Without Endotoxin (TLR4), An HIV Infection May Not Cause AIDS


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
More than 3 years ago I posted a study showing that monkeys that are natural carriers of the simian version of HIV known as SIV, do not develop AIDS. It was only after being injected with endotoxin (even when attenuated) that these monkeys develop the wasting syndrome and oppostunistic infections known as AIDS in humans.
Endotoxin May Be The Real Cause Of "AIDS"

In addition, one of the HIV discoverers (and a Nobel Prize winner) Dr. Luc Montagnier has repeatedly stated that HIV is probably harmless for most people unless predisposing factors are present (drug use, weakened immune system, etc) and has openly advocated for treating HIV patients with antibiotics. He even stated that it is the disrupted gut barrier that seems to turn the relatively harmless HIV into the wasting/lethal AIDS.

"...One of the world's most famous AIDS researchers said Wednesday that he is no longer convinced that the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) is the sole cause of AIDS. His statement challenged one of the fundamental scientific beliefs about the disease. In an unusual three-hour session Wednesday night at the Sixth International Conference on AIDS here, Luc Montagnier, the French co-discoverer of HIV, presented data showing that a bacteria-like organism known as a mycoplasma spurs a slowly reproducing population of AIDS viruses into one that multiplies much faster -- at least in cells growing in a dish. He suggested that in humans, mycoplasma infection turns an otherwise benign HIV infection into a disease. Montagnier's statement immediately drew criticism from a wide spectrum of other AIDS experts. They said it appeared to challenge a large body of research accumulated since the AIDS virus was discovered seven years ago."

Dr. Montagnier made that statement above more than 27 years ago and continues to maintain this view, much to the chagrin of his enemies over at NIH. His more recent statements on treating autism with antibiotics as well have made him a pariah in Western medical circles. So, now he spends most of his time in African countries advising local governments on how to deal with the HIV "epidemic". Maybe @burtlancast can provide some updates on what Dr. Montagnier is currently involved with, as I seem to remember him mentioning he knows of his work.

This new study below once again points the finger at endotoxin as the trigger that turns a mild infection into a deadly disease. Monkeys apparently have a naturally lower levels of the endotoxin "receptor" TLR4, which makes them a lot less sensitive to SIV and thus renders it relatively benign.

Yerkes researchers find clues to AIDS resistance in sooty mangabey genome | Emory University | Atlanta, GA
"...Sooty mangabeys, along with other monkeys, such as drills and African green monkeys, are natural hosts for SIV. When infected by this virus, they maintain healthy levels of immune cells and do not progress to AIDS. That protection contrasts with non-natural hosts, such as rhesus macaques, which do progress to AIDS-like disease, making them a model for understanding HIV infection of humans. Genetic analysis has shown HIV infection of humans arose through multiple cross-species transmissions of SIV from nonhuman primates, including chimpanzees and sooty mangabeys. "We found two big differences in proteins of the immune system in the sooty mangabey genome, which we hope will help us better understand why sooty mangabeys avoid AIDS despite SIV infection" says Palesch. One of the major differences is an adhesion molecule on immune cells. Called ICAM2, this molecule is not functional in sooty mangabeys. A deletion in the ICAM2 gene appears to be specific to sooty mangabeys and is not found in other SIV natural hosts or other primates, such as baboons and macaques. In addition, sooty mangabeys have an alteration of the TLR4 (toll-like receptor 4) protein, which impairs its function. TLR4 is part of innate immune sensing and triggers activation in response to components of bacterial membranes. "This finding is intriguing," Silvestri says, "because damage to intestinal barriers and bacterial release contributes to chronic immune activation, which is associated with AIDS progression in HIV-infected humans and SIV-infected non-natural hosts." In sooty mangabeys, a less active form of TLR4 may reduce immune activation in response to SIV infection. The TLR4 alteration was shared in the genomes of sooty mangabeys and other natural hosts, such as vervets, drills and colobus monkeys, but was absent in non-natural hosts, such as macaques, suggesting some evolutionary advantage.

