kasper's log


Sep 11, 2013
Splitted from another topic:

May I ask - what is it are you trying to achieve? There may be safer ways to do that, so just let us know and we can try to help.

I don't know if this is the right topic for this.

Let's put it this way. A short summary of my life would be something like:
0-12 years old a quite happy dreamy child
12-18 years old getting labeled like a smart, but terribly lazy kid
Getting huge stress from school, 3 weeks doing nothing, than 1 week of stressing and sleeping 2 hours a night with caffeine drinks
Getting huge stress from finding out being gay.
At 18 years old, I was a subject of a scientific study (for money), and my heart rate was measure 3 times a day. It was always around 28-40.
I guess that means, that I was hypothyroid back then, but doctors told me everything was fine with me.

18-21 years old Promised myself to never stress anymore in my life. Never sleep again for 2 hours a day. Begin experimentating with diets. Did a 4L OJ, egg yolk,salmon diet for months. Beginning to get frustrated that without stress I couldn't achieve anything, and with stress life felt like hell.

21 years old- until now I got a new label. ADD. I get ritalin. My heart rate jumped to 50-60. I began to think forward for more than 1 hour. I began to make plans. Suddenly life became easier and finally I began to achieve (get good study grades). After a couple of months, ritalin had less and less effect. At around this point I discovered the buteyko method. I began to found out that exercising together with ritalin gave me the effects that I initially had. I began to exercising with training masks (to increase CO2 while running). I began to walk for hours. Breathing exercises the whole ***t.

I didn't knew that breathing exercises could ruin your gut. It certainly did with me. It was not good before it, but after some time I had chronic diarhea. I quited the 4L OJ diet, and began with the gaps protocol. This diet was too hard. A little later artour from the buteyko method released there GI health book. This book let me recover my gut. I felt relieved. Diarhea was over, I got the no soiling effect (needing no paper at the toilet).

At around this time, I began to listen to Tony Robbins. Tony Robbins techniques + Exercise with training mask + Ritalin made me really motivated, really doing a lot, grades at university became very high, and life was pretty good. But I guess that this energy comes from stress. There where period that I felt like I was able to do nothing. Needing sometimes a couple of days, some times a week to recover. Some times, I add something new. Like cold shower/cold baths/sauna then I need less time to recover. But I guess I just push my stress hormones to the limit this way. It doesn't really feel like "stress" it feels like excitement and energy.

There are enough downsides of this way of living. I think it is very bad for my digestion. I can get my digestion good, but with techniques that normal people wouldn't need. And the worst thing, I need to do a lot of ***t, to feel energetic, you know running with training mask, cold showers, ritalin, saunas to just act little bit normal and not feeling without energy and motivation. Also, there are some personality changes. I used to make people laugh, with all this stress hormones I'm deficient of any form of humour.

In some sense, I'm gratefull, I mean, I used to be the smart and lazy kid, and now I'm the smart and very motivated kid (that sometimes happen to be at home for a week). I would be absolutely frustrated if I was still not able to get out of my lazy mode at 23 years old. Last couple of months, I began to realize, that I'm probably hypothyroid. And I hope that Ray Peat style of living can gives me energy without needing to do all kind of crazy stuff. But, I'm now somewhere in between. I mean, if I have an exam tomorrow, and I feel absolutely lazy, I go for a cold shower, I jump at my rebounder with a training mask, grasp a cola, and there I am, full of energy.

But if I have less presure, I try to lower my ritalin dosage, I try to do less cold showers, and trying to go the Ray Peat way. After reading this topic, I began to think that maybe sauna and whole body vibration are also driving me in the wrong direction (incrasing GH) in that sense. But I find that hard to believe.

I'm not sure in which way I believe Ray Peat is right for me. I mean I use to be told that running, cold shower, sauna, jumping on rebounder, eating little, etc. etc. are good for you. And it did feel good. But at a price I guess. I'm not sure, I'm just going to experimtate and find out.


