My experience with Peating.


Jan 3, 2014
I think liquids - too much, too little, or even just making a change - really affect us. I also agree that matt stone makes a good point on too much liquids. everything is a trade off and that is the price of milk and oj. that farmer's cheese is very heating I find and takes minutes to make and no liquid!
Jan 24, 2014
Hey paperclips...I have suffered from chronic sinus infections in the past too. I noticed it is ALWAYS related to my metabolism. Raise the metabolic rate and they go away, if my metabolism drops for too long the infections come back. Same goes for yeast/fungal infections like athlete's foot, contrary to what most people think, I have found that eating MORE SUGAR makes them go away. Anti-candida diets are total BS.

I'm so glad you are finding what works for you!


Mar 29, 2014
I used to get regular candida-like infections, too. Haven't had one in a while. I'm pretty sure their disappearance coincided with eating more sugar.


Nov 13, 2013
Sedona Arizona
sueq said:
I think liquids - too much, too little, or even just making a change - really affect us. I also agree that matt stone makes a good point on too much liquids. everything is a trade off and that is the price of milk and oj. that farmer's cheese is very heating I find and takes minutes to make and no liquid!

Yes I think I get my cheese cloth in the mail today! Excited to start making farmers cheese.

thebigpeatowski said:
Hey paperclips...I have suffered from chronic sinus infections in the past too. I noticed it is ALWAYS related to my metabolism. Raise the metabolic rate and they go away, if my metabolism drops for too long the infections come back. Same goes for yeast/fungal infections like athlete's foot, contrary to what most people think, I have found that eating MORE SUGAR makes them go away. Anti-candida diets are total BS.

I'm so glad you are finding what works for you!

You couldn’t be more right. I have been eating a lot more protein and calories in general and kicking some sinus infection but! I am going to make a homemade dehydrator today so that I can make my own pemmican and jerky to make sure I am getting lots of calories!

tara said:
I used to get regular candida-like infections, too. Haven't had one in a while. I'm pretty sure their disappearance coincided with eating more sugar.

Its kinda hard eating sugar on its own. I just realized I can tolerate honey again so I am going to buy a bunch of raw honey today to make sure I am getting more sugar in!


Nov 13, 2013
Sedona Arizona
I have been really enjoying how simple my life has become.
In the early days of Peat I felt like I was constantly having to go grocery shopping and always worrying about not having the right foods. I felt like it was a full time job to eat this way.

Lately everything has just been so simple.
I have been making pemmican so that I have easy access to high calorie dense foods.
Making big tubs of jello to munch on through the days is really nice.
Having cold sodas to grab whenever I feel low blood sugar is really convenient.
I now buy like 2-3 gallons of milk when I am at the store because I know I am going to go through it like a milk guzzling bohemian! Also I fill the shopping cart with as much good fruit as I can get.
Buying big bags of sugar from Costco is really nice as well.

Another thing I have been doing is mixing equal parts butter and honey together and munching on that whenever I need calories but do not feel like eating. I only take T3 twice a day now and it seems to be working very well now that I take it with about 100 mg of Pregnenolone.

I like how things become easier with time and am really noticing the reduction in stress as these Peaty ways begin to become habitual. I have been calling restaurants and finding good places to get oysters and other Peat friendly meals. I add them as a contact in my phone so that I can eat out if I need to one of these days. If that day ever comes haha!

Even keeping clean and hygienic has become so simple.
I never wash my hair any more and I have really long hair! Its passed my shoulders.
I only wash in with apple cider vinegar about once or twice a week.
I just realized I haven't cut my hair in almost three years and am surprised to find that I dont even really have that many split ends. Often people tell me I have nice hair and ask me what I do with it.

Tallow has been a really nice addition to my hygiene routine as well.

Anyway just noticing how happy I have been lately has been remarkable and I am forever thankful to Ray Peat for his humility, generosity, and wisdom.

