Dave's Libido Log


Jul 23, 2015
Portland, Oregon
Alright, so here I am, about six months later. I feel fantastic; Ray Peat and the rest of the forum here has helped restore my perception of the world, as well as of the possibility for empowerment through changing one's own biochemistry. Nevertheless, let's talk libido.

My libido used to be a 5, then it became a 3 after keto, then after Peating and adding in various supplements, (all of which are listed below), it's probably a 6. I feel pretty good and mostly horny, but I know there's room for more. I want a libido of 10 or 11, as in fueling conversations with women, crushing anxiety to allow for physical interactions, and eventually leading to sex.

So, my fat intake is around 70 g, which may or may not be ideal. As said, I've listed my diet and supplements, and I'm aware that drugs such as lisuride, cyproheptadine, and tianeptine may help, but I'm using pharmaceuticals as a last resort. As far to my knowledge, a few things are ideal to preserve dopamine/testosterone levels: (1) lower prolactin (2) lower serotonin (3) raise dopamine concentrations in brain (4) lower SHBG levels. Is there anything I'm missing, and are there any vitamins or amino that accomplish these tasks?


- 3-5 containers of OJ concentrate (pulp-free)
- 1 gallon of 2% milk
- occasional with soy sauce for salt intake (maybe with cheese on occasion)


Protein: 153 g
Carbs: 666 g (varies)
Fat: 77 g (SFA = 46 g, MUFA = 21 g, PUFA >4 g)



Previously 14%, but after adding 2% milk, it's going up to 18%. I will be uncoupling over the next couple weeks, pun intended.


- Aspirin - 1g x2/day OR x3/day
- Niacinamide - 1-8 g/day (3g ideal)
- DHEA - 3mg x 2/day OR x3/day
- B6 (pyridoxine HCL) - 12.5 mg x1/day
- Caffeine - dose varies (100-300 mg)
- Methylene Blue - 500 mcg x2/day OR x3/day (w/ aspirin) (will start soon)
- L-Theanine - 200 mg (¼ tsp) x2 day
- EstroBan - 8 drops daily (topical)

- BCAA - 3500 mg x1/day in milk
- L-Tyrosine - 1500 mg x1/day in milk
- Taurine - 5 g x1/day in milk
- Creatine - 3 g x1/day in milk

Anything I can try, like thiamine or something similar? :hattip

UPDATE: I added thiamine to my stack. The amount of clarity and empowerment delivered through this substance is mindblowing. Anybody who experiences anxiety or a feeling of stress should try 500 mg Thiamine (B1) x3/day; the effect is pronounced and dulls the emotional sharpness of events in a very pleasant way.

UPDATE #2: I received my methylene blue and consumed 500 mcg with some aspirin, and I'm completely amazed; I have not slept in 36 hours due to a project that was due in one of my classes, yet I am still able to type with maximal executive function and think just as clear as normally. The effect was immediate and pronounced when I took it, and I do feel a bit warmer as well, but I think an uncoupling dose would ideally be quite a bit more.

UPDATE #3: I tried bumping up my Methylene Blue dose pretty quickly (up to 10 mg/day) and I tolerated it fine, but I definitely noticed the MAO-A inhibition and loss of libido, decrease in focus and ability to apply myself to a given task, and a bit of social anxiety. Definitely not okay. I'm keeping the dosage down to 500 mcg, but what will I do for uncoupling? I have three options that I can see: T3, high doses of caffeine (but sleep quality though), and DNP.

UPDATE #4: I've started adding caffeine back into my stack. I'm up to about 800 mg per day, but I've been experiencing bouts of aggression and high blood pressure, so I will not press higher than this until tolerance has developed, which is occurring. With high dose caffeine, I feel as though I'm slowly losing weight, metabolism is improving, and my ability to concentrate toward a task is doing better as well. Benadryl (soon to be cyproheptadine) is a must for sleep, as is occasional phenibut.