Needless to say, monkey diets are probably much better than ours and not only have less toxins but contain less of the nutrients that generate endotoxin in the gut. It almost seems like HIV would be perfect for killing humans given our poor diet, high stress, and higher expression of TLR4. I would leave that thought to @GAF and @pimpnamedraypeat to expand on in the section on vaccine frauds. Incidentally, Montagnier said a few times in interviews that he think HIV is just a hoax for developing and selling vaccines. I think this is what made him a pariah more than anything else since his contrarian comments on HIV/AIDS did not have much negative effects on his career. However, ever since he made those anti-HIV-vaccine comments in 2009 he has pretty much left the Western world and lives in a self-imposed exile in Africa (and China).
Dec 25, 2014
Amazing. I didn't. Know HIV vaccines existed till just now
I guess I must not be in the target demo @sladerunner69

I google it and it looks like theres about to be a massive HIV vaccination trial in south africa and you'll never guess whos sponsoring it

A Vaccine for HIV Is About to Be Tested in Thousands of People

Johnson & Johnson (J&J) has collaborated with the U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH) and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation on a two-vaccine combination that it will trial in 2,600 women in southern Africa over the course of the next three years. The first dose of their HIV vaccine primes the immune system, while the second boosts the body’s response. The vaccine combines proteins from various HIV strains to create a “mosaic” that will, hopefully, be able to prevent infection from any strain of HIV.

If hiv is a virus that activates when the body is weak then injecting multiple doses of a "mosaic" of different hiv strains is probably the best way to make sure nothing goes wrong.

I mean this is the most deadly disease in the world. Wouldn't want to accidentally infect thousands of people would you bill?


Of course not.

@Travis @x-ray peat

x-ray peat

Dec 8, 2016
I'm surprised that they are not just releasing a million genetically engineered mosquitoes to deliver the new vaccine. I guess this is how you boil a frog


Jul 14, 2016
This is amusing because a common HIV test determines antibodies for HIV. One argument against an HIV vaccine, made before it was a reality, was that you couldn't tell if someone was infected or had been vaccinated.

This also might lead a person to wonder: Since antibodies to the HIV virus are thought to confer resistance by some people (i.e. Gates), then why are they considered a veritable death sentence to others (i.e. Gallo)? Do antibodies mean that a person will destroy HIV, or do they mean that you are infected and will die?

The HIV death sentence idea has been pushed back to decades, since the virus hasn't quite lived up to expectations. I think know it is presumed to slowly destroy the T cells, after about thirty years, but Peter Duesberg and others will tell you that it's actually a harmless passenger virus. Either way, taking is AZT will most surely kill you faster (and Duesberg's logic is infallible).

Vaccines could be made safer without aluminum. Calcium phosphate has been proven about equally effective, yet it's hardly ever used. The preference is still for aluminum.

He, Qing. "Calcium phosphate nanoparticle adjuvant." Clinical and diagnostic laboratory immunology (2000)
Duesberg, Peter H. "The HIV gap in national AIDS statistics." Bio/Technology (1993)
Duesberg, Peter H. "HIV is not the cause of AIDS." Science (1988)

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Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
This is amusing because a common HIV test determines antibodies for HIV. One argument against an HIV vaccine, made before it was a reality, was that you couldn't tell if someone was infected or had been vaccinated.

This also might lead a person to wonder: Since antibodies to the HIV virus are thought to confer resistance by some people (i.e. Gates), then why are they considered a veritable death sentence to others (i.e. Gallo)? Do antibodies mean that a person will destroy HIV, or do they mean that you are infected and will die?

The HIV death sentence idea has been pushed back to decades, since the virus hasn't quite lived up to expectations. I think know it is presumed to slowly destroy the T cells, after about thirty years, but Peter Duesberg and others will tell you that it's actually a harmless passenger virus. Either way, taking is AZT will most surely kill you faster (and Duesberg's logic is infallible).

Vaccines could be made safer without aluminum. Calcium phosphate has been proven about equally effective, yet it's hardly ever used. The preference is still for aluminum.

