Some thoughts on living in South America


Oct 5, 2014
Thanks for sharing this Herbie! Good to know Ray's thoughts. Did Ray make the comment on La Paz Bolivia also as an option or is this a place you have been?
It is not a comfortable place to live if you want to find western standards. You have to like it for something else besides the financial/altitude aspect.


Aug 13, 2020
Since other points were discussed, don't forget that the local population will probably see you as a tourist and a source of money. And kidnappings are real, especially when considering that the economy is going down worldwide.

In general, people in Colombia are friendly and care about their image, they will ask tourists if they are having a good experience, but actually moving there is another matter, the same for any other country.

Among all the countries in South America, my vote goes to Colombia, but you could explore Uruguay.
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Apr 15, 2015
No, I just mentioned it because it’s a very elevated city and popular tourist destination.
He said Colombia is probably the best because there is high altitude plus it’s right on the equator. It’s cheaper than Bolivia as well.
If you like elevated places how about La Rinconada (Peru) ?
It the highest city in the world, 5,100 m above sea level.
You can mine gold (real gold, not bit-gold) there for living :D


Jul 5, 2019
I think you don't understand south america and hence you try to offend it. It is a way of living, it doesn't suit you that's clear.
eastern europe isn't some paradise either. For all its flaws, nowhere in the world beats the US.
Yes, I never said it's a paradise but it's the closest thing I can compare with south America in other places ,but it's much better. The only thing that lacks in favour of South America is the high altitude which is a shame.


Jul 5, 2019
eastern europe isn't some paradise either. For all its flaws, nowhere in the world beats the US.
Yes, I never said it's a paradise but it's the closest thing I can compare with south America in other places ,but it's much better. The only thing that lacks in favour of South America is the high altitude which is a shame. I will not comment on US.


Jul 5, 2019
I think you don't understand south america and hence you try to offend it. It is a way of living, it doesn't suit you that's clear. Do us a favor and don't go there.
It's not a way of living, you can't live,you barely survive, the only way of living there is by working remote. All the countries have ***t quality foods almost like in the US ( being US b**** for a long time). Crime it's such a big factor also.
It's only good to visit it for a few days if you are lucky not being stabbed just because you walk confident enough like a "man" ,but you are "just" a tourist.
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Jun 7, 2016
If you like elevated places how about La Rinconada (Peru) ?
It the highest city in the world, 5,100 m above sea level.
You can mine gold (real gold, not bit-gold) there for living :D
Haha thanks, I’ll look into this. I actually watch YouTube channels of guys who pan for gold as a hobby back in Australia, there are still plenty of big nuggets out there. Reminds me of the old classic film, the treasure of the Sierra Madre.

When I was a taxi driver there I used to talk to all sorts of people and I drove one guy out to a port and he told me there is an area where there is so much gold that they are not allowed to touch it because it would destroy the global price.

Also the port there is shallow that they can’t get big ships in there so they don’t mine that much anyway.


Apr 9, 2018
Thanks for sharing this Herbie! Good to know Ray's thoughts. Did Ray make the comment on La Paz Bolivia also as an option or is this a place you have been?

I was in La Paz 3 years ago (while traveling) and I hated it. The whole city is drowning in traffic straight from hell (even at 3 am!). It's dirty, polluted air. Can't recommend it at all.
In Peru, they stole my backpack, including my passport, while driving in a night bus. Later, someone stole my jacket as well while I was in a bar (and didn't watch it for 1 minute). So the jokes floating around in South America about Peruvian thieves are really true. At least in my case...

On the other hand, my brother loved Colombia and Argentina. But Argentina is defaulting every few years and the inflation, so that's not really a stress-free way of living.


Jul 5, 2019
I was in La Paz 3 years ago (while traveling) and I hated it. The whole city is drowning in traffic straight from hell (even at 3 am!). It's dirty, polluted air. Can't recommend it at all.
In Peru, they stole my backpack, including my passport, while driving in a night bus. Later, someone stole my jacket as well while I was in a bar (and didn't watch it for 1 minute). So the jokes floating around in South America about Peruvian thieves are really true. At least in my case...

On the other hand, my brother loved Colombia and Argentina. But Argentina is defaulting every few years and the inflation, so that's not really a stress-free way of living.
As I said.


Apr 9, 2018
As I said.

Of course, this is all anecdotal, but still... Never happened to me in other countries.

So, which place would you recommend? Since you live in Romania: I heard it's nice, but I've never been there.
Any other recommendations? Concerning are the languages which I probably could never learn and the rather weak(ish) economies.


Jun 7, 2016
I was in La Paz 3 years ago (while traveling) and I hated it. The whole city is drowning in traffic straight from hell (even at 3 am!). It's dirty, polluted air. Can't recommend it at all.
In Peru, they stole my backpack, including my passport, while driving in a night bus. Later, someone stole my jacket as well while I was in a bar (and didn't watch it for 1 minute). So the jokes floating around in South America about Peruvian thieves are really true. At least in my case...

On the other hand, my brother loved Colombia and Argentina. But Argentina is defaulting every few years and the inflation, so that's not really a stress-free way of living.
Yeah I don’t like the bare scenery, I’ve been to Iquitos Peru and it was the same with the pollution, horrible.

The reason it’s not like this in the west is because of catalytic converters in exchausts plus the engine efficiency in new vehicles is greatly increased.


