What is your plan to survive “The Great Reset”/Agenda 2030? And what would you recommend in my situation?


Jul 29, 2018
So I’ve got two routes I’m debating before things totally collapse in the next 2-5 years.

1. Leave the country. Danny and Ray talk about Mexico a lot. Seems like South America in general is a much freer, happier society. My dollar is also worth much more in South America. The problem is finding a way to make money. Jobs in south America don’t pay well. I don’t have anywhere close to enough money to retire or live for an extended period of time in south america. I don’t have any skills either. I would like to find a way to make US dollars online like Danny. I could live pretty comfortably almost anywhere in South America if I could make $2000-$3000 a month. The biggest downside to leaving the US would be leaving my family behind. That would be hard. Also, setting up life in a new country comes with a plethora of its own challenges.

2. Stay in the US and move to a rural area. Focus on learning to garden and hunt. I have access to quality firearms and friends who have plenty of land with deer and hogs who are happy to let me hunt. It wouldn’t be easy, but the upside to staying for the collapse in the US is that I have good connections with good people who will readily band together when SHTF. I also have the safety net of my parents. They don’t pay any of my bills, but they do have very good savings and plenty of gold. They have assured me that if things completely collapse and I lose my job that they will make sure I don’t starve or go homeless. I can easily move in with them. My parents are good people and have a lot of great connections as well. My mom is getting into gardening and canning, and my dad and I learning to hunt together. We’re not doomsday Preppers with a bunker by any means, but we’ll still be more prepared than most for a collapse.

My gut instinct is torn. Half of me screams “leave the US” since things will only get worse for the foreseeable future. The other half of me can’t imagine leaving my family. I think good people, family, and friends who aren’t brainwashed by the government and MSM are a massively valuable asset. I really do have a great network of friends and family surrounding me who I can fall back on when things really collapse.

However, I envision that even the most prepared person will only be able to survive for so long in the US. Increased hunting in rural areas will lead to a decimation of the wild game supply, similar to what happened in the Great Depression. Orwellian government policies will only become increasingly strict and will limit my ability to move about freely, drive a car, or even buy gas. At some point, I fear the only options will be leaving the country or surviving completely off the grid. And most people simply don’t have the skills or resources long term to survive off grid

What would any of you recommend based on my situation? Also, what is your plan for when things completely collapse?


Dec 8, 2016
Option 3:
Band together with those said family and friends- pool your resources- and fight like hell. Figuratively and literally.

If I had more like minded moms around me I would have sued our school board twice by now.

Organize community gardens. Bartering. Support networks.
“A chord of three strands is not easily broken”.
Meaning: You become intertwined together and cannot easily break.

March in protests.
Use your voice for truth.
You will make a difference. Guaranteed.


Oct 6, 2020
Option 3:
Band together with those said family and friends- pool your resources- and fight like hell. Figuratively and literally.

If I had more like minded moms around me I would have sued our school board twice by now.

Organize community gardens. Bartering. Support networks.
“A chord of three strands is not easily broken”.
Meaning: You become intertwined together and cannot easily break.

March in protests.
Use your voice for truth.
You will make a difference. Guaranteed.

? spot on.

I am surprised how you can have such a good situation OP. Most people are not even close to this.
On the other hand, when people talk about moving ... what makes one sure that shiat hitting the fan in another place isn't going to occur aswell? Perhaps delayed but if it does, all the effort was for almost nothing.

I like peatful's option 3.


Mar 2, 2021
I would heartily disagree with at least two points from @Peatful.

Do not march in protests or demonstrate. This is a surefire way to get put onto a list.

I would recommend to keep your head low and communicate with those around you and be discreet.


Jul 29, 2018
You need to experience rural life in the US before you head to SA.

Are you speaking from experience? Is life in the rural US good? I live in Texas in a major city. Probably one of the better states to be in. Although I’ve heard states like Idaho and Tennessee have the strongest prepper communities and lots of hunting/fishing/gardening resources.

Perry Staltic

Dec 14, 2020
Are you speaking from experience? Is life in the rural US good? I live in Texas in a major city. Probably one of the better states to be in. Although I’ve heard states like Idaho and Tennessee have the strongest prepper communities and lots of hunting/fishing/gardening resources.

Oh yeah. Rural life is good for the soul.


Mar 30, 2020
Start an internet business that you can run from home, then you can go anywhere in the future


Mar 2, 2021
Do you have any good suggestions for internet business?


Mar 21, 2014
What makes you think a collapse will happen in 2 to 5 years, instead of sooner? Just wondering.


Jun 16, 2015
Dude don't leave the US. If shtf how are you gonna be bargaining with all the locals without speaking their language and/or being part of their in-group? You'll be a mark.

