"MS Symptoms Subsided And Were Gone in About a Month"


Nov 1, 2012
What's your age? 55

How did you find the forum? Ray Peat google questions

How did you find Ray Peat's work?   Googled "ms and fat"

How long have you been Peating?  One month in April this year..then we moved and wasn't able to keep a good routine. Started again a couple of months ago. When legs went numb and I found Ray Peat's website and then Roddy's and Stone's, I started everything I could afford (bought supplements from local store). I was up to around 9 aspirin in a day. Ms symptoms subsided and were gone in about a month.

What is your favorite part about Peating? I like that I can do something about my health!!!!! Ice cream, milk, cheese

What is the worst part? Liver.. gaining 10+ lbs.

What are your health issues? MS ...fortunately in 1988 there were no medicines around to treat ms and I was given an ms diet book that I followed for around a year and then I dabbled in carrot juicing, raw, kefir, green smoothies, tofu, nut pates etc. in between eating whatever I wanted......I currently have  no symptoms that would be labelled as ms. 

Thanks to all who contribute to this awesome forum!


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
Haagendazendiane, I hope you do not mind I gave you your own thread and also put the very catchy title up since I thought is was really awesome you reported that.

Congrats on no MS symptoms, wow! That is truly amazing!

Please keep us updated on your progress. It sounds like you are already off to a good start!


Nov 1, 2012
Thanks, Charlie. I was so thrilled to find Ray Peat. Very thankful for all he has done and continues to do.


May 7, 2013
I just found this post and this is absolutely awesome!

I have a friend with the disease and she asked me what non-medical things to do.

What would be your advice to other MS patients: Follow Ray Peat's advice as good as it gets or are there any caveats to watch out for?

How important is supplementing (e.g. Progest-E, thyroid), compared to foods?


Nov 1, 2012
Gabriel said:
I just found this post and this is absolutely awesome!

I have a friend with the disease and she asked me what non-medical things to do.

What would be your advice to other MS patients: Follow Ray Peat's advice as good as it gets or are there any caveats to watch out for?

How important is supplementing (e.g. Progest-E, thyroid), compared to foods?

"Nutritional supplements that might help to prevent or correct these brain syndromes include: Vitamin E and coconut oil; vitamin A; magnesium, sodium; thyroid which includes T3; large amounts of animal protein, especially eggs; sulfur, such as magnesium sulfate or flowers of sulfur, but not to take continuously, because of sulfur's interference with copper absorption; pregnenolone; progesterone if needed. Bright light, weak in the blue end of the spectrum and with protection against ultraviolet, activates respiratory metabolism and quenches free radicals. Raw carrot fiber and/or laxatives if needed; charcoal occasionally for gas or bowel irritation. Coconut oil serves several purposes. Its butyric acid is known to increase T3 uptake by glial cells. It has a general pro-thyroid action, for example by diluting and displacing antithyroid unsaturated oils, its short-and medium-chain fatty acids sustain blood sugar and have anti-allergic actions, and it protects mitochondria against s tress injury."

I would say following Ray Peat's suggestions would be the way to go.

Your friend should read his articles on his site and the extra ones in the article section on this forum. I was just reading one again to try to answer your questions and I understood more than I did months ago.

Estrogen seemed to be a factor because my worst exacerbations were at the beginning of two out out of five pregnancies. Protein deficiency also, I have been vegetarian on and off without paying attention to nutritional needs. The first book I used was "The Swank Multiple Sclerosis Diet Book". If I were to examine it now, I probably would not agree with some of it. Very low fat. Supplemental oils. I cannot remember what oils. I know I took evening primrose oil for a while along with large amounts of vitamin c. During my second episode, I did carrot juicing. Raw veggies, fruits, eliminated everything. Took a lot of vitamin e plus all I could afford of other supplements. I read a lot on Internet and just did all I could afford.

My last episode of numb legs was after following a paleo diet for about 3 months. I had been consuming large amounts of pork including bacon grease. Since I could not be pregnant and pork was something I had avoided for years, I did the search on MS and fats. I found Ray Peat's article and so much of it resonated with my experience. Since I was used to doing my own thing with my health, I threw caution to the wind and started all I could easily obtain.

I hope your friend will consider the recommendations that Peat makes. I think those that are under a Dr.'s care find it hard to do anything without permission from the Dr.

