Covid-19 Plan In Front Of Our Eyes IMPORTANT!


Nov 9, 2017
As we all see this whole thing play out in front of us and "conspiracy" is thrown around as to what is going on, the powers that may be still go ahead with the plans that they have. And usually the plan is laid out for us to see. And, of course, the Rockefeller Foundation should be "trusted" to lead the way as the "best" think tank to know what is best for us (I hope you know I am just kidding). But seriously, when I read this, my stomach turned and I think yours will turn too. Here is the plan they have and the links please read it:

National Covid-19 Testing Action Plan - The Rockefeller Foundation


If you read it you can see that they are not hiding what they want to do. Just a little summary:

-We are proposing our nation come together around the bold, ambitious, but achievable goal of rapidly expanding testing capacity to 30 million tests per week over the next six months. This 1-3-30 Plan would be achieved by: (1) creating an Emergency Network for Covid-19 Testing to coordinate and underwrite the testing market, (2) launching an eight-week National Testing Laboratory Optimization Initiative to increase output to 3 million tests per week from the current one million, and (3) investing in a Testing Technology Accelerator to further grow U.S. testing capacity from 3 million to 30 million tests per week.

-Create an Emergency Network for Covid-19 Testing (ENCT) to coordinate and underwrite the testing market.

-Launch an eight-week National Testing Laboratory Optimization Initiative to increase current U.S. testing from 1 million to 3 million per week within the next eight weeks.

-Invest in a public-private Testing Technology Accelerator to further grow U.S. testing capacity from 3 million to 30 million per week within six months.

-A Covid Community Healthcare Corps (CCHC) should be launched at state public health departments, an effort that will involve massive investments in manpower and equipment. At least 100,000 people and perhaps as many as 300,000 must be hired to undertake a vigorous campaign of test administration and contact tracing, and they must be supported by computer systems networked with regional and national viral datasets and as many electronic health records from local hospital systems as can be provided. The CCHC should designate staff to distribute, administer and oversee testing.

-A national system to track Covid-19 status must be created. Policy makers and the public must find the balance between privacy concerns and infection control to allow the infection status of most Americans to be accessed and validated in a few required settings and many voluntary ones.

-Digital apps and privacy-protected tracking software should be widely adopted to enable more complete contact tracing. Whenever possible, incentives should be used to nudge the voluntary use of these apps rather than require them. NOTICE THE WORD NUDGE

-Integrate and expand Federal, state, and private data platforms to cover the full range of data required to monitor the pandemic, deploy resources, and remove bottlenecks.

-Innovative digital technologies can improve workforce monitoring and early detection of recurrent outbreaks. When integrated into national and state surveillance systems, such innovations may enable the same level of outbreak detection with fewer tests. Promising techniques include anonymous digital tracking of workforces or population-based resting heart-rate and smart thermometer trends; continually updated epidemiological data modeling; and artificial intelligence projections based on clinical and imaging data.

-Digital health records and insurance claims data of hospitalized Covid-19 patients should be used to improve Covid-19 diagnosis and treatment.

Building upon its promise to double down on its commitment last month during the Global Citizen Unite for Our Future, the Foundation is announcing an additional $50 million to continue support in the U.S. and expand support to where the need is greatest around the world. This brings the total to $100 million for global Covid-19-related programs.

“We believe everyone should have access to Covid-19 testing, treatment, and vaccine – regardless of who they are or where they live,” said Dr. Shah.


IT is all right here. Plain as day. Pretty yucky stuff.
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Nov 9, 2017
Also this panel to be created from the same plan.

Proposal for a Pandemic Testing Board

While stay-at-home orders are working to slow the spread of the coronavirus, the reopening of the economy and society could be achieved more safely and more swiftly under the following conditions:
(1) deployment of a vaccine, which is projected to take 12-18 months, in which time there will be significant costs to the economy and harm to the social wellbeing of individuals and communities, or
(2) a regime of almost universal testing. Widespread testing for both presence of the virus and for antibodies – on the order of millions of tests per day1 will enable those who have antibodies or are not infected to re-enter the economy. It will also make it possible to quarantine only those who have been infected or who have been in contact with the infected, massively reducing the number of people who are required to stay-at-home. The problem is that we cannot wait 12-18 months for a vaccine, and we do not have anywhere near the scale or coordination of resources needed to produce or deploy millions of tests per day. Further, travel and commerce will not truly be able to reopen unless there is sufficient global production and deployment of tests and ultimately vaccines. Although the Trump Administration established a Supply Chain Stabilization Task Force to source and deploy PPE, ventilators, and other equipment last week, so far as we are aware, there has not been a similar effort around testing. We therefore propose the creation of a Pandemic Testing Board (PTB), akin to the War Production Board that the United States created in World War II, in order to massively scale up production and deployment of testing. The Pandemic Testing Board would consist of leaders from business, government, academia, and labor and would be tasked with two projects:

