LAWYER NEEDS HELP FROM IDEALABS/PSSD CREW (victim of bio-crime needs to have his old brain restored)

Brooks Esq.

Oct 26, 2016
Hello IdeaLab Users/PSSD Sufferers,

I desperately need the help of those who are skilled in current scientific research of rare maladies. I am a former PSSD sufferer that was very active on this forum awhile back. As you may see from my prior posts, I was blessed with a beautiful legal and scientific mind and I spent my 20s searching for a cure for PSSD, particularly the mild cognition issues that is inherent in the disease. Eventually, I cracked the case, I learned that mixing certain strains of probiotics with Focalin (Dexmethylphenidate) would give me a mind far greater than my pre-PSSD state. I went to law school and graduated top of my class on May 4, 2019—setting the law school record for the most CALI awards ever won by a full-time law student—and I had a passion to change the world by fighting corruption at its source; the Delaware Bar.

The Delaware Bar is the most corrupt organization in the world. Because Delaware is the corporate capital of the world, it makes $2.6 BILLION a year (a third of the entire state’s income) just from its legal industry and the Bar is rampant with corporate corruption. When I was in my prime, my 3L year of law school, I used to write letters to the Delaware Office of Disciplinary Counsel telling them that their bar admissions rules were unconstitutional and once I passed the bar exam that I would bring a challenge to dismantle their system. When I was sitting for the bar exam, I was so cocky I wrote a segment on Delaware Bar corruption as an essay answer on unconstitutional government action. I passed the bar exam in July of 2019, after which my life changed forever. I will go to my grave believing it was them wanting to remove me as a threat.

My story is long and tragic, and I do not want to burden the reader with a long story. However, in a nutshell, after passing the Delaware Bar Exam, from August 2019 to February 2020, I entered and existed in a state of absolute incapacitation and dementia; an unreachable world of my own. I was so impaired that I did not realize anything was wrong until I was confronted with legal work I had performed earlier the same day, with no recollection I had done such work. Since discovering my ailment, I have been through the entire medical system up and down and received second opinions.

[WEIRD FACT: This ailment, coined by my loved ones as “2020 Hellcurse,” has taken away the most important thing in my life, my beautiful legal/scientific mind, but yet I seem to have relatively normal sexual functioning and do not seem to suffer from the PSSD sexual dysfunction anymore. Whatever I was hit with caused a loss of my brain function but returned sexuality--I do NOT accept the trade]

My doctors diagnosed me with mycotoxin (mold) illness (“toxic mold illness” or “Mycotoxicosis”) because I tested positive for a high level of Fusarium, a mycotoxin coined “yellow rain” used to poison an entire race of people during the Soviet Union. I personally believe that there were more things I might have been exposed to (such as Alzheimer’s inducing agents used in lab experiments on mice) but I will probably never know the truth about this. Only the Divine and those involved will ever truly know. I do know that the Delaware Bar kept very detailed records on my struggle with PSSD as if they were studying me to see what they could do to silence me. I know this sounds crazy, but we live in a world where corruption and evil exist, and here you had one kid that was threatening to dismantle a $2.6 Billion dollar a year cash cow. The elite have killed for much less than $2.6 billion a year, but they knew killing me would pose too many questions (a completely healthy 29 year old attorney who is the brother of a national political icon, do you know how many questions there would be), so they did the next best thing; rendering me talentless so that I could never pose a threat.

I do not have the space to really detail this condition's full morbidity, but I can tell you that it has changed EVERYTHING about my life and the way my body works. It has changed the way I think and exist, it is so hard to explain. One thing of significance is that I cannot learn or memorize any new information, it is as if my brain is fixed in May of 2019. It is like my mind is a computer, highly sophisticated in its time, that cannot update or adapt to the new systems around it. Also worth noting, for the past year or so, I have done all the toxic mold treatments, including glutathione, binders, prescription antifungals, etc., with little to no benefit.

MY REQUEST: I cannot learn/retain new information like I used to when I participated on this forum. My every day is a struggle and I am fortunate enough to be dating a nurse who helps me with my everyday life. I DO NOT want to be this way anymore, I WANT to get my old brain back and put things back the way they were before. Even if I have to live with PSSD once again I want my old brain back; I want to be me again. I want my talents back so I can start fighting again. I need some help from you guys in theorizing the problems and recommending a solution. The best clues I can provide you is that this condition is correlated heavily with the gut. One of the main symptoms characteristic of the 2020 Hellcurse is severe constipation and stool changes not relieved by my usual treatments that worked my whole life. The gut changed significantly and seems to be impacted as is my brain and central nervous system.

