How likely do you think is a total collapse of society in 2022? (Poll)

How likely is a total collapse of society in 2022

  • Will definitely happen

    Votes: 1 0.7%
  • It will most likely happen

    Votes: 12 7.9%
  • It might happen

    Votes: 59 38.8%
  • It won't happen

    Votes: 80 52.6%

  • Total voters


Mar 29, 2016
We're in for some trouble this year.
Inflation /stagflation is certainly not transitory and is going to get a lot worse.
There might also be shortages of fertilizer and seeds coming...
View attachment 33259

As if mankind did not have other ways of fertilizing before the "expert" scientists trained farmers to use NPK (nitrogen, phosphate, and potassium) in the form of industrial fertilizers. This made the land fallow without fertilizer inputs so farmers had to be dependent on the NPK producers. So it was just a matter of time for the Zionist masters to squeeze the supply to cause this to happen.

But this is far from doomsday. South Korean farmers using natural farming methods have been teaching small farmers how to make their own fertilizers from very easily obtainable inputs that are superior to the industrial NPK. And the fertilizers even include microbial inputs to enrich the soil. Unlike NPK, each passing harvest the soil gets more enriched as the fertile topsoil gets thicker and thicker, as the land becomes less and less dependent on industrial fertilizer inputs from the Zionist elite suppliers.

There is definitely going to be pain in the short term, and maybe after this there is no long term to speak of. As empty stomachs is the sole ingredient in the recipe for chaos. People pumped with adrenaline and high serotonin cannot reasoned with. They only know to adapt with their survival instinct.

But this famine, if you will, is not due to nature's wrath. The Zionists have not yet perfected the art of being God, and having control of the weather. So they are doing what they can with the means they have.

The end goal is to create chaos. And from the chaos, they restore order in the way they prefer it to be. As if they don't already control the world.


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
How likely do you think a total collapse of society is in 2022?
Total collapse meaning no electricity or supermarkets for at least a week . Nationwide.

In agreement with some other commenters, I'd say that most of Western, urban "society" has already collapsed as a coherent structure, possibly years ago. The fact that 2 years of open fascism and increasingly insane/absurd justifications resulted in at least 2/3 of the oppressed people to simply say "WE WANT MOAR!" should be a good-enough testament. Those people cannot imagine or tolerate life without an "expert" on any specific aspect of life ready to provide them with (paid) guidance/coaching/therapy/etc. Those people cannot imagine having to face any kind of real situation where their "definitions" of gender, intelligence, skills, work, value, self-worth, etc collapse immediately when clashing with reality, and they realize they have basically nothing of value to offer to anybody, both to the "neo-Nazis" outside the pink bubble or to fellow freaks. Most of these people are essentially on life support and are simply "enduring through time" (Peat's term), waiting for the inevitable. Look at the article below. Just think about this for a minute. The majority of the largest generation since the Boomers (and apparently Gen Z as well) are scrambling to take "adulting" classes, because they realize they lack even the most basic skills needed to maintain a semi-independent life.

Granted, some of the skills taught in those classes are very specific and can be very useful (cooking, sewing, carpentry, etc) but the majority of those "classes" are actually about teaching how to handle relationships, including (as the article above says) extremely basic skills of how to behave around other peers in a social setting!!. In other words, Millennials (and GenZ) are looking for parents-for-hire. Unfortunately, it is too late to start looking for Mom/Dad when you are in your 30s/40s, at least when it comes to acquiring basic life skills. And the fact that this is a for-profit industry means that the industry will devise all sorts of methods to "trap the client" (considering how un-adult and easily trickable the client is) so they stay clients for as long as possible. So, after a ton of money (which they don't really have) spent, Millennials will likely discover they are not even an inch closer to being capable adults. At best, they may have learned a useful skill or two. Oh, and the fact that the majority of them are mentally ill does not help either.

I am not sure who is to blame here - Boomers/GenX for being useless parents, or Millennials/GenZ for being useless children, but this is the reality the Western world is facing right now. On a side note, the situation in Asia (and especially China) is not much better, though for different reasons.

