Endotoxin May Be The Real Cause Of "AIDS"


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
It may be too early to say, but the great AIDS epidemic may turn to be a septic shock from endotoxin. Another point for Peat's ideas on the connection between endotoxin and activation of retroviruses like HIV. Also, a point for people like Peter Duesberg at UC Berkley for pointing out that the current picture on HIV/AIDS presented in the media is likely imcomplete at best and fraudulent at worst. Finally, the drug used to save the HIV-infected monkeys from developing AIDS was Sevelamer. If you Google it you will see that it simply reduced phosphate in the body. Yet another point for Peat and phosphate. And of course another point for niacinamide, which lowers phosphate more effectively than even Sevelamer. Search the forum for "niacinamide phosphate" to learn more.

http://www.wired.co.uk/news/archive/201 ... -treatment

"...The whole trial is based on a premise put forward some years ago, that increased microbial translocation -- bacteria that essentially leaves the gut and travels elsewhere in the body to potentially cause further harm to tissue -- drives HIV forward to AIDS, contributing to a whole host of problems in the body. The translocation happens in the first place because HIV damages the intestines. Pandrea's trial, carried out in pigtailed macaques infected with the SIVagm (the non-human primate version of HIV, simian immunodeficiency virus)."

"...African green monkeys typically do not suffer the symptoms of the SIV virus -- their immune systems do not activate to the point of inflammation and they do not experience multiple cardiovascular issues that lead to AIDS. In these specimens, the introduction of the endotoxin still prompted immune activation and coagulation problems."

"..."Microbial translocation has been proposed to trigger immune activation, inflammation, and coagulopathy, all of which are key factors that drive HIV disease progression and non-HIV comorbidities; however, direct proof of a causal link is still lacking," write the authors, before concluding that they have now found that proof. "Together, our data suggest that early control of microbial translocation may improve the outcome of HIV infection and limit noninfectious comorbidities associated with AIDS."

So, niacinamide for the win?!? And of course - Peat right again!


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
I need a bot that follows haidut around that posts this:

[glow=red]Ray Peat Right Again!!![/glow]


Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
HIV damages the intestines yet we give people medicines with additives that lead to persorption. :shock: It would be interesting to see how much improvement would take place if starch and additives like silica were avoided and a metabolic enhancing diet with adequate calcium and supplemental niacinamide were initiated. 'Medicine' is truly still in the dark ages.


Jan 1, 2013
I didn't read yet what Ray says about AIDS, but i find Duesberg's theories preposterous.


Jan 25, 2014
This is probably too difficult issue to have such a simple answer. I don't know what you mean with AIDS epidemic? Do you mean symptoms and comorbidities ascociated with HIV?

Endotoxin and HIV do indeed have many things in common for example both ultimately reduce the VDR protein to low levels affecting MAJOR important pathways in the human body. Obvious more important pathways are involved that we (at least I) don't know of yet. I just don't think that HIV turns out to be endotoxin exposure (symptoms may partly be).

Most likely the metabolism plays (probably a HUGE) role in the progression of HIV to AIDS, which is in important factor in symptoms that will be observed later. AIDS will reduce the immune system leading to a completely out of control microflora. With an already low metabolism (factor involved in increased permeability) and a more and more disbiosed microflora, will all lead to increased inflammation, translocation and endotoxin exposure that will futher hinder efficient metabolism. These consequences are disease, like pboy said in some post few days ago. And will account for the symptoms seen in HIV, complete systemic disfunction, lower metabolism, hormonals imbalance - estrogen related issues, calcium metabolism disregulation, organ (kidney, liver ...) detoriation, ... and what not.

The post of J. saying that HIV patients have high PUFA in the blood. And probably lifestyle factors involved (drugs, alcohol, malnutrition (not only in 3rd age), ...) and worries people are going to have when they are told they are HIV infected (certainly a not to ignore factor). These are without doubt issues leading to metabolism disfunction too and the AIDS phenotype.

I Will make a topic about viral load and metabolism soon. My personal experience so far is, that increasing the metabolism (by thyroid) is seemingly capable of reducing the viral load SIGNIFICANTLY. So thyroid is probably indeed the only durable method for controlling HIV available now and ofcourse supported by things that help the metabolism recover (niacinamide, pregnenolone, sugar, ...)

All in all Peat is certainly right, just my :2cents because endotoxin to me, seems a result rather than cause of HIV. Though it's a vicious circle , like everything :).


