How to get high and sustained allopregnanolone to heal the brain


Jul 13, 2014
Allopregnanolone acts like a positive allosteric modulator of GABA-A receptor and is high at luteal phase via increased progestrone. Apparently even adding more of Prog has little effects. Seems like GABA system is desensitized by the chronic administration of the synthetic gaba medication.

Salvia Officinalis extract has flavonoids that act the same way, positively modulating GABA-A, and could be helpful as alternative, maybe even restore sensitivity.

Estrogen modulates serotonin, blocking estrogen could bring out serotonin inhibiting effects. Have you tried anti-serotonin ?
im noticing some really nice effects of a few raw sage leaves (Salvia officinalis) before bed. really helping with falling asleep and sleep quality it seems. i would say overall effect is highly anti-estrogenic


Apr 29, 2018
Benzo's can alter GABA system pretty fast after 3 days, and not tapering off can give brain zaps. I don't think the progesterone is not absorbing, it is not constantly effective because you developed tollerance to the allogpreg. And the pregabalin is keeping the gaba system issue from repairing. Better to wean it off over a couple of weeks.
Good anti serotonin is Telmisartan or maybe Losartan but that can have bad fillers.

Where did you read that -sartans are anti-serotonin?
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