I want out of the u.s i dont belong here anymore

Libra guy

Libra guy

Jan 29, 2018
OP I agree with you. US culture has become shallow, hypocritical, psuedospiritual, economically inefficient, and just fake & annoying in general.

Even men who want to do the noblest thing of all - give themselves to a future family - aren't guaranteed any good outcome, as both US law and the average US female are against them.

All in all it's sad stuff. Hey, maybe I'll see you down in Mexico!
I've been reading lots of good things about Mexico i heard ray peat even spends time there what cities would you recommend there


Not necessarily true, it is indeed difficult!

I used to live in the midwest. Several girls there liked me, but after getting to know them I found most of them [sub?]consciously hated men.

IMO the only places in the US that still have a nice preponderance of real women are the South and Southeast.

As it happens, those might be the only places in the US where a life worth living can still be easily achieved.
Maybe it’s biased samples. My church is fairly internationally known, and we get a ton of girls from out of state. The Midwestern people are basically like fellow southerners and Texans. They want and believe all the same pro-family/traditional roles thing.

I’m sure midwestern girls who flock to college towns are a higher percentile of anti-conventional family. Like, I couldn’t see any of the girls I met in Boulder CO, or any of the big developing cities in Colorado, to be conservative, yet, many came from the midwest…


People from europe that you met and they wanted to escape to america were most likely hypothyroid and brainwashed with the idea of "living the american dream" pushed by movies and media. Western media controls everything and history is written by the winners. A lot of people from europe wouldn't move to USA,they know its the worse decision ever.
Depends. I myself told them not to come to America for the sake of material gain, but they recognize that they can get into a big college and get a lot of job experience faster… so it seemed. If you want to start a small business, it’s pretty indisputable that the US is way better for that than Europe.

I’m sure high aspiring Europeans figured out that the faster pathway to advancement in European corporate world, could be to go to a US community college, get some experience, and go back to country of origin. I don’t agree with leaving traditional communities behind, and bringing back more cubicle tax producers, but that’s basically the only path forward for building a practical inheritance for your kids… of course I believe passing down a farm or small business that’s ingrained into the community, is the sustainable, healthy version, but right now there’s no networking support for small operations to thrive enough to give their kids a non-struggle life after they’re gone. I know one of the more successful dairies in my area, and it’s tough.

Life is nothing like it was 100 years ago, and I’m sorry to say that’s happening in Europe, now. We can change it, but it needs a coordinated effort so that there is stability in people choosing community oriented business/work.


Feb 9, 2022
It's all over (the world)


Sep 21, 2014
I have also felt strongly like I don’t belong in America most of my life, but recently I’ve realized a lot of people feel that way so we might as well find each other and build something better together.
Not American, but I agree with that. It's easy to feel alone these days, but there are enough sane people left. Ironically I realized these during all the madness in the last two years.

I think if I were free to choose where to live, it would still be somewhere in the US. Not because I have any trust in your government, institutions, etc. - quite the contrary. But I think there are enough people left who have a great will for freedom, and who will be able to survive in the future.

Interesting conversation between @haidut and @Razvan. I agree with Georgi when I look at my country (Germany). Everything that's bad in the US is probably equally bad here and the US has a strong cultural influence on this part of Europe. Razvan however is from a different part of Europe (that I've never visitied) and has made other experiences. From an outside view it seems to me that he is right for Eastern parts of Europe, but I can't really comment on that. Georgi, do you see the developments you described even in Bulgaria when you are there?
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Apr 19, 2020
@Libra guy You have been given some very good advice @haidut answered many questions and I agree with most of it. And yes there are 50 States, and Puerto Rico and Guam. etc. . I am American born, moved west to Oregon then north to Alaska. I have always travelled internationally every few years for a year or 2 or 3, depended on my finances and how much I could work whilst living in different countries, as I am not wealthy. You can change your location, but your own motivation to live and be creative and communicate with folks is something that you cannot 'get away from'. In other words there is no Shangra-la out there, ever. Also-the Oregon I lived in until 1992 is gone forever. (I moved then to Alaska). Time, politics, and the general trends of society have all contributed to this devolution. This devolution is everywhere on the planet. People and culture are different, but life doesn't happen to you only, you also must participate. For example if you move to Argentina for example the women there are lovely. Do you speak Spanish? or French? The economy is shite there and not much possibility unless you go with lots of money, but do you want to live there? That is just an example.
How is NZ worse than Australia? More stringent lockdowns?

I live now in Australia. I lived in NZ for a few years too. I have also lived elsewhere in the world for some years. NZ has turned into an Authoritarian style government/Police state. The Scamdemic helped to make that happen with the current government. My wife's family and some friends are still there. Australia is a big place and the different states here are fewer but as diverse as the USA. Some of the larger cities were much worse with Lockdowns etc.. I hear that some US states are 'better places' to live in now as the 'demic showed what kind of people the politicians, and state governors are. My advice is move now whilst you still can to discover a place you love/like/groove with. And fast. We do not know how long this current 'reprieve from covid restrictions' will last.

And lastly, Libra guy, the Astrology section: Libras are famous for being non-committal, a bit wishy washy, because they can see both sides of the story, and also great party people, conversation starters, and thinkers. Also they are known to be romantic, elegant, idealistic, fair minded, enjoy harmony. My Ascendant is Libra Rising, so I know very well. If you have 50% of these traits above learn Spanish and go live in a Spanish speaking country. Or Florida, or Texas. Vaya con Dios. y Suerte!


