I want out of the u.s i dont belong here anymore


Apr 19, 2020
Referring to “Tas” do you mean Tazmania? If so, how does Tazmania compare to Australia as far as lockdowns, restrictions etc?
Yes, Tas means Tasmania. It is the bottom shelf of the Australian states. (JOKE - Top Shelf means 'Best', and Tassie is South of the Mainland. Sorry for the Ozzie slang/potential misdirection.

We were 'less locked down' in the sense of length of time of severe restrictions (can't drive more than 10 km from your house - longer obviously if you are very rural- and only for vital services groceries/drug stores/hospital) maybe 6-8 weeks, with the occasional week of similar. There are a lot of Oldies (older folks) here - which I am 57 so getting there - who want to be 'protected' with the jabs and appreciate the Covid propaganda and mask wearing etc.. They are the biggest voters here, and most other states. So the poli's (politicians) do what they need to do to stay in power. A few states seemed ( and still seem ) to have a competition as to who can be the most restrictive and Authoritative, like Victoria vs WA (Western Australia). WA requires vaxxx for most industries, and one must be vaxxxed as a client if one wants Primary care acces; hospital/dentist/physio etc.. Other Aussies chime in if I am incorrect please.

I know very well that everything related to People on the planet now is in flux, and what is considered 'safe' for us on RPF and others who want to live free and eat 'real food' without GMO('viral inserts' in our veggies) and meat and fish, etc., may not be in the future. Tas is sparsely populated outside of the 'bigger' cities/town and very agricultural so that is why we came here from Queensland 3 years ago. Weather or climate is not too extreme, and it is cooler and less humid than where we were for some years. :): . Again Australia is part of the 5 Eyes so the Federal gov't here will be pushing the Agenda heavily, as seems quite evident that the UK, NZ, Canada are some of the heaviest with Propaganda and restrictions and pushing of the jabs (amongst the other things they are pushing) and US and Australia (All 5 Eyes) not far behind or sometimes tied with the first 3. Anyhow that is my impression, as between my wife and I we have rellies (Relatives) in AUS/UK/NZ/USA and know folks from everywhere.

@Libra guy You still here? Lots of great advice from many peaters above. My advice is go where you are attracted to, and be creative and participate with your community NOW. It almost doesn't matter where, but if you feel the need to move, then do it. Then increase your capacity as you can. As @FocusedOnHealth said on another thread, "The only real protection you have is Divine Protection." Totes! So as long as one is being creative in Life and the community and participating with your own Spirituality and you are solid on that path, there is nothing left undone.


Aug 17, 2016
Northern Florida seems like a decent option:. Do you like it there?
Yes. As long as you don't let yourself be prey.

There is very good quality land.
We drove around Deland today. Lovely gentle hills and giant moss covered oaks. Great hipster downtown and small college.
Lots of lakes and springs.


Jan 21, 2021
Regina I understand what you said. There is a security in being in a crowd and sometimes big cities are safer as you said....if it is a pedestrian city.

I forgot to add that Panama had one of the most restrictive covid lockdowns on the planet. I don't know who they were getting their instructions from but at our worst point we were divided by gender and women could leave for two hours on mon wed fri and men only on tues and Thursdays. And you could only go out at the time that coincided with the last number of your ID card. If it ended in 3 for example you could go out from 3-5 and only on your gender day. Senior citizens were later granted the liberty of going out with their spouses. Saturdays and Sundays everything was closed and everyone was locked in. It was crazy.

If you got sick and tested positive you were registered in a national data base and were quarantined for 2 weeks. If you happened to leave your home, even if you were better and alone in your car just riding around and were to get stopped by the police, they could check the database and if you broke quarantine you would be penalized. I can't remember if it was jail or a fine, but eveyone was spooked.

Once the vaccines were available it became crazier. There were actual doctors who would refuse patient services to the unjabbed. You had to have your temperature taken just to enter the supermarket and any other public place.

Only recently have they lifted the outdoor mask requirement. And a handful of restaurants still require proof of jab to enter.