Taking such high doses of caffeine seem to center my opinions on myself, and it's almost disassociative. I'm starting to feel more assertive, aggressive, Independence, and superior to those around me. Objectively, I cant say that these feelings are justified, but I also believe that such feelings are a natural result of a self-esteem boost. With this in mind, any degree of self-esteem causes an individual to weigh his or her own needs over those of others, and therefore predisposes one to harmful and zero-sum actions. I kind of like it, however. Libido initially was down, as stress hormones raised, but now both are on the come up. Another quick note: things tend to get worse before they get better, at least in the context of biology. There must be an adaptation period.


Jun 8, 2014
I would rethink the one gallon of milk per day unless you are sweating all day long. Excessive liquids cause a stress reaction if they are not needed at that moment. So if you are looking to decrease serotonin, prolactin and estrogen further I would start there.

Maybe try a half gallon of sugared milk + beef/eggs/oysters/liver + a little fruit juice instead and see if that works better. Egg yolks will definitely help with libido. Don't fear their PUFA, especially if you can get pastured eggs. The extra cholesterol will greatly increase your steroid production if your metabolism is already fast enough to make use of it.

OJ concentrates can be very irritating as well and the digestive distress will likely increase serotonin in reaction.


Jul 23, 2015
Portland, Oregon
Thanks for the response, Brian. I do like the gallon of milk because of its convenience; (I live in a dorm that does not allow cooking.) So, it's a far superior option than PUFA-laden cafeteria food. I do sweat quite a bit when I workout, however. I've been upping my cheese/butter intake recently and I've found it's been doing some strange things to my libido (in a good way,) so the cholesterol may be helping.


Jun 8, 2014
DaveFoster said:
post 104343 Thanks for the response, Brian. I do like the gallon of milk because of its convenience; (I live in a dorm that does not allow cooking.) So, it's a far superior option than PUFA-laden cafeteria food. I do sweat quite a bit when I workout, however. I've been upping my cheese/butter intake recently and I've found it's been doing some strange things to my libido (in a good way,) so the cholesterol may be helping.

Also consider that you will become deficient in copper, zinc, chromium, magnesium and eventually iron on a milk and juice diet. Are you able to eat beef/oysters a few times per week at least?
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Jul 23, 2015
Portland, Oregon
Brian said:
Also consider that you will become deficient in copper, zinc, chromium, magnesium and eventually iron on a milk and juice diet. Are you able to eat beef/oysters a few times per week at least?
I occasionally consume rice, butter, pork, and beef in addition to my milk and juice diet. I also refrain from ejaculation, which helps to preserve zinc. As for magnesium, I used to supplement, but now I seldom feel the need. I might add it back in. Copper seems in adequate supply; as for chromium, I don't worry too much about it.


Aug 15, 2015
DaveFoster said:
- Methylene Blue - 500 mcg x2/day OR x3/day (w/ aspirin) (will start soon)
Why do you want to supplement Methylene Blue with aspirin? Where do you buy MB in general? Do you go to stores dedicated to swimming pools? :lol:


Jul 23, 2015
Portland, Oregon
milk_lover said:
Why do you want to supplement Methylene Blue with aspirin? Where do you buy MB in general? Do you go to stores dedicated to swimming pools? :lol:
Methylene blue improves the uncoupling effects of aspirin, which allows for improved weight loss. There's also a few neuroprotective benefits of methylene blue. I get mine from here, but if you don't care too much about purity, you can also get it here. I believe the former has a dose of approx. 0.5 mg (500 mcg) per drop, while the latter has a dose of anywhere between 1.15 mg - 1.5 mg (1150 - 1500 mcg) per drop.


