Extreme carb intolerance that causes severe nerve damage/pain? How can I fix this?


Aug 3, 2023
Georgia, United States
I am presenting everyone with a very curious Case . Around February 2021 I noticed a numbness on the right side of my clitoris. In addition to this numbness, I would get random burning pain throughout the day. And the pain continued . It was horrible, searing pain in my clitoris, accompanied with pain along my spine and lower back. The numbness began to spread . In about three months, I noticed that every time I ate sweets Immediately felt this random burning plane. I stopped eating sweets and this reduced the pain but I still got it randomly, and the numbness continue to spread.

I started going to doctors appointments. I went to the gynecologist multiple times. I got my hormones checked they were normal. I got MRIs and ultrasounds and they came back normal. Doctors gaslit me and told me that the loss of sensation in my genitals was an emotional problem. Meanwhile I could place an ice cube on the affected area and not feel it. I saw a pelvic floor therapist in September of 2021, and while I discovered that I had overactive pelvic floor muscles, I did not see improvement in my pain or numbness, despite going to pelvic floor therapy until December and being consistent with my exercises. In fact, I continued to get worse. During this time I was prescribed topical estrogen cream.

In summer of 2022 I suddenly realized that all carbs triggered pain and numbness for me. Bread, rice, potatoes, sweet potatoes, tomatoes, large portions of vegetables. Literally, all of it caused immediate pain and numbness. I guess I hadn’t made this connection at first because the pain is sharper and more intense with high sugar things like pastries and fruit.

So I got on keto, but I continued to face problems. Even small amounts of carbs from keto approved vegetables were giving me pain! I was strictly eating less than 20 grams of carbs a day. Pain and numbness persisted. At this point I’d lost about 60% of the sensation in my clitoris and vagina. After two months of that, I got extremely discouraged I started eating normally again because I was confused.

The pain became less intense, but only because numbness so profound . I currently have a renewed vigor for healing myself. I’ve been on the carnivore diet for about two months. For the most part, I avoid triggering pain. ive I exclusively been eating meat, fish, cheese, sour cream, mayonnaise(I’ve just learned the negative affects), and eggs but this is not a solution and it’s not sustainable. I cannot survive without my body being able to process carbs. I’m extremely fatigued.I miss fruits and vegetables, and I’m afraid of developing other health problems because of my carnivore diet. I’m afraid of food because I’m afraid of pain and losing more gential sensation (I’ve lost around 70%). I’m obsessed with this problem and it causes me lots of stress and frustration every day. I have a high libido and this has been pretty devastating to me. furthermore, I’m afraid of what might happen if my pudendal nerve is exposed to further insult; I fear I may began to suffer from issues like incontinence.

I’ve been looking into Ray Peat and I am hopeful. His writings on blood sugar and diabetes were particularly of interest to me. (Though I’m not diabetic my body cannot properly digest or tolerate carbs/sugar and it’s causing neuropathy so I think the symptoms of whatever I have mimic diabetes). The pain I have experienced has created an antagonistic relationship with fruits and vegetables. I don’t know where to start or what I can implement from his teaching currently. The idea of drinking a glass of orange juice or eating a carrot salad is filling me with anxiety to even think about. Should I start with supplementation of some kind? I’m currently taking vitamin D ,as I was deficient. I really have no idea what to do.

Additional information

I am 21 years old, BMI 22.6, and I have no other known health conditions. This problem started right before I turned 19

Diabetes is common in my family but my blood sugar test came back normal

I was severely vitamin d deficient to the point of having bone pain in 2020. I got to healthy levels using supplements, but was advised to taper off of them after reaching healthy levels (37 ng/ml). I have been struggling with vitamin d deficiency for years. At age 15 my blood test showed my vitamin D level was 9 ng/ml. The healthiest/ highest my vitamin d levels have been on a blood test were 37 ng/ml. I was experiencing bone pain again back in May, and after getting blood tests, discovered that my vitamin D was 19 ng/ml. I am taking supplements right now and pain has subsided. For reference standard vitamin D levels range between 20 ng/ml and 96 ng/ml

I had a UTI like infection for a couple months in 2020 that went away immediately after I took antibiotics, even though I did not test positive for a UTI or a yeast infection .