He, Qing. "Calcium phosphate nanoparticle adjuvant." Clinical and diagnostic laboratory immunology (2000)
Duesberg, Peter H. "The HIV gap in national AIDS statistics." Bio/Technology (1993)
Duesberg, Peter H. "HIV is not the cause of AIDS." Science (1988)

The antibody controversy is not limited to just HIV. As Peat wrote (and I have verified through doctor friends) having high antibody titers against the HCV or HBV is universally considered a reliable biomarker of impending liver failure or development of liver cancer if the count stays elevated over say 6 months. Same goes for JCV and Ebstein-Barr - i.e. higher titers usually portend lymphoma, leukemia, demyelinating disease (including the dreaded/lethal PML), etc. Yet, vaccines against the hepatitis viruses cause exactly such elevations and if the counts stay elevated these people of course go on to develop liver failure. It is considered absolute taboo to talk about vaccine-induced liver failure but there is irrefutable evidence for it.
Hepatitis B vaccine induces apoptotic death in Hepa1-6 cells. - PubMed - NCBI
Hepatitis B vaccine and liver problems in U.S. children less than 6 years old, 1993 and 1994. - PubMed - NCBI
Hepatitis B vaccination and adult associated gastrointestinal reactions: a follow-up analysis. - PubMed - NCBI
In vivo study of hepatitis B vaccine effects on inflammation and metabolism gene expression. - PubMed - NCBI

Since the development of liver cancer takes years (how "convenient"), by the time it forms and is diagnosed nobody can legally/provably tied it back to the vaccine.


Dec 28, 2014
Dallas Texas

One pal just got the $100k fake hep c cure, but his liver is still shot, probably caused by the interferon only torture he went thru several years ago. So, now he thinks he is "cured." Huh?

One lady friend recently got the fake Hep B vaccine after being diagnosed with fake Hep C years ago and doing the interferon/ribavarin torture that probably ruined her liver 15 yrs ago, and now Hep B vaccine will probably finish her off.

And, don't forget, viruses probably don't exist. They are just a boogeyman to distract us dummies.


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
And, don't forget, viruses probably don't exist

Well, viral particles probably exist but there is not much evidence that they are any more dangerous than endogenous metabolic toxins like LPS or NO. In fact, I suspect endogenous viruses are manufactured by cells as a signal of stress to notify other cells. Peat seems to agree with "viruses as endogenous toxins" theory. So, they are nothing more than a symptom and that fits perfectly with the tendency of modern medicine to chase symptomatic relief instead of true cures.


Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
Since naltrexone is a TLR4 antagonist that would explain why LDN has been shown to help in some HIV/AIDS cases.
Dec 25, 2014
Yet, vaccines against the hepatitis viruses cause exactly such elevations and if the counts stay elevated these people of course go on to develop liver failure. It is considered absolute taboo to talk about vaccine-induced liver failure but there is irrefutable evidence for it.
Hepatitis B vaccine induces apoptotic death in Hepa1-6 cells. - PubMed - NCBI
Hepatitis B vaccine and liver problems in U.S. children less than 6 years old, 1993 and 1994. - PubMed - NCBI
Hepatitis B vaccination and adult associated gastrointestinal reactions: a follow-up analysis. - PubMed - NCBI
In vivo study of hepatitis B vaccine effects on inflammation and metabolism gene expression. - PubMed - NCBI

Since the development of liver cancer takes years (how "convenient"), by the time it forms and is diagnosed nobody can legally/provably tied it back to the vaccine.


I think I mentioned this before but I had hepatitis as a child and I always thought it came from a visit to the clinic and the shot they gave me. I could never connect the dots though.

I recovered but the fallout from that disease followed me my whole life and left me sickly and weak. It is ultimately what led to me posting here.

It's funny to see these mass murderers taking advantage of parents desire to do the best for their child. Manipulating mothers to unwittingly doom their children to cancer and autism and hepatitis and celiac. And now HIV.

How naive and gullible we must seem. They must look at us like we are stupid animals. No wonder they call us cattle. The older I get the more I emphasize with that view.

