What is your plan to survive “The Great Reset”/Agenda 2030? And what would you recommend in my situation?


Aug 17, 2016
1. Make sure your health and physical fitness is the best it can be.
2. Learn how to be self-sufficient. Practice the necessary skills as much as possible. Go for a weeklong trip to wilderness just with a backpack. It's fun.
3. Hoard things you absolutely need but might not be able to obtain when the society collapses (no, you don't absolutely need toliet paper)
4. Buy a gun. Hoard ammo. Practice shooting as much as possible.
5. Make sure you enjoy every moment you are alive

These are some of the best investments you can make. You should be doing these things even at peace, but now they are 10 times more important.

Regarding the relocation, you will have hard time as a stranger in strange country when SHFT. Brian is spot on.

Moving from America would be a wise thing to do, but you want to move to place that will be largely unaffected by the collapse. And place where people are peaceful. Or non-violent. That's definitely not Mexico.
all it takes is a "crisis":

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kf8trl69kzo


Oct 12, 2020
What the heck is the great reset agenda? Can somoene explain to me.


Jul 13, 2014
The pandemic aka the(plandemic) The events that have taken place over the past 19 months have all been in the pipeline for numerous years maybe even centuries. Strategic planning over multiple event scenarios and outcomes that our philanthropist overlords roll out on the human population without your vote or say so. To fit their specific agenda and reduce the carbon emitters or useless eaters in the words of klaus schwab and his friend bill gates.

So this list of their plans will help educate you on the agendas bestowed upon all of us. Brought to your family’s door by the world economic forum, Rockefeller’s, John Hopkins institution, Bill and Melinda gates foundation, WHO, CDC, FDA all with the help of your corrupt local government agencies and politicians!

Agenda 21 https://sustainabledevelopment.un.org/content/documents/Agenda21.pdf

Agenda 30 https://sustainabledevelopment.un.org/content/documents/21252030 Agenda for Sustainable Development web.pdf

Agenda 50 https://wedocs.unep.org/bitstream/handle/20.500.11822/27672/GEO6_CH20.pdf?sequence=1&isAllowed=y

cyberpolygon 2021 https://cyberpolygon.com/upload/technical_training_Cyber_Polygon_2021_EN_v_1.pdf

Covid 19 - The great reset klaus Schwab. https://carterheavyindustries.files.wordpress.com/2020/12/covid-19_-the-great-reset-klaus-schwab.pdf

Event 201 Event 201, a pandemic exercise to illustrate preparedness efforts

Operation Dark Winter https://www.centerforhealthsecurity.org/our-work/events-archive/2001_dark-winter/Dark Winter Script.pdf

Operation crimson contagion. https://www.chicago.gov/content/dam...oard_of_Health/BOH_Presentation_Sep182019.pdf

Operation lockstep Rockefeller’s. https://stopbsnow.com/wp-content/up...ated-Rockefeller-Foundation-Lockstep-2010.pdf

operation Cygnus uk gov https://assets.publishing.service.g...t_data/file/927770/exercise-cygnus-report.pdf

Uk influenza preparedness plan https://assets.publishing.service.g...ads/attachment_data/file/213717/dh_131040.pdf

National pandemic influenza plan https://www.cdc.gov/flu/pandemic-resources/pdf/pandemic-influenza-implementation.pdf

Spars pandemic (2025-2028) The next event. https://stars.library.ucf.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1029&context=jicrcr

Pandemic influenza vaccine storage (March 2020) https://health.mo.gov/emergencies/panflu/pdf/panfluplanvaccine.pdf

Coronavirus act 2020(slavery act) https://www.legislation.gov.uk/ukpga/2020/7/pdfs/ukpga_20200007_en.pdf

All this brought to you by the pharmaceutical global drugs cartel, they care so much about your health they plan how to cull you years in advance. Stay ahead of the game be informed people know the plans so you can counter the agenda and narrative. Stay strong stay healthy stay ahead of the globalist plan!


May 19, 2017
The pandemic aka the(plandemic) The events that have taken place over the past 19 months have all been in the pipeline for numerous years maybe even centuries. Strategic planning over multiple event scenarios and outcomes that our philanthropist overlords roll out on the human population without your vote or say so. To fit their specific agenda and reduce the carbon emitters or useless eaters in the words of klaus schwab and his friend bill gates.

So this list of their plans will help educate you on the agendas bestowed upon all of us. Brought to your family’s door by the world economic forum, Rockefeller’s, John Hopkins institution, Bill and Melinda gates foundation, WHO, CDC, FDA all with the help of your corrupt local government agencies and politicians!