Over these past two grueling years, there has been two things that have seemed to help me to some degree, albeit temporary:
  • 10-Undecylenic acid (SF722)- Reversed the entire condition for like 5 days, then would never work again no matter how hard I tried; and
  • Ox Bile Acid/Baking Soda Mix- Part of my useless mold protocol was taking ox bile acid with every meal. One day I took it after the meal instead of before and suffered terrible heartburn and my girlfriend mixed me up lots of baking soda water. For some reason after this combination I was cured for an entire evening.
  • Does anybody have any idea what is wrong with me and what is causing my symptoms? Is it just the Fusarium or something else? What is the mechanism of action causing impairment?
  • Does anybody have any idea why the hell 10-Undecylinic acid worked for 5 days and never worked again? (It cannot be its anti-fungal properties as I have taken loads of high-end anti fungals with no benefit)
  • Any recommended treatments?
  • I have made a good friend who is a member of this forum and we are about to try switching my body over to strictly OXPHOS. Anyone have any opinion of this idea?
I read somewhere that 10-Undecylinic acid is involved with oxidative phosphorylation/lipid peroxidation/fatty acids. Could this somehow be involved in whatever the hell is wrong with me? As I said before I cannot learn new things and I cannot learn about these biological processes; my brain is fixed in May of 2019. Although we are going to try the OXPHOS metabolism thing, I cannot learn and accumulate new knowledge of how this process works. All I have knowledge of is my old PSSD research which is useless. I know it sounds weird but it is true.

I see Haidut sells MitoLipin through IdeaLabs, would this be helpful potentially since 10-Undecylnic Acid involves similar pathways?


Jun 21, 2018

Might be the best thread you ever came across, new as well.

I have the same cognitive issues as you my friend and am about to give this gut protocol a go.

I've done it all to no avail, this is next.


Mar 29, 2016
You're using pharma antifungals. They're not gonna fix you. As you mentioned, you're dealing with mycotoxins. These are toxins from fungus. And while toxins can be dealt with, it's not possible when you have a high fungal load, particularly when the fungus have pleomorphed into a parasitic form. I recently got very sick but because I don't believe in the germ theory used by conventional doctors, I was literally my own doctor - using terrain theory principles.

I'm not sure if you were poisoned, but that is always a possibility, but it could simply be that you did not have a healthy terrain. Even if you thought you were taking good care of yourself, and you were doing all the right things, a perfect storm could happen that would just put your body in unhealthy terrain territory - just in a flash. It happened to me and that's why I can say this because I experienced it.

Taking pharma drugs will only get your in worse condition - that is my feel for it. I got myself fixed quickly, from the moment I knew what the cause of my problem was. In a matter of two weeks. In all, my time to recovery from getting sick to healed was a month, only because the first two weeks I could not get a blood test because I was having a fever and in the COVID mess we're in, I wouldn't be admitted into the diagnotic center where I take my blood tests.

Anyway, my problem was a fungal parasitic disease. I don't call it an infection because it came from my own body. Luckily, I was able to trace the cause of my disease as I have a log and I knew what I took a week before my symptoms started showing. And it is an innocuous supplement that is made from industrially from a mold (aspergillus niger). Since I had already begun to study about pleomorphism and terrain theory (which is the very antithesis of germ theory from which virus hoaxing sprang as an evil stepchild), I was able to form my own hypothesis on what led me to become sick.

I put this hypothesis to the test my treating myself. It involved using carbogen to help keep my acid base balance from being too acidic to help put my terrain back into a semblance of health, and I started to use herbal as well as chemical solutions to fight the fungal parasites.

I'm fortunate to have learned enough about our body and how it works through the years, had turned myself from a 1-2x yearly flu patient from becoming very immune to it by simply getting myself very metabolically healthy by excellent blood sugar control such that I haven't had flu for 20+ years. I've learned not to rely on conventional medical wisdom. I've also eschewed taking high blood pressure medication for 20 years, even as my blood pressure kept rising to levels conventional wisdom would not dare live with. I have stayed healthy all throughout but continue to seek the root cause of it. My internal organs are all in good health and I don't doubt that if I heeded the doctor's advice (both conventional and naturopathic) to take bp medication, I would have developed problems with my kidneys.

