Iodine For Low Thyroid And Low LH?


Jan 21, 2020
Hi guys,

M34 here.

I have some hypothyroid and low T symptoms, such as brain fog, overthinking, dry skin and scalp, cold extremities (NB. I have low-grade varicocele).
My last bloodworks showed low Vit D and low LH. I just started supplementing Vit D (3000UI) together with Vit K2, Vit E and fish oil.

I was thinking about supplementing kelp (which has 150mcg of iodine). Do you think it could help with my issues and raise LH values?
Is it necessary to supplement cofactors recommended in the “iodine protocol”, i.e. magnesium, selenium, Vit C and Vit B2, B3?

Besides iodine, do you know if there is anything else that could help with low LH? I’ve seen some advices about agmatine, forskolin and ashwagandha.


  • vit D -- 24 ng/mL
  • estradiol (E2) -- 26 pg/mL
  • FSH -- 3.7 mUI/mL
  • TSH-R -- 2.16 nUI/mL
  • *LH -- 1.2 mIU/mL
  • Prolactin (PRL) -- 10 ng/mL
  • S-Testosterone -- 4.68 ng/mL
  • albumin -- 4.4 g/dL 3.7 5.5
  • SHBG -- 24.10 nmol/L
  • total cholesterol -- 218
  • tryglicerides -- 71


Sep 12, 2015
Hi guys,

M34 here.

I have some hypothyroid and low T symptoms, such as brain fog, overthinking, dry skin and scalp, cold extremities (NB. I have low-grade varicocele).
My last bloodworks showed low Vit D and low LH. I just started supplementing Vit D (3000UI) together with Vit K2, Vit E and fish oil.

I was thinking about supplementing kelp (which has 150mcg of iodine). Do you think it could help with my issues and raise LH values?
Is it necessary to supplement cofactors recommended in the “iodine protocol”, i.e. magnesium, selenium, Vit C and Vit B2, B3?

Besides iodine, do you know if there is anything else that could help with low LH? I’ve seen some advices about agmatine, forskolin and ashwagandha.


  • vit D -- 24 ng/mL
  • estradiol (E2) -- 26 pg/mL
  • FSH -- 3.7 mUI/mL
  • TSH-R -- 2.16 nUI/mL
  • *LH -- 1.2 mIU/mL
  • Prolactin (PRL) -- 10 ng/mL
  • S-Testosterone -- 4.68 ng/mL
  • albumin -- 4.4 g/dL 3.7 5.5
  • SHBG -- 24.10 nmol/L
  • total cholesterol -- 218
  • tryglicerides -- 71
Seaweeds concentrate all halides, so kelp and the like will also have high levels of fluoride and bromide. Potassium iodide is safer.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals
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