Normal t but low t symptoms


Sep 9, 2021
@haidut @Hans your guidance needed??
Hello everyone. New member of this wonderful and knowledgeable community!! So i have been dealing with low t symptoms from last many years which includes-
@haidut @Hans your guidance needed??
Age- 28 years, ht- 5’10”

Low muscle mass even after heavy workouts

Trouble losing fat in thighs and abdomen


-Frequent dandruff

-Bone pain

-Dry skin

-Low sex drive

-Bad digestion

-No morning wood ( which was there in my teens)

Weight training seems to make situations worse( maybe more T aromatised to E) ?

2 years ago I was diagnosed with low vitamin d but with supplementation i managed to deal with it and felt good for some time.

-Supplements i have tried- magnesium, zinc, DIM, boron, vitamin e, resveratrol, but they doesn’t seem to help me.

-Caffeine gives temperory relief from symptoms

I got some tests done but T came in normal range but estrogen and shbg came high.

I have been here and people seem really helpful. Kindly help me solve my issues??


Total t- 759 ng/dl (264 to 916)

Free t- 13.44 pg/ml (8 to 25)

SHBG- 58 nmol/l (16-55)

DHT- 492 pg/ml (49.2 ng/dl)

Estradiol E2-43.76 pg/ml (7.2 to 42.6)

Prolactin- 8.1 ng/ml

FSH-3.17 mlU/ml (1.5 to 12.4)

LH- 4.77 mlU/ml ( 1.7 to 8.6)

TSH- 2.1 ulU/ml (0.8 to 4.7)

Cortisol (AM)-17.92 ug/dl (6.2 to 19.4)

DHEA-s-334.2 ug/dl (138 to 475)

Vitamin d- 174 nmol/l (75 to 250)


Feb 13, 2018
Check to see if you have a varicocele. In my experience they can cause these symptoms even when testosterone is normal.


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
@haidut @Hans your guidance needed??
Hello everyone. New member of this wonderful and knowledgeable community!! So i have been dealing with low t symptoms from last many years which includes-
@haidut @Hans your guidance needed??
Age- 28 years, ht- 5’10”

Low muscle mass even after heavy workouts

Trouble losing fat in thighs and abdomen


-Frequent dandruff

-Bone pain

-Dry skin

-Low sex drive

-Bad digestion

-No morning wood ( which was there in my teens)

Weight training seems to make situations worse( maybe more T aromatised to E) ?

2 years ago I was diagnosed with low vitamin d but with supplementation i managed to deal with it and felt good for some time.

-Supplements i have tried- magnesium, zinc, DIM, boron, vitamin e, resveratrol, but they doesn’t seem to help me.

-Caffeine gives temperory relief from symptoms

I got some tests done but T came in normal range but estrogen and shbg came high.

I have been here and people seem really helpful. Kindly help me solve my issues??


Total t- 759 ng/dl (264 to 916)

Free t- 13.44 pg/ml (8 to 25)

SHBG- 58 nmol/l (16-55)

DHT- 492 pg/ml (49.2 ng/dl)

Estradiol E2-43.76 pg/ml (7.2 to 42.6)

Prolactin- 8.1 ng/ml

FSH-3.17 mlU/ml (1.5 to 12.4)

LH- 4.77 mlU/ml ( 1.7 to 8.6)

TSH- 2.1 ulU/ml (0.8 to 4.7)

Cortisol (AM)-17.92 ug/dl (6.2 to 19.4)

DHEA-s-334.2 ug/dl (138 to 475)

Vitamin d- 174 nmol/l (75 to 250)

Estradiol is high. Multiple studies have demonstrated that majority of eugonadal (normal or even high T) males have libido issues if their estrogen is in the upper 25% of the normal range. If it is in the upper 10% then some of them even needed ED drugs to function properly sexually. The cortisol is also close to upper limit or normal. DHT result seems whacky. Why is it given in pg/ml when the range is in ng/dL?


Sep 9, 2021
Estradiol is high. Multiple studies have demonstrated that majority of eugonadal (normal or even high T) males have libido issues if their estrogen is in the upper 25% of the normal range. If it is in the upper 10% then some of them even needed ED drugs to function properly sexually. The cortisol is also close to upper limit or normal. DHT result seems whacky. Why is it given in pg/ml when the range is in ng/dL?
Hello sir! thank you so much for your reply.
Sorry for the error, my dht is 492 pg/ml (250-990 pg/ml range). So how should I approach this issue?
Sir, my SHBG also seems high. Recently i tried boron for SHBG and as you mentioned it was very estrogenic ( should have read earlier what you wrote about it) Really appreciate your help????


Jan 7, 2020
Hello sir! thank you so much for your reply.
Sorry for the error, my dht is 492 pg/ml (250-990 pg/ml range). So how should I approach this issue?
Sir, my SHBG also seems high. Recently i tried boron for SHBG and as you mentioned it was very estrogenic ( should have read earlier what you wrote about it) Really appreciate your help????
Curious if you’d respond well to androsterone


@haidut @Hans your guidance needed??
Hello everyone. New member of this wonderful and knowledgeable community!! So i have been dealing with low t symptoms from last many years which includes-
@haidut @Hans your guidance needed??
Age- 28 years, ht- 5’10”

Low muscle mass even after heavy workouts

Trouble losing fat in thighs and abdomen


-Frequent dandruff

-Bone pain

-Dry skin

-Low sex drive

-Bad digestion

-No morning wood ( which was there in my teens)

Weight training seems to make situations worse( maybe more T aromatised to E) ?