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
Here is the reference from Peat that I had in mind when I was doing the post:

http://raypeat.com/articles/articles/im ... ency.shtml

"...It has been over ten years since I wrote about "AIDS" (e.g., "Repairing the Immune System," in Cofactors in AIDS and HIV infection, edited by R.R. Watson, l989) and the official doctrine that it is caused by the "HIV" virus still hasn't been supported by anything that resembles real science. Duesberg's arguments have never been answered (except by bureaucratic thuggery)."

I think he also said in an interview that while he does not know as much about HIV as Duesberg, he (Peat) thinks that some of Duesberg's arguments are hard to ignore and point to either the HIV/AIDS official theory being wrong or our understanding of how "harmless" retroviruses are being wrong.


Nov 9, 2012
Suikerbuik said:
Most likely the metabolism plays (probably a HUGE) role in the progression of HIV to AIDS, which is in important factor in symptoms that will be observed later. AIDS will reduce the immune system leading to a completely out of control microflora. With an already low metabolism (factor involved in increased permeability) and a more and more disbiosed microflora, will all lead to increased inflammation, translocation and endotoxin exposure that will futher hinder efficient metabolism. These consequences are disease, like pboy said in some post few days ago. And will account for the symptoms seen in HIV, complete systemic disfunction, lower metabolism, hormonals imbalance - estrogen related issues, calcium metabolism disregulation, organ (kidney, liver ...) detoriation, ... and what not.

Populations that got whipped out by AID decades ago were in much better shape. Was there anyone obese or with metabolic problems in the 80s?


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
jyb said:
Suikerbuik said:
Most likely the metabolism plays (probably a HUGE) role in the progression of HIV to AIDS, which is in important factor in symptoms that will be observed later. AIDS will reduce the immune system leading to a completely out of control microflora. With an already low metabolism (factor involved in increased permeability) and a more and more disbiosed microflora, will all lead to increased inflammation, translocation and endotoxin exposure that will futher hinder efficient metabolism. These consequences are disease, like pboy said in some post few days ago. And will account for the symptoms seen in HIV, complete systemic disfunction, lower metabolism, hormonals imbalance - estrogen related issues, calcium metabolism disregulation, organ (kidney, liver ...) detoriation, ... and what not.

Populations that got whipped out by AID decades ago were in much better shape. Was there anyone obese or with metabolic problems in the 80s?

Almost prophetically, Peat wrote in one of his articles/newsletters that the antibodies detected in HIV infected people can be caused by many other things, including existing infections with stomach parasites and the treatment they get for it. I forgot exactly what the explanation was but Peat said that the much higher infection rates in African countries, some of which have no difference in sexual health compared to Western countries, just cannot be explained by lifestyle differences alone. He said those numbers are likely false positives, and African rates of HIV infection are similar to the Western world. The false positives are probably due (according to Peat) to the frequent treatment these people get for stomach parasites caused by drinking crappy water. The antibodies are produced both due to the presence of those parasites and the reaction to the drugs for treating them. Couple of weeks ago, this study popped up:

http://www.scidev.net/global/health/new ... rates.html

"..."Although it has been suggested that reasons for the discrepancy in HIV seroprevalence include higher prevalence of sexually transmitted infections ... as well as structural and sociocultural factors, for the first time our observations suggest that differences in the genital tract immune milieu may be an important additional contributor," said the team."

"...They say that it is possible that other "systemic" infections, such as malaria, that affect the whole body, might cause the increase. Another possible cause is schistosomiasis and similar infections that occur at other mucosal sites in the body. It is also possible that there is a genetic cause."

Finally, people in the 80s were not generally healthier. Peat wrote how the exposure to estrogens from industry and pharma (birth control pills, HRT) peaked in the 80s and it declined afterwards when studies linked estrogen to cancer. This decline in estrogen use contributed to lower breast cancer and CVD rates in the late 1990s and early 2000. The official version was of course that better diagnosis and treatment led to the lower disease rates.


Nov 9, 2012
haidut said:
Finally, people in the 80s were not generally healthier. Peat wrote how the exposure to estrogens from industry and pharma (birth control pills, HRT) peaked in the 80s and it declined afterwards when studies linked estrogen to cancer. This decline in estrogen use contributed to lower breast cancer and CVD rates in the late 1990s and early 2000. The official version was of course that better diagnosis and treatment led to the lower disease rates.

They certainly *looked* healthier in the 80s. But I didn't know estrogen was used more before, so you make an interesting point...


