FDA Food Tests For Monsanto's RoundUp (glyphosate) Are Fraud, All Food Likely Contaminated


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
I have posted a few times about the negative health effects of the blockbuster Monsanto pesticide known as RoundUp. The active ingredient in that product is glyphosate and that chemical has been officially classified as carcinogen in Europe, Latin America and some Asian countries. The state of California is perhaps the only state in the US that has classified this chemical as carcinogen and Monsanto threatened to sue the state over its decision. Perhaps its most important mechanism of action causing diseases is its role as a antagonist of the amino acid glycine.
RoundUp (glyphosate) Linked To Alzheimers, Parkinson And ALS
California Officially Declares RoundUp (glyphosate) A Known Carcinogen
RoundUp (Glyphosate) Finally Proven Toxic - It Depletes Glycine

The FDA has maintained for years that glyphosate is safe but has refused to test food samples for its presence. When public pressure for testing intensified the FDA finally started some tests in 2017 but the process was immediately tested by evidence that a top EPA official involved in the testing was openly collaborating with Monsanto and trying to derail the tests or skew their results. Well, it appears that the FDA is always part of the scam. As the article below shows, while the tests on "official food samples" performed by the FDA did not find any glyphosate, FDA's own scientists conducted their own tests on their own food they commonly eat and found glyphosate levels exceeding multiple times the allowed limits in every food they tested. Keep in mind that even the allowed limits are known to cause cancer in lab animals, but at the levels found in common foods as reported by these scientists the glyphosate's effects are probably going to manifest in a matter of months instead of years.
And what was he FDA's response when asked about the shocking findings of its own scientists? That the testing was done on "unofficial samples" and as such cannot be accepted as valid. I wonder who supplied those "official samples" that showed absence of glyphosate...

Monsanto Cancer Suits Turn to EPA Deputy's 'Suspicious' Role
Emails Show FDA Chemists Have Been Quietly Finding Glyphosate in Food - Modern Farmer

"...Until very recently, the government had not tested food for glyphosate residue at all, despite the product’s long history in agricultural and home use. In 2014, the Government Accountability Office issued a release stating the FDA should begin testing for the herbicide’s presence on the food we eat. Shortly thereafter, a string of studies and reviews indicated that glyphosate should probably be further studied, and in March of 2015, the cancer research arm of the World Health Organization declared glyphosate a “probable carcinogen.” In 2016, the FDA began what they call a “special assignment” to test certain food for glyphosate residue. The special assignment was immediately littered with issues, and, as the Huffington Post notes, testing was delayed, was strangely opaque in its operations, and was mired by accusations of collusion between Monsanto and a top EPA official. Eventually, in 2017, the FDA tested samples of four items: soybeans, corn, milk, and eggs. (They refer to it as the “2016 special assignment” although the testing was actually done the following year.) “Preliminary results for samples collected under the 2016 special assignment showed no pesticide residue violations for glyphosate in any of the four commodities tested,” wrote Peter Cassell, a press officer for the FDA, in an emailed statement to Modern Farmer."

"...Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests were quickly filed, and the newest set, this one by the non-profit food industry research group US Right to Know and published this past weekend by the Guardian, turned up some interesting emails from within the FDA showing that their chemists have been busy doing some extra-curricular work testing regular foods brought from home, as opposed to the official samples tested by the FDA, for the presence of glyphosate. All of the official samples passed the test and were within the legal limits of glyphosate residue. But those off-the-record, unofficial samples, though done with the same equipment and tested by the same chemists, showed glyphosate. That’s right. The chemists found glyphosate residue on just about everything: crackers, granola, cornmeal, honey, oatmeal, baby food, and even corn. Their surreptitious corn test—one of the four items the FDA is actually testing—found glyphosate significantly over the legal limit set by the EPA. The chemists emailed their bosses to ask what to do. The FDA’s response (which was also captured in the FOIA documents): That corn was not an “official sample” and will thus be ignored."


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
What can people do?

Supplement gelatin/glycine would be the easiest thing. Also, I would like to see analysis done on organic foods as glyphosate is not supposed to be in producing those. I may send some samples to our lab to see if that is the case. If organic food is also contaminated then the gelatin/glycine and thyroid would be the only options I know of.


Mar 12, 2016
Supplement gelatin/glycine would be the easiest thing. Also, I would like to see analysis done on organic foods as glyphosate is not supposed to be in producing those. I may send some samples to our lab to see if that is the case. If organic food is also contaminated then the gelatin/glycine and thyroid would be the only options I know of.

That's a shame, I really dislike eating gelatin... I'd be interested in the results of those samples.


Jun 19, 2017
Supplement gelatin/glycine would be the easiest thing. Also, I would like to see analysis done on organic foods as glyphosate is not supposed to be in producing those. I may send some samples to our lab to see if that is the case. If organic food is also contaminated then the gelatin/glycine and thyroid would be the only options I know of.

Those 'un-official' FDA tests have found glyphosate traces in organic honey https://usrtk.org/fda-glyphosate-in-honey/


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe


Aug 6, 2017
It is found in honey because the bees carry it there from non-organic crops. If it is found in organic products that cannot be contaminated like this then you should sue the seller since what they are doing is illegal.