Unfortunately, finding a good doctor is worse than finding a needle in a haystack. You would have to learn to be a doctor to yourself. Perhaps in this forum I could give you some suggestions, as you would as a lawyer know the pitfalls of practicing medicine without a license. In a forum, this is fine.

If you are open to being helped by an amateur who has done nothing else but healed himself over the years, then we can try a few things. Just so you know, I can only give advice. I cannot force advice. I have tried to give free advice on private channels in this forum, and when I know my advice is being turned into a witches' brew of different ideas that are incoherent, I would also stop cold turkey because it's just going to be a waste of time for both parties. At any point, you can also tell me to stop, and I'm fine with that as well.
Brooks Esq.

Brooks Esq.

Oct 26, 2016

Might be the best thread you ever came across, new as well.

I have the same cognitive issues as you my friend and am about to give this gut protocol a go.

I've done it all to no avail, this is next.
Thank you for the possible lead
Brooks Esq.

Brooks Esq.

Oct 26, 2016
You're using pharma antifungals. They're not gonna fix you. As you mentioned, you're dealing with mycotoxins. These are toxins from fungus. And while toxins can be dealt with, it's not possible when you have a high fungal load, particularly when the fungus have pleomorphed into a parasitic form. I recently got very sick but because I don't believe in the germ theory used by conventional doctors, I was literally my own doctor - using terrain theory principles.

I'm not sure if you were poisoned, but that is always a possibility, but it could simply be that you did not have a healthy terrain. Even if you thought you were taking good care of yourself, and you were doing all the right things, a perfect storm could happen that would just put your body in unhealthy terrain territory - just in a flash. It happened to me and that's why I can say this because I experienced it.

Taking pharma drugs will only get your in worse condition - that is my feel for it. I got myself fixed quickly, from the moment I knew what the cause of my problem was. In a matter of two weeks. In all, my time to recovery from getting sick to healed was a month, only because the first two weeks I could not get a blood test because I was having a fever and in the COVID mess we're in, I wouldn't be admitted into the diagnotic center where I take my blood tests.

Anyway, my problem was a fungal parasitic disease. I don't call it an infection because it came from my own body. Luckily, I was able to trace the cause of my disease as I have a log and I knew what I took a week before my symptoms started showing. And it is an innocuous supplement that is made from industrially from a mold (aspergillus niger). Since I had already begun to study about pleomorphism and terrain theory (which is the very antithesis of germ theory from which virus hoaxing sprang as an evil stepchild), I was able to form my own hypothesis on what led me to become sick.

I put this hypothesis to the test my treating myself. It involved using carbogen to help keep my acid base balance from being too acidic to help put my terrain back into a semblance of health, and I started to use herbal as well as chemical solutions to fight the fungal parasites.

I'm fortunate to have learned enough about our body and how it works through the years, had turned myself from a 1-2x yearly flu patient from becoming very immune to it by simply getting myself very metabolically healthy by excellent blood sugar control such that I haven't had flu for 20+ years. I've learned not to rely on conventional medical wisdom. I've also eschewed taking high blood pressure medication for 20 years, even as my blood pressure kept rising to levels conventional wisdom would not dare live with. I have stayed healthy all throughout but continue to seek the root cause of it. My internal organs are all in good health and I don't doubt that if I heeded the doctor's advice (both conventional and naturopathic) to take bp medication, I would have developed problems with my kidneys.

Unfortunately, finding a good doctor is worse than finding a needle in a haystack. You would have to learn to be a doctor to yourself. Perhaps in this forum I could give you some suggestions, as you would as a lawyer know the pitfalls of practicing medicine without a license. In a forum, this is fine.

If you are open to being helped by an amateur who has done nothing else but healed himself over the years, then we can try a few things. Just so you know, I can only give advice. I cannot force advice. I have tried to give free advice on private channels in this forum, and when I know my advice is being turned into a witches' brew of different ideas that are incoherent, I would also stop cold turkey because it's just going to be a waste of time for both parties. At any point, you can also tell me to stop, and I'm fine with that as well.
I am here to hear from people like you. I have gone to see MDs and NDs and have had no success (they all just want to sell you SUPER expensive detox supplements). I would love to hear any ideas you may have. And, you are correct that sharing general information and scientific theory over an online forum is not considered the practice of medicine. I would love to hear from you on this


Feb 26, 2018
For the brain related stuff you could try NSI-189


Apr 17, 2017
10-Undecylenic acid (SF722)- Reversed the entire condition for like 5 days, then would never work again no matter how hard I tried;

Have you tried other medium-chain fatty acids (MCTs) similar to Undecylic acid?