Jul 23, 2015
Portland, Oregon

- Aspirin - 1g x2/day OR x3/day
- Niacinamide - 2-6 g/day (3g ideal)
- DHEA - 3mg x 2/day OR x3/day
- B6 (pyridoxine HCL) - 12.5 mg x1/day
- Caffeine - dose varies (300 mg x3/day)
- Methylene Blue - 500 mcg x2/day OR x3/day (w/ aspirin)
- L-Theanine - 200 mg (¼ tsp) x3/day
- EstroBan - 8 drops daily (topical)

- BCAA - 3500 mg x1/day in milk
- L-Tyrosine - 1500 mg x1/day in milk
- Taurine - 5 g x1/day in milk
- Creatine - 3 g x1/day in milk


- Thiamine HCL 500 mg x3/day (awesome pre-workout)
- Pregnenolone 100 mg x3/day (kills the stress response)

- Cyproheptadine 1mg x3/day (Oh. My. God. Euphoria and peace.)
- Polyphasic sleep schedule: currently biphasic (ideally incorporating the dymaxion sleep schedule for maximum productivity)
- Penis extension (more on this later)

- Thiroyd 1/16 grain (titrating up by 1/16 grain per week until 12% body fat)
- Progesterone 500-600 mg x2/day (incredible enhancement of testosterone and DHT without disrupting steroidal feedback loop)
- Activated charcoal?
- Antibiotics?

- Reach 10-12 % body fat
- Reach 220 lbs (currently 190)
- Increase productivity by approximately 60%
- Maintain a clean internal environment
- Maintain personal hygiene
- Maintain a clean living environment
- Cure autism and foster a masculine identity in relationships
- Stop masturbating
- Lengthen penis to 7.5"

Summary (11/07/15)
I feel hit and miss, but I'm undergoing a huge period if adaptation. The amount of variation between my physiological state in mood lessens as time goes on, and I can now deprive myself of sleep without feeling many ill effects whatsoever. I feel as though my cellular metabolism is improving to such a degree that i may actually be able to stave of the aging process to a large degree. I will continue in my pursuit of peace, possible euphoria, enhanced libido, maximal self-discipline, and rational practice within my life.

UPDATE #6: The new additions are going well. Thyroid is an incredibly powerful supplement, and it's having an unprecedented impact in my daily life; focus, concentration, motivation, sociality, libido. gym gains, sleep quality, energy level, and everything that accompanies a high-energy lifestyle has been enhanced. Occasional euphoria, but more often a great feeling of empowerment. Truly, the metabolic rate of the individual particularly that of the male, whose calorie ceiling rests much higher than that of the female, serves as a valuable tool against the limitations imposed by society. I feel like I can achieve my goals, and I shall.

As far as cyproheptadine dose, while starting, 2 mg sedated me, but now with thyroid, I must take 8 mg to become drowsy and sleep. I've upped my caffeine intake to 600 mg x3/day, and I've been eating more calories and more frequently, which helps to balance blood sugar. My self-control and purposeful action has improved as well. Progesterone has been an interesting experience, although I only took it once, but since pregnenolone metabolizes into pregnenolone (around 20% I believe,) I don't see the need to continue this supplementation except irregularly in times of stress.

A huge positive of thyroid lies in its increase of sweating and water usage, which allows me more effectively consume my calories via liquids. I have been ramping up the dose probably sooner than recommended, (I'm around 1 grain per day,) but I make sure never to go over 1/4 in an hour or 2-hour period. Lastly, I tried cascara sagarada; only one pill, and it improved my bowel movements, so I may continue consuming this. I look forward to adding biotin into my stack, and I will continue to push the thyroid dose up until I reach a sub-clinical state of hyperthyroidism. My sleep schedule is becoming more regular, and I'm subsisting on 7 hours per day instead of 8 or 9, and I'm feeling good. I plan to knock this down to 6, 5, and eventually 4 in increments. Hopefully this will not impact my gains in the gym.

Finally, I am excited to try hydergine. I don't think LSD is a viable option for long-term cognitive enhancement due to its illegality, price, and risk of cardiac fibrosis. The same may be said about lisuride and bromocriptine. I will definitely look into antibiotics.