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe

Sorry Georgi but i cant agree with that,i can see that you didn't live in europe enough. The difference from USA to Europe it's night and day. It's much more healthier and stress free to live in europe. I don't agree with the points from an european perspective. Also women here in europe are much better than that. I just feel that the population of USA is so ignorant and low IQ,much more than europe,If i would ask where is Romania on the map to an american he would barely know the existence of it.
In some eastern europe countries the push for vaccination was limited and you could do anything without getting vaccinated and also the population of a country like Serbia were mostly all against vaccinations and bullshits they are trying to push to us. The anti vegan and antidairy push is also the biggest in the USA and people are just stupid and they buy everything authority says,in eastern europe or central europe you barely see lots of vegan communities. There is a lot of differences and it all comes to how stupid is the population and how much has been brainwashed for centuries.

How long have you lived in the US for?


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
Georgi, do you see the developments you described even in Bulgaria when you are there?

At the govt level and in the 2-3 biggest cities - yes, it is very much becoming like Western Europe...minus the money...plus a lot more corruption. If you are willing to work the land and move to the countryside then you will probably be OK, but it would not be easy and require a decent amount of capital. Also, if the intention is to work the land then it can probably be done where the person is currently located, so not much need to move in order to accomplish that. The good news is that the society there is much more hostile to and suspicious of Western neoliberal ideas and this is probably why Bulgaria has the lowest COVID-19 vaccination rate in the EU. So, as I mentioned in my original post, Eastern Europe is still somewhat of an option, but the opportunities are shrinking as those countries become more and more tightly integrated within the EU. I hear former Yugoslavian republics (the ones not members of EU - Serbia, Montenegro, Macedonia, B&H) are still "wild" enough for one to be left alone (minus a small bribe here and there), and this is probably why Serbia's president recently said that his country is the "last free tribe" in Europe.
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Apr 13, 2021
I am from the UK and have been living in Australia for the last 18 years , If I could I would move to Texas or Florida . at the moment I would not even be allowed to enter the US due to vax status.

In Australia all the states are fully behind the new world agenda , mandating vax and lockdowns , even stopping unvaxed from leaving the country unless you get special permission .


I am from the UK and have been living in Australia for the last 18 years , If I could I would move to Texas or Florida . at the moment I would not even be allowed to enter the US due to vax status.

In Australia all the states are fully behind the new world agenda , mandating vax and lockdowns , even stopping unvaxed from leaving the country unless you get special permission .
Dang bro I’m sorry. I hope and pray you can network with likeminded people to make Australia great again


Forum Supporter
Jun 5, 2017
I am from the UK and have been living in Australia for the last 18 years , If I could I would move to Texas or Florida . at the moment I would not even be allowed to enter the US due to vax status.

In Australia all the states are fully behind the new world agenda , mandating vax and lockdowns , even stopping unvaxed from leaving the country unless you get special permission .
Just in case you weren’t aware this changes as of tomorrow for citizens and perm res.


Apr 13, 2021
Just in case you weren’t aware this changes as of tomorrow for citizens and perm res.
Yes I am aware , but it has been 2 long years since we were stopped from leaving and we still have to quarantine on return to Australia .


Apr 19, 2020
Yes I am aware , but it has been 2 long years since we were stopped from leaving and we still have to quarantine on return to Australia .
@teds G'day and yes, I was going to chime in about the Changes to travel!!. We moved to Tas 3 years ago after some years in Qld. I spoke to a friend today who is travelling up from Sydney to check out Brisbane to live. We spoke about world travel and the opportunity for purebloods to travel as of tomorrow. I said I am not interested at all, except maybe to go to Japan for a visit. I am just not interested or feel like I need to see family etc. . She knows Tas fairly well but wants to be around a big city. So she knows that quality of water/air/lockdowns will be more 'questionable' there near Brisbane now and in the future, but she can't pull away from the city life. Shame as she can and does work on the computer. Anyhow... it is at least a window of opportunity to travel if you are pureblooded stil. ;-) Do it while it is available is my motto.

Re NWO here in OZ, and the blind leading the blind to the brink of 2030 extinction: There are a lot of folks here in Tas whom I have met who are not jabbed, and will not ever do it. Some of them (individually) know scores, even hundreds of peeps who are drugless and nanobot-less. Gotta make a stand some time, some where. But yes the 5 Eyes Alliance, Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the United Kingdom, and the United States, plus Israel are amongst the worst. But Vietnam for example is heavily jabbed, so.... where you gonna go to get away from it all?


Jun 7, 2016
I am from the UK and have been living in Australia for the last 18 years , If I could I would move to Texas or Florida . at the moment I would not even be allowed to enter the US due to vax status.

In Australia all the states are fully behind the new world agenda , mandating vax and lockdowns , even stopping unvaxed from leaving the country unless you get special permission .
Unvaccinated can leave Australia, it ended today but total media blackout.


Oct 11, 2016

Sorry Georgi but i cant agree with that,i can see that you didn't live in europe enough. The difference from USA to Europe it's night and day. It's much more healthier and stress free to live in europe. I don't agree with the points from an european perspective. Also women here in europe are much better than that. I just feel that the population of USA is so ignorant and low IQ,much more than europe,If i would ask where is Romania on the map to an american he would barely know the existence of it.
In some eastern europe countries the push for vaccination was limited and you could do anything without getting vaccinated and also the population of a country like Serbia were mostly all against vaccinations and bullshits they are trying to push to us. The anti vegan and antidairy push is also the biggest in the USA and people are just stupid and they buy everything authority says,in eastern europe or central europe you barely see lots of vegan communities. There is a lot of differences and it all comes to how stupid is the population and how much has been brainwashed for centuries.
Romania is Europe? :P

Y'all can't run anymore... The only significant change is urban vs rural.
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