So, as you probably have sensed/realized yourself already, we can't have an actual society when the human material consists mostly of such utterly physiologically/psychologically degenerate entities. Collapse is not really a singular event that can be identified and marked on a calendar but rather as a process where after a sufficient actualization people can look back and say "year X in the past was a year of collapse". Under that definition, I think we would both agree that, at least at the social level, 2020 and 2021 were definitely years of collapse. So, IMO the (social) collapse is already here.


Now, if by collapse you mean the apocalyptic images of burning, looting, killing, pillaging, etc. - well, some of that did happen in 2020/2021, but the only thing that stands between us now and that horror on a mass scale is about a week of basic food/water shortage. The so-called Arab Spring regime changes, were actually a very simple/basic wave of (Western-engineered) famine-driven coups that happened so fast even the Western "handlers" were taken by surprise. The same can happen just as easily in Europe/USA if food/water runs out for even a single large city, for just a week. And btw, the Arabs have arguably a lot more social cohesion than do Westerners currently. So, you can imagine how much worse a European Spring or an American Spring would be.
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Oct 15, 2021
Now, if by collapse you mean the apocalyptic images of burning, looting, killing, pillaging, etc. - well, some of that did happen in 2020/2021, but the only thing that stands between us now and that horror on a mass scale is about a week of basic food/water shortage. The so-called Arab Spring regime changes, were actually a very simple/basic wave of (Western-engineered) famine-driven coups that happened so fast even the Western "handlers" were taken by surprise. The same can happen just as easily in Europe/USA if food/water runs out for even a single large city, for just a week. And btw, the Arabs have arguably a lot more social cohesion than do Westerners currently. So, you can imagine how much worse a European Spring or an American Spring would be.
Yeah I think of this ^ as collapse, I think of the other as the accelerated mass decay. After the last two years I'm not looking forward to what the incapable, hungry, serotonergic zombies, would do if they could not get food to eat, power to heat and cool, or gas for transportation, even if it's just for a little while.


Dec 11, 2018
Sofia, Bulgaria
In agreement with some other commenters, I'd say that most of Western, urban "society" has already collapsed as a coherent structure, possibly years ago. The fact that 2 years of open fascism and increasingly insane/absurd justifications resulted in at least 2/3 of the oppressed people to simply say "WE WANT MOAR!" should be a good-enough testament. Those people cannot imagine or tolerate life without an "expert" on any specific aspect of life ready to provide them with (paid) guidance/coaching/therapy/etc. Those people cannot imagine having to face any kind of real situation where their "definitions" of gender, intelligence, skills, work, value, self-worth, etc collapse immediately when clashing with reality, and they realize they have basically nothing of value to offer to anybody, both to the "neo-Nazis" outside the pink bubble or to fellow freaks. Most of these people are essentially on life support and are simply "enduring through time" (Peat's term), waiting for the inevitable. Look at the article below. Just think about this for a minute. The majority of the largest generation since the Boomers (and apparently Gen Z as well) are scrambling to take "adulting" classes, because they realize they lack even the most basic skills needed to maintain a semi-independent life.

Granted, some of the skills taught in those classes are very specific and can be very useful (cooking, sewing, carpentry, etc) but the majority of those "classes" are actually about teaching how to handle relationships, including (as the article above says) extremely basic skills of how to behave around other peers in a social setting!!. In other words, Millennials (and GenZ) are looking for parents-for-hire. Unfortunately, it is too late to start looking for Mom/Dad when you are in your 30s/40s, at least when it comes to acquiring basic life skills. And the fact that this is a for-profit industry means that the industry will devise all sorts of methods to "trap the client" (considering how un-adult and easily trickable the client is) so they stay clients for as long as possible. So, after a ton of money (which they don't really have) spent, Millennials will likely discover they are not even an inch closer to being capable adults. At best, they may have learned a useful skill or two. Oh, and the fact that the majority of them are mentally ill does not help either.