Interestingly, Undecylic acid (systematically named Undecanoic acid) potentially is glucogenic.

Odd-carbon MCTs (such as Enanthic acid, Pelargonic acid and Undecylic acid) are anti-ketogenic (glucogenic), presumably because propionyl-CoA generated from oxidation may provide substrate for TCA cycle activity and glucose synthesis.
Even-carbon MCTs (such as Caprylic acid, Capric acid and Lauric acid) are ketogenic because excessive acetyl-CoA generated from oxidation are directed toward synthesis of ketones.

Odd-carbon fatty acids (Valeric, Enanthic, Pelargonic, Undecylic, and Pentadecylic acid) are histone deacetylase (HDAC) inhibitors

Sep 28, 2020
I do not have the space to really detail this condition's full morbidity, but I can tell you that it has changed EVERYTHING about my life and the way my body works. It has changed the way I think and exist, it is so hard to explain.
I feel you brother. I have similar experience and I have to do a test to mycotoxins in few weeks since my house which I rent is full of mold.
If you are open to being helped by an amateur who has done nothing else but healed himself over the years, then we can try a few things. Just so you know, I can only give advice. I cannot force advice. I have tried to give free advice on private channels in this forum, and when I know my advice is being turned into a witches' brew of different ideas that are incoherent, I would also stop cold turkey because it's just going to be a waste of time for both parties. At any point, you can also tell me to stop, and I'm fine with that as well.
One and only - yerrag. What a guy.
If you reach any conclusion please make it available here for all of us who are suffering similar symptoms.

I still have to make a thread you recommended @yerrag but I cannot find the time at the moment :)
Brooks Esq.

Brooks Esq.

Oct 26, 2016
For the brain related stuff you could try NSI-189
As soon as we identify the source/mechanism causing the neurotoxicity I plan on using NSI-189, Dihexa, Tetrahydrobiopterin, and PRL-8-53 to regenerate and heal the brain back to its former glory.
Brooks Esq.

Brooks Esq.

Oct 26, 2016
I feel you brother. I have similar experience and I have to do a test to mycotoxins in few weeks since my house which I rent is full of mold.
You could try the urine test by Great Plain Labs. You could also look into the blood test MyMycolab Mycotoxin testing, but they are not as widely relied upon as the Great Plains one.
Brooks Esq.

Brooks Esq.

Oct 26, 2016
Have you tried other medium-chain fatty acids (MCTs) similar to Undecylic acid?

Interestingly, Undecylic acid (systematically named Undecanoic acid) potentially is glucogenic.

Odd-carbon MCTs (such as Enanthic acid, Pelargonic acid and Undecylic acid) are anti-ketogenic (glucogenic), presumably because propionyl-CoA generated from oxidation may provide substrate for TCA cycle activity and glucose synthesis.
Even-carbon MCTs (such as Caprylic acid, Capric acid and Lauric acid) are ketogenic because excessive acetyl-CoA generated from oxidation are directed toward synthesis of ketones.

Odd-carbon fatty acids (Valeric, Enanthic, Pelargonic, Undecylic, and Pentadecylic acid) are histone deacetylase (HDAC) inhibitors

The only one of the MCTs I have tried on the list you sent is the Caprylic Acid. Do you think trying some of the other ones would be of benefit?

I also appreciate the research you provided in the rest of your reply. Do you mind elaborating what you think the research indicates as far as the 2020 Hellcurse? Could the neurotoxin they whacked me with have somehow disrupted the pathways you referenced and you are formulating a hypothesis based upon this theory?


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
Hello IdeaLab Users/PSSD Sufferers,

I desperately need the help of those who are skilled in current scientific research of rare maladies. I am a former PSSD sufferer that was very active on this forum awhile back. As you may see from my prior posts, I was blessed with a beautiful legal and scientific mind and I spent my 20s searching for a cure for PSSD, particularly the mild cognition issues that is inherent in the disease. Eventually, I cracked the case, I learned that mixing certain strains of probiotics with Focalin (Dexmethylphenidate) would give me a mind far greater than my pre-PSSD state. I went to law school and graduated top of my class on May 4, 2019—setting the law school record for the most CALI awards ever won by a full-time law student—and I had a passion to change the world by fighting corruption at its source; the Delaware Bar.