(1) Pandemic Testing Supply Initiative. The PTB’s goal would be to develop the scale of testing needed first to stabilize the United States, and then to offer exports to foreign countries that are facing shortages. It would have authority to identify supply chain elements necessary for manufacturing, procuring, scaling, and deploying any items related to testing, the power to procure these materials via contracting with producers and servicers, and the power to mandate production or services, akin to authorities in the Defense Production Act. Contracting firms would be required to follow all existing labor laws, including maintaining collective bargaining agreements.

(2) Pandemic Testing Deployment Initiative. In order to deploy testing at scale, there will need to be sufficient personnel to test individuals outside of hospitals and doctors’ offices. The PTB would: Craft recommendations for states to use the national guard to deploy testing in conjunction with business, labor, nonprofits, and academia If necessary, be authorized to create a Pandemic Response Corps, comprised of tested civilians, to assist in the testing Make recommendations on tracking the spread of the virus Before disbanding, craft recommendations on long-term preparedness.

The Pandemic Testing Board could be designed in one of two ways:

Nationalist Model: The board would consist of no more than 9 members, chosen either by the President or the director of the NIAID, and would be required to include members from business, labor, academia, and current government officials.

Federalist Model: Congress would pass a law authorizing the states to create an interstate compact. The lead states would select a board of no more than 9 members including members from business, labor, academia, and government. On this model, the board would serve the states – rather than work through the federal government – but it would be funded by a congressional appropriation.


Dec 11, 2018
Sofia, Bulgaria
Thanks for sharing. It's horrible. Not surprised though.


Nov 9, 2017
Thanks for sharing. It's horrible. Not surprised though.
I agree. At least we know what is probably going to be put in the next stimulus package and how the next couple of months will go with testing. I would think lots of panic if this much testing will be done. I hope I'm wrong but many big univeristies are having mandatory testing and I think we can both guess what will happen when they start testing the student bodies of these univerities.


Sep 24, 2016
So constantly milions of false positives to keep the scare going. Lots of people alternately in Individual quarantines.

Billions of public and private costs for theses grotesque testing scale alone.

And, very tricky: hundred of thousands of people involved in the process of testing, maybe making a living out of it and maybe their only job after becoming unemployed in the current economic situation.

You’ll have a huge mass of people interested in keeping the ***t going that way alone ... in addition to many that already have


Jun 26, 2017
So this is the next "turn". WHO already saying there probably won't be an effective COVID vaccine. Of course they won't give up on the vaccine, just sideline it to focus on the Test and the Test Corps (whose other job is "snitch"). So now push constant unremitting testing - probably expiration dates on tests so that you can't just get one.


Dec 11, 2018
Sofia, Bulgaria
You’ll have a huge mass of people interested in keeping the ***t going that way alone ... in addition to many that already have


Feb 18, 2016
Also this panel to be created from the same plan.

Proposal for a Pandemic Testing Board

While stay-at-home orders are working to slow the spread of the coronavirus, the reopening of the economy and society could be achieved more safely and more swiftly under the following conditions:
(1) deployment of a vaccine, which is projected to take 12-18 months, in which time there will be significant costs to the economy and harm to the social wellbeing of individuals and communities, or
(2) a regime of almost universal testing. Widespread testing for both presence of the virus and for antibodies – on the order of millions of tests per day1 will enable those who have antibodies or are not infected to re-enter the economy. It will also make it possible to quarantine only those who have been infected or who have been in contact with the infected, massively reducing the number of people who are required to stay-at-home. The problem is that we cannot wait 12-18 months for a vaccine, and we do not have anywhere near the scale or coordination of resources needed to produce or deploy millions of tests per day. Further, travel and commerce will not truly be able to reopen unless there is sufficient global production and deployment of tests and ultimately vaccines. Although the Trump Administration established a Supply Chain Stabilization Task Force to source and deploy PPE, ventilators, and other equipment last week, so far as we are aware, there has not been a similar effort around testing. We therefore propose the creation of a Pandemic Testing Board (PTB), akin to the War Production Board that the United States created in World War II, in order to massively scale up production and deployment of testing. The Pandemic Testing Board would consist of leaders from business, government, academia, and labor and would be tasked with two projects:

(1) Pandemic Testing Supply Initiative. The PTB’s goal would be to develop the scale of testing needed first to stabilize the United States, and then to offer exports to foreign countries that are facing shortages. It would have authority to identify supply chain elements necessary for manufacturing, procuring, scaling, and deploying any items related to testing, the power to procure these materials via contracting with producers and servicers, and the power to mandate production or services, akin to authorities in the Defense Production Act. Contracting firms would be required to follow all existing labor laws, including maintaining collective bargaining agreements.