Temps are decent, pulse is good, and moods are better and better.

The things I am still looking to improve are:
better digestion
better appearance of veins
and I would also like to have clear nasal passages every day no matter what.
gaining some more weight would be nice too

Progress is slow and steady and as I come up on my fourth month of Peating and feel my health coming back to me I remember to always be grateful!


Nov 13, 2013
Sedona Arizona
I notice I can tolerate lots of aspirin right now.
I take 2-3 grams every day and haven't seen any of the bad effects like nose bleed and excessive bleeding.
I cut myself yesterday and if anything I think I bled less than normal.
I have vitamin k on hand just in case I feel I need it.
For now I am grateful for aspirin.


Nov 13, 2013
Sedona Arizona
Yesterday I had:

1/2 gallon of milk
farmers cheese from 1/2 gallon of milk
(already that is about 110 grams of protein)
2 pasture eggs
1 quart orange juice
1 pint guava nectar
2 sodas
butter and honey
lots of coffee aspirin
12 tablespoons sugar
2+ teaspoons salt.
Ice cream
and lots of BCAA's (still need to buy gelatin)

Thats roughly around 160 grams protein and maybe 600 grams of carbs.
I had a dream on monday night that I was supposed to eat double everything.
Feeling really good about this.

So far today it is looking like I might have the same and maybe more :)


Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
Would you mind sharing how you do the vinegar hair wash?


Nov 13, 2013
Sedona Arizona
I keep a bottle of AVC in the shower. I put about 2-3 tablespoons of vinegar in a pint size jar (I always just estimate the amount of vinegar) and then fill the rest with shower water. I then lean my head back and pour this over my hair while using the other hand to massage it in. I try not to get any on the face because it stings the eyes although I do not think it is bad for them and actually think it might make them whiter. Anyway I do turn around and rinse off the face so I don't get much in the eyes when I open them to find more vinegar.
Anyway I do this 2 or three times and let it sit in the hair four about 1-4 minutes and then lightly wash it out.

This is usually done at the end of the shower and after my hair is dry it looks sooo good :) it looks like a very light coating of oil in my hair but with out the greasy look. I have been doing this for about a year now and it is my main hair wash. Occasionally I use baking soda maybe once a month or less but ACV is really the best IMO and I use it about once a week sometimes more. Also I never use any other product on my hair and I have really long hair. I hadn't got it cut in three years and just last week I went and got a trim. The lady was shocked how I had barely any split ends and said I was extremely lucky to have such nice hair. I didn't have to courage to tell her I only use ACV on it ;)

Also something else I have done is grab a big cooking pot and put a cup of ACV in it and the fill it with water and hang my head upside down and let the hair soak in. This process is probably more work and harder to perform although it saves me from getting it in my eyes. I have only done this a few times.

I pretty much always get some in my eyes with the first method but to be honest it really isn't that bad. It stings for maybe 20 seconds but I just rinse it out and I am fine.


Mar 29, 2014
Hmm, maybe I'll try not using the baking soda every time.
For the last several months, I've been using baking soda for shampoo and apple cider vinegar for conditioner.
I put about a tablespoon of baking soda in an old shampoo bottle with c. cup of water. Rub some through wet hair. rinse. Lasts c. 3 washes.
Similar process for ACV conditioner.
The only other thing I use on my hair is henna for colour every few weeks with a little coconut oil. I greyed early, so I guess this points to long term copper deficiency.
Since starting this, I haven't been tempted to go back to the old chemical smells in commercial shampoo and conditioner.


Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
Thanks for the info on the ACV hair washing technique! I have really long hair too and it is hard to go more than 2 days without a shampoo. I've been using a decent natural product that claims to be free of 'estrogens' but I have a hard time believing that one. I thought the vinegar sounded better. :D


Nov 13, 2013
Sedona Arizona
Been eating insane amounts of food and finally feeling like I have kicked this Sinus Infection.
My nose is clear all day now as long as I continually stuff my face with fruit, ice cream, milk, eggs, coffee, cheese, and meat and gelatin.

