RoundUp (Glyphosate) Finally Proven Toxic - It Depletes Glycine


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
For more than 2 decades Monsanto has been denying that RoundUp has a provable adverse effects on living organisms. The official reason cited was that there was no known mechanism through which glyphosate (active ingredient in RoundUp) can exert detrimental effects on the cell. Sounds suspiciously similar to the argument given for EMF radiation, except that a mechanism for EMF was recently found. Now, it looks like a mechanism of action for glyphosate has also been found - i.e. it acts like a fake glycine mimetic and blocks cellular uptake of glycine. The result is intracellular depletion of glycine and as a result all hell breaks looose includin cancer, diabetes, autism, Alzheimer, colitis, etc. For anybody doubting Ray's writing on the importance of glycine for cellular health, this discovery about Monsanto should give them a good pause. It would be a bit premature to state it with certainty, but I will make the conjecture that ingesting extra glycine may protect from some of the bad effects of glyphosate due to glycine displaicing the poisonous chemical by competition for entry into the cell. Whether glycine consuptiom can also reverse the various diseases caused by glyphosate I don't know, but Ray has certainly hinted at that possibility by writing about the protective effects of glycine on all of the conditions listed above. I also posted a study recently showing that 96-year old cells can be restored to youthful metabolism by simply providing them with extra glycine. So, I think I am going to have some oxtail soup now given that even the leading scientist behind the study does not expect FDA to act any time soon or maybe at all.

Scientists Seek Ban On Monsanto's RoundUp

"...On Tuesday, a delegation of independent scientists urged the EPA to ban RoundUp, Monsanto’s flagship herbicide at the O’Neill House Office Building in Washington D.C. Providing testimony that it poses an unreasonable risk to humans, animals, and the environment, scientists spoke at a closed meeting with EPA scientists and host Ted Lieu, (CA-33). The scientists explained the physiological reasons why exposure to glyphosate, the active ingredient in RoundUp, is linked to autism, Alzheimer’s, cancer, birth defects, obesity, gluten intolerance, among other health issues."

"...Dr. Stephen Frantz, Pathobiologist Research Scientist led the team. “When a cell is trying to form proteins, it may grab glyphosate instead of glycine to form a damaged, mis-folded protein. After that it’s medical chaos. Where glyphosate replaces glycine, the cell can no longer conduct business as usual causing unpredicted consequences with many diseases and disorders as a result.”

"...RoundUp also harms crops’ ability to capture carbon from the air, an important factor in fighting climate change. “Glyphosate negatively affects the soil microbiome,” said Frantz. “It is destroying the ability of soil to be a nutritive medium for producing crops. Organic or biological regenerative agriculture is the solution for the sustainable agricultural sector and will conserve soil, air and water quality, and sequester carbon that helps to mitigate the climate crisis. We call for a ban on glyphosate.”

"...Frantz wants to see immediate action because he sees the use of glyphosate as outright poisoning of our food and soil. “By the end of 2016, the EPA will have something done and then comment periods, and then there’s another step, and there’s more comment periods, and this is like business as usual. The evidence we presented about this chemical being a glycine analog, that really should excite people. And I didn’t see any excitement. It should upset people.”


Aug 5, 2015
San Francisco
Thanks for this.

Reminds me of this video of a lobbyist claiming Glyphosate is safe to drink being challenged to drink some and declining, lol.



Mar 15, 2014
Nothing will ever beat that video


Oct 27, 2013
I'm certain that a large majority of people having reactions to wheat are actually having the reaction due to the roundup. i wonder when the practice of spraying wheat crops to kill the wheat for processing first started taking place.


May 21, 2015
Thanks for posting this! I wonder if aspirin can "deplete" glyphosate similar to glycine like you posted awhile back: Negative effects of aspirin may be due to glycine depletion
Or maybe it would make the situation worse by decreasing available glycine?