It sounds like pretty hectic life. I was under maybe similar stress in college since I had to get good grades to keep my scholarship (or I get kicked out of the US) while I at the same time working full time to support myself.
Anyways, with couple of broad strokes here is what I would do if I were you. Diagnosis of "ADD" and lack of motivation are virtually signature signs of low dopamine. I know Ray will say it is all from low metabolism but I find that for most people it does help to address their immediate problems first and then work on things that heal generally.
To keep stress under control, nothing comes close to pregnenolone IMHO. You just have to find the right dosage b/c for most people it is all over the range of 50mg to 1g a day. Search the forum for pregnenolone and you will get some good threads and sources. In addition to bringing stress down, it will also NOT remove your motivation and energy to accomplish things. If anything, it may increase them. If you favor the pharmaceutical route, 100mcg of clonidine at night will eliminate your stress like a silver bullet, BUT it will likely also remove your stress energy source so you won't feel like doing much. Cyproheptadine will help with sleep and reducing serotonin. Together, clonidne and cyproheptadine will likely make you feel like a child again - careless, dreamy...and lazy:): But it will affect your performance at school, so that's why I would go with pregnenolone. Also, the clonidine and cypro will likely fix whatever stress-related gut issues you have.
Once you have stopped the stress reaction, if I were you I would up my protein intake (together with sugar) and try to eliminate starches. Protein intake should not fall below 80g a day but if you slide for a day or two don't sweat it. Without adequate protein, you will NOT have enough dopamine to produce motivation do anything. Remember - certain aminos in the protein are the only precursor to dopamine and without them you will feel like crap. Serotonin, on the other hand, exists in abundance in the gut (e.g. its original name is "enteramine") and it will be "happily" released in your blood stream to poison you and further harm your gut. To summarize - without adequate protein you WILL be serotonin-dominant no matter what drugs you take and how much you breath with masks, etc.
I don't think you need 4L of OJ, and in fact that gives you so much citric acid that it harms both your metabolism and other aspects of health. Citric acid is, counter-intuitively, alkalizing to the stomach, and that's why it is added to a lot of over the counter acid-blockers. I would replace the OJ (for now) with Coke, coffee, etc.
I would take it easy with the caffeine for now. Caffeine is very much like thyroid hormone. If not taken in the proper dosage (which is different for everybody) and with enough sugar, it will cause a very bad adrenalin reaction and will crash your metabolism. It will also increase lypolisys, which will not only harm your metabolism but it will also make you even more serotonin-dominant since free fatty acids will displace tryptophan from albumin and it will to the brain where it will gloriously convert to serotonin and/or other toxic metabolites. So, find out how much caffeine works for you without making you nervous/jittery and stay at that level until you improve metabolism and then you can increase it. Once you start reacting well to caffeine, it is also a good sign that you will react well to thyroid supplement if you are interested in trying.
Up your salt intake. Salt will not only lower adrenalin, it will also lower serotonin. Serotonin is disposed of in sodium-dependent fashion, so more sodium = more serotonin metabolism and excretion. Sodium will also improve metabolism and thermogenesis similar to aspirin.
Overall, my advice is to keep things simple. If you find yourself running around in masks on a daily basis, doing some special "diet protocol", special foods, etc. then it is probably not right. Simple, broadly acting interventions is what works best in the beginning and then you can tailor even more as you improve.
In summary, I would do simple (deceptively) fixes to the diet and take some supplements to limit stress. Food should be at least 80g of protein to support both liver function and dopamine synthesis. Sugar intake should be high (250g-300g) to increase active thyroid hormone (T3), prevent protein from causing a stress response due to hypoglycemic effects of many aminos, starch should be zero (if possible), salt should be at least 5g a day (ideally 15g) to lower serotonin. So, high protein, high sugar, high salt, low starch. Supplemental pregnenolone as needed, usually in the range of 100mg-150mg a day is what works best for most people.
And finally, I would drop the Ritalin. Even though the official stance is that is increases extracellular dopamine by inhibiting its uptake, there is strong evidence that all amphetamine and phenetylamine drugs increase serotonin. Here is a case where Ritalin caused serotonin syndrome, and another study that claims the "stimulant" class of drugs are actually serotonergic:
http://www.australianprescriber.com/mag ... le/663.pdf (Look at Table 1 saying that amphetamines increase 5-HT release and inhibit uptake, so maybe even worse than SSRI drugs that "only" inhibit uptake)