I am not sure who is to blame here - Boomers/GenX for being useless parents, or Millennials/GenZ for being useless children, but this is the reality the Western world is facing right now. On a side note, the situation in Asia (and especially China) is not much better, though for different reasons.

So, as you probably have sensed/realized yourself already, we can't have an actual society when the human material consists mostly of such utterly physiologically/psychologically degenerate entities. Collapse is not really a singular event that can be identified and marked on a calendar but rather as a process where after a sufficient actualization people can look back and say "year X in the past was a year of collapse". Under that definition, I think we would both agree that, at least at the social level, 2020 and 2021 were definitely years of collapse. So, IMO the (social) collapse is already here.


Now, if by collapse you mean the apocalyptic images of burning, looting, killing, pillaging, etc. - well, some of that did happen in 2020/2021, but the only thing that stands between us now and that horror on a mass scale is about a week of basic food/water shortage. The so-called Arab Spring regime changes, were actually a very simple/basic wave of (Western-engineered) famine-driven coups that happened so fast even the Western "handlers" were taken by surprise. The same can happen just as easily in Europe/USA if food/water runs out for even a single large city, for just a week. And btw, the Arabs have arguably a lot more social cohesion than do Westerners currently. So, you can imagine how much worse a European Spring or an American Spring would be.



Feb 26, 2016
I see civilizational collapse as a progressive, generational forgetting of knowledge, history & context for living, meaning. Like the Middle Ages when a lot of knowledge was just lost.

In the US this kind of forgetting started in the 1960s when university students changed the study of history & philosophy b/c they wanted to know what those had to say to them personally. Before that it wasn’t about making history personally & psychologically relevant to each individual to make it legitimate knowledge.

It was about initiating each generation into the historical & civilizational context that gave their lives a role.

I don’t think that meant that a person’s whole life was meaningful only in terms of history & civilization. You were more than your personal life. But it was a bigger context. Your life’s meaning didn’t depend only on your individual gratification.

That’s a super unpopular view now. But I think it’s a missing piece for why people don’t sense that they are a part of anything important or powerful or bigger than themselves.

I don’t think that would have to depend on the state or power relations. People could have a lot of autonomy & still have bonds of shared history, of building a community & taking care of it.

The generations aren’t connected to each other through anything now except whether or not individuals personally like each other. Plus parents have to work too much to spend the kind of time with their children where important skills get transmitted, like how to have relationships, & how to build a life. It’s not enough.


Feb 26, 2018
In agreement with some other commenters, I'd say that most of Western, urban "society" has already collapsed as a coherent structure, possibly years ago. The fact that 2 years of open fascism and increasingly insane/absurd justifications resulted in at least 2/3 of the oppressed people to simply say "WE WANT MOAR!" should be a good-enough testament. Those people cannot imagine or tolerate life without an "expert" on any specific aspect of life ready to provide them with (paid) guidance/coaching/therapy/etc. Those people cannot imagine having to face any kind of real situation where their "definitions" of gender, intelligence, skills, work, value, self-worth, etc collapse immediately when clashing with reality, and they realize they have basically nothing of value to offer to anybody, both to the "neo-Nazis" outside the pink bubble or to fellow freaks. Most of these people are essentially on life support and are simply "enduring through time" (Peat's term), waiting for the inevitable. Look at the article below. Just think about this for a minute. The majority of the largest generation since the Boomers (and apparently Gen Z as well) are scrambling to take "adulting" classes, because they realize they lack even the most basic skills needed to maintain a semi-independent life.