The Delaware Bar is the most corrupt organization in the world. Because Delaware is the corporate capital of the world, it makes $2.6 BILLION a year (a third of the entire state’s income) just from its legal industry and the Bar is rampant with corporate corruption. When I was in my prime, my 3L year of law school, I used to write letters to the Delaware Office of Disciplinary Counsel telling them that their bar admissions rules were unconstitutional and once I passed the bar exam that I would bring a challenge to dismantle their system. When I was sitting for the bar exam, I was so cocky I wrote a segment on Delaware Bar corruption as an essay answer on unconstitutional government action. I passed the bar exam in July of 2019, after which my life changed forever. I will go to my grave believing it was them wanting to remove me as a threat.

My story is long and tragic, and I do not want to burden the reader with a long story. However, in a nutshell, after passing the Delaware Bar Exam, from August 2019 to February 2020, I entered and existed in a state of absolute incapacitation and dementia; an unreachable world of my own. I was so impaired that I did not realize anything was wrong until I was confronted with legal work I had performed earlier the same day, with no recollection I had done such work. Since discovering my ailment, I have been through the entire medical system up and down and received second opinions.

[WEIRD FACT: This ailment, coined by my loved ones as “2020 Hellcurse,” has taken away the most important thing in my life, my beautiful legal/scientific mind, but yet I seem to have relatively normal sexual functioning and do not seem to suffer from the PSSD sexual dysfunction anymore. Whatever I was hit with caused a loss of my brain function but returned sexuality--I do NOT accept the trade]

My doctors diagnosed me with mycotoxin (mold) illness (“toxic mold illness” or “Mycotoxicosis”) because I tested positive for a high level of Fusarium, a mycotoxin coined “yellow rain” used to poison an entire race of people during the Soviet Union. I personally believe that there were more things I might have been exposed to (such as Alzheimer’s inducing agents used in lab experiments on mice) but I will probably never know the truth about this. Only the Divine and those involved will ever truly know. I do know that the Delaware Bar kept very detailed records on my struggle with PSSD as if they were studying me to see what they could do to silence me. I know this sounds crazy, but we live in a world where corruption and evil exist, and here you had one kid that was threatening to dismantle a $2.6 Billion dollar a year cash cow. The elite have killed for much less than $2.6 billion a year, but they knew killing me would pose too many questions (a completely healthy 29 year old attorney who is the brother of a national political icon, do you know how many questions there would be), so they did the next best thing; rendering me talentless so that I could never pose a threat.

I do not have the space to really detail this condition's full morbidity, but I can tell you that it has changed EVERYTHING about my life and the way my body works. It has changed the way I think and exist, it is so hard to explain. One thing of significance is that I cannot learn or memorize any new information, it is as if my brain is fixed in May of 2019. It is like my mind is a computer, highly sophisticated in its time, that cannot update or adapt to the new systems around it. Also worth noting, for the past year or so, I have done all the toxic mold treatments, including glutathione, binders, prescription antifungals, etc., with little to no benefit.

MY REQUEST: I cannot learn/retain new information like I used to when I participated on this forum. My every day is a struggle and I am fortunate enough to be dating a nurse who helps me with my everyday life. I DO NOT want to be this way anymore, I WANT to get my old brain back and put things back the way they were before. Even if I have to live with PSSD once again I want my old brain back; I want to be me again. I want my talents back so I can start fighting again. I need some help from you guys in theorizing the problems and recommending a solution. The best clues I can provide you is that this condition is correlated heavily with the gut. One of the main symptoms characteristic of the 2020 Hellcurse is severe constipation and stool changes not relieved by my usual treatments that worked my whole life. The gut changed significantly and seems to be impacted as is my brain and central nervous system.