Agenda 21 https://sustainabledevelopment.un.org/content/documents/Agenda21.pdf

Agenda 30 https://sustainabledevelopment.un.org/content/documents/21252030 Agenda for Sustainable Development web.pdf

Agenda 50 https://wedocs.unep.org/bitstream/handle/20.500.11822/27672/GEO6_CH20.pdf?sequence=1&isAllowed=y

cyberpolygon 2021 https://cyberpolygon.com/upload/technical_training_Cyber_Polygon_2021_EN_v_1.pdf

Covid 19 - The great reset klaus Schwab. https://carterheavyindustries.files.wordpress.com/2020/12/covid-19_-the-great-reset-klaus-schwab.pdf

Event 201 Event 201, a pandemic exercise to illustrate preparedness efforts

Operation Dark Winter https://www.centerforhealthsecurity.org/our-work/events-archive/2001_dark-winter/Dark Winter Script.pdf

Operation crimson contagion. https://www.chicago.gov/content/dam...oard_of_Health/BOH_Presentation_Sep182019.pdf

Operation lockstep Rockefeller’s. https://stopbsnow.com/wp-content/up...ated-Rockefeller-Foundation-Lockstep-2010.pdf

operation Cygnus uk gov https://assets.publishing.service.g...t_data/file/927770/exercise-cygnus-report.pdf

Uk influenza preparedness plan https://assets.publishing.service.g...ads/attachment_data/file/213717/dh_131040.pdf

National pandemic influenza plan https://www.cdc.gov/flu/pandemic-resources/pdf/pandemic-influenza-implementation.pdf

Spars pandemic (2025-2028) The next event. https://stars.library.ucf.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1029&context=jicrcr

Pandemic influenza vaccine storage (March 2020) https://health.mo.gov/emergencies/panflu/pdf/panfluplanvaccine.pdf

Coronavirus act 2020(slavery act) https://www.legislation.gov.uk/ukpga/2020/7/pdfs/ukpga_20200007_en.pdf

All this brought to you by the pharmaceutical global drugs cartel, they care so much about your health they plan how to cull you years in advance. Stay ahead of the game be informed people know the plans so you can counter the agenda and narrative. Stay strong stay healthy stay ahead of the globalist plan!
Great list, thanks for sharing.

I would add the original Agenda 21 document from 1994, which is much more interesting than the later, watered down reissues.

View: https://www.scribd.com/document/36820157/Agenda21-Earth-Summit-the-United-Nations-Programme-of-Action-From-Rio
Last edited:


Apr 3, 2019
Stay where you are and fight. Make sure you are self sufficient and have food stocked. Buy bitcoin and buy pulse (pulsechain).


Nov 18, 2019
The pandemic aka the(plandemic) The events that have taken place over the past 19 months have all been in the pipeline for numerous years maybe even centuries. Strategic planning over multiple event scenarios and outcomes that our philanthropist overlords roll out on the human population without your vote or say so. To fit their specific agenda and reduce the carbon emitters or useless eaters in the words of klaus schwab and his friend bill gates.

So this list of their plans will help educate you on the agendas bestowed upon all of us. Brought to your family’s door by the world economic forum, Rockefeller’s, John Hopkins institution, Bill and Melinda gates foundation, WHO, CDC, FDA all with the help of your corrupt local government agencies and politicians!

Agenda 21 https://sustainabledevelopment.un.org/content/documents/Agenda21.pdf

Agenda 30 https://sustainabledevelopment.un.org/content/documents/21252030 Agenda for Sustainable Development web.pdf

Agenda 50 https://wedocs.unep.org/bitstream/handle/20.500.11822/27672/GEO6_CH20.pdf?sequence=1&isAllowed=y

cyberpolygon 2021 https://cyberpolygon.com/upload/technical_training_Cyber_Polygon_2021_EN_v_1.pdf

Covid 19 - The great reset klaus Schwab. https://carterheavyindustries.files.wordpress.com/2020/12/covid-19_-the-great-reset-klaus-schwab.pdf

Event 201 Event 201, a pandemic exercise to illustrate preparedness efforts

Operation Dark Winter https://www.centerforhealthsecurity.org/our-work/events-archive/2001_dark-winter/Dark Winter Script.pdf

Operation crimson contagion. https://www.chicago.gov/content/dam...oard_of_Health/BOH_Presentation_Sep182019.pdf