People are so sickly now compared to generations ago and the chances of cancer have skyrocketed but if anything they've dug their heads deeper in the sand.

I could never condone the actions of the murderous elite but the majority of people really are dumb sheep, strolling their way to the slaughterhouse.


Nov 13, 2017
I could never condone the actions of the murderous elite but the majority of people really are dumb sheep, strolling their way to the slaughterhouse.
yeah it's weird though how defensive people get when I talk about the dangers of vaccines and how they think i'm a lunatic when I talk about conspiracy theories. It's like the are brainwashed and they probably are. Doesn't there exist some frequencies or use of subliminals in television/ radio that make you more suggestible.


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe

I think I mentioned this before but I had hepatitis as a child and I always thought it came from a visit to the clinic and the shot they gave me. I could never connect the dots though.

I recovered but the fallout from that disease followed me my whole life and left me sickly and weak. It is ultimately what led to me posting here.

It's funny to see these mass murderers taking advantage of parents desire to do the best for their child. Manipulating mothers to unwittingly doom their children to cancer and autism and hepatitis and celiac. And now HIV.

How naive and gullible we must seem. They must look at us like we are stupid animals. No wonder they call us cattle. The older I get the more I emphasize with that view.

People are so sickly now compared to generations ago and the chances of cancer have skyrocketed but if anything they've dug their heads deeper in the sand.

I could never condone the actions of the murderous elite but the majority of people really are dumb sheep, strolling their way to the slaughterhouse.

Peat once said that the Western population may reach a tipping point of stupidity and begin to implode, so they would leave the rest of the world alone. As dumb as the general population may be, I think the "elite" is not faring much better. They all take SSRI, PPI, finasteride, birth control pills, vaccines, and even do low-dose radiation as "hormesis" to prolong life. The only thing that I have seen recently done by the elites that makes bioenergetic sense is actually very sinister at the same time - parabiosis. Not sure if you heard about it, but the rich are getting blood transfusions from young people now.
Silicon Valley executives getting £6,000 blood transfusion | Daily Mail Online
This Anti-Aging Start-Up Is Paying Thousands of Dollars for Teen Blood
Peter Thiel believes blood transfusions from the young could be key to living forever | Daily Mail Online
This startup takes cash from aging adults in exchange for young people’s blood

I don't even want to think about all the underground "blood farms" that exists here and probably in Mexico and other countries below that support this massive industry, and have children locked up and bled like...cattle. There is a French movie from the 1970s starring the European movie star Alain Delon called "Shock Treatment".
Traitement de choc (1973) - IMDb

It depicts rather graphically the illegal harvesting of blood (and organs) from young immigrant men at a clinic for treating the super-rich. If it was happening in the 1970s in France you can imagine what is going on now ala Matrix-style, or like the more recent movie "The Island".


Nov 13, 2017
Peat once said that the Western population may reach a tipping point of stupidity and begin to implode, so they would leave the rest of the world alone. As dumb as the general population may be, I think the "elite" is not faring much better. They all take SSRI, PPI, finasteride, birth control pills, vaccines, and even do low-dose radiation as "hormesis" to prolong life. The only thing that I have seen recently done by the elites that makes bioenergetic sense is actually very sinister at the same time - parabiosis. Not sure if you heard about it, but the rich are getting blood transfusions from young people now.
Silicon Valley executives getting £6,000 blood transfusion | Daily Mail Online
This Anti-Aging Start-Up Is Paying Thousands of Dollars for Teen Blood
Peter Thiel believes blood transfusions from the young could be key to living forever | Daily Mail Online
This startup takes cash from aging adults in exchange for young people’s blood

I don't even want to think about all the underground "blood farms" that exists here and probably in Mexico and other countries below that support this massive industry, and have children locked up and bled like...cattle. There is a French movie from the 1970s starring the European movie star Alain Delon called "Shock Treatment".
Traitement de choc (1973) - IMDb

It depicts rather graphically the illegal harvesting of blood (and organs) from young immigrant men at a clinic for treating the super-rich. If it was happening in the 1970s in France you can imagine what is going on now ala Matrix-style, or like the more recent movie "The Island".
i heard about organ trafficking. they sacrifice asian kids with their rituals an take the organs out for the elite. If that's not sick and twisted enough than I don't know what is :confused:


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
Since naltrexone is a TLR4 antagonist that would explain why LDN has been shown to help in some HIV/AIDS cases.