Over these past two grueling years, there has been two things that have seemed to help me to some degree, albeit temporary:
  • 10-Undecylenic acid (SF722)- Reversed the entire condition for like 5 days, then would never work again no matter how hard I tried; and
  • Ox Bile Acid/Baking Soda Mix- Part of my useless mold protocol was taking ox bile acid with every meal. One day I took it after the meal instead of before and suffered terrible heartburn and my girlfriend mixed me up lots of baking soda water. For some reason after this combination I was cured for an entire evening.
  • Does anybody have any idea what is wrong with me and what is causing my symptoms? Is it just the Fusarium or something else? What is the mechanism of action causing impairment?
  • Does anybody have any idea why the hell 10-Undecylinic acid worked for 5 days and never worked again? (It cannot be its anti-fungal properties as I have taken loads of high-end anti fungals with no benefit)
  • Any recommended treatments?
  • I have made a good friend who is a member of this forum and we are about to try switching my body over to strictly OXPHOS. Anyone have any opinion of this idea?
I read somewhere that 10-Undecylinic acid is involved with oxidative phosphorylation/lipid peroxidation/fatty acids. Could this somehow be involved in whatever the hell is wrong with me? As I said before I cannot learn new things and I cannot learn about these biological processes; my brain is fixed in May of 2019. Although we are going to try the OXPHOS metabolism thing, I cannot learn and accumulate new knowledge of how this process works. All I have knowledge of is my old PSSD research which is useless. I know it sounds weird but it is true.

I see Haidut sells MitoLipin through IdeaLabs, would this be helpful potentially since 10-Undecylnic Acid involves similar pathways?

Well, aside from the fact that you don't have the sexual part of PSSD any more, have you considered cyproheptadine or another anti-serotonin chemical? The symptoms of what you describe are reminiscent of a post-serotonin-syndrome cognitive dysfunction, which is a well-known chronic consequence of experiencing (and surviving) an acute bout of serotonin syndrome. Ondansetron, and even low doses Benadryl may also help but AFAIK cyproheptadine is so far the only chemical used clinically to treat such long-term effects of SSRI usage.
Brooks Esq.

Brooks Esq.

Oct 26, 2016
Well, aside from the fact that you don't have the sexual part of PSSD any more, have you considered cyproheptadine or another anti-serotonin chemical? The symptoms of what you describe are reminiscent of a post-serotonin-syndrome cognitive dysfunction, which is a well-known chronic consequence of experiencing (and surviving) an acute bout of serotonin syndrome. Ondansetron, and even low doses Benadryl may also help but AFAIK cyproheptadine is so far the only chemical used clinically to treat such long-term effects of SSRI usage.
Haidut, very good to hear from you my old friend, after all these years. I am grateful to have your input. I am willing to give the Cyproheptadine a shot, but I am skeptical if this new condition (2020 Hellcurse) is a natural extension of PSSD. This was a deliberate bio-attack. Although, arguably, it could have been designed to exacerbate my pre-existing PSSD symptoms and be the perfect weapon since PSSD symptoms are mostly written off by medical professionals. A worsening cognitive function by a PSSD patient is the perfect thing for the medical community to write off and for the perpetrator to walk away unscathed. Why the return of sexual function, I do not know. I know your theory may be plausible since I have also had concurrent hyperammonemia which has been non-responsive to Lactulose, Rifaximin, amino acids, or other treatments. Ammonia increases serotonin significantly.

Assuming arguendo that this was a bio-crime orchestrated by the Delaware Bar Power-Elite, or (in the alternative, a poising using a laboratory chemical used to induce dementia in rats), would something like MitoLipin be of potential benefit? Please understand that I am only wishing to discuss scientific theory on an online platform and I am not asking for medical advice, nor will such discussion be interpreted as such in the laws of the jurisdiction for which any forum member is located.

Couple of Questions
Does MitoLipin have similar function to IV Phosphitidtylcholine, which is used to help people detox from toxins?

In the event that this is serotonergic, why do you think Cyproheptadine would be preferable to something like Metergoline or Ritanserin? Do you think the added histamine antagonism in Cyproheptadine would provide some additional benefit?

Based upon the description I gave in my intro, do you have any other ideas on things that might be causative of my symptoms (i.e. what pathway is impacted) or more importantly, what I could try to treat this illness?


Nov 6, 2021
Colorado Springs
For the brain related stuff you could try NSI-189

For usage of NSI-189 remember to adequately nutritionally support for neuron regrowth and plan the sessions of it like a trip. Do it as you're doing good behaviors, the usage of NSI-189 while doing vices will exceptionally strengthen the vice. Using NSI-189 while reading a book is great, using it while watching pornography will create instant monstrous addiction. Having a lot of neurons is good, but better and more important is the wiring of them. There's a little bit of lag behind any season of neuron regrowth for the recalibration of the brain. Behavior and cultivation of good cognition is exceptionally important. Psychedelics for the usage of micro-dosing should be kept on hand in case you're unhappy with how your brain bonsai is going. Having it on hand as a soft undo button helps you to relax and not overstress or fixate on getting it perfect. Usage of psychedelics on microdose should be identical to how you wish to plan NSI-189 sessions. Try to avoid using both simultaneously. Read, walk around in nature, have a conversation, pay attention to your subconscious patterns, let go of tenseness. Maybe most importantly is to avoid and ignore all visons or eurekas. Pride is poison. You're not Buddha, you're not a shaman, you're not a prophet. You're a guy trying to detangle, heal, and reorient towards the good.