I don't really think this is very economical and am wondering if anyone has any experience with this "re-feeding" and how long it should last. Strangely enough my skin is very healthy looking and the acne on my arms has completely disappeared even though I feel like I am eating like a pig all day :)

Eating as much as I do might not be for everyone but it sure is working for me. I see my self a lot more resistant to stress and feeling much calmer while also having more energy. I am just wondering if I have to eat like this for ever to continue to feel good?


Jan 3, 2014
Tara please tell us more about the henna. I used to use it because I'm also very grey already but it was bit bright orange! Even though I'm naturally a redhead. Also I found it hard not to get a patchy effect. How do you get good results? I hate going to the hairdresser, let alone thinking about the chemicals!!


Mar 29, 2014
Re: My experience with Peating - henna

Hi Sueq, this is my henna procedure:
Duration: 1.5-12 hrs. Frequency: 4-6 wks.
Half fill a very large cup with dry henna powder.
Add boiling water to make a thick paste.
Add 1-3 tsp coconut oil.
Wear old buttoned top, so I dont have to pull it over my head, and don't care too much if it gets stained.
Smear cocoa butter or other grease round edge of hairline, ears, neck, hands to protect fom staining.
Wear plastic gloves to protect hands.
Have handy in the bathroom: cling film and optionally a large old towel.
Smear henna paste into hair, starting at the back and working forward, focussing on roots.
When all the roots/scalp are covered, add a little extra water to the remaining paste, and smear over the rest of the hair.
Cover hair with cling film to keep henna on head and moist.
Clean the bathroom.
Wait. Possibly sleep.
Have a bath, rinse out hair. The bath water looks like strong tea. Wash hair with shampoo or baking soda solution.
Follow bath with shower to get the rest of the goo off. Condition hair with vinegar solution. Rinse.

Variables: We have several different colours of 'henna' powder available. I usually mix more than one colour. I find the bright orange (copper) and red ones take most quickly and effectively. When I've used brown without copper or red, it doesn't take as well. When I mix copper or red in, it dominates. I've slept with my head wrapped in clingfilm and a towel to keep it warm a few times, and the longer time makes some of the colours take better. Usu. these days I mix some copper and/or red with brown, and only leave it in for about 20 mins (long enough to clean the bathroom - there always seems to be a bit of spillage). So I have bright red or orange hair for a bit. I think this may vary from person to person. Sometimes I miss bits. If I did it more often, this would matter less. A couple of times Ive teamed up with someone else to do each other's hair. It's easier to see what you are doing on someone else's head. I intend to do it every four weeks, because the grey roots are showing well by then, but I usually don't get round to it quite that often. It starts to fade a bit over the weeks, which I don't mind.
I only recently started adding coconut oil. I saw a recommendation to mix with half coconut oil and half water, but I've just been adding a little bit. It seems to make it easier to spread through the hair, and make it stick better. Maybe it also has a slight conditioning effect. It takes a bit more to wash it out with the oil in it, so I need the baking soda for this.
Last time I added coffee to the mix, since it was going to be mucky anyway.

I really like the smell of the henna mud, and the feel of putting it in my hair. But the time it takes is a nuisance.

Wow, that was long-winded.


Jan 3, 2014
Thanks! Yes that's about how I did it but only had the one colour, the red. I used a comb to divide into sections to try not miss out any. It's a schlep but considering the expense and chemicals and the fact that it feels like purgatory going to the hairdresser I'm considering it again. Coconut oil sounds good - the mix gets kind of dry and porridgey and falls off otherwise. Thanks for the detail!!


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
paper_clips43 said:
I don't really think this is very economical and am wondering if anyone has any experience with this "re-feeding" and how long it should last.
Oh, we were supposed to stop? :mrgreen:
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