Operation lockstep Rockefeller’s. https://stopbsnow.com/wp-content/up...ated-Rockefeller-Foundation-Lockstep-2010.pdf

operation Cygnus uk gov https://assets.publishing.service.g...t_data/file/927770/exercise-cygnus-report.pdf

Uk influenza preparedness plan https://assets.publishing.service.g...ads/attachment_data/file/213717/dh_131040.pdf

National pandemic influenza plan https://www.cdc.gov/flu/pandemic-resources/pdf/pandemic-influenza-implementation.pdf

Spars pandemic (2025-2028) The next event. https://stars.library.ucf.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1029&context=jicrcr

Pandemic influenza vaccine storage (March 2020) https://health.mo.gov/emergencies/panflu/pdf/panfluplanvaccine.pdf

Coronavirus act 2020(slavery act) https://www.legislation.gov.uk/ukpga/2020/7/pdfs/ukpga_20200007_en.pdf

All this brought to you by the pharmaceutical global drugs cartel, they care so much about your health they plan how to cull you years in advance. Stay ahead of the game be informed people know the plans so you can counter the agenda and narrative. Stay strong stay healthy stay ahead of the globalist plan!
What a great list! Thank you.


May 19, 2017
What makes you think a collapse will happen in 2 to 5 years, instead of sooner? Just wondering.
I'm also curious about that. I'm expecting the collapse in next 2 to 5 months. 12 at most. It has already started.


Sep 9, 2021
You are in a fantastic place already, if the SHTF it's gonna hit every country in the world. I am in western mainland Europe and there's hardly any wild places left to live off the land, I believe in the U.S. you can still find those places. I have been training in survival skills for the last 15 years and we are really going to struggle when everyone is trying to feed themselves off the land. The people who have these 'extra' skills will always find the edge. If you watch the History Channel's Alone series, the men who are used to having guns in their hands drop out the fastest when they are not allowed to use them, whereas the people who have learnt to read the land and have nothing else but their own ingenuity survive the longest. A few even thrive. So learn to hunt fish trap without using any guns is key - tracking is also a skill that is absolutely essential.

The only way that people will survive the collapse is if they become 'primitive' again. No point hoarding anything or trying to defend your home or land, stay as nomadic as possible, no point relying on money etc, learn to live with a knife and trapping wire/fishing line alone. Learn to deny yourself material luxuries. We live in an unnatural society where we have absolutely everything we want at our fingertips but wouldn't have a clue how to actually look after ourselves when those luxuries are taken away.

When you move to another country you are immediately at a disadvantage, I have been living in France as a 'foreigner' for 15 years and I am still at a disadvantage with the language, culture etc. But I have more knowledge of the immediate countryside, its animals and their habits than anyone round here, even the hunters with their guns, because they rely on those guns to kill food, they do it the easy way. When the guns are confiscated or ammo runs out, their limited knowledge of the land will make sure they fail.

People think I am crazy, I am a woman and was a homeschooling mum (I taught my kids self-sufficiency too) but I don't understand how people would not want to learn the basics of survival before anything else.


You are in a fantastic place already, if the SHTF it's gonna hit every country in the world. I am in western mainland Europe and there's hardly any wild places left to live off the land, I believe in the U.S. you can still find those places. I have been training in survival skills for the last 15 years and we are really going to struggle when everyone is trying to feed themselves off the land. The people who have these 'extra' skills will always find the edge. If you watch the History Channel's Alone series, the men who are used to having guns in their hands drop out the fastest when they are not allowed to use them, whereas the people who have learnt to read the land and have nothing else but their own ingenuity survive the longest. A few even thrive. So learn to hunt fish trap without using any guns is key - tracking is also a skill that is absolutely essential.

The only way that people will survive the collapse is if they become 'primitive' again. No point hoarding anything or trying to defend your home or land, stay as nomadic as possible, no point relying on money etc, learn to live with a knife and trapping wire/fishing line alone. Learn to deny yourself material luxuries. We live in an unnatural society where we have absolutely everything we want at our fingertips but wouldn't have a clue how to actually look after ourselves when those luxuries are taken away.

When you move to another country you are immediately at a disadvantage, I have been living in France as a 'foreigner' for 15 years and I am still at a disadvantage with the language, culture etc. But I have more knowledge of the immediate countryside, its animals and their habits than anyone round here, even the hunters with their guns, because they rely on those guns to kill food, they do it the easy way. When the guns are confiscated or ammo runs out, their limited knowledge of the land will make sure they fail.

