Exposure to even ultra-low dose of RoundUp causes kidney/liver damage


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
So much for the official statement by Monsanto that RoundUp (glyphosate) is so safe that a person can drink a glass full of it and there would be no ill effects. They even sent their lawyer to a famous TV show to make the same claims, but that lawyer became berserk when the show host poured him a glass of the herbicide and asked him to drink it. As usual, it is the old mantra of "do as I say, not as I do". Well, if the study below is any indication, even extremely low daily doses of RoundUp - 10-100 times lower than what an average Western human is exposed to daily - can result in liver and kidney damage. That would mean the usual recommendations by USDA to thoroughly wash produce as a way of eliminating the risks of RoundUp exposure are at best bunk, and at worst a mockery, considering the revolving door between EPA/USDA agencies and Monsanto. I suppose eating organic produce might be one way to avoid/mitigate the risks of RoundUp exposure, but considering how minute the quantities used in the study were, I suspect any store carrying both organic and non-organic certified produce at the same physical premises might end up contaminating the organic produce sufficiently that it can match the exposure levels used in the study below. IMO, it is way overdue that RoundUp is simply banned, similar to the (in)famous chemical DDT, which was also claimed to be very "safe" for years before finally getting the axe when the lawsuits associated with its toxicities became too big to ignore. If exposure to even minute amounts of RoundUp is unavoidable, it may help to at least try to mitigate its effects. Most of the negative effects of RoundUp are associated with its activity as antagonist on the glycine receptor. Thus supplementation with several grams daily of agonists of that receptor may help mitigate the damage. Glycine agonists include glycine (duh), taurine, and beta alanine. So, generous servings of gelatin, seafood (rich in both glycine and taurine), or even an occasional RedBul may all contribute to mitigate the damage from this ubiquitous poison.

Glyphosate’s Suppression of Cytochrome P450 Enzymes and Amino Acid Biosynthesis by the Gut Microbiome: Pathways to Modern Diseases
Transcriptome profile analysis reflects rat liver and kidney damage following chronic ultra-low dose Roundup exposure - Environmental Health

"...The expression of 4224 and 4447 transcript clusters (a group of probes corresponding to a known or putative gene) were found to be altered respectively in liver and kidney (p < 0.01, q < 0.08). Changes in gene expression varied from −3.5 to 3.7 fold in liver and from −4.3 to 5.3 in kidneys. Among the 1319 transcript clusters whose expression was altered in both tissues, ontological enrichment in 3 functional categories among 868 genes were found. First, genes involved in mRNA splicing and small nucleolar RNA were mostly upregulated, suggesting disruption of normal spliceosome activity. Electron microscopic analysis of hepatocytes confirmed nucleolar structural disruption. Second, genes controlling chromatin structure (especially histone-lysine N-methyltransferases) were mostly upregulated. Third, genes related to respiratory chain complex I and the tricarboxylic acid cycle were mostly downregulated. Pathway analysis suggests a modulation of the mTOR and phosphatidylinositol signalling pathways. Gene disturbances associated with the chronic administration of ultra-low dose Roundup reflect a liver and kidney lipotoxic condition and increased cellular growth that may be linked with regeneration in response to toxic effects causing damage to tissues. Observed alterations in gene expression were consistent with fibrosis, necrosis, phospholipidosis, mitochondrial membrane dysfunction and ischemia, which correlate with and thus confirm observations of pathology made at an anatomical, histological and biochemical level. Our results suggest that chronic exposure to a GBH in an established laboratory animal toxicity model system at an ultra-low, environmental dose can result in liver and kidney damage with potential significant health implications for animal and human populations."


Mar 29, 2016
Not that I have read or heard yet.
It's mostly coming from Stephanie Seneff.

On another current thread on coffee, @Apollo brought up Glyphosate-laced RoundUp being used on Brazil grown coffee.

Could it be that the Ill effects felt from drinking coffee come from glyphosate used to grow coffee? What if this is standard practice all over except for organic coffee?


Mar 29, 2016

That clown is Patrick Moore, a cofounder of Greenpeace turned into a GMO advocate. Nothing strange about his morphing. From one organization that really was a tool for the climate change hoaxing into becoming tied to the idea that GMO is good for humanity.

Just another sycophant and servant and front as a white man serving the interests of his puppeteer Talmudists. Whose aim is to realize the eventual subjugation of Gentile mankind to be used at the pleasure of their Talmudist masters.