Jul 23, 2015
Portland, Oregon
UPDATE #6: After achieving a thyroid dose of around 3 grains, I find that I need more calories. I will up my milk consumption to 2 gallons of whole milk, along with 4-6 containers of OJ per day. Ideally, I'll limit starch while gaining the benefits of saturated fat consumption. This puts at around 8000 calories per day.

I am curious as to whether or not the total PUFA content matters or the ratio of PUFA to saturated and monounsaturated fat. In the former case, I'm above 15 g PUFA. In the latter case, I'm just under 2% of calories, which is ideal.


Jan 12, 2014
Temp and pulse?


Mar 29, 2014
DaveFoster said:
post 108369 - Thiroyd 1/16 grain (titrating up by 1/16 grain per week until 12% body fat)
This looks like a reasonable pace at which to increase the dose (not commenting on the goal).

DaveFoster said:
post 111563 UPDATE #6: After achieving a thyroid dose of around 3 grains, I find that I need more calories.
I'm a bit confused about the dates of your updates, but it does look as though you have increased this fast - from 0 to 3 grains in less than a month. Even if you feel good now, if you continue at 3 grains/day, you are probably still increasing the blood levels of T4. If you overshoot with T4, it can take a while to get it down to a good level again - half-life of weeks. You may be OK with it, but there are risks - can't know how much you will need till you get to a stable level that suits you. It doesn't sound as though you were very hypothyroid to begin with.
There are one or two recent reports here that sound like possible overdose - somewhat distressing, and quite avoidable.

DaveFoster said:
post 108369 - Progesterone 500-600 mg x2/day
If you decide to try progesterone again, I think Peat usually recommends taking about 10mg (3 drops progest-e) at a time, and repeating this after 15mins as needed. The reason for repeated small doses is to avoid excessive anaesthetic effect (potentially dangerous if it's extreme). It seems that people's need and tolerance for it varies hugely. One of Peat's anecdotes was about an ex-alcoholic friend who was taking 'enough progesterone to neuter most men (/people?)'.
I and others have certainly taken more than 10mg at a time sometimes, but I at least tried smaller amounts first, so I was pretty sure it would not over-anaesthetise me.
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Jul 23, 2015
Portland, Oregon
answersfound said:
I haven't measured temp in a while, but I'm sure its at or above 98.6. I should measure it when I find my thermometer. My pulse is 85 at the moment, but it jumps up to 100 on occassion, and when it does I feel excellent.

tara said:
post 111577
DaveFoster said:
post 108369 - Thiroyd 1/16 grain (titrating up by 1/16 grain per week until 12% body fat)
This looks like a reasonable pace at which to increase the dose (not commenting on the goal).

DaveFoster said:
post 111563 UPDATE #6: After achieving a thyroid dose of around 3 grains, I find that I need more calories.
I'm a bit confused about the dates of your updates, but it does look as though you have increased this fast - from 0 to 3 grains in less than a month. Even if you feel good now, if you continue at 3 grains/day, you are probably still increasing the blood levels of T4. If you overshoot with T4, it can take a while to get it down to a good level again - half-life of weeks. You may be OK with it, but there are risks - can't know how much you will need till you get to a stable level that suits you. It doesn't sound as though you were very hypothyroid to begin with.
There are one or two recent reports here that sound like possible overdose - somewhat distressing, and quite avoidable.

DaveFoster said:
post 108369 - Progesterone 500-600 mg x2/day
If you decide to try progesterone again, I think Peat usually recommends taking about 10mg (3 drops progest-e) at a time, and repeating this after 15mins as needed. The reason for repeated small doses is to avoid excessive anaesthetic effect (potentially dangerous if it's extreme). It seems that people's need and tolerance for it varies hugely. One of Peat's anecdotes was about an ex-alcoholic friend who was taking 'enough progesterone to neuter most men (/people?)'.
I and others have certainly taken more than 10mg at a time sometimes, but I at least tried smaller amounts first, so I was pretty sure it would not over-anaesthetise me.
You're right tara; I am being reckless. I keep nibbling on Thiroyd to keep my temps up, and I should probably back it down. I'm waking up very warm in the mornings; almost sweating, but the same thing used to happen when I was 12 and would eat a lot. I'm getting between 2 and 3 grains per day.