It seems that salicylic acid is a common adjunct to herbacide in agriculture as it protects from some of the negative effects:

"SA enhanced growth of Vigna mungo not only in combination with pendimethalin but also in treatment with SA alone as compared to control. Thus the results reveal, the role of SA in protection of Vigna mungo against herbicidal stress is apparent"
"Protein and sugar
contents decreased gradually with increased concentration of herbicide. It might be due to impaired photosynthetic machinery as result of herbicidal stress. Protein, sugar and pigment contents were enhanced in plants under SA treatment. Our results are in agreement with El-Tayeb et al . (2006) who reported promotary effect of SA on pigment, protein and sugar contents of sunflower"
Mitigating effects of salicylic acid against herbicidal stress



Feb 4, 2016
I'm certain that a large majority of people having reactions to wheat are actually having the reaction due to the roundup. i wonder when the practice of spraying wheat crops to kill the wheat for processing first started taking place.

Not Peat friendly but usefull

Great interview with Dr. Don Huber.
He mentioned humic acid or bentonite clay to be usefull in removing glyphosate.


Sep 10, 2014
Not Uganda
Can glyphosate’s disruption of the gut microbiome and induction of sulfate deficiency
explain the epidemic in gout and associated diseases in the industrialized world?
Were you bullied for being the only author from the United of Kingdoms?
Have you read about molybdenum's involvement in sulfate metabolism, and perhaps glyphosate's (or the whole RoundUp as the review mentioned) interaction?
And what's up with this? Mineral (nutrient) - Wikipedia
I don't get why it's not molybden.. ium, in accordance with the others.


Sep 20, 2015
Man how can one even avoid this stuff...
I chanced to talk to Dr. Stephen Frantz at a party the other day and he said to eat organic only. Another symptom of glyphosate poisoning he mentioned was poor digestion as a result of mal-formed proteins. I would buy organic gelatin if I could find it.


Oct 20, 2017
Were you bullied for being the only author from the United of Kingdoms?
Have you read about molybdenum's involvement in sulfate metabolism, and perhaps glyphosate's (or the whole RoundUp as the review mentioned) interaction?
And what's up with this? Mineral (nutrient) - Wikipedia
I don't get why it's not molybden.. ium, in accordance with the others.
Maybe Molybedenum is involved, just didn't find much evidence to prove it. Also seem to recall reading studies which suggested an excess build-up of Molybednum potentially being the cause of Gout.

I have wondered myself about MolyB but couldn't find a clean source of supplementation to test it.


Oct 20, 2017
I chanced to talk to Dr. Stephen Frantz at a party the other day and he said to eat organic only. Another symptom of glyphosate poisoning he mentioned was poor digestion as a result of mal-formed proteins. I would buy organic gelatin if I could find it.
Glyphosate kills Cytochrome P450 enzyme which eventually allows the toxic molecule to pass into the bloodstream from where all number of other problems occur.
I cured Gout by avoiding all vegetables, then later discovered that I could eat organic vegetables without any problem but non-organic caused Gout.


Sep 10, 2014
Not Uganda
Maybe Molybedenum is involved, just didn't find much evidence to prove it. Also seem to recall reading studies which suggested an excess build-up of Molybednum potentially being the cause of Gout.

I have wondered myself about MolyB but couldn't find a clean source of supplementation to test it.
I think there is a lot more research regarding toxicity of these ultratrace minerals than deficiency due to occupational exposure..


Sep 10, 2014
Not Uganda
Glyphosate, pathways to modern diseases III: Manganese, neurological diseases, and associated pathologies
Glyphosate, pathways to modern diseases III: Manganese, neurological diseases, and associated pathologies

It also depletes Manganese

and more...
Can glyphosate’s disruption of the gut microbiome and induction of sulfate deficiency
explain the epidemic in gout and associated diseases in the industrialized world?
paymanz's work was republished 2x on a single page, that's how good it is. And the other link 1x, so it's almost as good.

Dave Clark

Jun 2, 2017
Wondering if a good fulvic/humic acid supplement would be a good way to counter some of these effects? Didn't search it, but what is the consensus on the forum of these substances (also, what is Ray's opinion)? They look 'good on paper', but so do a lot of things that aren't. I have no experience using them, nor do I know too much about them, other than what I find on internet searches.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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