Progesterone first time experiment, what is going on?!?


Oct 20, 2016
Hi peeps,

Hope y'all doing fine :D

Let's get right to it. So basically I tried progesterone for a couple of times and I felt quite immediate effects. I haven't touched hormones that often and I still (as mentioned in my other threads) keep it mostly at vitamins and minerals. I read so much diverse things about progesterone for males so I never really came near it. To put it bluntly, I got a bit scared off since to me it came over as a bit of a controversial supplement for men. Even when provided with studies on why it may be beneficial, I saw different comments that made me think, that if I took it, it would turn me into a female (<exaggerating here but you get the point). So I was like, I'll keep it at pansterone (2.5mg) and andro (1mg) when experimenting.

I do have to say that I never was really aggressive, but pansterone and andro have noticable effects on the nervous system. I don't get overexcited as easily, where I hype myself to yell "lightweight baby" in the gym.

Prior to using progesterone I have used andro and pansterone together with fat soluble vitamins. I did this 3x a week and haven't done this for longer then 2 months. I also stop using it completely cause I like experimenting with vitamins and minerals more. Sometimes I would also try it on the scortum out of curiousness regarding effects (2.5mg pansterone + 1mg andro, sometimes with or without vitamin K2 2mg, vitamin D3 1000iu, vitamin A 2500IU and vitamin E 50-75IU). Sometimes I would play with the vitamin dosages and administering more or less topically but andro + pansterone stayed the same, always.

Hardness down there was pretty noticable and good, but it was good prior to using this also.


However, back to progesterone. I saw this passing by when I was browsing the forum: Scoliosis is due to cortisol receptor excess

When I just started progesterone about 2 weeks ago, I dosed it at 3mg topically. Sometimes I would also rub in vitamin K2, vitamin D3 or vitamin A on the same spot.
So what I decided to do for the past 2 weeks, was to administer progesterone topically together with the pansterone and androsterone, 3x a week (not every day). Mostly on training days and most of it I put it on the shoulders aswell. I never went above 2.5mg pansterone and 1mg andro. Never ever have I applied progesterone to the scrotum and I won't to it anyways. I have tried it on the scalp 1 or 2 times and on on the back when I read the scoliosis thing.

Now here is what has happened. First 2-3 times, I wasn't too sure what I'd think of it. But until recently 1-2 weeks ago, I noticed drastic effects when applying it on the back. I put it small bottle with about 5ml of olive oil and a very small amount of vitamin E. Soon after showering I applied it to the back and I noticed pretty immediate effects to say the least and (I am not exaggerating here). I felt muscles loosen up a lot, like wayyyy less stiff and more relaxed. For the past years, I wasn't really able to relax my muscles like this. It also most definitely had an anesthetic effect. Body temperature was better. It felt like my back had opened up, I could breathe more easily through lungs because of less stiffness. I could also stretch more easily.

There are a couple of HOWEVERS:

1) Little negative is that, despite NOT using it on the scrotum, it had effects there. It was just a bit soft there.
2) It tanked the sex drive a little, felt like ED. Using the combo's without progesterone would make things rockhard, so progesterone did do something here most definitely.

The relaxing effect lasted well over 2 days, degrading a bit over the course, but one more very odd thing is that I could lift heavier at the gym without much trouble. Is this because of muscles becoming more loose (hypothesis: more bloodflow because of relaxed state, allowing movements to be less jerky etc.) or is there another reason for this. Perhaps some of you guys know.

Again, never did I think of using progesterone for males but as I saw more topics coming by over the years, I thought why not try it out for once.

I saw other guys mentioning in threads that it killed their sex drive, even on small doses. They did notice "feel good" effects from it aswell like I did.

It felt extremely good for my back but I am scared of continuing it any further, don't wanna turn into a woman overnight hahaha (I'm sorry). Also, I read mixed things about high progesterone possibly being involved in causing gyno but other sources say that a little helps with gyno actually. Ugh, everything just scares me off when I read these kinds of stuff.

Another concrete question is, hypothetically speaking, would it cause any harm if a male used 3mg of progesterone for a long duration, whether it's a year or rest of their lives without taking a break. Like would it actually likely cause any estrogen, gyno issues etc? I know everyone is different try looking at it as more of a general consensus thing.

I am going to use it 1 or 2 more times before backing off it, to confirm the effects. I don't know whether I will return to it.

I would like to know, whether the good effects are actually good effects or whether they are side effects. So for example, the body/muscles has relaxed more and muscles loosened a bit but at the cost of tanking the sex drive and ED (getting loose/soft down there). So I can't really decide whether it's good then or not.


Oct 20, 2016
tagging @Hans since I saw him posting the thread. Hopefully he can chime in, thanks! Hoping to get @Wagner83 and @brix in here to share some insights aswell.


Dec 29, 2016
I think you know that Ray does not recommend long term progesterone use, he generally mentions about one big dose is being enough for many problems.


Forum Supporter
Aug 24, 2017
It's great that you got such good benefits from such a small dose. 3mg topically is really not a big deal given that only a small percentage is actually absorbed.
Regardless, perhaps you can wait it out. I'd continue for at least 2 months and see if it passes, but if not, then I'd either up the andro to see if that helps or lowers the progesterone dose even more.
Are you in a relationship or are there any specific reason why you need high libido right now?


Sep 22, 2020
3mg is surely nothing compared to what your body produces each day? It’s extremely anti-catabolic and anti-estrogenic. Using such a small amount each day is akin to viewing it as a sort of adaptogen. Much in the way you’d view a daily coffee habit.