As far as the progesterone, if I get sensitive nipples from estrogen, I take about 250 mg of progesterone and that kills it almost instantly. The sedative effect is less pronounced, and I get a nootropic effect from the stuff.

After having started my whole milk (2 gallons per day), I am rapidly gaining weight, and my temps are lower. (This must be due to the MUFA's suppressive effect on metabolism.) I will continue to maintain my dose of thyroid at 2-3 grains per day for another couple weeks or so while upping my caffeine in take to aroud 3 grams per day. I'm also looking into DNP, but this is more of a last resort.

White stools are presenting themselves, which tells me that my body has to adapt to the higher fat intake. If they do not go away, I will drop my milk consumption back to a gallon. High-fat makes me feel very relaxed, and I swear my muscles are getting bigger even during my break from lifting.

UPDATE #7: Whether from the high amount of milk or large amount of rice, potatoes, and turkey, no doubt plus my lack of consumption of my BCAA, tyrosine, taurine combo over Thanksgiving, I feel so much different. I'm incredibly irritable, unable to concentrate, angry and snappy, erratic and non-centered (completely un-masculine), and I feel absolutely vulnerable. Serotonin strikes again! I took about 4 grams of niacinamide, 2 grams of thiamine, and about 1 gram of l-theanine, and BAM! My erratic behavior vanished, my memory improved dramatically while I practiced Chinese, and I felt at peace. While the thiamine and l-theanine played a role here, I definitely credit this to the niacinamide. It's ability to crush serotonin is laudable to say the least.
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Jul 23, 2015
Portland, Oregon
UPDATE #*; I will wait to update my supplement progress, but the most notable thing that has changed recently pertains to my caloric intake:

Specifically, I've been drinking around 2 gallons of whole milk and 2600 calories of orange juice. This adds to about 7,000 calories, and I'm still thirsty for more. It's incredible and very odd, and the BCAA + tyrosine + taurine combo is absolutely necessary to prevent excessive serotonin from the tryptophan consumption, which I learned the hard way. Besides the tryptophan, I'm feeling pretty good, but I think that I could use another few grams of sodium.


Jun 16, 2015
That seems like a lot of fat to me. Not sure how that would affect libido directly, but my experience says it definitely affects leanness. But then you have to consider that body fat produces estrogen, so lowering body fat will help to lower estrogen. And lipolysis of even non-PUFA is not as desirable as burning sugar and will raise your triglycerides, plus the glucose/fatty acid competition described by the Randle cycle means fatty acids will inhibit glucose metabolism.

Also, I found that taking 4-5mg DHEA once/day killed my libido. You are possibly taking much more per day (compare mg/kg, I am 73kg, so that was 0.06mg/kg). My understanding is that the DHEA can eventually be converted to estrogen (estradiol, a very potent form of estrogen, from testosterone) especially if your stress is high, which it likely is if you're in school trying to do well while stressing over girls. I found that if I take the 4-5mg DHEA only on one day per week - one of my weekend days when I'm not at work and my stress level is very low - my libido will rise and I will feel like throwing heavy weights around all day. I think DHEA + stress is a very bad combo in terms of its estrogen producing potential, so you might reconsider your dosage in light of your perceived stress level.

Also, you don't mention your fiber intake, but I found lowering fiber (from sources other than carrot salad) tends to reduce the serotonin-related effects, and thus also seems to improve libido.

Also, really no excuse for guessing at your temp! Measure that stuff!
Nov 21, 2015
orgasms and masturbation lower testosterone and raise prolactin. They have more effect than diet for many men.


The authors found that the fluctuations of testosterone levels from the 2nd to 5th day of abstinence were minimal. On the 7th day of abstinence, however, a clear peak of serum testosterone appeared, reaching 145.7% of the baseline ( P < 0.01).
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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