Endotoxin May Be The Real Cause Of "AIDS"

Nov 21, 2015
the whole African AIDS narrative is bogus. They had predicted massive numbers of AIDS, but Africa's population has increased more than any other in the world.

It's completely and totally bogus pseudoscience. There is an "AIDS virus"? Really? Maybe so, but I doubt it. Everyone thinks they "isolate" viruses, but they don't. They really can't. It is all guesswork really, and in this case, we are long, long past the point where anyone can admit they were wrong.

If you look back at studies you will see fads and trends that go on for decades sometimes, perpetuating the same lies. For instance, on the evils of fructose. Or the evils of saturated fat. Etc. etc.


Mar 29, 2014
@Peata, yes indeed, violence and rape against women are probably significant contributors to the spread.


Jul 14, 2016
Good post Hamster, it is nice to see someone thinking along the same lines as me.

AIDS is a hoax. AZT is used for HIV positive people to makes sure that they actually die like Patrick Swayzee; this keeps the myth alive.
The same diseases that were killing Africans for ages are now called AIDS and are assumed to be caused by HIV.
The 'transmission issue' is just another ad hoc theory that tries to explain why we don't actually have an epidemic. The CDC will desperately use Afrikans as a means to keep the AIDS myth alive. They already had extended the latent period from 10 months to 10 years in another ad hoc attempt to conform the fraudulent HIV theory to reality.

The HIV is a figment of Gallo's ego and bad science. It is too bad that the myth is so useful for the CDC, BigPharma, and Virologists. The reputation of the the entire medical establishment is at stake now, so the truth will never become mainstream.

The AIDS dissidents are tens times more intelligent than the AIDS proponents. Just listen to the arguments and read some AIDS history.


Oct 11, 2015
the whole African AIDS narrative is bogus. They had predicted massive numbers of AIDS, but Africa's population has increased more than any other in the world.

It's completely and totally bogus pseudoscience. There is an "AIDS virus"? Really? Maybe so, but I doubt it. Everyone thinks they "isolate" viruses, but they don't. They really can't. It is all guesswork really, and in this case, we are long, long past the point where anyone can admit they were wrong.

If you look back at studies you will see fads and trends that go on for decades sometimes, perpetuating the same lies. For instance, on the evils of fructose. Or the evils of saturated fat. Etc. etc.

Going on still

Remember the swine flu scare ( pigs flying )
or now the zika virus, and what's the proof for this so-called virus? Birth defects which are likely caused from heavy metal/chemical contamination.

Ebola I'm not sure.

Don''t worry though, the CDC is working around the clock to develop shots for these problems. Step right up.


Jul 12, 2016
HIV has never been proven to cause AIDs, not definitively, not linearly, it's been proven to ``cause apoptosis`` in some cell cultures but no other form of viable evidence. Also, who's to say who even names these viruses as in this case ''human''. So it's not the 'equine' immunodeficiency, or 'porcine' immunodeficiency virus, but no, it's the 'human' immunodeficiency virus, of which is so pathetically vague and the name just SINGS PATENT PATENT MONEY MONEY MONEY!!!
Jan 24, 2014
Interesting.....anecdotally speaking, I have a friend that I've known since I was 15 years old. He's a gorgeous gay man (aren't they all?) and his lover was "diagnosed" as HIV positive in the late 80's. This was a man that had been previously married to a woman and had very young children. He got freaked out by the diagnosis and took a bunch of pharmaceutical drugs (some that were experimental maybe?) that were supposed to help prolong his life so he could be sure to see his kids grow up.

Meanwhile, my friend got tested and came back positive as well, but he chose to go the "alternative route". He got really in to health foods, vitamins and clean living. Here we are all these decades later, my friend's lover died many years ago...a grueling death.

And yet my friend is still alive, I saw him last June. He is very very healthy, looks awesome.....he was positively glowing and hasn't even aged much since we were teens!

I should have asked what his secret is, but we were at a concert and it was LOUD....Next time.


Jul 14, 2016


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe

The HIV virus in Africa is considered a very different type than the HIV in the Western world. This is one of the reasons Duesberg doubts the whole AIDS hypothesis. In Africa, it is thought that what passes for AIDS is in fact intestinal parasitic infection or leishmaniasis. WHO is now even calling it African AIDS to emphasize that it is a distinct disease from Western AIDS.
Science -- Cohen 288 (5474): 2153
After a campaign to treat intestinal parasites (I think it was in South Africa) rate of newly diagnosed people with HIV dropped down to zero for about a year. Look it up. Luc Motagnier also talks about this. The study on heterosexual transmission was done in California.
Heterosexual transmission of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) in northern California: results from a ten-year study. - PubMed - NCBI
Why HIV Spreads Less Easily In Heterosexual Couples