Apr 19, 2020
Round-up is bog standard in 'Straya, mate. (That's Australia folks, or AUS, or Ozzie, or Oz) Mow the lawn, then put on the backpack with Roundup, and walk around and spray. Weekends, nice day after work, grab the Roundup and walk around the yard, driveway, etc., and then have a beer. Ahhhhh, so relaxing. Very few sheeple believe it is toxic. And this is a place where many many folks drink water from the sky. (Rain water).( If it kills me then I am OUTTA here. )
Mar 10, 2021
It's mostly coming from Stephanie Seneff.

On another current thread on coffee, @Apollo brought up Glyphosate-laced RoundUp being used on Brazil grown coffee.

Could it be that the Ill effects felt from drinking coffee come from glyphosate used to grow coffee? What if this is standard practice all over except for organic coffee?
Maybe 10 years ago I read that potatoes and coffee were the most pesticide laden crops. Some say that the roasting of the coffee beans mitigates a lot of it, but I don’t know how much of that is true.


Mar 29, 2016
Maybe 10 years ago I read that potatoes and coffee were the most pesticide laden crops. Some say that the roasting of the coffee beans mitigates a lot of it, but I don’t know how much of that is true.
That is true, per the post of @Apollo on a current thread where @Korven is OP on coffee.

But it only mitigates, and not eliminate. What pesticides are left behind can still be enough to have effects on more sensitive individuals.


Oct 15, 2015
What are we supposed to do? Especially in Australia, all of the food is toxic. It is done on purpose, the regulators are promoting it. For sure a lot of people are either evil or just stupid.


Apr 19, 2021
It's probably impossible to completely avoid it though. I'd bet that all people on this forum would test positive. It's still important to minimize the exposure obviously.


Mar 22, 2022
West Side
Chlorine dioxide completely eliminates this ***t from the body turning it harmless. Read a paper on this a year or so ago and Stephanie Seneff said the same thing in an interview around the same time. Still drinking Chlorine Dioxide everyday is not advisable but a few rounds per year might not be a bad idea.

I guess it will be as effective if the food is put in a water with some chlorine dioxide dissolved in it. Or maybe put the food inside a container with some chlorine dioxide gas for an hour or so.
Mar 10, 2021
That is true, per the post of @Apollo on a current thread where @Korven is OP on coffee.

But it only mitigates, and not eliminate. What pesticides are left behind can still be enough to have effects on more sensitive individuals.
I would think the high heat from roasting the pesticide laden beans would make the remaining pesticides into some other kind of acrylamide monster.


Aug 17, 2016
Round-up is bog standard in 'Straya, mate. (That's Australia folks, or AUS, or Ozzie, or Oz) Mow the lawn, then put on the backpack with Roundup, and walk around and spray. Weekends, nice day after work, grab the Roundup and walk around the yard, driveway, etc., and then have a beer. Ahhhhh, so relaxing. Very few sheeple believe it is toxic. And this is a place where many many folks drink water from the sky. (Rain water).( If it kills me then I am OUTTA here. )
I'm in Florida. The neighbors all have 'mow n blow' crews that do exactly that. Even the houses on the water do the same--allowing the run-off into the river.
Mow; blow leaves around for no apparent reason; strap on the backpack and douse. Repeat every week.

I will not hold my breath for it ever being banned.
Mar 10, 2021
“Only 3% of coffees available worldwide today are grown using organic methods, which means 97% are treated with pesticides and other chemicals.

Coffee is largely grown in developing countries like Colombia, Brazil, and Ethiopia, many of which have few to no regulations on the use of pesticides and chemicals on food products. In fact, some actually use chemicals to treat coffee that have been banned in the US and Europe.

Though its been said the roasting process destroys pesticides, research now suggests that these chemicals actually penetrate the green coffee bean. Because of this, roasting often fails to eradicate the contamination, which can result in pesticide residue in coffee even after it’s been brewed.

Pesticide exposure is linked to a number of troubling health issues like:

  • ADHD in kids
  • Alzheimer’s Disease>
  • birth defects>
  • breast cancer
  • other cancers
  • depression
  • fertility issues
  • immune system damage
  • low IQ in kids>
  • ovarian cancer
  • Parkinson’s Disease
  • prostate cancer
  • respiratory problems”



Mar 29, 2016
“Only 3% of coffees available worldwide today are grown using organic methods, which means 97% are treated with pesticides and other chemicals.

Coffee is largely grown in developing countries like Colombia, Brazil, and Ethiopia, many of which have few to no regulations on the use of pesticides and chemicals on food products. In fact, some actually use chemicals to treat coffee that have been banned in the US and Europe.