You can increase dopamine much more safely by simply adding about 5g of BCAA to your protein meals, or supplementing on the side with 5g BCAA, 1,500mg of tyrosine and 1,500mg of Phenyalanine. Just make sure to do it during the day as there is evidence that tyrosine is only dopaminergic when the person is exposed to daylight/sunlight.

This is my initial take, but if you have specific questions you can PM me or keep posting on this thread so other people can chime in.
Good luck with getting your health back and getting on with your life.


Jan 25, 2014
Yo Kasper,

Respect for expressing yourself but be aware this is an open forum. Don't have to tell you this actually, since you're smart enough but still.. see it as a reminder ;)

What's normal people?? As for the energy I am more or less in the same boat, still running on stress-energy for years now, fatigued like that plague sometimes... As most people in their teenager years or early 20's are today I'm afraid and no doubt beyond these ages. There's being written soooooo much about digestive tricks etc. most people have this issue. It's just that most people don't recognize their troubles until it's far too late. Haha I tell ya, I am - probably we are - no exception :D

Think when time passes by and we care for ourselves the metabolism will recover to some extent. Cold exposure, it makes me crash, high energy in the beginning but certainly putting a strain on my thyroid and adrenals. For those who are healthy it could be okay, but for sick people...

It's also good to be grateful! Not only because you're not lazy anymore but also for daily activities. Sometimes life's tough, but it's and guess will always be a miracle, every day, every moment with and without our beloved ones. The fact that we live in a civilized world, that we can think for ourselves, have access to information like this, can make our own choices, go to college, it's just thankful!

Those moments that energy get's back in the system, you're not running on stress hormones and your mind is clear. No amount of money or gold can give you that feeling!!



Sep 11, 2013
Thanks for the response haidut. I really appreciate this.

To keep stress under control, nothing comes close to pregnenolone IMHO. You just have to find the right dosage b/c for most people it is all over the range of 50mg to 1g a day. Search the forum for pregnenolone and you will get some good threads and sources. In addition to bringing stress down, it will also NOT remove your motivation and energy to accomplish things.

This sounds interesting to me. I ordered pregnenolone.

If you favor the pharmaceutical route, 100mcg of clonidine at night will eliminate your stress like a silver bullet, BUT it will likely also remove your stress energy source so you won't feel like doing much. Cyproheptadine will help with sleep and reducing serotonin. Together, clonidne and cyproheptadine will likely make you feel like a child again - careless, dreamy...and lazy:):

Yeah, that is basicly how I feel on Ray Peat without ritalin (or other stress factors) and when I have no irritation in my stomach or gut.
Careless, dreamy, lazy, not able to think in the future, if you know what I mean, really living in the moment, all great and zen, but I don't pass my exams this way.

I don't think you need 4L of OJ, and in fact that gives you so much citric acid that it harms both your metabolism and other aspects of health. Citric acid is, counter-intuitively, alkalizing to the stomach, and that's why it is added to a lot of over the counter acid-blockers. I would replace the OJ (for now) with Coke, coffee, etc.

I don't do 4L of OJ for already more than a year. That was my old diet (together with raw fish and raw egg yolks). No I do around 1 up to 2L OJ a day.
I've done 1 or 2 L coke a day in the past, but I'm afraid I get deficient in nutrients this way. At least cronometer tells me I do.