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
It is found in honey because the bees carry it there from non-organic crops. If it is found in organic products that cannot be contaminated like this then you should sue the seller since what they are doing is illegal.

That's a good point. OK, I will test organic milk, eggs, cheese, and chocolate. But can't those also get contaminated if the animals were fed silage or grain exposed to glyphosate? Hopefully, the feeding of the animals producing organic food is also regulated to limit exposure to pesticides.


Apr 14, 2013
Those 'un-official' FDA tests have found glyphosate traces in organic honey https://usrtk.org/fda-glyphosate-in-honey/

It is found in honey because the bees carry it there from non-organic crops. If it is found in organic products that cannot be contaminated like this then you should sue the seller since what they are doing is illegal.

I feel especially sorry for the organic bee keepers. People have stopped buying there products because they are loading with glyphosate and they do everything they can keep their hives organic. I personally have started buying honey from Brazil and countries where glyphosate has been banned.

Interesting research on this from the academic side.
Stephanie Seneff's Home Page

Yes, she very interesting to listen to. She also warns against glyphosate on our cotton clothing, gelatin, gelatine capsules in supplements. She says the main thing you can do is make sure to get enough cholesterol, increase sulfur rich foods (possibly take MSM supplement, powder form not in gel-caps), and get out in sun before you bath (washing away the natural oils on the skin reduces it's ability synthesize the sulphate in the skin.
Sulfate: A Common Nutrient Deficiency You’re Probably Ignoring

Also, I started getting marine collagen hydrolsate from vital proteins as is tested for glyphosate also it's higher in glycine than bovine.
Tropical Traditions also tests for glyphosate...https://healthytraditions.com/tropicaltraditions-2


Sep 23, 2017
Supplement gelatin/glycine would be the easiest thing. Also, I would like to see analysis done on organic foods as glyphosate is not supposed to be in producing those. I may send some samples to our lab to see if that is the case. If organic food is also contaminated then the gelatin/glycine and thyroid would be the only options I know of.

fasting helps the liver recover and aids in detox and breakdown of toxin and hormones espeically estrogen.


Aug 9, 2013
Supplement gelatin/glycine would be the easiest thing. Also, I would like to see analysis done on organic foods as glyphosate is not supposed to be in producing those. I may send some samples to our lab to see if that is the case. If organic food is also contaminated then the gelatin/glycine and thyroid would be the only options I know of.

@haidut this would be truly fascinating to see!

I would help to fund some testing of organic and non-organic vegetables if you do it.
Nov 26, 2013
I imagine that mountain flower honey or forest honey would have less chance of being contaminated. They take some getting used to, though.


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
@haidut this would be truly fascinating to see!

I would help to fund some testing of organic and non-organic vegetables if you do it.

Waiting on our lab to say if they provide some kind of bundled testing for pesticides/toxins. I am hoping they have an affordable test that can check for 10-20 most common toxins found in food as leftover from agricultural manipulation.


Aug 24, 2016
Waiting on our lab to say if they provide some kind of bundled testing for pesticides/toxins. I am hoping they have an affordable test that can check for 10-20 most common toxins found in food as leftover from agricultural manipulation.

Haidut, thanks for taking on this initiative! It will be interesting in seeing what you find. On a different note, this might be of interest to those who want to test their glyphosate levels. A year and a half ago when I was searching for a way to test, there was no labs that provided the service and what a different world now .....

Great Plains Laboratory
Glyphosate Test
Authorize a Test
They say their testing is free as long as you have a doctor sign off on the requisition form, you'll need to pay what your doctor charges on top.

Detox Project partnering with MetricBio
Join The Glyphosate Biobank – Test Your Urine | The Detox Project
They are doing this as part of a study and it costs $125. According to their FAQ, "The urine testing method is validated LC-MS/MS with a Limit of Detection (LOD) of 0.4 ppb and Limit of Quantification (LOQ) of 0.8 ppb."

Has anyone used either one of these companies?


When I do my Master Cleanse and I am on about day 5, and do the salt water flush- what flushes actually smells like pesticides. Thank you for the post @haidut. I have just started adding kroger " jello" to my smoothie- which I am sure if bad and contaminated but it is the only gelatin product that does not give me a headache. I add it to my mixed fruit and greek yogurt and water smoothies. Monsanto is getting away with murder.
Feb 1, 2016
From what I've read, oats are the largest source of glyphosate exposure for humans, whole wheat is also pretty bad


Aug 9, 2013
Waiting on our lab to say if they provide some kind of bundled testing for pesticides/toxins. I am hoping they have an affordable test that can check for 10-20 most common toxins found in food as leftover from agricultural manipulation.

Great, keep us posted!


Aug 24, 2016
From what I've read, oats are the largest source of glyphosate exposure for humans, whole wheat is also pretty bad

@robknob @haidut It would be really interesting to find out if organic whole wheat is also contaminated with glyphosate. If that's the case then we would need to avoid all wheat bread and pizzas :( I normally eat this brand, Food for Life Ezekiel bread. It's supposed be one of the better and nutrient dense breads out there and made from 6 types of non-gmo organic grains and legumes: wheat, soybeans, barley, millet, lentils and spelt. Ezekiel 4:9
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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