But large doses flush the estrogens from the tissues (so I’ve read here). And I’ve tried this. 45-70mg does indeed result in estrogenic symptoms for me over the following 24 hour period following the dose. Perhaps something like androsterone would have been useful in that situation for me to antagonize the estrogênic effects.

Saying that, I don’t take hormones at all now. They work for a short period of time, but lose effectiveness. You have to introduce a cycling regimen because your body will always chose to up/down-regulate enzymes that deal with the increased amount (even if it is something beneficial like progesterone).

That’s how my body works anyway. Maybe others can take it continuously and are lucky enough to reap the same benefits each day.

Personally I wouldn’t put anything hormonal on the scrotum. I noticed positive benefits from panesterone there initially, but it did eventually incur a period of losing effectiveness, and then, having negative effects beyond where I started to begin with. My dosages weren’t crazy. Maybe one or two drops per day. The IdeaLabs supplements come as topical products with chemicals that enhance absorption multiple times. People taking what they think is 10mg of preg/dhea (one or two drops of panesterone) when, in fact, what you are taking from one or two drops, could result in an amount absorbed that is much higher than that. Does the scrotum really need 20mg of preg/dhea each day? Or even just for one day? Or maybe 1 or 2mg would be more than plenty? And even then, long term, homeostasis always wins.


Oct 20, 2016
I think you know that Ray does not recommend long term progesterone use, he generally mentions about one big dose is being enough for many problems.
Yes, I've seen a video where he says that. I just wondered out of curiosity whether long-term is possible with something like progesterone at really small doses (3mg or maybe a bit higher) without running into issues. Thanks for tuning in btw!

It's great that you got such good benefits from such a small dose. 3mg topically is really not a big deal given that only a small percentage is actually absorbed.
Regardless, perhaps you can wait it out. I'd continue for at least 2 months and see if it passes, but if not, then I'd either up the andro to see if that helps or lowers the progesterone dose even more.
Are you in a relationship or are there any specific reason why you need high libido right now?

Well, I guess I am used to having a high libido then I think. It just feels strange having it less now, I actually wanted to respond earlier but I decided to try progesterone a couple more times to see whether it really was the progesterone. I can say again, it most certainly is. I got the relaxing effects again consistently, I lift harder for some reason and one 1 or 2 days, I kinda fell asleep fairly easy and it was a good deep sleep. When I woke up, muscles were still relaxed. I felt rested, which I had some trouble with before. I got very used to being hyped (if that makes sense), not in a stress response way but I felt more alive. Now it's a bit more numb everywhere. I like it but I am not used to it. Especially my back aches less now. I am scared the effects will only be temporary and I might get aches again later on.

3mg is surely nothing compared to what your body produces each day? It’s extremely anti-catabolic and anti-estrogenic. Using such a small amount each day is akin to viewing it as a sort of adaptogen. Much in the way you’d view a daily coffee habit.

But large doses flush the estrogens from the tissues (so I’ve read here). And I’ve tried this. 45-70mg does indeed result in estrogenic symptoms for me over the following 24 hour period following the dose. Perhaps something like androsterone would have been useful in that situation for me to antagonize the estrogênic effects.

Saying that, I don’t take hormones at all now. They work for a short period of time, but lose effectiveness. You have to introduce a cycling regimen because your body will always chose to up/down-regulate enzymes that deal with the increased amount (even if it is something beneficial like progesterone).

That’s how my body works anyway. Maybe others can take it continuously and are lucky enough to reap the same benefits each day.

Personally I wouldn’t put anything hormonal on the scrotum. I noticed positive benefits from panesterone there initially, but it did eventually incur a period of losing effectiveness, and then, having negative effects beyond where I started to begin with. My dosages weren’t crazy. Maybe one or two drops per day. The IdeaLabs supplements come as topical products with chemicals that enhance absorption multiple times. People taking what they think is 10mg of preg/dhea (one or two drops of panesterone) when, in fact, what you are taking from one or two drops, could result in an amount absorbed that is much higher than that. Does the scrotum really need 20mg of preg/dhea each day? Or even just for one day? Or maybe 1 or 2mg would be more than plenty? And even then, long term, homeostasis always wins.

Thanks for mentioning the cycling regimen. I am also planning on just quitting it. I'd rather let my body take care of it. I do wonder though (now that I used progesterone for example and having these effects) what it tells me.

I'd like to use the supplements as a diagnosis if that makes sense (even though that may be hard to do). I mean, let's say I use progesterone > muscles ache less now. What does this tell me, what can I do in my diet to improve it (while being fairly peaty already, I can still make a list of all the things I consistently eat for those who don't know). Also not every day is the same but most of the time I try to live stress free.

It's very easy to be stressed or to stress the body without even being conscious of it. Like being so busy, that you forget to eat/ skip meals (as an example) and if this happens regurlary then you stress the body I'd reckon. Just the small things that add up and some people aren't really aware of these things it seems, then they wonder what's going on all of a sudden. I still am not doing it perfect myself and I still make a lot of mistakes. I just like experimenting and see what beneficial information I can get out of it.

Also, thanks for mentioning the enhancer thingy. I almost forgot, I really need to pay attention to that aswell. It's easy to overdo it I guess?

Anyways, thank you all for tuning in. Again, I wanted to reply earlier but I wanted to make sure I consistently got the same results again before concluding it's the progesterone that was doing the work.
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