And finally, I would drop the Ritalin. Even though the official stance is that is increases extracellular dopamine by inhibiting its uptake, there is strong evidence that all amphetamine and phenetylamine drugs increase serotonin. Here is a case where Ritalin caused serotonin syndrome, and another study that claims the "stimulant" class of drugs are actually serotonergic.
You can increase dopamine much more safely by simply adding about 5g of BCAA to your protein meals, or supplementing on the side with 5g BCAA, 1,500mg of tyrosine and 1,500mg of Phenyalanine. Just make sure to do it during the day as there is evidence that tyrosine is only dopaminergic when the person is exposed to daylight/sunlight.

Hm... I would find it hard to drop Ritalin. If your suggestions could have the same effect ritalin has on me, I would do it, but it is not only the motivation that ritalin gives me.
It is like, without ritalin, I loose my keys or wallet 4 times a month. It also affacts how I look. I used to have a lot of water retention in my face, and my eyes look very sleepy. With ritalin, the water retention goes way, and my eyes look alive. I find it interesting, because I saw some before after photos from Ray Peat once, and actually that looks like what ritalin does to me.


Sep 11, 2013

Respect for expressing yourself but be aware this is an open forum. Don't have to tell you this actually, since you're smart enough but still.. see it as a reminder ;)

There is only one guy I know in real life that would ever search on ray peat, and I don't mind if he would read this :p
I hope it takes some time before will find out ray peat in the netherlands ;)

What's normal people?? As for the energy I am more or less in the same boat, still running on stress-energy for years now, fatigued like that plague sometimes... As most people in their teenager years or early 20's are today I'm afraid and no doubt beyond these ages. There's being written soooooo much about digestive tricks etc. most people have this issue. It's just that most people don't recognize their troubles until it's far too late. Haha I tell ya, I am - probably we are - no exception

Well, let's put it this way, most people I now can eat a normal diet, use no ritalin and be able to do the things society "demands".
I could only wish I was there. But I've good hope I can get there, and beyond :p


Sep 11, 2013
Okay, I pretty much have all the symptoms of dyspepsia (indigestion):

- Early fullness during a meal. You haven't eaten much of your meal, but you already feel full and may not be able to finish eating.
- Uncomfortable fullness after a meal. Fullness lasts longer than it should.
- Discomfort in the upper abdomen. You feel a mild to severe pain in the area between the bottom of your breastbone (sternum) and your navel.
(I feel it on the left side)
- Bloating in the upper abdomen. You feel an uncomfortable sensation of tightness.

After if my stomach is irritated, I feel like burping my food up again.
I can do this qutie easily if I want, but I don't think it is that a good idea.
I now read that if food gets up again, it should be really acidic, but that is not the case with me.
So I guess I have low stomach acid.
I tried drinking red bull, and if I let food get up after red bull, it is a little bit more acidic, but it feels not even painfull or something.

Maybe I should try HCl ?


Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
The cyproheptadine haidut mentioned worked wonders for my gut. I just thought I'd share that with you. I agree with him also about dropping the Ritalin. I know you probably don't want to hear it but it is like taking a stress pill. Honestly, I took similar drugs for years for 'chronic fatigue syndrome' just so I could work and they are plain and simple no good in the long run. You can apply every antistress measure imaginable and then take Ritalin and negate it all imo. I just wanted you to hear that from someone who took similar meds.
Jan 24, 2014
Kasper said:
Okay, I pretty much have all the symptoms of dyspepsia (indigestion):

- Early fullness during a meal. You haven't eaten much of your meal, but you already feel full and may not be able to finish eating.
- Uncomfortable fullness after a meal. Fullness lasts longer than it should.
- Discomfort in the upper abdomen. You feel a mild to severe pain in the area between the bottom of your breastbone (sternum) and your navel.
(I feel it on the left side)
- Bloating in the upper abdomen. You feel an uncomfortable sensation of tightness.