Jul 22, 2012
Dumb idea, I guess, but:
Seems like if endotoxin causes "AIDS,"
wouldn't it respond pretty dramatically to a strong, endotoxin-specific antibiotic?


Feb 12, 2014
by Ray Peat
Immunodeficiency, dioxins, stress, and the hormones
People who have autoimmune diseases such as lupus and Sjogrens syndrome (which are promoted by estrogen: Ahmed and Talal) have antibodies which sometimes react positively in the AIDS test, and searches for the HIV virus in such people have found no evidence of it. (Nelson, et al., 1994; Deas, et al., 1998.) Treatments for roundworms and other parasites cause antibodies to retroviruses to appear in animals that previously tested negative; this might account for the high rates of positive tests for HIV in areas such as Africa in which treatment for filiariasis is common (Kitchen and Cotter, 1988).


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
narouz said:
Dumb idea, I guess, but:
Seems like if endotoxin causes "AIDS,"
wouldn't it respond pretty dramatically to a strong, endotoxin-specific antibiotic?

That's what people like Luc Montagnier (co-discoverer of HIV) are claiming. He also says autism may be an endotoxin-associated condition too, so he is proposing treatment with antibiotics for that condition as well. He even claims to have done that in the past (for autism) with very positive results. Just Google "Luc Montagnier autism antibiotics".
I don't know enough about HIV to claim one way or another, but the story definitely seems to be more than just the "killer virus we must all fear".


Jan 25, 2014
Thank you haidut that is about what I mean, there's so many things involved. People are already suffering immune disfunction and metabolic complications, HIV just amplifies this more and systemic issues arise. I just thought you were saying that HIV is possible just endotoxin exposure.
AIDS epidemic may turn to be a septic shock from endotoxin
I think the purpose of a virus is to infect the weak ones and to partly drive evolution. Highly harmful to those who are weak and less harmful for those who are resilent.

Populations that got whipped out by AID decades ago were in much better shape. Was there anyone obese or with metabolic problems in the 80s?
Mmh maybe not obese but stress was common too. It's known people were exposed to high lead concentrations, people working generally more hours and especially on the land, world war II put a strain on a generation earlier, 60s and 70s when partying was hot people were really exposed to stressful events. (stress in initiated very fast, even something you for fun like walking a marathon is highly stressful).


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
Btw, the Wikipedia page has some really interesting info on endotoxin and its effects, which makes Peat's writings on the subject even more believable (to me).

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lipopolysa ... ndotoxemia

Read also the section on auto-immune conditions. That list reads like something that came out of a Peat newsletter. In fact, you can search each condition on his website and you will get a hit. This can't be just a coincidence. So, once again, I think the man has a point with his emphasis on reducing endotoxin since it is implicated in so many disease and maybe even triggering AIDS.


Jan 22, 2013
so they inject people with who knows what (usually microbe toxins and heavy metals) and those same populations show a higher rate of 'aids'? What a joke..the vaccines are probably destroying the peoples immune system plus all the misinformation they are receiving and a stressful lifestyle. I wouldn't doubt if 'aids' is just a set of symptoms that could go away with lifestyle changes...like almost everything else. Acquired immune deficiency syndrome...the name says it all. The are immune system weapon deficient, probably because a constant onslaught of offenders over time which overwhelms it...from endotoxin + vaccine and other stuff, so they did literally 'acquire' it, the doctors and pharma potentially being to blame


Jan 25, 2014
so they inject people with who knows what (usually microbe toxins and heavy metals) and those same populations show a higher rate of 'aids'? What a joke..the vaccines are probably destroying the peoples immune system plus all the misinformation they are receiving and a stressful lifestyle.

Exactly pboy that's what it is. 60-70% of the immune tissue lies in the gut. Then it's ofcourse also no question that endotoxin is a MAJOR player in every chronic disease and also aids. So endotoxin should be and is out of question for sure.


Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
I was thinking it could be possible that if substances were persorbed from the intestines they could carry along bacteria with them into the bloodstream. You could imagine where that could result in a sepsis like scenario in combination with an impaired immune system. A viscous cycle indeed.


Let's assume the theory is correct...

so if you're a frequent victim to intestinal persorption, if you react badly to additives, you're likely to have weaker intestines, and thus, be less resistant to AIDS.

If I recall correctly, people with high levels of vitamin D are less likely to get infected. May there be a link between high vitamin D levels and healthy intestine?

OK, I will abstain from sex until I no longer react to silica in supplements.


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012

Yeh right uhuh sure. ;)
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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