Living in Medellin, Colombia since the beginning of the year. The exchange rate allows for a decent lifestyle for under $1000 a month if you choose. I spend about $2000 a moth and live like a king. Although it is the least english speaking country in South America so you have to know some spanish to get by. Learning spanish when you get here is essential. You can buy and own property which grants you a visa. You can open up a business and get a business visa which I dont recommend. I currently have a student visa for a year and took some spanish classes.

The grocery store food ingredients are just as bad as the USA if not worse. They even put fluoride in the salt for some reason so I get some things imported like salt and collagen powder using an American shipping service based out of Miami. Amazon has reliable shipping to Colombia for certain products. Every morning I get 2 liters of fresh squeezed orange juice and cut fruits from a very nice lady who does it for me. She feels well compensated at the equivalent of $400 a month. My fruits come fresh from a street cart every morning. I get honey delivered straight from the bees on the farm on the outskirts of the city. I get raw goat milk delivered from the farm weekly. I buy parmigiano reggiano in bulk delivered once a month. All beef in Colombia is grass fed since it's actually illegal to feed a cow corn. Pasteurized milk cost about 70 cents a liter. If you want to eat out at a restaurant you can get a steak dinner with soup for about $4.

Specifically in the city of Medellin as long as you can speak spanish, the locals will embrace you. They are the most friendly people you can meet as long as you communicate. If you aren't social it will look bad on you. But if you just smile and say hello to people you will get smiles back. I am in love with this city and hope i never have to leave. There were horrible lockdowns last year but some very violent protests put an end to that and now although some people still wear masks its almost like covid doesnt exist anymore.

Finding work here isn't an option. You need a remote source of income. I do very well selling print on demand products online. If you can make $2000 a month you can live like a king, if you can make $1000 you can easily get by. A studio apartment will cost about $300 a month. A lavish penthouse will cost about $1500.

and oh yeah, the sea level is about 4000 and the weather is an average of 76 degrees daily, it's called the city of eternal spring, it never gets cold, and rarely gets hot.

Crime is a factor. The biggest of all crimes being the snatching of phones and laptops at gunpoint. The lockdowns made this much worse than before. I use a cheap prepaid flip phone when im out and about and haven't had issues. As long as you arent looking for cocaine and prostitutes, you will be ok. All the stories of Americans getting killed involve prostitutes or drugs. There are many safe neighborhoods and a huge expat community. It is the number one city for digital nomads. Internet is reliable. I work online with a 60mb download speed. I personally see it as a paradise. It has nice city vibes with the country side only a short ride away. You can rent a farmhouse for about $500 a month if thats your thing. Living in nature with plenty of property and room for pets to run around. Dogs are allowed everywhere. Uber gets you anywhee in the city for $3 or less. Night Life is top notch. And if you are a single male, the ratio of beautiful women will astound you daily. They are feminine and still like masculine men. They are extremely responsive when being approached. It's a different world and i want to die here. Visiting family in the US is the most depressing part of my life.
:thumbsup: Sounds good...Belize is a different world also, though not comparable to Columbia, and I too, will never leave here...


Sep 20, 2020
:thumbsup: Sounds good...Belize is a different world also, though not comparable to Columbia, and I too, will never leave here...

Can you tell us a bit about the good and bad about life and the people in Belize, @bzmazu ? I'm interested to determine if it would be good for an old-timer like me.


Can you tell us a bit about the good and bad about life and the people in Belize, @bzmazu ? I'm interested to determine if it would be good for an old-timer like me.
It would take a book...first find all you can on web...there is a lot of info and then ask again? PM me? I have often suggested to anyone interested in relocating to a foreign country to visit and spend several will then surely know and will most likely make no mistakes.


Sep 20, 2020
It would take a book...first find all you can on web...there is a lot of info and then ask again? PM me? I have often suggested to anyone interested in relocating to a foreign country to visit and spend several will then surely know and will most likely make no mistakes.

That's sound advice. I'll definitely get back to you at a later time. Thanks!


Sep 24, 2021
Buenos Aires


Aug 10, 2012
I have a few emails on the subject from Argentina yesterday:

"I read several of the comments. My favorite was qminati on Medellin. Now I'm wishing I'd gone there!
And the guy that was bagging on Argentina was no doubt stuck in Bs. As. I hope he stays there and doesn't wander down my way.

The funny thing about so many comments/opinions on living abroad is that the concerns are so exaggerated. At least re. Argentina. Owning land is no problem. People/crime/money is no problem. Generally supper friendly populace. Politics is no problem (they all distrust the govt). Nobody I know here (and unlike the US, that's lots) takes the Covid thing seriously. And on top of all this, I got all the good soil, firewood and potable river water anybody could ask for. Ok, I got some family issues but those ***holes are from the US!


Aug 10, 2012
"And here's a picture I took last week of our main blvd in town" email from Mark.

photo: sorry I can't get it to download here.

Edited for clarity! ;)
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Aug 10, 2012
From Mark in Patagonia, "Forgot to say, we have what I consider nearly perfect weather. Winter wonderland in the mountains surrounding us but very little at our elevation, and mildly warm summer perfect for spending the day at our favorite swimming hole just a 3 min walk from our cabin, or our favorite lake (Epuyen) about 30 min drive. OK, a couple pictures to prove my point... what could be worse?? to make you sorry you asked!!
The last one is my garden at the lodge.

Please don't send to Ray Peat forum... we already have 2 or 3 other N. Americans down here crowding our lifestyle."

He later said it was okay to put his emails and photos here. If i can, will post photos later.

Edited to clarify that I do not live in Argentina, but Mark does and these emails were from him. I put them in quotes to clarify. Thanks all.
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