Also never ever dose more than 40 mg of NSI-189 within 12 hours. Doing so will intensify negative emotionality. Reading lots of reports of people who used it, around once that dose is exceeded is when it occurs. Don't be an idiot with it. Take your time. Less is more, a 10 mg dose a day is fine. What is the point of forcing your brain to regrow more by dosing more? Can it handle that stress? Taking it long term runs into plateaus of effects so which further renders moot taking high doses. I assume that the plateau of effects are inability to energetically handle and effectively utilize that many neurons but this is just a guess. It might just be that high metabolism and nutrition will lead to natural neurogenesis anyways and the brain degradation is just a symptom and not root but that shouldn't be a surprise to anyone on this forum.


Not being able to create new memories suggests damaged hippocampi.


May 1, 2016
What exactly was the test for Fusarium? Blood levels? Stool content?

Would suggest doing cognitive tests (eg to get a baseline and objectively monitor cognitive progress.

Perhaps an NAD supplement to potentially heal the cells damaged wherever it occurred. Theoretically it will fix moreso any cell more deficient in NAD, so wherever it is more damaged or aged.

NMN powder can be ordered in bulk then put into pills yourself with a cheap pill machine 10$ and capsules 5-10$.

For anti-fungals: Interfase+ on an empty stomach can work to unravel the biofilm often protecting yeast/fungus/dysbiotic bacteria in the g.i.
NAC can apparently reduce biofilm more systemically not just in the G.I.

Read elsewhere about someone getting success with MCT oil large doses (20-30g) at getting fungal bowel movements therefore die off, not just diarrhea from the MCT.

Might look at liver supplements like milk thistle to protect against ongoing burden of the mycotoxins.

Try to get a brain scan too - I'm sure doctors would see reason to get you one, to rule out anything else, and to get a picture of the brain for other things, and perhaps can look for atrophy of brain like mentioned above...
Nov 26, 2017
Well, aside from the fact that you don't have the sexual part of PSSD any more, have you considered cyproheptadine or another anti-serotonin chemical? The symptoms of what you describe are reminiscent of a post-serotonin-syndrome cognitive dysfunction, which is a well-known chronic consequence of experiencing (and surviving) an acute bout of serotonin syndrome. Ondansetron, and even low doses Benadryl may also help but AFAIK cyproheptadine is so far the only chemical used clinically to treat such long-term effects of SSRI usage.
This alongside synthetic thyroid (Cynoplus) would likely make everything manageable in the long-term.


Forum Supporter
Dec 4, 2021
Scottsdale AZ
Regarding mycotoxins, I have some experience with them and recovered for the most part. Dr. Ritchie Shoemaker (who has been covered a few times elsewhere on this forum) in Maryland seems to be the one who discovered the seriousness of mold and how to recover, at least to a large degree. I recommend his book "The Mold Warriors". I saw Shoemaker around 2006 after reading his materials on mold. I was a long-time sufferer of chronic fatigue which included lots of brain issues including depression, insomnia, and anxiety. I got to know Shoemaker well over the next few years and he helped me greatly. But I grew to dislike him as a doctor because his bedside manner sucked AND it turned out he was a researcher more than a doctor. He would get a new patient and instead of giving them what he knew would make them better, he focused on what he happened to be studying at the time. Basically, patients were guinea pigs. I stopped seeing him once I realized this.

HOWEVER, it may be that his discoveries ought to have won him a Nobel prize. But he lost his medical license because he was running an unapproved study on Aviptadyl (vasoactive intestinal peptide, VIP), yet unapproved by the FDA, on his mold patients which included me. He was and is brilliant, but an arrogant doc. Today he serves as a highly paid consultant in major mold litigation. He is very good at it I understand

BUT stay with me here. He discovered that about 25% of the population, particularly those of northern European descent had a relative inability to detox from mold and other similar toxins. Some have some ability to detox. Some have what he called "the dreaded genotype" who basically don't detox at all. This is mainly due to the fact that mycotoxins are fat-soluble. They get stuck in cholesterol and are widely circulated throughout the body doing widespread damage due to inflammation and cytokine storm they cause. Since the body considers cholesterol to be highly valuable, it reabsorbs the cholesterol in the bowel before it is excreted. How he happened to discover this is a long and interesting story I won't cover here and you can read his book(s) if interested.

