LAWYER NEEDS HELP FROM IDEALABS/PSSD CREW (victim of bio-crime needs to have his old brain restored)


Jul 23, 2015
Portland, Oregon
This is not very Peaty, but saved my life. And I only discovered Peat 10 months ago. After being sick for 35 years I took a different approach in 2007 when I learned I not only was VERY sensitive to mold but also had a Traumatic Brain Injury from a severe whiplash injury while in a car stopped at a red light and got rear-ended by an Olds 98 (a tank) going about 40. I was not unconscious or bleeding. Thought I was OK. Then about 8-12 weeks all my symptoms began to appear. I did not associate the symptoms with the accident. Diagnosing that damage took 35 years. It was the Amen Clinic (google them) who diagnosed the TBI. After brain scans and then meeting the doc he asked out of the blue "when did you have a whiplash auto accident?" It was that obvious to him. He also found other damage he related to "toxins". He decided that could definitely be mold toxins AND mercury amalgams I had removed in 1987. I highly recommend Amen Clinic. I went to them a year after they dramatically helped a dear friend with bipolar. She was on meds the docs were just guessing at. Amen pinpointed exactly what would help her and after a while, she became rock solid with no more months-long stays in institutions. 13 times in 4 years.

The Amen doc handed me a long list of supplements he wanted me to start taking. After reading the list I told him I was already taking every single one. He laughed and said that did not surprise him given the intense research I'd done to find supplements that helped me "somewhat." He also said it was typical for symptoms to begin to appear 8-12 weeks after an accident like that. He then told me I could be helped dramatically to add a few Rx meds to my regimen. I was not totally happy with that but after suffering as long as I had, I had to have relief if it is was possible. I said, "If I broke my leg, I'd use a crutch." I see good meds as potentially a miracle if you get them right. I did. Getting @haidut 's meds right is not any different. I'll get to the meds.

First is the mold. You HAVE to identify the source and get totally away from it. Whatever clothing and other things (books) that have been exposed you HAVE to get rid of. You may have to move out of your house totally. You cannot get well with ongoing exposure. In my case, I could not find the mold in my house after searching everywhere. Shoemaker directed me to an expert in Wash DC. He came to AZ and after about a 2-hour search he uncovered a massive amount of black mold under wallpaper in a walk-out basement. It was able to be remediated and I got rid of all my clothing and got new. It might be possible to wash it out with Borax but Shoemaker is not a big fan of that. Mold was big deal for me and I got much better. But it was not till the Amen clinic I can say I got my life back about 90-95% and have been that way still today. I am always trying to get that remaining 5-10% however. I think I am finding it here on this forum and experimenting with Idealabs supps/meds.

Amen Clinic recommended I immediately start Lamictal and Seroquel. Seroquel was a low dose (50 mg) that has worked for sleep since 2007. I gradually worked Lamictal up to 200mg (also a relatively low dose compared to some.). Lamictal brought me out of the pit for the most part within several weeks. Seroquel made it so I knew I'd sleep. They also made other recommendations for me to try over the next months working with a psych doc where I lived. Over the next year or so, I tried a number of things. A short trial of an SSRI which I hated. ADHD meds none of which helped me. Mirtazapine was a miracle and I use 30 mgs/day still today. It dealt with depression and to some degree anxiety, I constantly had. When I added Alprazalom SR to the mix, I was a new man and that has not changed one iota since about 2008. I do software startups that are VERY stressful. Almost nothing bothers me feeling little stress. I do take some Peaty pregnenolone too. I also used to take a small dose of hydrocortisone but found I did not need it when I added TyroMax to the mix. I also am trying Lanosterol and 10 Hydroxy Hamalan and Androsterone. Have tried other things but these seem to be a help. Thus my handle "biohacker."