Looking back I don't know how we made it. Tough times.
Aug 29, 2020
The Rocky Mountains
Show me a perfect country. America is the best house in a bad neighborhood. The rest of the world bases their opinion of us on what the media serves them. 15-20% of the people here are truly on board with the globalist nonsense. They just have the loudest voices...appearing to be the majority.
Jul 17, 2021
Show me a perfect country. America is the best house in a bad neighborhood. The rest of the world bases their opinion of us on what the media serves them. 15-20% of the people here are truly on board with the globalist nonsense. They just have the loudest voices...appearing to be the majority.
I agree with you as to what you said about “America is the best house in a bad neighborhood”. But as to you saying “15-20% of the people here are truly on board with the global nonsense”, I disagree. According to the cdc stats, 77.3 % of the total US population have received at least one dose of the vaccine. That is far too many lemming (follower) leanings I’m afraid. When push comes to shove, they gave in.
* That’s 256.5 million people having had at least one vaxx.
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Feb 13, 2021
The way this country is set up it doesn't match well at all with the type of person iam i feel i don't belong here anymore

1. Everything is based on money here

2. It's so difficult to find a good woman here who isn't all about money and material things especially in the Midwest woman have 0 personality and are shallow

3. To get anywhere you need a car as this country isn't very walkable

4. I absolutely hate living under biden it's just embarrassing

5.Health care is overwhelmingly expensive and doctors really don't give a care if you get well or not they are in it for the money

6. The overall cost of living is insane and most people live paycheck to paycheck

7. Crime in this country is getting worse by the day. i have no family here i just want to escape and find a place where i belong and can thrive and marry and start a family can anyone suggest which countries might suit my needs
Interestingly, I live in Russia and would sign every point (just replace Biden with Putin). Same problems


Jan 25, 2014
I agree with you as to what you said about “America is the best house in a bad neighborhood”. But as to you saying “15-20% of the people here are truly on board with the global nonsense”, I disagree. According to the cdc stats, 77.3 % of the total US population have received at least one dose of the vaccine. That is far too many lemming (follower) leanings I’m afraid. When push comes to shove, they gave in.
* That’s 256.5 million people having had at least one vaxx.
Why would you believe those stats? The CDC is pushing an agenda, and one of the ways they can do that is by inflating those numbers.

I have seen numbers from Australia where they claimed, in all seriousness, that 102% of the population had taken two doses of the vaccine. Ridiculous.

Even if they based those numbers on something real, it's likely something like "doses delivered" rather than "shots in arms." Just like their "95% Effective!" claim is based on Relative Risk Reduction (from the two month interim trial data). The exact same data could also have claimed a meager "0.84% Effective!" claim, if they used Absolute Risk Reduction instead (which would have been the more meaningful metric, since over 99% of people in both groups weren't diagnosed with so called "Covid".)

It's pretty obvious this same Federal Government can't keep an accurate count of the population. And that's half of the equation right there. So, why would you think they are better at keeping track of the numerator if they have no idea what the denominator is?

Remember, they still don't know if Thriller, the best selling album of all time, sold 60 Million or 100 Million copies. And there was actual money to be had with that! Considering the Federal Government paid for all the doses, there was no monetary incentive to keep any sort of track record of who had been shot and who hadn't, and how many times those that have been shot had gotten shot. If anything, there was incentive to inflate it. How many dead and imaginary people (and pets and such) were listed as getting two shots plus a booster? I'm pretty sure Pfizer would happily take that $60 bucks from three phantom doses, all day every day.

And even then, all of those who got shot aren't necessarily on board with what's happening. Most are probably just going with the flow.


Aug 17, 2016
Regina I understand what you said. There is a security in being in a crowd and sometimes big cities are safer as you said....if it is a pedestrian city.