Granted, some of the skills taught in those classes are very specific and can be very useful (cooking, sewing, carpentry, etc) but the majority of those "classes" are actually about teaching how to handle relationships, including (as the article above says) extremely basic skills of how to behave around other peers in a social setting!!. In other words, Millennials (and GenZ) are looking for parents-for-hire. Unfortunately, it is too late to start looking for Mom/Dad when you are in your 30s/40s, at least when it comes to acquiring basic life skills. And the fact that this is a for-profit industry means that the industry will devise all sorts of methods to "trap the client" (considering how un-adult and easily trickable the client is) so they stay clients for as long as possible. So, after a ton of money (which they don't really have) spent, Millennials will likely discover they are not even an inch closer to being capable adults. At best, they may have learned a useful skill or two. Oh, and the fact that the majority of them are mentally ill does not help either.

I am not sure who is to blame here - Boomers/GenX for being useless parents, or Millennials/GenZ for being useless children, but this is the reality the Western world is facing right now. On a side note, the situation in Asia (and especially China) is not much better, though for different reasons.

So, as you probably have sensed/realized yourself already, we can't have an actual society when the human material consists mostly of such utterly physiologically/psychologically degenerate entities. Collapse is not really a singular event that can be identified and marked on a calendar but rather as a process where after a sufficient actualization people can look back and say "year X in the past was a year of collapse". Under that definition, I think we would both agree that, at least at the social level, 2020 and 2021 were definitely years of collapse. So, IMO the (social) collapse is already here.


Now, if by collapse you mean the apocalyptic images of burning, looting, killing, pillaging, etc. - well, some of that did happen in 2020/2021, but the only thing that stands between us now and that horror on a mass scale is about a week of basic food/water shortage. The so-called Arab Spring regime changes, were actually a very simple/basic wave of (Western-engineered) famine-driven coups that happened so fast even the Western "handlers" were taken by surprise. The same can happen just as easily in Europe/USA if food/water runs out for even a single large city, for just a week. And btw, the Arabs have arguably a lot more social cohesion than do Westerners currently. So, you can imagine how much worse a European Spring or an American Spring would be.

Interesting. I personally cannot say I have observed the amount of degeneration in people, you describe, at least where I live.
Maybe it's because in Germany the value of beeing productive and work is still being appreciated and demanded a lot.
The willingness to obey and not question the narrative on the other hand, that I've seen in friends and family in these last 2 years is really disappointing.
But normally it takes 5-10 years at most, for social trends and developments of the US to reach germany, so I wouldn't be surprised if we saw such a level of retardation in Germany in the future as well.
I certainly noticed an increase of the political correctness /green/ transgender/climate activists movements here in the last 2 years.
Although I dont thinks it's as drastic as in the US.
(Nearly 40 percent of U.S. Gen Zs, 30 percent of young Christians identify as LGBTQ, poll shows)

Here's an interesting quote that explains why the climate narrative and other SJWs agenda attract dysfunctional people:

"I think generally people have things that are more within their personal purview, that are more difficult to deal with, which they're avoiding.
And the way, which they're avoiding them is adopting pseudo-moralistic stances on large scale issues, so that they look good to their friends and neighbors. "
-Jordan Peterson

I think to blame are the people that created and enabled:
1. A society that causes chronic, mild stress in almost any imaginable way (remember the mouse study on chronic mild stress with males becoming females and vice versa, but both infertile? It's very accurate.)

2. Diet and medication of people that puts them in a learned helplessness state and rapidly ages them

Yes! I actually meant the looting etc. by saying collapse.
And I think we're on our way to it. By design.
IMO we are already seeing the destruction of the economy. Which begs the question if they even need a cyber attack to implement the digital ID.
It certainly would help accelerate it.

As peat said: "You can't make a new digital alternative reality until you have created desperation and wreck the old economy thoroughly."
That's exactly what we're seeing atm.

And I think the compassionate, social and political correctness of people is a very fragile construct, that totally relies on the accessibility of basic goods like food, water and electricity.
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Feb 26, 2018
World food prices. Sure looks like it's transitory.



Dec 8, 2016


Mar 29, 2016
World food prices. Sure looks like it's transitory.

View attachment 33300
Another manufactured crisis. Terrorists, COVID. This may be next.

Kept us secure from terror. From microbes. Then keeping us secure from hunger.