After if my stomach is irritated, I feel like burping my food up again.
I can do this qutie easily if I want, but I don't think it is that a good idea.
I now read that if food gets up again, it should be really acidic, but that is not the case with me.
So I guess I have low stomach acid.
I tried drinking red bull, and if I let food get up after red bull, it is a little bit more acidic, but it feels not even painfull or something.

Maybe I should try HCl ?

Betaine HCL is a good quick fix, but it sounds to me like you are hypothyroid which is the cause of poor digestion...it's a viscous cycle.


Nov 26, 2012
Hi Kasper,

May be you can try small dose of noradrenaline precursors ( like 50mg of phenylalanine or 50 mg of L-tyrosine) with a small dose of an NA-releasing agent such as Yohimbine (2,5-5 mg).
If you experience some tachycardia as a result of yohimbine, you are probably releasing more adrenaline than noradrenaline and ,in this scenario only (I think), a dose of pregnenolone (I found that, when searching myself for the "starting" dose of pregnenolone,1mg/kg, per day, was a good one to judge the first ( postive or not) effect, this being highly personnal,though) taken with a good amount of sugar after breakfast should help.
And as Haidut said ( when refering to dopaminergic substances), all these drugs are taken before breakfast in order to preserve the normal wake-sleep cycle.
As this cycle requires greater diurnal than nocturnal NA activity and greater nocturnal than diurnal 5HT activity.
And consequently, I will probably favor small dose tianeptine (~5/8 mg) as well as a "high"carbs / fats, low protein ratio ( as Ray recommends; more "solid" foods are best in my case) and "calories dense" dinner before bed ( if I eat less than 1100~1300 Kcal at dinner I don't have a restful sleep no matter the sugar/ fat/ salt ratio....this thing has basically solved any sleep/ night waking stressful problem better than any drugs or thyroid).
My only last advice is : if you are going to "up-load" your protein intake ( as well as if you would try my above recommendation), please be sure to take enough B6 (I found the ratio 0,5mg/kg also helpful when taking the active one => P5P) and to a lesser extent B3 ( the niacinamide one.)
Of course all of the above are only suggestions and MAY be helpful if you managed to slowly reduce your medication dosage ( in the same way if you were taking cortisone, that is tempering slowly it) while eventually thinking about any other alternative options.


Nov 9, 2012
Wilfrid said:
And as Haidut said ( when refering to dopaminergic substances), all these drugs are taken before breakfast in order to preserve the normal wake-sleep cycle.
As this cycle requires greater diurnal than nocturnal NA activity and greater nocturnal than diurnal 5HT activity.

I've missed that. Where can I find this? More generally, among all experiments I've done (vitamins, hormones, anti-serotonin drugs, caffeine, aspirin etc) I've seen very little comments about the timing, other than its good to avoid some of these before bedtime. The only thing I can remember is a quote from RP about favouring protein earlier in the day and sugar/fat later in the day. And I would agree with that, eating cheese before bedtime leads to an insomnia disaster for me.


Nov 26, 2012
jyb said:
Wilfrid said:
And as Haidut said ( when refering to dopaminergic substances), all these drugs are taken before breakfast in order to preserve the normal wake-sleep cycle.
As this cycle requires greater diurnal than nocturnal NA activity and greater nocturnal than diurnal 5HT activity.

I've missed that. Where can I find this? More generally, among all experiments I've done (vitamins, hormones, anti-serotonin drugs, caffeine, aspirin etc) I've seen very little comments about the timing, other than its good to avoid some of these before bedtime. The only thing I can remember is a quote from RP about favouring protein earlier in the day and sugar/fat later in the day. And I would agree with that, eating cheese before bedtime leads to an insomnia disaster for me.

The link below explain the natural wake-sleep cycle in (healthy) humans and support what RP often said about the protein thing:

http://libgen.org/scimag/get.php?doi=10 ... %2900095-7

Other interesting works on this subject was made by Dr. Rapin Jean-Robert, a french scientist,in the field of the "chrononutrition". But most of his research articles are in french... :(


Sep 11, 2013
I've ordered tyrosine/BCAA powder, but I doubt the effects a little bit now that I studied it a little bit better.
I'm not that convinced that low-motivation/ADD etc. is a signature of low dopamine.
I mean, otherwise parkinson and AD(H)D should go hand in hand right ?