I forgot to add that Panama had one of the most restrictive covid lockdowns on the planet. I don't know who they were getting their instructions from but at our worst point we were divided by gender and women could leave for two hours on mon wed fri and men only on tues and Thursdays. And you could only go out at the time that coincided with the last number of your ID card. If it ended in 3 for example you could go out from 3-5 and only on your gender day. Senior citizens were later granted the liberty of going out with their spouses. Saturdays and Sundays everything was closed and everyone was locked in. It was crazy.

If you got sick and tested positive you were registered in a national data base and were quarantined for 2 weeks. If you happened to leave your home, even if you were better and alone in your car just riding around and were to get stopped by the police, they could check the database and if you broke quarantine you would be penalized. I can't remember if it was jail or a fine, but eveyone was spooked.

Once the vaccines were available it became crazier. There were actual doctors who would refuse patient services to the unjabbed. You had to have your temperature taken just to enter the supermarket and any other public place.

Only recently have they lifted the outdoor mask requirement. And a handful of restaurants still require proof of jab to enter.

Looking back I don't know how we made it. Tough times.
Holy smokes. Well, whoever "panama" is taking orders from has made it clear that this is a place to flee in search of freedom.
But that's just me.

In June of 2020, we were traveling around Georgia and TN mountains. We stepped into a taco restaurant. Actually just onto their patio because we had our dog with us.
The waiter tried to take my temperature and I had zero thought when I instinctly blocked it as I would a real attack in aikido. He made no comment or further attempt and brought my dog a bowl of water and a treat.

That's the closest thing I ever got to someone touching or testing me and I never placed a mask on my face.


Aug 17, 2016
I agre w
Why would you believe those stats? The CDC is pushing an agenda, and one of the ways they can do that is by inflating those numbers.

I have seen numbers from Australia where they claimed, in all seriousness, that 102% of the population had taken two doses of the vaccine. Ridiculous.

Even if they based those numbers on something real, it's likely something like "doses delivered" rather than "shots in arms." Just like their "95% Effective!" claim is based on Relative Risk Reduction (from the two month interim trial data). The exact same data could also have claimed a meager "0.84% Effective!" claim, if they used Absolute Risk Reduction instead (which would have been the more meaningful metric, since over 99% of people in both groups weren't diagnosed with so called "Covid".)

It's pretty obvious this same Federal Government can't keep an accurate count of the population. And that's half of the equation right there. So, why would you think they are better at keeping track of the numerator if they have no idea what the denominator is?

Remember, they still don't know if Thriller, the best selling album of all time, sold 60 Million or 100 Million copies. And there was actual money to be had with that! Considering the Federal Government paid for all the doses, there was no monetary incentive to keep any sort of track record of who had been shot and who hadn't, and how many times those that have been shot had gotten shot. If anything, there was incentive to inflate it. How many dead and imaginary people (and pets and such) were listed as getting two shots plus a booster? I'm pretty sure Pfizer would happily take that $60 bucks from three phantom doses, all day every day.

And even then, all of those who got shot aren't necessarily on board with what's happening. Most are probably just going with the flow.
I agree with you.
But amazingly, I don't know many people who didn't get jabbed.
Virtually, every neighbor here in Florida. Old friends who would visit and tell me they are fully vaccinated.

I am gobsmacked that any single person actually got jabbed at all.
When they first started talking about the jabs, I confidently said to myself, "No one's gonna take that poison."
So, I realize that I must be an oddball and my perception of reality differs greatly from the people around me.


Oct 21, 2018
The way this country is set up it doesn't match well at all with the type of person iam i feel i don't belong here anymore

1. Everything is based on money here

2. It's so difficult to find a good woman here who isn't all about money and material things especially in the Midwest woman have 0 personality and are shallow

3. To get anywhere you need a car as this country isn't very walkable

4. I absolutely hate living under biden it's just embarrassing

5.Health care is overwhelmingly expensive and doctors really don't give a care if you get well or not they are in it for the money

6. The overall cost of living is insane and most people live paycheck to paycheck

7. Crime in this country is getting worse by the day. i have no family here i just want to escape and find a place where i belong and can thrive and marry and start a family can anyone suggest which countries might suit my needs
It sounds like your not willing to adapt. Adapt. Watch your life flourish.


