Cancer Is A Nitrogen Deficiency, Cancer Cell = Cell In Fermentation, Dr. Otto Warburg Was Right

Dr. B

Mar 16, 2021
So you basically kill the mycotoxin excreting pathogens inside the nucleus, apoptosis will occur because the DNA can repair and tumor suppressing genes can be expressed again, (the tumor shrinks), and then you revert the state of fermentation back to respiration by providing enough nitrogen to the cancer cell. If this should be done in an order or if this can be done at the same time remains to be determined. If you find out wether it is required to treat the lymphatic system of any congestion too, as Naessens did, it will be even better. This could be, in a nutshell that which is required to treat cancer to the point of curing it. Getting rid of all the stressors that aggravate the cell and its metabolism with Peat measures will ensure the best recovery.

Here is the manufacturing patent of the drug that Gaston Naessens made:


The invention concerns an aqueous solution capable of being injected by perinodular delivery or inhaled for use in the treatment of degenerative or autoimmune diseases or as immunomodulatory agent. Said solution is prepared by reacting camphor on ammonium hydroxide. The resulting product is then suspended in a saline solution. Said preparation having a basic pH is then neutralized with nitric acid. The resulting aqueous solution has pharmacological properties since it is an analogue of human cytokines, which makes it useful for treating degenerative or autoimmune diseases and/or as an immunomodulatory agent.

View attachment 9584

Full patent:

Now I wonder if it is possible to nitrogenate a similar substance for use at home. Or if any compound exists that naturally has the same pharmaceutical properties as this compound. Preferably for oral, sublingual or topical use.

Also read this if you're interested in the potential dangers of the use of vitamin B12, vitamin E and shark cartilage in the treatment of cancer:

Vitamin B12

It is recommended not to simultaneously use 714X and vitamin B12 supplements.

Vitamin B12 accelerates cellular division (especially blood cells) without distinguishing healthy cells from immature cells. There is nothing to be gained by stimulating cell division in an already hyperactive organism. This restriction does not affect vitamin B12's properties in a normal context.
For those persons having had a partial or total removal of the small intestine who wish to take 714X, the above exception concerning vitamin B12 does not apply as this vitamin is essential for such persons' survival.

Vitamin E

It is not recommended to use 714X and vitamin E supplements simultaneously.

It is a recognized fact that vitamin E protects cellular membranes against free radicals. This antioxidant property of vitamin E is important in the prevention of cancer, but once cancer has taken hold of the organism, this vitamin could create a protective coating around immature cells and thus delay their identification and elimination by the immune system.

Shark and bovine cartilage

It is not recommended to use 714X and shark or bovine cartilage or antiangiogenic products (products aiming at shrinking blood vessels) simultaneously

Shark cartilage seeks to asphyxiate a tumoral mass by stopping its vascularisation process. This is a valid approach if one considers cancer as a localized problem.
However, if one considers cancer as a generalized disease which localizes itself in a vulnerable area of the body, it becomes useless to act locally if the defense mechanisms are not supported. In this approach, the tumor is only confirmation of a more profound problem.
Shark cartilage is incompatible with 714X as 714X requires a good blood circulation so that the body may eliminate tumoral masses.

Source: Gaston Naessens: Somatids, Somatoscope, & 714X; Alternative cancer treatment; Articles & 2 Patents

*714X is the name of the drug Gaston Naessens made.

Quinine, an alkaloid, is anti-serotonin, and contains nitrogen, as all alkaloids contain nitrogen. It also has anti-cancer potential according to multiple studies.
Quinine Is A Serotonin Antagonist And Inhibits Serotonin Synthesis

Piperine (from black pepper) also is an alkaloid with potential anti-cancer benefits, and being an alkaloid, it contains nitrogen.

Alkaloids are a group of naturally occurring chemical compounds that mostly contain basic nitrogen atoms.

Berberine is also an alkaloid containing nitrogen. Berberine increases serotonin in the brain of mice in one study though.

Did I mention yet that caffeine contains nitrogen?

Krebs cycle

Of these amino acids, aspartate and glutamine are used, together with carbon and nitrogen atoms from other sources, to form the purines that are used as the bases in DNA and RNA, as well as in ATP, AMP, GTP, NAD, FAD and CoA.[35]
Citric acid cycle - Wikipedia

CO2 and N2 as cancer preventatives and reversal agents?

If only this study wasn't behind a paywall...
Nitrogen Shift in Cancer

Nitrogen oxides can participate in both causative and curative mechanisms of tumor biology. The appreciation of the high complexity and diversity of the biological effects of these reactive species in biological system will prompt our fundamental understanding of their roles in cancer and our search for improved and novel therapeutic strategies.
Nitrogen Oxides and Their Roles in Cancer Etiology - Current Pharmacology Reports

But these roles of glutaminolysis, whether providing nitrogen or anabolic carbons, should not be generalized as mutually exclusive features of all cancer cells. From these considerations, it is surmised that the expression of glutamine synthetase in different cancers will determine the extent by which these cancers are addicted to exogenous glutamine, as revealed by the decreased dependency of glutamine synthetase-engineered chinese hamster ovary cells on glutamine.27

This last study implies that both carbon and nitrogen boost tumor growth and proliferation.. Is Dr. Ray Peat wrong on CO2, or is CO2 not implied in tumor growth and proliferation due to a different mechanism?

Which other foods, products or supplements contain nitrogen in them?
Also i don’t understand their point on shark and bovine cartilage. It sounds like theyre saying shark and bovine cartilage, if consumed orally, reduce blood flow/circulation in the body? Why is that the case? And are they ever really worth consuming then if they have a blood circulation reducing effect
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