I want out of the u.s i dont belong here anymore


Oct 21, 2018
"Adapt, Mutate, or Die."

Literally, this is the academic information regarding the survival of large animals. That was my takeaway from reading several books on the topic one winter 30 years ago and speaking with Grant, my girlfriend's Pops who is a retired big game biologist for the Yukon Territory. The other takeaway that was a redux was to live life as deliberately as possible. Otherwise it will be lived for you.
This. Dont ignore this.


Sep 3, 2020
Not necessarily true, it is indeed difficult!

I used to live in the midwest. Several girls there liked me, but after getting to know them I found most of them [sub?]consciously hated men.

IMO the only places in the US that still have a nice preponderance of real women are the South and Southeast.

As it happens, those might be the only places in the US where a life worth living can still be easily achieved.
Ha southern women are even worse. They are raised to be nice nasty meaning learning to disguise demeaning comments with kind words likely due to the religious brainwashing. The women won’t tell you off directly, they will sound sweet as pie but be railroading you to your face while you think they are complimenting you . They will say aktmntjng like maybe cooking isn’t your special gift bless your heart but in southern that means you anre worthless and your food are trash. Southern women are obsessed with keeping up appearances also more so than any other types. Underneath the superficial southern belle charm There is hatred and vile personalities that come out like venomous snakes after church


Aug 17, 2016
Ha southern women are even worse. They are raised to be nice nasty meaning learning to disguise demeaning comments with kind words likely due to the religious brainwashing. The women won’t tell you off directly, they will sound sweet as pie but be railroading you to your face while you think they are complimenting you . They will say aktmntjng like maybe cooking isn’t your special gift bless your heart but in southern that means you anre worthless and your food are trash. Southern women are obsessed with keeping up appearances also more so than any other types. Underneath the superficial southern belle charm There is hatred and vile personalities that come out like venomous snakes after church
Many are at war with other women.
There is much more comradery between midwest women.
I found midwest women to stand up for and be focused on ideals external to themselves or their own home.

So, in that way, southern women are more pro men. They will fight for a man and their home. And they will keep a nice home.
So, if you want a woman who will do that, the south has many hardy beauties for you.
But be prepared to prove yourself by ignoring, or even crushing other women for her. (think Tonya Harding).
She'll provide you sons. But they too will be expected to have that same raison d'etat.
First and foremost.


Sep 3, 2020
Many are at war with other women.
There is much more comradery between midwest women.
I found midwest women to stand up for and be focused on ideals external to themselves or their own home.

So, in that way, southern women are more pro men. They will fight for a man and their home. And they will keep a nice home.
So, if you want a woman who will do that, the south has many hardy beauties for you.
But be prepared to prove yourself by ignoring, or even crushing other women for her. (think Tonya Harding).
She'll provide you sons. But they too will be expected to have that same raison d'etat.
First and foremost.
This is not about hatred towards other women, this is about how majority of southern women are raised, and it comes down to religious brainwashing as women cannot be direct as this is seen as sinful but poisonous indirectness is applauded. For some reason this anomaly is not found in northern states as much, I believe it’s the culture and stereotype that si seen time and time again in southerners that the man should be aggressive verbally but if a female is direct it means she’s masculine which means she’s not valuable to others around her. Southern women have told me that when they are direct they are ostracized for this, men don’t want them and women definitely do not befriend them. Many of my strong willed southern female friends have had to move to other states as to not experience the authoritarian life of majority of southern women.


Oct 11, 2016
Today's war between men & women that has been stoked via propaganda and other subtle and evil manipulation is much larger than any official war throughout history. There is no country without it currently, but of course there are still countries "catching up" to the west, but with social media and the speed of so-called western culture spreads, you'll not be that far ahead of it by going to the "least developed" countries for a wife. Also you must beware that bringing your foreign wife to a western country can result in her "adapting" very quickly, learning what she can get without you, and learning that the culture values her being on her own and making her own success without you - even if you have kids together already. So, there is no way around you developing your own keen sense about other people by knowing yourself and becoming as honest as you can be in every moment. That will give you something that will protect you and serve you wherever you go.
Mar 10, 2021
I will let others recommend a country (countries) where one or more of the issues you mentioned is absent or at least less pervasive, but having seen life in both US and Europe, I can tell you the latter is not really a better option,..except possibly the cost of living, which can be mitigated in some Eastern European countries.

1. Everything is based on money here
My observation: Same in Europe, especially in the Western parts of it, but becoming more so by the day in the rest of the continent.

2. It's so difficult to find a good woman here who isn't all about money and material things especially in the Midwest woman have 0 personality and are shallow
My observation: Same in Europe, more or less

3. To get anywhere you need a car as this country isn't very walkable

My observation: European cities do tend to be more walkable, but the smaller American cities seem pretty walkable too. That being said, the preference for car travel in US is definitely there.

4. I absolutely hate living under biden it's just embarrassing

My observation: I am not sure there is any place in Europe where the population does not also feel embarrassed by its politicians, especially after the pandemic fiasco. I mean, "model" European countries like Germany and Austria made vaccines mandatory for their populations and basically brought fascism back. There seems to be a bit of softening of the restrictions currently, but people who live there feel the tyranny is coming back soon, maybe as soon as this fall.

5.Health care is overwhelmingly expensive and doctors really don't give a care if you get well or not they are in it for the money

My observation: While most European states have a single-payer system, it is not certain which system ends up being more expensive for the end user, and which system provides better overall care. Looking at the patient outcomes both side of the Atlantic seem equally bad. If medicine in both places is based on the same fake "science" it does not really matter how you end up paying for it - i.e. taxes or directly - your health will not improve. And as far as doctors - with minor exceptions in both places, equally uninterested in your health, and in some European countries even unfit to practice medicine since they literally bought their diploma.