On the forum, for the most part, Mirtazapine is considered positive. Lamictal not so much but for me, it is a Godsend. Benzo's are very much frowned on. For me, they have also been a Godsend and I expect to take them for life. The withdrawal at this point (I'm 68) just might kill me. They are physically dependent but at least for me, not addictive. Addictive means you have to keep taking more to get the same results. Not so with me since 2008. The study(s) on them causing big-time brain damage over time has just not been the case for me and were not very convincing. I am sharp as a tack. I had to change psych docs cause mine moved. The new doc listened to my whole story and asked if I "felt drugged." I answered, "Nope. I feel like I did in high school." He agreed he would not change a thing.

The way I see it, I suffered terribly for 35 years. I had brain damage from mercury, mold toxins, and a TBI. That damage was not going to magically go away or heal naturally. Whatever I could do to feel stable and normal was the right thing to do even if not Peaty and even if Rx. The difference between some modern meds is that some are better, some are much worse than the meds that Idealab sells. The 1st and 2nd generation of some meds are often better than new ones. It is possible I will find something from Ideal that is better than what I am taking. For instance, I've been thinking I may not need Seroquel because the Idealab stuff makes me sleep like the dead. We will see.

So there is a lot of my story/saga. I believe we should do ALL we can do to feel as normal as we possibly can including Rx meds that work for you and nutritional supplements. I've learned so much in this Forum and am grateful I happened on to it. I hope some of this is useful. BTW, I wrote an Amazon book about all this but am not going to plug it here. It has helped thousands by giving them hope that there are answers. Often the answers are simple but not what we want to hear or do. Confirmation bias is strong on this forum. Don't get me wrong though. I love this forum.
Thank you for sharing. I doubt the withdrawal would kill you. It would need to be a taper. The problem with the benzodiazepines are their dose-dependent association with dementia.


Feb 24, 2019

Mr Original poster, you've indicated that you have taken chronically methylphenidate MPH, now experiencing memory loss or difficulty retreiving it, correct?

I have found this studie for you, that links MPH with memory retreival issues :

Single and Repeated Administration of Methylphenidate Modulates Synaptic Plasticity in Opposite Directions via Insertion of AMPA Receptors in Rat Hippocampal Neurons
A single dose of methylphenidate (MPH) improves, while repeated doses impair the visuo-spatial learning in the Morris water maze (MWM). Average latencies for the first session compared with the last session were significantly different for all groups, suggesting the learning of the assigned task (n = 21, ∗p < 0.05). (A) Single dose of MPH facilitates visuo-spatial learning. For the 2nd and 3rd session latencies were significantly shorter in rats treated with MPH compared to controls, {two-way ANOVA [F(5,219) = 25.53; ∗p < 0.05]; Bonferroni post hoc test (n = 21; ∗p < 0.05)}. (B) Time of permanence in the target quadrant significantly increased for either group indicating successful training (saline-treated: before 7.1 ± 0.7 s, after 12.1 ± 1.5 s, n = 21, ∗p < 0.05; MPH-treated: before 6.9 ± 0.9 s, after 11.7 ± 1.0 s, n = 21; ∗∗p < 0.01) with no significant difference between controls and treated rats (controls: 12.0 ± 1.5 s; MPH: 11.7 ± 1.0 s; n = 21; p > 0.05). (C) Repeated doses of MPH slowed visuo-spatial learning. In the 4th, 5th, and 6th sessions rats treated with MPH were slower than controls [two-way ANOVA: for drug treatment; F(1,221) = 15.64, p < 0.001 and session; F(5,221) = 17.97, p < 0.001]. (D) Repetitive administration of MPH impaired memory retrieval. Different from control animals (from 7.8 ± 1.7 s to 12.2 ± 1.5 s; n = 21; ∗p < 0.05), no significant difference between pre- and post-training was found in MPH-treated rats. The difference between controls and treated rats was significant (from 12.2 ± 1.0 s to 9.0 ± 0.9 s; n = 21; ∗p < 0.05). Saline-treated rats (open circles); MPH-treated rats (solid circles).
Brooks Esq.

Brooks Esq.