Yes, absolutely. And given its beneficial effects on cancer, autoimmune conditions, AD, Parkinson, osteoporosis, etc it quickly becomes evident just how important endotoxin is in causing most (all) chronic diseases.


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe

One pal just got the $100k fake hep c cure, but his liver is still shot, probably caused by the interferon only torture he went thru several years ago. So, now he thinks he is "cured." Huh?

One lady friend recently got the fake Hep B vaccine after being diagnosed with fake Hep C years ago and doing the interferon/ribavarin torture that probably ruined her liver 15 yrs ago, and now Hep B vaccine will probably finish her off.

And, don't forget, viruses probably don't exist. They are just a boogeyman to distract us dummies.

Here is a translated link to a Russian website that basically speaks like Peat himself. They focus on morphogenesis and its role in health and disease. Viruses are not infectious agents, they are usually manufactured by cells to help clear out dead tissue.
Google Translate

Basically the same as the Morphostasis theory of immunity which Peat mentioned quite a few times.
Dec 25, 2014
yeah it's weird though how defensive people get when I talk about the dangers of vaccines and how they think i'm a lunatic when I talk about conspiracy theories. It's like the are brainwashed and they probably are. Doesn't there exist some frequencies or use of subliminals in television/ radio that make you more suggestible.

The brain goes into an easily susceptible hypnotic state when watching tv or playing video games.

I was just thinking about how those nationwide commercials have a bell ding right before they say"nationwide is on your side". I heard a similar sound and that phrase instantly popped into my head. A lof of commercials use hypnotic techniques. Pavlov would be proud.

Peat once said that the Western population may reach a tipping point of stupidity and begin to implode, so they would leave the rest of the world alone. As dumb as the general population may be, I think the "elite" is not faring much better. They all take SSRI, PPI, finasteride, birth control pills, vaccines, and even do low-dose radiation as "hormesis" to prolong life. The only thing that I have seen recently done by the elites that makes bioenergetic sense is actually very sinister at the same time - parabiosis. Not sure if you heard about it, but the rich are getting blood transfusions from young people now.
Silicon Valley executives getting £6,000 blood transfusion | Daily Mail Online
This Anti-Aging Start-Up Is Paying Thousands of Dollars for Teen Blood
Peter Thiel believes blood transfusions from the young could be key to living forever | Daily Mail Online
This startup takes cash from aging adults in exchange for young people’s blood

I don't even want to think about all the underground "blood farms" that exists here and probably in Mexico and other countries below that support this massive industry, and have children locked up and bled like...cattle. There is a French movie from the 1970s starring the European movie star Alain Delon called "Shock Treatment".
Traitement de choc (1973) - IMDb

It depicts rather graphically the illegal harvesting of blood (and organs) from young immigrant men at a clinic for treating the super-rich. If it was happening in the 1970s in France you can imagine what is going on now ala Matrix-style, or like the more recent movie "The Island".

Those are just rich people. Elites are the ones that sit on the board of directors of pharmaceutical companies and vote to hide all evidence that the drugs and vacinnes they produce are dangerous. I doubt they go home and use them.
I read a thread on pol from someone who supposedly worked for an elite family and they had wells and private gardens and chefs and ate everything organic. Never ate storebought.

Drinking the blood of virgins is as old school as it gets. Have you ever heard of blood libel?

There's have no doubt they farm people for organs and blood. A lot of people assume missing children are used by the elites but I always wondered: why would they use us for anything after all the trouble they've gone to poison us?

Most likely there's low level organ trafficking where they kidnap people off the street and then there's the private stock of organic, vaccine free, pufa free children with a perfect ratio of calcium to phosphate that the elites use.


