quick.. like really quick, you need to chill... especially if you re getting vertigo.. you should go to a doctor

try making beef oxtail broth, with a slow cooker it is about 4-5lbs of beef oxtail to make a decent broth that will turn into jello in the fridge... that sharply lowers cortisol, then you would want magnesium, try kale broth, boil kale on the stove and drink the broth, it is very high in magnesium, you should do that twice a day, save liquid
Aug 18, 2015
hey, did your insurance cover that nutral eval test? i didn't one of those existed, i always wanted to get one of those can you tell me how much it costs? anyway though ,if you are low in a bunch of stuff, taking thyroid maybe is pushing the brakes even harder, maybe one of those things is too low from taking thyroid with the vertigo? vitamin C should be easy, are you drinking OJ everyday? or vitamin D should be easy if you supplement with it right? do you eat red meat ever? or liver?


Apr 14, 2013
If you have sugar crashes, you can try about 10-20 g of fructose with every meal, fructose lower insulin and helps build liver storage and/ or 300 thiamine with every meal so you will oxidize all the sugar. High Fasting Blood Sugar Levels - "pre-diabetes" Levels

My fasting glucose is within healthy range fortunately. Your suggestion of taking Thiamine with meals sounds very helpful. I am extremely deficient in B1, I take the amount in Energin but perhaps, like the Riboflavin, I should add some additional.

question for you @Broken man , do you take Kuinone as your Vit.K, and if so do you take it transdermal or oral?

the vertigo could be from taking too many "stimulators" and you not having the backup to handle it... like taking thyroid and eating 1k calories a day and drinking coffee and being constipated at the same time and not realizing you are actually starving but you dont feel any hunger at all... like that is a path you don't want to go... that could get bad real quick.. like really quick, you need to chill... especially if you re getting vertigo.. you should go to a doctor

try making beef oxtail broth, with a slow cooker it is about 4-5lbs of beef oxtail to make a decent broth that will turn into jello in the fridge... that sharply lowers cortisol, then you would want magnesium, try kale broth, boil kale on the stove and drink the broth, it is very high in magnesium, you should do that twice a day, save liquid

I do have some bone broth, the arginine level is higher than the lysine so I'm leary about drinking too much as I am prone to shingles. I try to drink about 2 cups per day. Kale broth gives me heartburn (so does all hot tea, including herbal), as does all liquid mineral supplements. Liver also gives me heartburn. I've pondered this a lot, I don't know why. I'm guessing it has something to do with the high mineral content and gut bacteria. I'm negative for H.Pylori, but maybe it's some other kind. I've been drinking Evian (it has the most calcium and other minerals than the other spring waters) and adding homemade Magnesium bicarb. I've been lax on this the last week though so maybe that's part of the problem.

hey, did your insurance cover that nutral eval test? i didn't one of those existed, i always wanted to get one of those can you tell me how much it costs? anyway though ,if you are low in a bunch of stuff, taking thyroid maybe is pushing the brakes even harder, maybe one of those things is too low from taking thyroid with the vertigo? vitamin C should be easy, are you drinking OJ everyday? or vitamin D should be easy if you supplement with it right? do you eat red meat ever? or liver?

No, my insurance didn't cover NurtaEval or any of the tests my N.D. ran. The NutraEval was $394.00 and worth every penny.
My reverse T3 was in healthy range last time I got it tested and my Endocrinologist tested me for Cushings and said negative. She said my cortisol is in healthy range. None the less, I think you are right about my body running on cortisol. I've got to deal with this fact. Food is the answer but it's hard to get down and stay down.
Just ordered Calcitol to take in combo with Estroban. Red meat, liver, and Vit. C brings me to another quandary... Vit. C increases iron absorption in these foods! This makes me want to scream... I am severely deficient in Vit C and really should be pounding the OJ with every meal (or some other Vit C source) but I have to eat the meat to get the protein and other vitamins/minerals. I can't eat them together and I can't eat them apart... WTF.

It probably sounds like I'm being defeatist. I am not. I truly attempt all these things no matter how hard it is or what the cost. My body is so weird, it just doesn't respond like it should. Maybe I'm an alien.
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Sep 20, 2017
My issues are:
- Vitamin mineral deficiencies (glutathione, vit. C, Vit. D, a-lipoic acid, ALL B vitamins except Biotin, all minerals except Molybdenum, Zinc, Magnesium, and possibly Selenium and Iodine) [determined via NutraEval]
- High homocystiene
- Low Red blood cell count
- High amount of aluminum in blood [Dx'd via blood plasma]
- SIBO and dysbiosis (of the constipation type)
- Torturous colon ("big and floppy" as my GI doc says)
- Low Elastase (indicating pancreas not working well) [determined via stool analysis]
- Chronic gastritis (not H. Pylori though)
- Permeable gut (aka leaky gut)
- Recurring shingles virus
- Celiac and possibly fibromyalgia (flare ups caused by dairy, grains, tomatoes, peppers, gum thickeners, and some other unidentified things, this list is growing)
- Allergies to dust, pets, ragweed, melon fruits, some scents
- MTHFR snp
- Scoliosis
- Can't eat much food do to stomach pain, liver is downright agonizing to eat
- Vertigo (this is the newest symptom, just started a few weeks ago)