Probably better than tyrosine would be L-DOPA, if I want to boost dopamine.
This seems to beneficial for parkinson, but not for AD(H)D.

http://www.researchgate.net/publication ... idual_type
In an open, uncontrolled study, levodopa was administered to a carefully selected group of adult patients with Attention Deficit Disorder, Residual Type. Most of the patients showed an initial positive response to levodopa, which rapidly disappeared. Ultimately, none of the patients showed a sustained response, although 88% demonstrated a long-lasting positive response to standard stimulant treatment.

Maybe, I'm describing myself wrongly, but I don't feel like I have a stress problem in the sense that I stress too much. I do things that make me more stressed, actively, so that I get out of my dreamy ADD state. Otherwise, I get only stressed when it is most of the time to late. When I have an exam in 3 days or when I lost my keys. So, well ritalin, gets me out of my dreamy ADD state, and so do other things.

I think that if people would describe me, without ritalin, they will describe me probably as someone that can't stress.
With ritalin, I feel much more like stressing, but even than, if I tell an other student, I don't know, for example, that I am so stressed about the exam next week, than they are still like, "are you stressed kasper ??!? no way, I can't believe you are ever stressing"

Well, they are wrong, but without ritalin, I'm stressing very little. I've read somewhere that ADD has to do with the prefrontal cortex, that is not stimulated enough. Well, this makes much sense to me. Without ritalin, I somewhere know that I need to do stuff for the exams that are coming in 4 weeks, but this is you know just some thoughts, it won't get in my decision making prefontral cortex. If I take ritalin, then I begin to feel like, hey, this is just not some thought, this is important, I need to do stuff, I need to make a plan, I need to check my calandar, and see if I have other things to do, in the next 4 weeks, I need to buy a book... etc. etc. etc.

If I tell that to people, they will always respond, like, oh but I have the same, everybody has that this is just something you need to learn.. blablabla... but I doubt that. a more emberassing (but typical) example, is something that happened the last time I went off medication for a couple of days. And I was really really dreamy, I was biking with a friend, and I didn't know the way, and he would tell me, oh we need to go to the right there, and you know, what he says, I hear it, but 50% of the time, it didn't get into my prefontal cortex, and it would only get there, after he was going to the right, and I was still heading the same direction, and I was like, wait, why does he go to the right ? and then I am, like... oh wait that was what he told me 10 seconds ago... you know, these moments, I feel so stupid, and for reasons similar like this, I would loose my wallet all the time, and my keys if I am off medication... and I really really hate that.

So, if there is some options, that is healthier than ritalin, than I would go for it. Sure. But in the mean time, I need to pass my exams. Maybe in the summer, I can try go full ray peat, and no ritalin, and see if a ray peat diet can cure my add.


Sep 11, 2013
On my phone, but want to save this


and something else about the frontal cortex:

In those with ADD, the frontal cortex (surface) of the brain has more difficulty using glucose (blood sugar) and less blood flow than in people without ADD (Hallowell and Ratey, 1994). The frontal cortex inhibits impulses, initiates behavior, and controls working memory. When underactive, the ability to screen out irrelevant stimuli is reduced and the individual pays attention to everything. This results in poor regulation of the motivation system and makes staying on task difficult without immediate rewards.


Sep 11, 2013
So I'm searching for options to has the effect of ritalin as it comes to dopamine, but that are not increasing serotonin (like ritalin). Maybe I can make some DIY energy drink from stuff like:

- L-theanine (400 mg)
- caffeine
- taurine
- L-tyrosine

I was also thinking about this one, a small study, but it may work for ADHD:
Not sure if this is a good one, methionine was not that good right ?