We are ever grateful for their control of us helpless peons.

May they live long and prosper!

Hail the masters.

Hail our saviors.

This is UTR and really shows their level of thinking to facilitate collapse. By any societal / internal means :


That's the idea.

Keeping them destitute and dependent.

And in the works- making us dependent as well.

Soon, we will be equals.

You vax me, I vax you. Living in perfect harmony.

Ebony! ivory!


Feb 26, 2018
This is UTR and really shows their level of thinking to facilitate collapse. By any societal / internal means :


I'm all for legalization of drugs. But there's so many better ways of doing this.
The problem is the intentional destruction of the middle class by inflation and that elites get richer and richer.


May 21, 2015
I'm all for legalization of drugs. But there's so many better ways of doing this.
The problem is the intentional destruction of the middle class by inflation and that elites get richer and richer.
View attachment 33303View attachment 33304
I wonder if something called "class warfare" is occurring and the ruling is utilizing the state to achieve their economic and political interests? Do you think that's the case?

Lord Cola

I wonder if something called "class warfare" is occurring and the ruling is utilizing the state to achieve their economic and political interests? Do you think that's the case?
We are in the middle of the worst pandemic of all time and pharmaceutical companies and the government and the media and the bankers are trying to do some good to take care of our health and property for the first time in their lives.


Feb 26, 2018
I wonder if something called "class warfare" is occurring and the ruling is utilizing the state to achieve their economic and political interests? Do you think that's the case?
I dont think it's a class warfare as most people dont even realize what's going on. Plus they are turning people against each other so they fight each other instead of the elite.



May 21, 2015
I dont think it's a class warfare as most people dont even realize what's going on. Plus they are turning people against each other so they fight each other instead of the elite.

View attachment 33325
That's literally class warfare, just because people that aren't a part of the ruling class don't understand what's being done to them doesn't mean it isn't occurring. Does that make sense?

Wouldn't it be better for the ruling class to keep those they're trying to exploit and control convinced the ruling class is working for their benefit and to make those stupid/ignorant people fight each other?

I'm not sure how using those techniques would mean that class warfare via state mandates to be injected with a seemingly lethal, sterilizing, and health compromising compound, total surveillence, enclosing in technocratic control grid, and repression and achievement of absolute economic dominance isn't occuring

These people obviously organize and plan for decades in advance and fully follow through with those plans to achieve their goals.

The people that aren't a part of the ruling class will just think they're clever and sell themselves out like whores to these people and enable what they're doing or just pretend some benevolent billionaire-technocrat has their back and they can just show up to work and everything will be great and no way the ruling class or the states and institutions and agencies they are in full control of will exploit or hurt them.

Until people wake up and unite to overthrow these goons they'll steamroll everyone
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Feb 26, 2018
That's literally class warfare, just because people that aren't a part of the ruling class don't understand what's being done to them doesn't mean it isn't occurring. Does that make sense?

Wouldn't it be better for the ruling class to keep those they're trying to exploit and control convinced the ruling class is working for their benefit and to make those stupid/ignorant people fight each other?

I'm not sure how using those techniques would mean that class warfare via state mandates to be injected with a seemingly lethal, sterilizing, and health compromising compound, total surveillence, enclosing in technocratic control grid, and repression and achievement of absolute economic dominance isn't occuring

These people obviously organize and plan for decades in advance and fully follow through with those plans to achieve their goals.

The people that aren't a part of the ruling class will just think they're clever and sell themselves out like whores to these people and enable what they're doing or just pretend some benevolent billionaire-technocrat has their back and they can just show up to work and everything will be great and no way the ruling class or the states and institutions and agencies they are in full control of will exploit or hurt them.

Until people wake up and unite to overthrow these goons they'll steamroll everyone
I meant a class war between the self-proclaimed "elite" and the lower classes ,not amongst each other.

The narrative is like:
unvaxxed vs. Vaxxed
Left vs. Right
Liberal vs. conservative
No, it's not!
It's a small elite vs. the rest of the world .
Some have understood this and some havent , yet.