People think I am crazy, I am a woman and was a homeschooling mum (I taught my kids self-sufficiency too) but I don't understand how people would not want to learn the basics of survival before anything else.
This. Some people are buying bitcoin now, and they don't understand that the opposition is the technocrats and it makes no sense to challenge them to their own game.

Where do you learn things like these to prepare? I'm sure people don't even know where to start. I came across a survivalist youtube channel once, but maybe going to a store and looking at camping and hunting/fishing equipment would be a more grounded start.

LUH 3417

Oct 22, 2016
This. Some people are buying bitcoin now, and they don't understand that the opposition is the technocrats and it makes no sense to challenge them to their own game.

Where do you learn things like these to prepare? I'm sure people don't even know where to start. I came across a survivalist youtube channel once, but maybe going to a store and looking at camping and hunting/fishing equipment would be a more grounded start.

The link should work. If not, try freedomcells.org

There’s a training in survival skills chat and video group


Sep 9, 2021
Where do you learn things like these to prepare? I'm sure people don't even know where to start. I came across a survivalist youtube channel once, but maybe going to a store and looking at camping and hunting/fishing equipment would be a more grounded start.
It is best to go to a local survival or bushcraft school as you really need to see and practice the skills with someone. There are many many around nowadays. It's better not to look at equipment to start with as it can be a minefield. 'Basic' supplies are good, like ex-army supplies - try not to get sucked into the more expensive options that look flashy. Ask at the school and they will give you the best advice on what equipment to get.


May 19, 2017
The pandemic aka the(plandemic) The events that have taken place over the past 19 months have all been in the pipeline for numerous years maybe even centuries. Strategic planning over multiple event scenarios and outcomes that our philanthropist overlords roll out on the human population without your vote or say so. To fit their specific agenda and reduce the carbon emitters or useless eaters in the words of klaus schwab and his friend bill gates.

So this list of their plans will help educate you on the agendas bestowed upon all of us. Brought to your family’s door by the world economic forum, Rockefeller’s, John Hopkins institution, Bill and Melinda gates foundation, WHO, CDC, FDA all with the help of your corrupt local government agencies and politicians!

Agenda 21 https://sustainabledevelopment.un.org/content/documents/Agenda21.pdf

Agenda 30 https://sustainabledevelopment.un.org/content/documents/21252030 Agenda for Sustainable Development web.pdf

Agenda 50 https://wedocs.unep.org/bitstream/handle/20.500.11822/27672/GEO6_CH20.pdf?sequence=1&isAllowed=y

cyberpolygon 2021 https://cyberpolygon.com/upload/technical_training_Cyber_Polygon_2021_EN_v_1.pdf

Covid 19 - The great reset klaus Schwab. https://carterheavyindustries.files.wordpress.com/2020/12/covid-19_-the-great-reset-klaus-schwab.pdf

Event 201 Event 201, a pandemic exercise to illustrate preparedness efforts

Operation Dark Winter https://www.centerforhealthsecurity.org/our-work/events-archive/2001_dark-winter/Dark Winter Script.pdf

Operation crimson contagion. https://www.chicago.gov/content/dam...oard_of_Health/BOH_Presentation_Sep182019.pdf

Operation lockstep Rockefeller’s. https://stopbsnow.com/wp-content/up...ated-Rockefeller-Foundation-Lockstep-2010.pdf

operation Cygnus uk gov https://assets.publishing.service.g...t_data/file/927770/exercise-cygnus-report.pdf

Uk influenza preparedness plan https://assets.publishing.service.g...ads/attachment_data/file/213717/dh_131040.pdf

National pandemic influenza plan https://www.cdc.gov/flu/pandemic-resources/pdf/pandemic-influenza-implementation.pdf

Spars pandemic (2025-2028) The next event. https://stars.library.ucf.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1029&context=jicrcr

Pandemic influenza vaccine storage (March 2020) https://health.mo.gov/emergencies/panflu/pdf/panfluplanvaccine.pdf

Coronavirus act 2020(slavery act) https://www.legislation.gov.uk/ukpga/2020/7/pdfs/ukpga_20200007_en.pdf

All this brought to you by the pharmaceutical global drugs cartel, they care so much about your health they plan how to cull you years in advance. Stay ahead of the game be informed people know the plans so you can counter the agenda and narrative. Stay strong stay healthy stay ahead of the globalist plan!
Also, this


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