But if shtf and you live in the rural US it will be like a golden time if you are in good health. The USA is ridiculously wealthy. Loads of nice ***t everywhere, tons of resources in the ground. Who owns most of that ***t? Fat, old, highly medicated boomers. When the system collapses that keeps an absurd number of unhealthy people alive by pumping them full of exotic medications and making obesity somehow workable with lots of fossil fuels its going to be a ******* gold mine.

The USA has an obesity rate over 40%. Most of those people would die off. Who is going to be competing with you for wild game? Almost no one knows how to do that anymore and won't even make it to the hunting grounds if they wanted to try. We'll lose a lot of tech but there's going to be a lot of space and laws will get much simpler. Who is going to enforce the elite edicts? In my home region we're chanting "let's go Brandon" every weekend and every gathering. You are watching the precollapse backturning on the elite in real time. They are a paper tiger soon to be irrelevant and most non-urbanites have figured it out.

The majority of the USA urban population and it's leadership is completely detached from reality. They are not ready for what is coming. They're literally spending brain cycles thinking about if men can menstruate and breast feed when facing serious goods shortages. This is why the taliban thing caught them by surprise. Their model of how the world works is not even in the same universe anymore.

For those ready it's going to be running around like taliban bros scoring sweet loot and building a new system and return to local rule. I'm almost ready my dude and I hope you'll come join the raiding.


Jul 29, 2018
What makes you think a collapse will happen in 2 to 5 years, instead of sooner? Just wondering.

You must never watch the news. Hyperinflation, supply chain shortages, rampant and increasing government authoritarianism… Ray Peat talks about all this on Danny Roddy’s show. Go listen to the 5 most recent shows with Ray. Also, go Google “The Great Reset”. Western society is headed for collapse. And it’s getting pretty obvious.


Mar 25, 2016
My gut instinct would be to stick to the US. As someone pointed out, you'd be a 'mark' in SA. You're not one of them, gringo, and in tough times, you'll have no loyalty shown. Your network of family and ethic or even national loyalty will make the difference.


Sep 10, 2019
I also agree with sticking to rural US. The world is tied to the dollar for the most part. If things ever got that bad here, it would certainly have a domino effect. First chance I get to get out of the city, I’m taking it.

Perry Staltic

Dec 14, 2020
Who is going to be competing with you for wild game? Almost no one knows how to do that anymore and won't even make it to the hunting grounds if they wanted to try.

??? What are you kidding? What do you think people in the country do in the fall?


Jun 7, 2016
Mr great reset own nothing be happy is from Switzerland where most citizens rent but are wealthiest people in the west because they pay into a retirement fund which gives back high percentage of interest which allows them to be so wealthy without owning property.

Most westerners get wealthy by buying property and not maintaining it well and renting such facilities at a high cost to people which isn’t very sustainable or ethical so I would look into this more to see how bad it really is.

Factories and jobs are never coming back to the west, they simply cannot compete with quality and cost that the Asians are achieving. it’s over and things will continue to change in order to sustain the empires. The only jobs are in IT and health and being a parasite and living off of the sick and not healing them is not a way of life.

Ps if one has a degree, one can teach English in South America for up to $3000 per month apparently.

Personally my solution is to be a self employed orange picker in an orchard while living in a van by a river, that’s my long term plan.
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Jun 16, 2015
??? What are you kidding? What do you think people in the country do in the fall?
Go hunting. But this is only a few percent of the population. Outside of the south I can count on one hand the number of people I've met that can field dress a deer.


Mar 21, 2014
You must never watch the news. Hyperinflation, supply chain shortages, rampant and increasing government authoritarianism… Ray Peat talks about all this on Danny Roddy’s show. Go listen to the 5 most recent shows with Ray. Also, go Google “The Great Reset”. Western society is headed for collapse. And it’s getting pretty obvious.
Yes, I am aware of all of those things. You missed the point of my question, which is why you (or anyone) believe it would happen in 2 to 5 years instead of sooner.

By the way, Mexico is not in South America.
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May 19, 2017
1. Make sure your health and physical fitness is the best it can be.
2. Learn how to be self-sufficient. Practice the necessary skills as much as possible. Go for a weeklong trip to wilderness just with a backpack. It's fun.
3. Hoard things you absolutely need but might not be able to obtain when the society collapses (no, you don't absolutely need toliet paper)
4. Buy a gun. Hoard ammo. Practice shooting as much as possible.
5. Make sure you enjoy every moment you are alive

These are some of the best investments you can make. You should be doing these things even at peace, but now they are 10 times more important.

Regarding the relocation, you will have hard time as a stranger in strange country when SHFT. Brian is spot on.

Moving from America would be a wise thing to do, but you want to move to place that will be largely unaffected by the collapse. And place where people are peaceful. Or non-violent. That's definitely not Mexico.
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