None of these findings have ever been addressed by public health figures. I hope this is not taken as a denialist view. All I am saying is the currently sold story on AIDS does not add up. The existence of HIV is fairly well-established but its virulence, prevalence, lethality, and requirements for transmission and actually establishing a chronic infection are anything but known. The fact that older men using Viagra are at much higher risk for HIV infection is also an inconvenient topic. The evidence (limited as it is) available right now points to HIV being a harmless virus by default, with low rates of infection, and low transmissibility in healthy individuals. What makes it potentially deadly seem to be external factors that nobody wants to talk about.
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Jul 12, 2016
The fact that older men using Viagra are at much higher risk for HIV infection is also an inconvenient topic.
Amyl Nitrates or "Poppers" cause AIDS as Dr.Robert Wilner suggested in his book/documentary.
Makes sense because nitric oxide in excess can cause either too much or too little immune activity, whereas low levels of nitric oxide lead to hypertension, heart disease etc. Amyl Nitrate effectively making an acute 'excess' which is abnormally high in comparison to natural levels, and Viagra must be acting in concert with other risk factors currently present in the men whom are shown at higher risk.
Nitric oxide and the immune response. - PubMed - NCBI
Nitric oxide and redox mechanisms in the immune response
HIV & AIDS - AIDS and Poppers

The evidence (limited as it is) available right now points to HIV being a harmless virus by default, with low rates of infection, and low transmissibility in healthy individuals. What makes it potentially deadly seem to be external factors that nobody wants to talk about.
Yeah that poor poor virus gets all the blame for no reason, makes ya wonder what the real motivation is for calling it that. Maybe, it's the cure for cancer. :eek:
The beauty in all this is that the largest risk factors are still : malnutrition, chronic methamphetamine use (weight loss, muscle loss etc, no sleep) lack of sleep, poppers abuse, PCP abuse, cocaine abuse, multiple infections or STD's, genetic factors, use of certain medical drugs for long periods of time; particularly antibiotics and then AZT and all related drugs.
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Jul 14, 2016
From Ray Peat himself: "It has been over ten years since I wrote about "AIDS" (e.g., "Repairing the Immune System," in Cofactors in AIDS and HIV infection, edited by R.R. Watson, l989) and the official doctrine that it is caused by the "HIV" virus still hasn't been supported by anything that resembles real science. Duesberg's arguments have never been answered (except by bureaucratic thuggery). "

I am not sure if a Ray Peat quote carries much weight on the Ray Peat forum, but here is the full article: Immunodeficiency, dioxins, stress, and the hormones


Nov 9, 2012
The HIV virus in Africa is considered a very different type than the HIV in the Western world. This is one of the reasons Duesberg doubts the whole AIDS hypothesis. In Africa, it is thought that what passes for AIDS is in fact intestinal parasitic infection or leishmaniasis. WHO is now even calling it African AIDS to emphasize that it is a distinct disease from Western AIDS.
Science -- Cohen 288 (5474): 2153
After a campaign to treat intestinal parasites (I think it was in South Africa) rate of newly diagnosed people with HIV dropped down to zero for about a year. Look it up. Luc Motagnier also talks about this. The study on heterosexual transmission was done in California.
Heterosexual transmission of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) in northern California: results from a ten-year study. - PubMed - NCBI
Why HIV Spreads Less Easily In Heterosexual Couples

None of these findings have ever been addressed by public health figures. I hope this is not taken as a denialist view. All I am saying is the currently sold story on AIDS does not add up. The existence of HIV is fairly well-established but its virulence, prevalence, lethality, and requirements for transmission and actually establishing a chronic infection are anything but known. The fact that older men using Viagra are at much higher risk for HIV infection is also an inconvenient topic. The evidence (limited as it is) available right now points to HIV being a harmless virus by default, with low rates of infection, and low transmissibility in healthy individuals. What makes it potentially deadly seem to be external factors that nobody wants to talk about.

I never heard of this idea before, but where does it come from? I just read all 3 studies you cited and they all seemed consistent with what I knew about HIV from mainstream knowledge, I didn't spot anything that surprised me. As for low infection rates, actually I thought the rates were in the expected range for HIV (ie, fairly high).


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
I never heard of this idea before, but where does it come from? I just read all 3 studies you cited and they all seemed consistent with what I knew about HIV from mainstream knowledge, I didn't spot anything that surprised me. As for low infection rates, actually I thought the rates were in the expected range for HIV (ie, fairly high).

Which idea is the first time you hear about? The California study is cited as being in major disagreement on HIV transmission. It would help if you speak more specifically. For instance, "you said X but the study you provided talks about Y".


Jul 14, 2016
I never heard of this idea before, but where does it come from? I just read all 3 studies you cited and they all seemed consistent with what I knew about HIV from mainstream knowledge, I didn't spot anything that surprised me. As for low infection rates, actually I thought the rates were in the expected range for HIV (ie, fairly high).

HIV tests do not specifically test for HIV.
HIV & AIDS - Do HIV Antibody Tests Prove HIV Infection?