Though its been said the roasting process destroys pesticides, research now suggests that these chemicals actually penetrate the green coffee bean. Because of this, roasting often fails to eradicate the contamination, which can result in pesticide residue in coffee even after it’s been brewed.

Pesticide exposure is linked to a number of troubling health issues like:

  • ADHD in kids
  • Alzheimer’s Disease>
  • birth defects>
  • breast cancer
  • other cancers
  • depression
  • fertility issues
  • immune system damage
  • low IQ in kids>
  • ovarian cancer
  • Parkinson’s Disease
  • prostate cancer
  • respiratory problems”

I shouldn't take this subject so lightly as before thanks to you, given that this is something I drink regularly. Once daily is still 365x yearly and the poisons may accumulate, and a healthy liver is so important to detox the toxins away.

I have started to look for organic coffee and pay more for it. And then begin observing the effect of drinking coffee free of the toxins that come with regular coffee.


Dec 11, 2020
Once my team and I file this case against Gilead, Roundup is next on my list. It has been my mission for some time to eradicate it but then Covid hit and took over my whole career. I'm on it as God and Ray Peat are my witnesses.
Mar 10, 2021
I shouldn't take this subject so lightly as before thanks to you, given that this is something I drink regularly. Once daily is still 365x yearly and the poisons may accumulate, and a healthy liver is so important to detox the toxins away.

I have started to look for organic coffee and pay more for it. And then begin observing the effect of drinking coffee free of the toxins that come with regular coffee.
I am really glad that I can be of help to you finally yerrag. You have been so helpful to me over the last year. Yeah when you put it that way, one a days is 365 cups in year of toxins, that could add up to some health issues.

Dave Clark

Jun 2, 2017
I have been a coffee roaster for about 30 years, a retired semi-professional roaster. ! purchase mostly Ethiopian for use mostly because that region uses mostly organic methods to grow their coffee. There are other regions in the world that use organic methods, mostly I would assume because they either can't afford the chemicals, or don't need them where their coffee trees grow. This pesticide use is not across the board on coffee, like some foods, there are many that are grown without chemicals, yet not designated 'organic'. I experience this first hand, since I live in Amish country and many of the farms I buy from do not use chemicals, but won't go to the trouble of trying to be certified organic. So, the take away is either buying organic, or finding out what isn't called organic, but is.


Apr 19, 2020
I have been a coffee roaster for about 30 years, a retired semi-professional roaster. ! purchase mostly Ethiopian for use mostly because that region uses mostly organic methods to grow their coffee. There are other regions in the world that use organic methods, mostly I would assume because they either can't afford the chemicals, or don't need them where their coffee trees grow. This pesticide use is not across the board on coffee, like some foods, there are many that are grown without chemicals, yet not designated 'organic'. I experience this first hand, since I live in Amish country and many of the farms I buy from do not use chemicals, but won't go to the trouble of trying to be certified organic. So, the take away is either buying organic, or finding out what isn't called organic, but is.
Hey great to know this info Dave, Ethiopian is one of my favs. Along with Yemen, which is hard or impossible to get at least here in Australia. (War on Yemen now for many years - usual disgusting geopolitical story). I figured that the drier (or arid) climates where coffee is grown would mean the possibility of NOT needing the pesticides, fungicides, etc. .Hmmmmmm. I did just now search up Yemen coffee and pesticides, and it seems they sometimes spray the coffee seeds with pesticides. WTF? Anyhow this is found here - some Yemenis went to NL and are helping to get more Yemen coffee into NL. https://www.mochacoffee.nl/blogs/news/helping-coffee-farmers-in-yemen-by-elevating-the-european-coffee-experience

{I have been an avid home roaster since 2005, and miss my sweet maria's green beans! https://www.sweetmarias.com/ . Price and selection is awesome. There are incredible 'Coffee Photo Journeys' there, and literally months of reading on his site. Some great info regarding how coffee is grown when you buy it. Altitude, climate, how it is processed : Wet, dry, natural, etc..
--Also of Note: Coffee quality is very very poor of late, at least here in Australia. I imagine world wide as the weather ruining large crops last few years and the plandemic messing with Cargo Ships/transport and increase in prices=expensive sh*te green beans. Dang it.}

Back to Organics: I have a farmer friend in Oregon, outside of Portland, who was certified Org, and he stopped being certified after 25 years as he has his strong Customer base, about 75% of his sales direct to Restaurants, and the rest is farmers market, where everyone knows him. (35 years farming there). Virtually no need to be certified!! Everyone knows and tastes how good it is. (Chem free except for Chem Trails.)
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