
Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
Yet another trick that old dog aspirin knows. While it may not actually be potent enough to cure the infection by itself (as the study shows) it potently reduces the infectious burden, which may allow patients to resume normal living habits and survive as if they did not have an infection at all. And if aspirin is combined with niacinamide, the effects may be curative.
Niacinamide May Be Able To Treat Both HIV And Tuberculosis
Tuberculosis Depletes NAD+ (and Niacinamide May Be Able To Treat It)

The more interesting finding of the study is that inhibition of platelet aggregation was the main beneficial effect of aspirin. As the study found, increased platelet aggregation results not only in increase vulnerability to clots but also suppresses innate immunity. Given the primary role both estrogen and serotonin play in inducing platelet aggregation, it suggests an important role for these stress mediators in suppressing innate immunity and as such in infectious disease as well. None of this should be surprising, considering that serotonin is the primary driver of cortisol synthesis (through 5-HT2C activation) and estrogen is not far behind. Also, both of them are known to rapidly atrophy the thymus gland, activate retroviruses and other dormant viral infections like herpes, ECV, JCV, shingles, etc. As such, aromatase inhibitors and estrogen/serotonin antagonists could also have an important role as therapy not only for tuberculosis but for most infectious conditions. This has already been corroborated at the very least for drugs like cyproheptadine in light of the studies I posted on it being able to block HIV, Ebola and rabies viruses replication. And last but not least, while the study does not mention it, I think some of the demonstrated benefit of aspirin also comes from its anti-estrogenic and anti-serotonergic effects, considering the above mentioned role of both in suppressing the immune system.
Reducing Estrogen Synthesis Regenerates Thymus Destroyed By Aging
Acetaminophen raises serotonin/adrenaline, aspirin lowers it
Aspirin Has Nootropic Properties Via Serotonin Inhibition
Anyways, yet another piece of the puzzle implicating stress and reduced metabolism even in infectious disease. The HED for aspirin used was in range 1.5mg/kg, so even less than full tablet of aspirin should be able to replicate the study design.

Thrombocyte inhibition restores protective immunity to mycobacterial infection in zebrafish
"...Here we utilise the zebrafish-Mycobacterium marinum model to show mycobacteria drive host haemostasis through the formation of granulomas. Treatment of infected zebrafish with aspirin markedly reduced mycobacterial burden. This effect is reproduced by treatment with platelet-specific glycoprotein IIb/IIIa inhibitors demonstrating a detrimental role for infection-induced thrombocyte activation. We find that the reduction in mycobacterial burden is dependent on macrophages and granuloma formation providing the first in vivo experimental evidence that infection-induced platelet activation compromises protective host immunity to mycobacterial infection. Our study illuminates platelet activation as an efficacious target of aspirin, a widely available and affordable host-directed therapy candidate for tuberculosis."

Aspirin to fight an expensive global killer infection
"...Following their hunch that these platelets were being tricked by the infection into getting in the way of the body's immune system, the researchers treated infections with anti-platelet drugs, including widely available aspirin, and were able to prevent hijacking and allow the body to control infection better. Dr Elinor Hortle, lead author of the paper published in The Journal of Infectious Diseases, and Research Officer in Centenary's Immune-Vascular Interactions laboratory says "This is the first time that platelets have been found to worsen tuberculosis in an animal model. It opens up the possibility that anti-platelet drugs could be used to help the immune system fight off drug resistant TB." There are over 1.2 million Australians living with latent tuberculosis, a non-infectious form of TB that puts them at risk of developing the active disease. "Our study provides more crucial evidence that widely available aspirin could be used to treat patients with severe tuberculosis infection and save lives," says Dr Hortle."


Jan 23, 2019
I had a case of shingles approx 3yrs ago. I'm 68. I will never forget the symptoms. A back pain that felt like someone had whacked me in the back the night before and I woke up very sore. The strangest headache I ever had. A feeling of .."what's going on?....never felt like this before..." My back pain subsided and two days later the welts and the pain returned from my spine to my breast bone....if you've never had shingles...I hope you never do...the pain is just indescribable...

I digress...

There's certain feelings we all remember...no one size fits all...but I remembered the feelings of shingles and four months ago they returned. As soon as I felt them I did the following:

1 qt grass fed cows milk
1qt organic OJ
4000 mg sulfur
1500 mg lysine
12,000 mg buffered Vit C
12,000 mg vit D
10mg K
800 Vit E
500 mg Niacinamide
100 mg zinc
1300 mg aspirin (I took 650 before bed and 650 upon wakening)

I did the above for three days.

I've felt fine since then. Was I getting shingles? Dunno
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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