2 years ago I was diagnosed with low vitamin d but with supplementation i managed to deal with it and felt good for some time.

-Supplements i have tried- magnesium, zinc, DIM, boron, vitamin e, resveratrol, but they doesn’t seem to help me.

-Caffeine gives temperory relief from symptoms

I got some tests done but T came in normal range but estrogen and shbg came high.

I have been here and people seem really helpful. Kindly help me solve my issues??


Total t- 759 ng/dl (264 to 916)

Free t- 13.44 pg/ml (8 to 25)

SHBG- 58 nmol/l (16-55)

DHT- 492 pg/ml (49.2 ng/dl)

Estradiol E2-43.76 pg/ml (7.2 to 42.6)

Prolactin- 8.1 ng/ml

FSH-3.17 mlU/ml (1.5 to 12.4)

LH- 4.77 mlU/ml ( 1.7 to 8.6)

TSH- 2.1 ulU/ml (0.8 to 4.7)

Cortisol (AM)-17.92 ug/dl (6.2 to 19.4)

DHEA-s-334.2 ug/dl (138 to 475)

Vitamin d- 174 nmol/l (75 to 250)

A couple things to consider here which may (or may not) help...
You might want to research Thiamine (vit B1). Thiamine is essential for all functions in the body, as it is essential for energy production. at the mitochondrial level. There are protocols for mega-dosing Thiamine HCL or benfotiamine (up to 2 grams). Some doctors theorize that even if you are not technically deficient in B1 through diet, many people are 'functionally deficient' meaning their body is so full of metals and man made chemicals that the body doesn't utilize the thiamine like our ancestors did.

Do you rely on coffee/pre-workouts every day? Caffeine and especially stim heavy pre-workouts WILL cause a negative feedback loop if you consume them too late in the day. I'll try lay it out so its super easy to wrap the head around..

- Your body slowly produces adenosine throughout the day. Adenosine is what causes sleepiness/tiredness/fatigue.
- Caffeine blocks the adenosine receptor, NOT adenosine
- Meaning your body is still producing adenosine, but the adenosine is not being used
- This causes adenosine to build up. This causes the caffeine crash once it wears off.
- Caffeine has a decently long half life of 5 hours. You may not feel it, but it's in your body.
- If you consume 100mg of caffeine, you still have 50mg in your system after 5 hours. 25mg after 10 hours etc.
- Any amount of caffeine in your system, even a measly low 10mg can affect your ability to enter 'deep sleep'.
- You might not struggle to get to sleep, but with caffeine in your body, you may not be getting enough or any 'deep sleep' at all

- So consider this the beginning of the negative feedback loop...

- After a hard day of work, you drink a coffee or pre-workout in order to give you enough energy to exercise, You can smash your workout.
- Maybe you would have had the energy anyway, but working out on stimulants just feel too good.
- You will not have an optimal sleep that night.
- In the beginning, you probably won't even notice this. You will get to sleep just fine, and may wake up just a bit groggy, but feel okay. Or you will feel fine.
- The next day, your energy levels might be anywhere between 1-10% worse. But small enough not to notice.
- After work again, you repeat the same caffeine ritual, drink caffeine, smash a workout.
- You might say "I don't drink coffee after work". But do you drink soda? Caffeine is in most soda's even sugar free ones.
- Many people drink caffeinated soda all the way up to bed time.
- After a certain amount of time, it could be days, weeks, months or even years, you notice that you can't work at all without coffee.
- You can't operate, be productive, or even exist in daytime without caffeine.
- This is due in part, to massive adenosine build-up from caffeine.
- Your body NEEDS to block the adenosine receptors in order to just function, because there's just so much of it.
- You become a slave to the system. You can follow orders decently but have zero drive or motivation to start ventures for yourself.

The adenosine buildup is the big one, but there are other factors too.

- In your daily life, there are stresses everywhere, at work, in social life, at home, This strains your endocrine system, your body builds up stress hormones.
- When you exercise, you strain your endocrine system, your body builds up stress hormones.
- When you drink caffeine/stimulants, you strain your endocrine system, your body builds up stress hormones.
- All those stresses especially when combined, daily, over time, create a motherloading tornado of stress and fatigue on your endocrine system.

The 'corporate system' loves this negative feedback loop. because It creates zombies that don't have the energy or will to think for themselves, only capable of doing what they're told. Worker bees.

This is a huge struggle that most people live with and have no clue about it. Most people are caffeine zombies and don't even know it.

Maybe try some high dose thiamine.
Definitely stop ALL caffeine for a few months to recover. Careful though, caffeine is everywhere.
You don't have to overdo your exercise, you can walk not run, lift light weights not heavy etc. Just let your body Recover.


Dec 28, 2021
Estradiol is high. Multiple studies have demonstrated that majority of eugonadal (normal or even high T) males have libido issues if their estrogen is in the upper 25% of the normal range. If it is in the upper 10% then some of them even needed ED drugs to function properly sexually. The cortisol is also close to upper limit or normal. DHT result seems whacky. Why is it given in pg/ml when the range is in ng/dL?

But his prolactin is low.
I thought prolactin was the best proxy for e2 as direct e2 blood levels are unreliable?
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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