Jun 20, 2015
@Travis, thanks for the links to the interviews.

So AIDS is not caused by HIV. The antibodies used to diagnose HIV are not specific markers of HIV (= positive results in the absense of HIV). The Perth group (Travis' links) goes even a step further: There is not even a prove that HIV exists.

Everyone thinks they "isolate" viruses, but they don't.

Side note: The most commonly tests are: (1) ELISA, kind of a screening test. (2) Western blot test, used to confirm or rebuke a positive result from ELISA. Western blot's specificity is believed to be an unbelievable 99.999%!

From those interviews:

Q: So it’s definite that non-HIV antibodies react in an HIV test?
A: Yes. There's plenty of examples. For instance, 30% of people transfused with HIV negative blood develop antibodies to p24.(37) That's regarded as one of the most specific HIV proteins and it’s present in the Western blot. And it was one way any one of those 5000 gay men could have scored a positive test in the MACS. So some gay men are infected with HIV on the basis of a test that turns up positive in one third of people transfused with blood that does not even contain HIV.

About variation in Western blot:

Another mystery. What is considered positive depends on where and by whom the test is done. Around the world different combinations of two or three or four of the ten possible bands are deemed proof of infection.(31-36) In Africa you need two bands but in France, the United Kingdom and Australia that wouldn't count. In Australia you need four and under the US FDA and Red Cross rules you need three. [...] If you're positive in New York City just get on a plane and come to Perth. You'll no longer be positive.

There's no doubt about the association between being in a risk group, having a positive test and developing certain diseases defined as AIDS. But that doesn't apply across the board. It's only statistical. So for an individual these two variables cannot be the whole story. Not all such people get sick and the risk varies up to fifty times between the risk groups. So, if you put aside the retrovirus link and all that goes along with that, you might look around for other factors. Now, like the ultimate causes of most diseases, some of these factors may be completely unknown and totally out of your control. But there might be some that are not unknown and are under your control.

@Platinum, if Haidut is right about lowering phosphate in the body, then calcium is your friend.

"[niacinamide, baking soda, calcium] Anything that helps your body make carbon dioxide helps to excrete phosphate." -- RP
KMUD: Phosphate And Calcium Metablolism (2012)


Dec 12, 2019
People in the first half of the 20th century (and before) did a lot more unprotected sex and had much lower rates of STD infections.
It would make sense. The First Condom was going Public in 1870. Before that, Most People had Unprotected Sex and never had any Infections (it seems). It would be Interesting to see more Data. Also Porn Stars are Fu**ing like Crazy without Condoms and we don't hear that much from them about getting STD's.

Dr. B

Mar 16, 2021
Amyl Nitrates or "Poppers" cause AIDS as Dr.Robert Wilner suggested in his book/documentary.
Makes sense because nitric oxide in excess can cause either too much or too little immune activity, whereas low levels of nitric oxide lead to hypertension, heart disease etc. Amyl Nitrate effectively making an acute 'excess' which is abnormally high in comparison to natural levels, and Viagra must be acting in concert with other risk factors currently present in the men whom are shown at higher risk.
Nitric oxide and the immune response. - PubMed - NCBI
Nitric oxide and redox mechanisms in the immune response
HIV & AIDS - AIDS and Poppers

Yeah that poor poor virus gets all the blame for no reason, makes ya wonder what the real motivation is for calling it that. Maybe, it's the cure for cancer. :eek:
The beauty in all this is that the largest risk factors are still : malnutrition, chronic methamphetamine use (weight loss, muscle loss etc, no sleep) lack of sleep, poppers abuse, PCP abuse, cocaine abuse, multiple infections or STD's, genetic factors, use of certain medical drugs for long periods of time; particularly antibiotics and then AZT and all related drugs.
whats the issues with antibiotics, what do they cause or do to the system? how do you recover from them. can you recover over time or do you need to supplement yogurt and probiotics?

@Travis, thanks for the links to the interviews.

So AIDS is not caused by HIV. The antibodies used to diagnose HIV are not specific markers of HIV (= positive results in the absense of HIV). The Perth group (Travis' links) goes even a step further: There is not even a prove that HIV exists.


Side note: The most commonly tests are: (1) ELISA, kind of a screening test. (2) Western blot test, used to confirm or rebuke a positive result from ELISA. Western blot's specificity is believed to be an unbelievable 99.999%!

From those interviews:


@Platinum, if Haidut is right about lowering phosphate in the body, then calcium is your friend.

"[niacinamide, baking soda, calcium] Anything that helps your body make carbon dioxide helps to excrete phosphate." -- RP
KMUD: Phosphate And Calcium Metablolism (2012)

@haidut isnt phosphate needed in the body, ideally 1:2 phosphate to calcium, so wouldnt using niacinamide possibly dangerously lower phosphate levels unless yo have a very high meat high phosphate diet. isnt bone made of calcium and phosphate together
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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