May 21, 2015
That's what I mean, the ruling class is waging war on the other classes through the means I discussed in my previous post. The other classes are just to dumb and gullible and conditioned to realize it.

Just because the other classes are too stupid doesn't mean they aren't being attacked.

The first case of anything resembling class resistance so far against the ruling class is the Canadian trucker convoys.

I feel like you're trying to convey there's no class war occuring unless the other classes are attacking the ruling class back?

I don't disagree with you that the ruling class is heavily outnumbered. They have a ton of money and resources and there are plenty of scumbags who will do literally anything for a lot less than people expect


Nov 18, 2019
We are in the middle of the worst pandemic of all time and pharmaceutical companies and the government and the media and the bankers are trying to do some good to take care of our health and property for the first time in their lives.


Feb 26, 2018
feel like you're trying to convey there's no class war occuring unless the other classes are attacking the ruling class back?
Nope, definitely not.


Mar 29, 2016
Nope, definitely not.
Your point is well understood. And I don't understand why @Demyze doesn't.

The ruling class doesn't want there to be a class conflict or war. It wants to divide the lower classes so they would be distracted into fighting among themselves, so that the distraction and division keeps the lower class from being united against the elites. So, the elites instigate racial division and gender division. They yak about oppression and victimization by white against black, by men against women and gays and transgenders, by Caucasians against Jews. Using universities and media and fronts that use the pretense of virtue to censor people that call out the hypocrisy. And would then accuse their accuser of racism and sexism and of white privilege as they repeat the incredible trick of transformation where the offender cries out that he is the victim of another injustice. and gets away with it. In this way, conflict among the lower classes never goes away and keeps building up. The elite can only watch in glee as spectators or play peacemaker.

But DeMyze, you could see this going on and just add this statement: The very fact that the elites instigate these conflicts among the lower classes is already an act of class warfare against the lower classes.

And I would add, that class warfare exist, but only with the elites doing the fighting against the lower classes, but the lower classes being oblivious to it because the lower classes have been made to fight among themselves. and have no awareness that they're being played. The elites keep stirring conflict among the lower class, and they stay in control of the power and wealth structure.


Jan 28, 2013
I agree that the lower/working class is divided on race, something the elites have cultivated to protect themselves.

There is still a class war though, at least in the US, between the white working class and the white professional/management/administrative/bureaucratic class. That paper pusher/button pusher class has aligned with the elite, knowingly or not, to destroy, demonize working class whites. They use minorities not only as replacements, but as a buffer and even protector of their way of life and advantage.

I think we'll see the trucker convoy(s) used as the final break between these classes. A "domestic terrorist attack" pinned to the movement, or even to an individual trucker, will consolidate the divide and have that majority (white pros + minorities) supporting, even clamoring for, a crackdown on the minority (working class/poor whites). Working class whites have already been informally branded as enemies of the state. This will codify that designation, justifying action against.

The symbolism is useful as well to the elites. Trucking is really the last working-class job/career that pays enough to allow a middle class lifestyle; and, of course, most truckers are white men. The profession is universally perceived as the domain of working class white men. When the self-driving vehicles/drones are ready that is going to end that line of work anyway and would likely lead to unrest; but perhaps could have engendered some sympathy within the majority coalition. So, a preemptive smearing of that deplorable profession and group of people nips any possibility of that sympathy in the bud, permanently stigmatizing and marginalizing a significant minority of citizens. Their "threat" to society will lead the majority to rally around the Reset and acquiesce (for their own safety) to the Orwellian technocratic authoritarianism the elites want and need to maintain their hold.

Throw a little world war in to fog reality up even more, elicit more generalized fear/anxiety and distract from the measures being taken at home against the "deplorable" white working class...

The only question that really remains is what the whites on the front lines of the security state (police, military) will do. Are they well enough conditioned as tools of the (il)liberal establishment to do their "duty" (until it is done to them)?
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