Oct 26, 2016
This is not very Peaty, but saved my life. And I only discovered Peat 10 months ago. After being sick for 35 years I took a different approach in 2007 when I learned I not only was VERY sensitive to mold but also had a Traumatic Brain Injury from a severe whiplash injury while in a car stopped at a red light and got rear-ended by an Olds 98 (a tank) going about 40. I was not unconscious or bleeding. Thought I was OK. Then about 8-12 weeks all my symptoms began to appear. I did not associate the symptoms with the accident. Diagnosing that damage took 35 years. It was the Amen Clinic (google them) who diagnosed the TBI. After brain scans and then meeting the doc he asked out of the blue "when did you have a whiplash auto accident?" It was that obvious to him. He also found other damage he related to "toxins". He decided that could definitely be mold toxins AND mercury amalgams I had removed in 1987. I highly recommend Amen Clinic. I went to them a year after they dramatically helped a dear friend with bipolar. She was on meds the docs were just guessing at. Amen pinpointed exactly what would help her and after a while, she became rock solid with no more months-long stays in institutions. 13 times in 4 years.

The Amen doc handed me a long list of supplements he wanted me to start taking. After reading the list I told him I was already taking every single one. He laughed and said that did not surprise him given the intense research I'd done to find supplements that helped me "somewhat." He also said it was typical for symptoms to begin to appear 8-12 weeks after an accident like that. He then told me I could be helped dramatically to add a few Rx meds to my regimen. I was not totally happy with that but after suffering as long as I had, I had to have relief if it is was possible. I said, "If I broke my leg, I'd use a crutch." I see good meds as potentially a miracle if you get them right. I did. Getting @haidut 's meds right is not any different. I'll get to the meds.

First is the mold. You HAVE to identify the source and get totally away from it. Whatever clothing and other things (books) that have been exposed you HAVE to get rid of. You may have to move out of your house totally. You cannot get well with ongoing exposure. In my case, I could not find the mold in my house after searching everywhere. Shoemaker directed me to an expert in Wash DC. He came to AZ and after about a 2-hour search he uncovered a massive amount of black mold under wallpaper in a walk-out basement. It was able to be remediated and I got rid of all my clothing and got new. It might be possible to wash it out with Borax but Shoemaker is not a big fan of that. Mold was big deal for me and I got much better. But it was not till the Amen clinic I can say I got my life back about 90-95% and have been that way still today. I am always trying to get that remaining 5-10% however. I think I am finding it here on this forum and experimenting with Idealabs supps/meds.

Amen Clinic recommended I immediately start Lamictal and Seroquel. Seroquel was a low dose (50 mg) that has worked for sleep since 2007. I gradually worked Lamictal up to 200mg (also a relatively low dose compared to some.). Lamictal brought me out of the pit for the most part within several weeks. Seroquel made it so I knew I'd sleep. They also made other recommendations for me to try over the next months working with a psych doc where I lived. Over the next year or so, I tried a number of things. A short trial of an SSRI which I hated. ADHD meds none of which helped me. Mirtazapine was a miracle and I use 30 mgs/day still today. It dealt with depression and to some degree anxiety, I constantly had. When I added Alprazalom SR to the mix, I was a new man and that has not changed one iota since about 2008. I do software startups that are VERY stressful. Almost nothing bothers me feeling little stress. I do take some Peaty pregnenolone too. I also used to take a small dose of hydrocortisone but found I did not need it when I added TyroMax to the mix. I also am trying Lanosterol and 10 Hydroxy Hamalan and Androsterone. Have tried other things but these seem to be a help. Thus my handle "biohacker."

On the forum, for the most part, Mirtazapine is considered positive. Lamictal not so much but for me, it is a Godsend. Benzo's are very much frowned on. For me, they have also been a Godsend and I expect to take them for life. The withdrawal at this point (I'm 68) just might kill me. They are physically dependent but at least for me, not addictive. Addictive means you have to keep taking more to get the same results. Not so with me since 2008. The study(s) on them causing big-time brain damage over time has just not been the case for me and were not very convincing. I am sharp as a tack. I had to change psych docs cause mine moved. The new doc listened to my whole story and asked if I "felt drugged." I answered, "Nope. I feel like I did in high school." He agreed he would not change a thing.