I was on SSRIs from the age 12 and to 18. I am mediately discontinued use after turning 18. Right before I turned 18 I was briefly put on antipsychotic meds that raised my prolactin levels and triggered lactation. Milk/fluid did not dry up completely until I turned 20.

While I did keto, I still consumed mayonnaise and deli meat. I avoided using seed oils to cook but primarily because I cook using butter. I wasn’t avoiding them as harshly as I do now

While I did keto I still consumed diet beverages. I noticed sometimes diet beverages, trigger numbness, and pain.
Stevia and sugar alcohols tend to trigger pain and numbness

Coffee can also trigger numbness and pain in the excess

The pain and numbness is most noticeable on my clitoris, but it also affects my vagina, my right foot, my tail bone in random places in my spine. For this reason, I think that my pudendal nerve is being affected.

Pain and numbness start it out definitively on the right side, but now both sides are affected. I generally feel pain more strongly on the right side however


Feb 3, 2020
Thiamine deficiency could be a cause of nerve pain, that is related to carbohydrate consumption.


Aug 3, 2023
Georgia, United States
Thiamine deficiency could be a cause of nerve pain, that is related to carbohydrate consumption.
Interesting! I’ll look into this. A cursory l search is already looking promising. It’s absolutely insane to me that I’ve presented this problem to no less than 6 different doctors and they acted like the problem could only be mental or some sort of mechanical damage. The closest I got was the suggestion that I may be a celiac (I am certainly not). The fact that my symptoms were directly related to carbs was brushed off and my carb metabolism being damaged certainly wasn’t ever considered.


Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
Interesting! I’ll look into this. A cursory l search is already looking promising. It’s absolutely insane to me that I’ve presented this problem to no less than 6 different doctors and they acted like the problem could only be mental or some sort of mechanical damage. The closest I got was the suggestion that I may be a celiac (I am certainly not). The fact that my symptoms were directly related to carbs was brushed off and my carb metabolism being damaged certainly wasn’t ever considered.
I second the thiamine angle.


Which antibiotic did you take for the UTI infection? If nitrofurantoin it could cause numbness, tingling, or pain in hands or feet. Thiamine should help



Jul 4, 2023
Thiamine is very useful and stress relieving but niacinamide might be able to help just as much. Especially considering your ketogenic diet. It might be a good idea to get a vitamin b complex just to cover your bases. I have found niacinamide to be almost magical in its effects and I credit it for some of my best days.


Aug 3, 2023
Georgia, United States
Thiamine is very useful and stress relieving but niacinamide might be able to help just as much. Especially considering your ketogenic diet. It might be a good idea to get a vitamin b complex just to cover your bases. I have found niacinamide to be almost magical in its effects and I credit it for some of my best days.
I discussed some of this with my mother and she passed me a vitamin- b complex. I wonder if it would be best to just take this for now or if I should start off megadosing b1 and niancinimide on top of it since my glucose metabolism is so damaged.


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Jul 4, 2023
I discussed some of this with my mother and she passed me a vitamin- b complex. I wonder if it would be best to just take this for now or if I should start off megadosing b1 and niancinimide on top of it since my glucose metabolism is so damaged.
Taking them individually can teach you a lot. Since they tend to make you feel different and may have clues to your deficiencies. However, since you have them there, I would personally just take them. See how you feel afterwards.


Oct 22, 2019
Could be completely off the mark here, but just throwing out my standard q, something to consider if megadosing thiamine doesn't help: Could this be a symptom of mold illness? Have you checked your environment for mold?

Inability to handle carbs + numbness makes me wonder.


Aug 3, 2023
Georgia, United States
Could be completely off the mark here, but just throwing out my standard q, something to consider if megadosing thiamine doesn't help: Could this be a symptom of mold illness? Have you checked your environment for mold?

Inability to handle carbs + numbness makes me wonder.
I did have some issues with mold:mildew in my bedroom a year or so prior to this starting actually. I left my window up during a very bad storm in the carpet was soaked. I had started getting sick and couldn’t figure out why for a while, .I partially ripped up the carpet. But I didn’t fully rip it up until after my symptoms started. I now have new flooring in my bedroom and nothing looks moldy. Doing a thorough inspection of the space wouldn’t hurt though.
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