- niacinamide
Amphetamine-induced depletion of dopamine and energy stores can often be alleviated by niacinamide. (Wan, et.al. 1999).

- aspirin


Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
Your search is inspiring kasper. When I discontinued similar meds years ago before discovering Peat I weaned down very gradually. I bet the transition would have been easier if I had known then what I know now. I can only guess that by nourishing your body adequately the process will go much smoother for you when the time is right.


Sep 11, 2013
CDP-choline is a Nootropic compound that is essentially a prodrug for both Choline and Uridine, conferring both of those molecules to the body following oral ingestion of CDP-Choline. Specifically, the CDP-choline dissociates into choline and cytidine, with the cytidine then converting into uridine. CDP-choline is one of the three choline-containing phospholipids that can be orally supplemented (the other two being Alpha-GPC and Phosphatidylcholine).

This supplement is catered towards preventing or treating memory impairments associated with aging due to the fact that both of the molecules it confers are neuroprotective and potentially enhance learning. While it appears to be more effective than phosphatidylcholine (PC) at this role, in part due to also increasing PC synthesis in the brain, its potency is somewhat comparable to that of Alpha-GPC.

CDP-choline has some other potential uses in relation to cognition. It is commonly used as a memory enhancer in youth, but despite some rodent studies suggesting that this is possible with oral CDP-choline, there are no human studies in youth at this point in time. One study has noted an increase in attention with low dose CDP-choline (which needs to be replicated), and CDP-choline may have roles as an anti-addictive compound against both cocaine and (preliminary evidence suggests) food as well.


Sep 11, 2013
Just some copy pastes from the internet.

Citicoline (INN) (aka: cytidine diphosphate-choline (CDP-Choline) & cytidine 5'-diphosphocholine)—studies suggest CDP-choline supplements partially prevent the loss of dopamine D2 receptors in aged mice,[93] and that CDP-choline supplementation ameliorates memory impairment caused by environmental conditions (in rats).[94] Preliminary research has found that citicoline may have potential in the treatment of attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder.[95][96]

N-acetyl L-Tyrosine (more bioavailable form of tyrosine)
N-acetyl L-Tyrosine is a form of the amino acid L-Tyrosine [5]. The brain requires this amino acid to make dopamine. NALT is an easy way to aid in this production by being a useful form of the amino acid and aiding in production.
NALT can also be turn by the body into L-dopa [1]. This can be used for dopamine, but it can also be made into many different substances that aid in many different functions in the brain. For example, it can be made into melanin [3]. This substance helps protect the brain from metals like mercury and lead [1].
Excess dopamine produced from processes, including from NALT, can be used to make norepinepephrine, which according to some studies may be an important factor in the creation of memories [2].

Pyridoxal-phosphate (or PLP, pyridoxal-5'-phosphate, P5P, active form of Vitamin B6)—cofactor for aromatic L-amino acid decarboxylase, the enzyme that decarboxylases L-DOPA, producing dopamine.


Sep 11, 2013
I think that methylphenidates positive effect on me is not only coming from what it does to dopamine in the brain,
but also what it does to histamine in the brain.

As I said, normally I feel quite dreamy. When I use methylphenidate (ritalin), I don't feel so dreamy anymore.
When I use, L-theanine, I feel even more dreamy. I was thinking that this may be because of the anti-histamine effect of L-theanine.
Ritalin seems to increase histamine in the brain. And another ADHD drug modafinil also works by increasing hypothalamic histamine.
Modafnil's effect are negated by a strong anti-histamine drug.

The exact mode of action of modafinil remains elusive; as such, studies in rats, have revealed that the mechanism by which modafinil operates is centered around CNS levels of histamine. After dosing modafinil, there was shown to be an increase in both histamine, centered in the anterior hypothalamus, and locomotor activity. Moreover, once effective dosage of each was reached, the increase in locomotor activity resulting from modafinil was seen to be on par with that of methylphenidate. It was also noted that, unlike methylphenidate, when α-fluoromethylhistidine, a potent inhibitor of histidine decarboxylase, was administered and neuronal histamine concentration were depleted, so was modafinil’s effects [7].