The way I see it, I suffered terribly for 35 years. I had brain damage from mercury, mold toxins, and a TBI. That damage was not going to magically go away or heal naturally. Whatever I could do to feel stable and normal was the right thing to do even if not Peaty and even if Rx. The difference between some modern meds is that some are better, some are much worse than the meds that Idealab sells. The 1st and 2nd generation of some meds are often better than new ones. It is possible I will find something from Ideal that is better than what I am taking. For instance, I've been thinking I may not need Seroquel because the Idealab stuff makes me sleep like the dead. We will see.

So there is a lot of my story/saga. I believe we should do ALL we can do to feel as normal as we possibly can including Rx meds that work for you and nutritional supplements. I've learned so much in this Forum and am grateful I happened on to it. I hope some of this is useful. BTW, I wrote an Amazon book about all this but am not going to plug it here. It has helped thousands by giving them hope that there are answers. Often the answers are simple but not what we want to hear or do. Confirmation bias is strong on this forum. Don't get me wrong though. I love this forum.
Thank you very much for sharing all of this.
Brooks Esq.

Brooks Esq.

Oct 26, 2016
Brooks Esq.

Brooks Esq.

Oct 26, 2016
What is PSSD?
Fascinating story.. I have no answers.. but will follow with curiosity..
Post SSRI Sexual Dysfunction Syndrome


Aug 27, 2022
Hello IdeaLab Users/PSSD Sufferers,

I desperately need the help of those who are skilled in current scientific research of rare maladies. I am a former PSSD sufferer that was very active on this forum awhile back. As you may see from my prior posts, I was blessed with a beautiful legal and scientific mind and I spent my 20s searching for a cure for PSSD, particularly the mild cognition issues that is inherent in the disease. Eventually, I cracked the case, I learned that mixing certain strains of probiotics with Focalin (Dexmethylphenidate) would give me a mind far greater than my pre-PSSD state. I went to law school and graduated top of my class on May 4, 2019—setting the law school record for the most CALI awards ever won by a full-time law student—and I had a passion to change the world by fighting corruption at its source; the Delaware Bar.

The Delaware Bar is the most corrupt organization in the world. Because Delaware is the corporate capital of the world, it makes $2.6 BILLION a year (a third of the entire state’s income) just from its legal industry and the Bar is rampant with corporate corruption. When I was in my prime, my 3L year of law school, I used to write letters to the Delaware Office of Disciplinary Counsel telling them that their bar admissions rules were unconstitutional and once I passed the bar exam that I would bring a challenge to dismantle their system. When I was sitting for the bar exam, I was so cocky I wrote a segment on Delaware Bar corruption as an essay answer on unconstitutional government action. I passed the bar exam in July of 2019, after which my life changed forever. I will go to my grave believing it was them wanting to remove me as a threat.

My story is long and tragic, and I do not want to burden the reader with a long story. However, in a nutshell, after passing the Delaware Bar Exam, from August 2019 to February 2020, I entered and existed in a state of absolute incapacitation and dementia; an unreachable world of my own. I was so impaired that I did not realize anything was wrong until I was confronted with legal work I had performed earlier the same day, with no recollection I had done such work. Since discovering my ailment, I have been through the entire medical system up and down and received second opinions.

[WEIRD FACT: This ailment, coined by my loved ones as “2020 Hellcurse,” has taken away the most important thing in my life, my beautiful legal/scientific mind, but yet I seem to have relatively normal sexual functioning and do not seem to suffer from the PSSD sexual dysfunction anymore. Whatever I was hit with caused a loss of my brain function but returned sexuality--I do NOT accept the trade]