Feb 9, 2022
It sounds like your not willing to adapt. Adapt. Watch your life flourish.


Apr 19, 2020
It sounds like your not willing to adapt. Adapt. Watch your life flourish.
"Adapt, Mutate, or Die."

Literally, this is the academic information regarding the survival of large animals. That was my takeaway from reading several books on the topic one winter 30 years ago and speaking with Grant, my girlfriend's Pops who is a retired big game biologist for the Yukon Territory. The other takeaway that was a redux was to live life as deliberately as possible. Otherwise it will be lived for you.
Jul 17, 2021
Why would you believe those stats? The CDC is pushing an agenda, and one of the ways they can do that is by inflating those numbers.

I have seen numbers from Australia where they claimed, in all seriousness, that 102% of the population had taken two doses of the vaccine. Ridiculous.

Even if they based those numbers on something real, it's likely something like "doses delivered" rather than "shots in arms." Just like their "95% Effective!" claim is based on Relative Risk Reduction (from the two month interim trial data). The exact same data could also have claimed a meager "0.84% Effective!" claim, if they used Absolute Risk Reduction instead (which would have been the more meaningful metric, since over 99% of people in both groups weren't diagnosed with so called "Covid".)

It's pretty obvious this same Federal Government can't keep an accurate count of the population. And that's half of the equation right there. So, why would you think they are better at keeping track of the numerator if they have no idea what the denominator is?

Remember, they still don't know if Thriller, the best selling album of all time, sold 60 Million or 100 Million copies. And there was actual money to be had with that! Considering the Federal Government paid for all the doses, there was no monetary incentive to keep any sort of track record of who had been shot and who hadn't, and how many times those that have been shot had gotten shot. If anything, there was incentive to inflate it. How many dead and imaginary people (and pets and such) were listed as getting two shots plus a booster? I'm pretty sure Pfizer would happily take that $60 bucks from three phantom doses, all day every day.

And even then, all of those who got shot aren't necessarily on board with what's happening. Most are probably just going with the flow.
They could be lying, fudging the stats, sure. But still seems like an awful lot have gotten it in my neck of the woods.


Jan 21, 2021

Holy smokes. Well, whoever "panama" is taking orders from has made it clear that this is a place to flee in search of freedom.
But that's just me.

In June of 2020, we were traveling around Georgia and TN mountains. We stepped into a taco restaurant. Actually just onto their patio because we had our dog with us.
The waiter tried to take my temperature and I had zero thought when I instinctly blocked it as I would a real attack in aikido. He made no comment or further attempt and brought my dog a bowl of water and a treat.

That's the closest thing I ever got to someone touching or testing me and I never placed a mask on my face.
Panama follows USA. (and WHO, CDC etc) Only difference is there is zero resistance here....not like in US.
When vax first rolled out there were many on planes flying to Miami to be the "first' to get it. Really pathetic.


Aug 17, 2016
Panama follows USA. (and WHO, CDC etc) Only difference is there is zero resistance here....not like in US.
When vax first rolled out there were many on planes flying to Miami to be the "first' to get it. Really pathetic.
True that.
I forget I was ignoring everything during the entire charade.


Oct 11, 2016
I agree with you as to what you said about “America is the best house in a bad neighborhood”. But as to you saying “15-20% of the people here are truly on board with the global nonsense”, I disagree. According to the cdc stats, 77.3 % of the total US population have received at least one dose of the vaccine. That is far too many lemming (follower) leanings I’m afraid. When push comes to shove, they gave in.
* That’s 256.5 million people having had at least one vaxx.
You can't defeat the CDC using CDC stats. It is a well known propaganda method to make it seem like everyone is doing something and you'll be in a weak minority if you do not. What is important is every adult who took it consented.


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
Yes. As long as you don't let yourself be prey.

Do you mind elaborating on that? I have heard it from several other people who live in FL too. Does it mean not to allow being scammed, taken advantage of, or something else?