Nov 13, 2017
The brain goes into an easily susceptible hypnotic state when watching tv or playing video games.

I was just thinking about how those nationwide commercials have a bell ding right before they say"nationwide is on your side". I heard a similar sound and that phrase instantly popped into my head. A lof of commercials use hypnotic techniques. Pavlov would be proud.

Those are just rich people. Elites are the ones that sit on the board of directors of pharmaceutical companies and vote to hide all evidence that the drugs and vacinnes they produce are dangerous. I doubt they go home and use them.
I read a thread on pol from someone who supposedly worked for an elite family and they had wells and private gardens and chefs and ate everything organic. Never ate storebought.

Drinking the blood of virgins is as old school as it gets. Have you ever heard of blood libel?

There's have no doubt they farm people for organs and blood. A lot of people assume missing children are used by the elites but I always wondered: why would they use us for anything after all the trouble they've gone to poison us?

Most likely there's low level organ trafficking where they kidnap people off the street and then there's the private stock of organic, vaccine free, pufa free children with a perfect ratio of calcium to phosphate that the elites use.
i also noticed the frequentie is the same in most commercials


Dec 1, 2016
Well, viral particles probably exist but there is not much evidence that they are any more dangerous than endogenous metabolic toxins like LPS or NO. In fact, I suspect endogenous viruses are manufactured by cells as a signal of stress to notify other cells. Peat seems to agree with "viruses as endogenous toxins" theory. So, they are nothing more than a symptom and that fits perfectly with the tendency of modern medicine to chase symptomatic relief instead of true cures.

I would say that VESICLES exist as opposed to viruses. Viruses are just a bad monomorphic metaphor dreamed up by classical bacterialogists who were tunnel visioned to their cause reductionist science. Clear on back to TMV there is no evidence for any kind of unique or exogenous specific viral agent. My own view is that vesicle structures can be named an differentiated by different manifestations of stress and toxicity. Some are acute and direct and some are broad and quantitative. 'HIV' is the latter. I suspect it's just a toxic stress born exosome based primarily on oxidation(see The Perth Group). Speaking of which The Perth Group recently gave hiv another beatdown as well as recently(on their site) referenced a study involving Robert Gallo who seems to be moving toward the vesical hijack by virus hypothesis(Trojan). Links below.



Dec 28, 2014
Dallas Texas
So what I want RPF to figure out is what the supposed "viral load" blood test is actually measuring and how the Hardy Har Har Phoney Baloney Harvoni is tricking the test to "cure" Hep C.

The sneaky boys of pharma figured out how to do it. Does the vesicle approach shine any light on this subject? What can cause the body to expel these extracellular vesicles? That actually might be a good thing?


Jun 1, 2016
I don't even want to think about all the underground "blood farms" that exists here and probably in Mexico and other countries below that support this massive industry, and have children locked up and bled like...cattle.
Sometimes you don’t need to go undeground: in every hospital with every birth umbillical cord is clamped immideatly trapping about 1/3 of baby’s blood in the cord and placenta. And when future mothers sign the paperwork at the hospital, they usually sign their placentas to research. So which kind of research it is really going if any? If you ask at the hospotal where do the placentas with the baby’s blood go, they probably wound’t be able to answer, some say its a hazardous waste. Mothers and fathers have to fight to get the delayed cord clamping, its a hard thing to get at the hospital. While baby is left compromised without a significant part of his/her blood supply.
Average volunteer blood donor donates about 1/10 of his blood. Aberage newborn "donates" about 1/3 of his (much more precious) blood.
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Dec 1, 2016
So what I want RPF to figure out is what the supposed "viral load" blood test is actually measuring and how the Hardy Har Har Phoney Baloney Harvoni is tricking the test to "cure" Hep C.

The sneaky boys of pharma figured out how to do it. Does the vesicle approach shine any light on this subject? What can cause the body to expel these extracellular vesicles? That actually might be a good thing?

If you entertain The Perth Group hypothesis "viral load" is really oxidation levels. The basic answer to you last question looks to be stress and toxicity. Different toxins, toxicity and stress can make for different vesicles.
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