My doctors diagnosed me with mycotoxin (mold) illness (“toxic mold illness” or “Mycotoxicosis”) because I tested positive for a high level of Fusarium, a mycotoxin coined “yellow rain” used to poison an entire race of people during the Soviet Union. I personally believe that there were more things I might have been exposed to (such as Alzheimer’s inducing agents used in lab experiments on mice) but I will probably never know the truth about this. Only the Divine and those involved will ever truly know. I do know that the Delaware Bar kept very detailed records on my struggle with PSSD as if they were studying me to see what they could do to silence me. I know this sounds crazy, but we live in a world where corruption and evil exist, and here you had one kid that was threatening to dismantle a $2.6 Billion dollar a year cash cow. The elite have killed for much less than $2.6 billion a year, but they knew killing me would pose too many questions (a completely healthy 29 year old attorney who is the brother of a national political icon, do you know how many questions there would be), so they did the next best thing; rendering me talentless so that I could never pose a threat.

I do not have the space to really detail this condition's full morbidity, but I can tell you that it has changed EVERYTHING about my life and the way my body works. It has changed the way I think and exist, it is so hard to explain. One thing of significance is that I cannot learn or memorize any new information, it is as if my brain is fixed in May of 2019. It is like my mind is a computer, highly sophisticated in its time, that cannot update or adapt to the new systems around it. Also worth noting, for the past year or so, I have done all the toxic mold treatments, including glutathione, binders, prescription antifungals, etc., with little to no benefit.

MY REQUEST: I cannot learn/retain new information like I used to when I participated on this forum. My every day is a struggle and I am fortunate enough to be dating a nurse who helps me with my everyday life. I DO NOT want to be this way anymore, I WANT to get my old brain back and put things back the way they were before. Even if I have to live with PSSD once again I want my old brain back; I want to be me again. I want my talents back so I can start fighting again. I need some help from you guys in theorizing the problems and recommending a solution. The best clues I can provide you is that this condition is correlated heavily with the gut. One of the main symptoms characteristic of the 2020 Hellcurse is severe constipation and stool changes not relieved by my usual treatments that worked my whole life. The gut changed significantly and seems to be impacted as is my brain and central nervous system.

Over these past two grueling years, there has been two things that have seemed to help me to some degree, albeit temporary:
  • 10-Undecylenic acid (SF722)- Reversed the entire condition for like 5 days, then would never work again no matter how hard I tried; and
  • Ox Bile Acid/Baking Soda Mix- Part of my useless mold protocol was taking ox bile acid with every meal. One day I took it after the meal instead of before and suffered terrible heartburn and my girlfriend mixed me up lots of baking soda water. For some reason after this combination I was cured for an entire evening.
  • Does anybody have any idea what is wrong with me and what is causing my symptoms? Is it just the Fusarium or something else? What is the mechanism of action causing impairment?
  • Does anybody have any idea why the hell 10-Undecylinic acid worked for 5 days and never worked again? (It cannot be its anti-fungal properties as I have taken loads of high-end anti fungals with no benefit)
  • Any recommended treatments?
  • I have made a good friend who is a member of this forum and we are about to try switching my body over to strictly OXPHOS. Anyone have any opinion of this idea?
I read somewhere that 10-Undecylinic acid is involved with oxidative phosphorylation/lipid peroxidation/fatty acids. Could this somehow be involved in whatever the hell is wrong with me? As I said before I cannot learn new things and I cannot learn about these biological processes; my brain is fixed in May of 2019. Although we are going to try the OXPHOS metabolism thing, I cannot learn and accumulate new knowledge of how this process works. All I have knowledge of is my old PSSD research which is useless. I know it sounds weird but it is true.

I see Haidut sells MitoLipin through IdeaLabs, would this be helpful potentially since 10-Undecylnic Acid involves similar pathways?
I've been catching up on this thread recently. How is your recovery going, any updates? I hope your doing well, sincerely.
Lately, I've been hearing from my clients more and more about tight itchy throat, hard to swallow, sinus, thick mucus, brain fog. Signs of allergy but the tight throat is different, I think it has more to do with mold and fungus floating around. I wonder if they've added a fungus to the ongoing chem spray.
Please, up date how your doing and what is helping. Thank you
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