So theoretically I'd need...
1. Correct deficiences
- Energin plus extra B1 and B2
- Calcitrol Vit. D + extra Kuinone to balance
- Estroban
- Calcium supplement since all dairy causes a.i. flare ups
- Mangenese, Magnesium (already started), Zinc + copper

2. Eliminate the bacterial and viral infections
- Squalamine + Biodicin (rotate every 30 days)
- Monolaurin
- Artimisinin (will try again, but last time increased constipation)

3. Heal guts, fix mitchondria, increase ATP, fix low RBC, fix lack of pancreas enzymes
- Colstrum
- BCAA's (taurine, glycine, lysine specifically, and minus the tryptophan, methonine, and arginine)
- Gelatin (already started)
- Proteoytic enzymes
- Oxidial (already started)
- Mitolipin (already started)
- Difibron (already started)
- Zinc carnosine
- Mastic gum (already started)

4. Restore microbe balance
- bacteriophages (probably Florassist)
- 5 strain Bifobacteria (Custom probiotics)

5. Reduce endotoxin
- Baking soda
- carrot salad

6. Continue with meds
- Levothyroxine and Liothyroxine
- Progesterone 200mg on days 18 through 28
- All most forgot, I already take Aged cascara bark and Aloe Ferox every night for the emodin and laxative effects

7. Other things I'll need to do
- red light
- mitigate effects of EMFs
- ab exercises to strengthen and tone my guts

This list was compiled via my own research and reading of various members experiences including Natedawg, gbolduev, @haidut , @Mito , @bzmazu , @mayweatherking , @managing , @lisaferraro , @Travis , @Broken man @goodandevil , @Regina , @Birdie , @tara , @Janelle525 , and sunmountain . Thank you all for your posts! Now I just have to figure out how to put it all together. It's very overwhelming, especially now with the onset of vertigo, so any tips would be so appreciated!

Perform a comprehensive stool test, but everything points towards candida overgrowth if you want my opinion.
Aug 18, 2015
My fasting glucose is within healthy range fortunately. Your suggestion of taking Thiamine with meals sounds very helpful. I am extremely deficient in B1, I take the amount in Energin but perhaps, like the Riboflavin, I should add some additional.

question for you @Broken man , do you take Kuinone as your Vit.K, and if so do you take it transdermal or oral?

I do have some bone broth, the arginine level is higher than the lysine so I'm leary about drinking too much as I am prone to shingles. I try to drink about 2 cups per day. Kale broth gives me heartburn (so does all hot tea, including herbal), as does all liquid mineral supplements. Liver also gives me heartburn. I've pondered this a lot, I don't know why. I'm guessing it has something to do with the high mineral content and gut bacteria. I'm negative for H.Pylori, but maybe it's some other kind. I've been drinking Evian (it has the most calcium and other minerals than the other spring waters) and adding homemade Magnesium bicarb. I've been lax on this the last week though so maybe that's part of the problem.

No, my insurance didn't cover NurtaEval or any of the tests my N.D. ran. The NutraEval was $394.00 and worth every penny.
My reverse T3 was in healthy range last time I got it tested and my Endocrinologist tested me for Cushings and said negative. She said my cortisol is in healthy range. None the less, I think you are right about my body running on cortisol. I've got to deal with this fact. Food is the answer but it's hard to get down and stay down.
Just ordered Calcitol to take in combo with Estroban. Red meat, liver, and Vit. C brings me to another quandary... Vit. C increases iron absorption in these foods! This makes me want to scream... I am severely deficient in Vit C and really should be pounding the OJ with every meal (or some other Vit C source) but I have to eat the meat to get the protein and other vitamins/minerals. I can't eat them together and I can't eat them apart... WTF.

It probably sounds like I'm being defeatist. I am not. I truly attempt all these things no matter how hard it is or what the cost. My body is so weird, it just doesn't respond like it should. Maybe I'm an alien.

have you tried making gelatin with beef oxtail and not a broth with bones? the bones have lead in them and that leaks into the water, beef oxtail is the best with boiling only 3 or 4 hours.

what are u eating for zinc and how often? coke is a common one for red meat.

what is your source of B vitamins? maybe try brewers yeast, but you need to drink it with milk .
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals
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