6. The overall cost of living is insane and most people live paycheck to paycheck
My observation: Same in Western Europe, and quickly becoming so in Eastern European countries as well, at least in the bigger cities. There are still opportunities for lower living costs in Europe (compared to the US) but those are disappearing quickly due to same/similar fiscal policies pursued by both the Fed and ECB. I know this first-hand from travelling back and forth and having friends/family who used to be in the US and then moved to Europe trying to get that lower cost of living. Most of them failed, and it was not for a lack of trying.

7. Crime in this country is getting worse by the day. i have no family here i just want to escape and find a place where i belong and can thrive and marry and start a family can anyone suggest which countries might suit my needs
My observation: Same in Western Europe, and quickly becoming so in Eastern parts as well. In fact, Eastern parts have a well-organized mafia and a reputation as very corrupt, so even if petty/violent crime on the street is low, the entire country is often run by a mafia-like cartel, which openly mingles and does business with the underground. So, next to impossible getting a decent/honest and well-paying job where you won't have abusive (and untouchable) boss, and/or won't be involved in shady things, and/or lack good opportunities for personal development. Most hired jobs these days are either soul-crushing meaningless rituals, and in many Eastern European countries - a front for something (illegal) else.

So, maybe other people here can chime in and share how things are in say Latin America, Asia, or Australia/NZ but as far as a choice between USA and Europe - I'd say US is actually less bad than Europe for most things. That does not make it a true good choice, but in a world where things are globally not really going well, it is one of the more tolerable places to live. The social fabric has collapsed in most "civilized" places and this is manifesting in every aspect of life. I doubt there is a country out there any more where you can simply live your life as an honest citizen, find a good partner and start a family, and live a normal life. There is no "normal" anymore, at least in the "developed" world.
Just my 2c.
I appreciated your thoughts on this @haidut, because I wonder sometimes too living in the USA.


Apr 19, 2020
The Top 3 Items above: Money, Women/relationship, car to get anywhere: I have been around the block a few times, and lived/worked in Northern and Southern Hemisphere (YES- hemispheres), so here are my thoughts being USA/N'awlins born.

Money is unfortunately very necessary and economies have been designed to Force people to work 40-60 hours a week in many countries to survive, or get ahead. Do what you enjoy doing, or find it quickly and go ahead with it. That's all. If you want to volunteer also as a 'job' that can be fulfilling too if you can get some room or board covered during that time period.

Relationship: Do what you love or enjoy or are passionate about, and you will meet people who are at that same level of passion/interest. Women included. Cultivate yourself while you are single, as nothing lasts forever. A woman won't ever complete you, so if you feel that you need a woman/intimate relationship, you may attract another incomplete person - in my opinion. I Ching would state: No Blame, Acceptance, and Self Cultivation.

Unless you live on a farm or remote fishery or mining operation, and do not need to leave, you don't need a car. IF you want to live in a town/city, you probably need a car/motorbike. If you have a bicycle and are ok with biking 5-10 miles to work everyday, then that's great. Most people don't want to have to ride the bike in snow/rain/winter. Live in the place where you want to live, and deal with the consequence of needing a car, busride, etc.. Goes with the territory as they say. I have picked up hitchikers mid-Winter in the Yukon at -28 F and taken them 35 miles to the city (Whitehorse). So they are willing to live without a car in that environment. Get it?

Re: #4
I have been living in Australia since 2015 and it is governed by people who were voted for, or the Party was voted for, same as USA. So basically the same situation. Normal people just deal with it(the politics) and get on with their lives as best they can.
There is no Shangri-La, though I have lived there for very brief spells in several places at different times. That takes Luck/Intention/collaboration and some may say self-sacrifice. But it showed me that it is humanly possible.

Live your best life now, with no regrets. I am not saying you should stay put in the USA, or that you should move. As Haidut said above their is no 'normal' anymore in the "West". So basically everyone is/has been torqued, and they have been stressed, so not many people are relaxed. (That alone messes with one's metabolism). Mexico is right there if you speak some Spanish and have some skill to offer. What skillset do you offer to your community? Etc..
There's my 2 bits, hope this helps.

PS I lived in Argentina for periods, but in a unique situation. I have friends there, and it is a great country, but $$$ wise it hasn't been easy for 20 years. So.... YMMV.


Apr 19, 2020
The grass is always greener, am I right?
Well probably mate. But I would say the grass is a different shade of green! Hehehehe

I have moved around not because I thought a place was 'better' than where I was living, but because of what I wanted to learn, and because of intuition. I am a 'ridiculous taoist' of sorts, as I often make moves that will definitely help me lose money, but then I don't live as if money is the point. Because it is not.


Jun 24, 2022
United States
Ha southern women are even worse. They are raised to be nice nasty meaning learning to disguise demeaning comments with kind words likely due to the religious brainwashing. The women won’t tell you off directly, they will sound sweet as pie but be railroading you to your face while you think they are complimenting you . They will say aktmntjng like maybe cooking isn’t your special gift bless your heart but in southern that means you anre worthless and your food are trash. Southern women are obsessed with keeping up appearances also more so than any other types. Underneath the superficial southern belle charm There is hatred and vile personalities that come out like venomous snakes after church
How much time have you spent in there or are you formulating this idea off a couple of migrants?
Agree, it is always good to question brainwashing- especially from society, media, and entertainment.
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