He learned that a very old cholesterol medication, cholestyramine (CSM), binds to the cholesterol in the bowel and causes it and the mycotoxins to be excreted instead of being reabsorbed. I have used CSM twice and it worked magic for me. Since long-term exposure to mold toxins causes significant damage, particularly to the HPA axis, I would feel much better, but never recover 100%. That is what got Shoemaker in trouble. He knew how to get the toxin out, but he worked hard to figure out how to get people totally well. VIP was always very low in his patients and he illegally experimented with Aviptadyl to see if it would help them. It did not help me or about 8 of his patients that I stayed in touch with. But he did learn how to fix some of the damage. He has taught some docs across the country and you can find these with web searches. Unfortunately, it is quite complex to get totally well.

Over the years, I learned much about how to recover as best I could with significant results, but not 100%. Discovering Peat, Idealabs, and this forum several months ago has helped me a LOT. I have been making even more progress since then and have high hopes I can get closer to 100%. Getting the toxins out was a key thing. And learning where the toxins are coming from and remediating it (if possible) is also key.


Apr 17, 2017
The only one of the MCTs I have tried on the list you sent is the Caprylic Acid. Do you think trying some of the other ones would be of benefit?

I also appreciate the research you provided in the rest of your reply. Do you mind elaborating what you think the research indicates as far as the 2020 Hellcurse? Could the neurotoxin they whacked me with have somehow disrupted the pathways you referenced and you are formulating a hypothesis based upon this theory?

Alzheimer's disease, cognitive dysfunction and hyperammonemia are all associated with fatty acid oxidation defects.

Triheptanoin (Dojolvi) is a medication for the treatment of fatty acid oxidation disorders, that is a triglyceride composed of Enanthic acid. Triheptanoin also protects against alzheimer's disease and other dementias.

Both Enanthic acid and Undecylenic acid are a derivative of castor oil (ricinoleic acid). These odd-carbon fatty acids are able to inhibit the fatty acid oxidation!

So, optimizing glucose oxidation and inhibiting fatty acid oxidation may help your treatment.

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Brooks Esq.

Brooks Esq.

Oct 26, 2016
For usage of NSI-189 remember to adequately nutritionally support for neuron regrowth and plan the sessions of it like a trip. Do it as you're doing good behaviors, the usage of NSI-189 while doing vices will exceptionally strengthen the vice. Using NSI-189 while reading a book is great, using it while watching pornography will create instant monstrous addiction. Having a lot of neurons is good, but better and more important is the wiring of them. There's a little bit of lag behind any season of neuron regrowth for the recalibration of the brain. Behavior and cultivation of good cognition is exceptionally important. Psychedelics for the usage of micro-dosing should be kept on hand in case you're unhappy with how your brain bonsai is going. Having it on hand as a soft undo button helps you to relax and not overstress or fixate on getting it perfect. Usage of psychedelics on microdose should be identical to how you wish to plan NSI-189 sessions. Try to avoid using both simultaneously. Read, walk around in nature, have a conversation, pay attention to your subconscious patterns, let go of tenseness. Maybe most importantly is to avoid and ignore all visons or eurekas. Pride is poison. You're not Buddha, you're not a shaman, you're not a prophet. You're a guy trying to detangle, heal, and reorient towards the good.

Also never ever dose more than 40 mg of NSI-189 within 12 hours. Doing so will intensify negative emotionality. Reading lots of reports of people who used it, around once that dose is exceeded is when it occurs. Don't be an idiot with it. Take your time. Less is more, a 10 mg dose a day is fine. What is the point of forcing your brain to regrow more by dosing more? Can it handle that stress? Taking it long term runs into plateaus of effects so which further renders moot taking high doses. I assume that the plateau of effects are inability to energetically handle and effectively utilize that many neurons but this is just a guess. It might just be that high metabolism and nutrition will lead to natural neurogenesis anyways and the brain degradation is just a symptom and not root but that shouldn't be a surprise to anyone on this forum.
Wow this is an amazing hypothesis. What if I dosed with NSI-189 and looked at my old law school/bar prep outlines or listened to recorded law school lectures? Would it help restore my beautiful legal mind?

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