Aug 17, 2016
Do you mind elaborating on that? I have heard it from several other people who live in FL too. Does it mean not to allow being scammed, taken advantage of, or something else?
Florida is massive and diverse. So, I will only address my experience of central Florida. At least in the beach towns, there is a dysfunctional culture. There tends to be a feast or famine outlook. There are many amoral contractors. Skinning a fish and fleecing a human is done will the same rote weight and conscience. There is a willingness to #*it in their own sandbox.
But if you don't need their services, there are many lovely people who aren't trying to fleece you. There is a genteel, artsy and laid back pleasantness.
It takes years to game. Unlike NYC or Chicago which was very easy.
There are many sidewalk art fares but it is still lacking in any refined culture. No Ballet Company or large concert hall or orchestra; no chamber music series.
I'm a city girl, so I miss those cultural arts.
It's strange to live in a place that is all white but with a wide socio-economic diversity. Extreme wealth and extreme poverty.
If you've ever read Theodore Dalrymple's Life At The Bottom, it will be crystal clear why the underclass here simply never escape inertia.
The land is beautiful and anyone with some independent skills can do just fine.
As long as you respect that tradesman do not have breaking mechanisms. If you have ever feared alligators, snakes or sharks, that goes away when you realize you need to discern who the human ones are.
One time you said it was like there are two different species with humans. If your radar for human or scoundrel is keen, it is a paradise.
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Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
Florida is massive and diverse. So, I will only address my experience of central Florida. At least in the beach towns, there is a dysfunctional culture. There tends to be a feast or famine outlook. There are many amoral contractors. Skinning a fish and fleecing a human is done will the same rote weight and conscience. There is a willingness to #*it in their own sandbox.
But if you don't need their services, there are many lovely people who aren't trying to fleece you. There is a genteel, artsy and laid back pleasantness.
It takes years to game. Unlike NYC or Chicago which was very easy.
There are many sidewalk air fares but it is still lacking in any refined culture. No Ballet Company or large concert hall or orchestra; no chamber music series.
I'm a city girl, so I miss those cultural arts.
It's strange to live in a place that is all white but with a wide socio-economic diversity. Extreme wealth and extreme poverty.
If you've ever read Theodore Dalrymple's Life At The Bottom, it will be crystal clear why the underclass here simply never escape inertia.
The land is beautiful and anyone with some independent skills can do just fine.
As long as you respect that tradesman do not have breaking mechanisms. If you have ever feared alligators, snakes or sharks, that goes away when you realize you need to discern who the human ones are.
One time you said it was like there are two different species with humans. If your radar for human or scoundrel is keen, it is a paradise.

Thanks, pretty much matches what I have heard from others...but it was about South Florida in their case. I had a coworker years ago up in DC where I am. He was from South Florida and had 2 small restaurants somewhere in the Miami area. and one around Tampa somewhere. Not really his, but franchises that he had the contract on. He was doing a 6-month long contract work up in DC area and had hired people to run those joints for him while he was up in DC. Every time I saw him he was nervous, chain-smoking, checking his phone, calling people all the time, etc. One day, at happy hour and after a few beers, I asked him why he is always so "wired". He said it is due to the franchises he owns down there. So, I said "what's the big deal, you have managers running them, right?"
He just gave me a look with the "dude, are you f**king with me?" kind of expression and then after a brief pause (and probably remembering I am not originally from the US) he said "dude, obviously you've never been to South Florida for anything other than vacation. It's next to impossible to run a business there that won't get scammed/robbed/cheated/etc the minute the boss takes a break and is not around". So, he was worried he will become prey, like you said. Turns out he was right. Apparently, the cops busted one of his joints for selling drugs in addition to the tacos they were famous for. Now, whether it was his employees doing it behind his back or it was his "side-gig" before he came up to DC - I don't know. But he did have that shady, former drug-addict mug-you-over-a-joint vibe, so I suspect it was him all along running things remotely and being nervous about getting busted.
Anyways, that's my story and I heard a few similar ones from other people who spent some time in Florida or are from there originally.
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