I am not taking thyroid medication, yet. I have very little "MS" symptoms and they come and go so I think it is related to allergy/Endotoxin.


Feb 7, 2013
You are an inspiration to me!
Thank you for sharing your story and message of hope.
And thank you for always going the extra mile to help others. :grouphug


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012


Nov 1, 2012
Thanks, all. I hope that what I have learned and am learning will help someone. It is so incredible the knowledge that Ray Peat has and how he is not using it to promote himself or some product. He is a good example to follow in helping others.

Another thought on MS- I have used red light therapy for years. Actually, I have always tanned, but since MS dx, I sat out in the sun for vitamin "D".

In regards to episode during Paleo diet- No sugars, fruit, for liver to be able to detox estrogen along with extra pufa from pork and chicken might have been what caused the symptoms. I was using coconut oil but probably not enough to counter the pufa intake.


Feb 22, 2014
Haagendazendiane said:
Gabriel said:
I just found this post and this is absolutely awesome!

I have a friend with the disease and she asked me what non-medical things to do.

What would be your advice to other MS patients: Follow Ray Peat's advice as good as it gets or are there any caveats to watch out for?

How important is supplementing (e.g. Progest-E, thyroid), compared to foods?

"Nutritional supplements that might help to prevent or correct these brain syndromes include: Vitamin E and coconut oil; vitamin A; magnesium, sodium; thyroid which includes T3; large amounts of animal protein, especially eggs; sulfur, such as magnesium sulfate or flowers of sulfur, but not to take continuously, because of sulfur's interference with copper absorption; pregnenolone; progesterone if needed. Bright light, weak in the blue end of the spectrum and with protection against ultraviolet, activates respiratory metabolism and quenches free radicals. Raw carrot fiber and/or laxatives if needed; charcoal occasionally for gas or bowel irritation. Coconut oil serves several purposes. Its butyric acid is known to increase T3 uptake by glial cells. It has a general pro-thyroid action, for example by diluting and displacing antithyroid unsaturated oils, its short-and medium-chain fatty acids sustain blood sugar and have anti-allergic actions, and it protects mitochondria against s tress injury."

I would say following Ray Peat's suggestions would be the way to go.

Your friend should read his articles on his site and the extra ones in the article section on this forum. I was just reading one again to try to answer your questions and I understood more than I did months ago.

Estrogen seemed to be a factor because my worst exacerbations were at the beginning of two out out of five pregnancies. Protein deficiency also, I have been vegetarian on and off without paying attention to nutritional needs. The first book I used was "The Swank Multiple Sclerosis Diet Book". If I were to examine it now, I probably would not agree with some of it. Very low fat. Supplemental oils. I cannot remember what oils. I know I took evening primrose oil for a while along with large amounts of vitamin c. During my second episode, I did carrot juicing. Raw veggies, fruits, eliminated everything. Took a lot of vitamin e plus all I could afford of other supplements. I read a lot on Internet and just did all I could afford.

My last episode of numb legs was after following a paleo diet for about 3 months. I had been consuming large amounts of pork including bacon grease. Since I could not be pregnant and pork was something I had avoided for years, I did the search on MS and fats. I found Ray Peat's article and so much of it resonated with my experience. Since I was used to doing my own thing with my health, I threw caution to the wind and started all I could easily obtain.

I hope your friend will consider the recommendations that Peat makes. I think those that are under a Dr.'s care find it hard to do anything without permission from the Dr.

I am not taking thyroid medication, yet. I have very little "MS" symptoms and they come and go so I think it is related to allergy/Endotoxin.

H-D Diane,

I am about your age, and am having a terrible time troubleshooting some problems and trying to figure out how diet might be entering into things. I really appreciated your sharing about your experiences and trials; it would be great if we could chat privately-- is that possible? (I'm pretty new here and don't know how the private messaging works.) Hope you find this post, since it was quite a while ago. Thank you :)


Feb 22, 2014
I just checked my settings, my "private mail allowed" button hadn't been set, but now it is; can you resend? Thanks :)


Feb 22, 2014
Oh boy am I dumb at this. I just set my icon to a "star" (it was set on "no pm icon"). Will that do it now? Would you prefer to email or pm? Please let me know since I don't know what the pros/cons are of either-- whatever you suggest! Sorry about this!


Feb 22, 2014
ok, just sent you one, I'll check again to see what your response to me looks like. Do you have to reset the PM for every new message? Duh
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