In other studies, modafinil was found to piggyback the orexinergic systems, in mice. It was found that, in orexin neuron-ablated mice, modafinil failed to mount an effect, suggesting hypothalamic orexinergic neurons role within modafinil’s histaminergic pathway, primary. Furthermore, it has been postulated that modafinil increases hypothalamic histamine via attenuation of the GABAergic neurons that influence the orexinergic system [6].

Maybe modafinil would be a little bit less bad than methylphenidate, while still helping me getting out of my dreamy/lazy state.


Sep 11, 2013
Okay, enough theory. Let's get back to practice.
I've tried no ritalin for some days, but it is not going to work.
I feel like all my habits, all the automatisms I've developed with don't go automatic any more.
I can't effort that now, I won't risk it and not getting my exams.
I'll try if I have a holiday, but now I go for ritalin, or maybe I switch to modafinil or some H3 histamin receptor antogonist (seems very difficult to get).

I'm planning to go for the following day structure for the coming weeks. I thought I share it, maybe I'm doing something completely wrong.
I like to do a very strict structure, so that if I change something, I only change one variable, and I better able to judge if it works or not.

08:00 wake up, put training mask on (bag breathing like device), breathing for 15 minutes, just relaxing
08:15 doing some foundation training with training mask in the light of my indascent bulb (200 watt)
foundation training is some kind of yoga, it's quite cool, developed for people with lower back problems
08:30 making 1L mix of goat milk+OJ (concentrate or fresh)+1 egg yolk+2 gram salt+20 gram gelatin+10gram potato starch+20 gram oats+iodine+estroban+B3
could I also add preglegnone to this mix, or better to do this dermally ? could I add aspirin to this mix ?
I also take concerta (methylphenidate) which works for 8-12 hours not sure, it is supposed to work 12 hours, but I think it works more like 10 hours for me
I take concerta+L-theanine, this combo is great. L-theanine alone doesn't work for me, but together with concerta it works better than concerta alone
I skip caffeine in the morning, as concerta and caffeine is not really working well for me.
I take astaxanthine if my eyes look red.
08:45 I begin drinking this mix, together with stomach acid, 4 tablets. I try to drink it in around 2 hours. Just sipping.
11:00 Eating a carrot/coconut oil/honey salad.
13:00 doing 15 min of foundation training with training mask and making a new mix of goat milk/OJ etc. taking a cup of coffee with aspirin
15:00 go for a walk or a light jogging for 30-45 min. just making sure I see the sun at least a little bit
18:00 making my third mix eating an oysters a cup and a cup coffee with aspirin, maybe I eat a steak if I feel like it
22:00 trying to keep the screens off from that time, gelatin+honey+theanine+mangesium for sleep
around 23:00-01:00 going to bed


Sep 11, 2013
Did the plan from the last post. Temperature is 36.6, measured just now (18:00). Pulse is 64. Which is quite high for me. It used to be around 30.

I don't feel stressed. Maybe this is the pregnenolone, normally I feel a little bit more stressed on concerta. I was quite awake concentrated whole day, without feeling I had to push something.

I tried the BCAA in the evening yesterday. It warmed me up quite noticably. But I had a hard time falling asleep. After drinking some milk with honey, I fall asleep in 15 min. I'm going to test the BCAA+tyrosine+gelatin in the morning if the tyrosine from purebulks arrives.


Sep 11, 2013
Pfff I changed my whole goat milk to 1.6% fat cow milk.

I absolutely felt horrible... I don't understand, kefir, yoghurt always goes well, but this was like it would stay in my stomach and don't move on, or digest. pff... I felt 6 hours like an autistic zombie... Maybe that is serotonin ?

Temperature was 35.5, but now is back to 36.4.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals
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