(2) Pandemic Testing Deployment Initiative. In order to deploy testing at scale, there will need to be sufficient personnel to test individuals outside of hospitals and doctors’ offices. The PTB would: Craft recommendations for states to use the national guard to deploy testing in conjunction with business, labor, nonprofits, and academia If necessary, be authorized to create a Pandemic Response Corps, comprised of tested civilians, to assist in the testing Make recommendations on tracking the spread of the virus Before disbanding, craft recommendations on long-term preparedness.

The Pandemic Testing Board could be designed in one of two ways:

Nationalist Model: The board would consist of no more than 9 members, chosen either by the President or the director of the NIAID, and would be required to include members from business, labor, academia, and current government officials.

Federalist Model: Congress would pass a law authorizing the states to create an interstate compact. The lead states would select a board of no more than 9 members including members from business, labor, academia, and government. On this model, the board would serve the states – rather than work through the federal government – but it would be funded by a congressional appropriation.

Their immunity idea is redundant based on the current test, it’s all about T-cells now, their tests don’t test this.
100 million isn’t enough so I’d imagine they are using their black market trillions in some way.

It seems like the "nudge" will be no airline travel, museums ,sporting events ,some big corporate workplaces will stop people working, this means they will have to change employee laws so companies can’t be sued ,this is a scientific case in court, you can’t ignore evidence from well established and respected scientists saying covid19 was an overreaction.
It’s big corporate groups that loose if the public don’t take the bait, they need people en masse to bite, it seems 50/50 at the moment, the twitter bubble is never a good indication of what the majority view is. Remember the pandemic payments everyone received is massive psychologically speaking, folks were grateful to take time of work for more money in some cases, the Universal Basic Income maybe the bait for the vaccine or tracking , some countries in Europe hav been stopping people at airports who were on the pandemic payment and saying their payment will be stopped if you leave the country, there was a backlash from the public.
If the "nudge" becomes no money unless you take a vaccine and do as we say people may go crazy, it’s humiliating and contemporary humans have big egos in large swathes.
I mean the amount of people in Berlin on Sunday is a serious number of dissenters to deal with.

The more they expand their plans the more fragile they become, they couldn’t coerce Sweden to lockdown and now the Swedes are a massive headache for them.
The southern states are not making much media the last few days because the end of days covid deaths didn’t happen.

Keep talking, keep dissenting and keep people reminded of Bill Gates connections to Jeffrey Epstein the child sex trafficker, Gates the delusional narcissistic fraud has now blocked comments on his tweets. Keep telling people Universal basic income is a slave wage, serfdom ,humiliating etc


Nov 9, 2017
Their immunity idea is redundant based on the current test, it’s all about T-cells now, their tests don’t test this.
100 million isn’t enough so I’d imagine they are using their black market trillions in some way.

It seems like the "nudge" will be no airline travel, museums ,sporting events ,some big corporate workplaces will stop people working, this means they will have to change employee laws so companies can’t be sued ,this is a scientific case in court, you can’t ignore evidence from well established and respected scientists saying covid19 was an overreaction.
It’s big corporate groups that loose if the public don’t take the bait, they need people en masse to bite, it seems 50/50 at the moment, the twitter bubble is never a good indication of what the majority view is. Remember the pandemic payments everyone received is massive psychologically speaking, folks were grateful to take time of work for more money in some cases, the Universal Basic Income maybe the bait for the vaccine or tracking , some countries in Europe hav been stopping people at airports who were on the pandemic payment and saying their payment will be stopped if you leave the country, there was a backlash from the public.
If the "nudge" becomes no money unless you take a vaccine and do as we say people may go crazy, it’s humiliating and contemporary humans have big egos in large swathes.
I mean the amount of people in Berlin on Sunday is a serious number of dissenters to deal with.

The more they expand their plans the more fragile they become, they couldn’t coerce Sweden to lockdown and now the Swedes are a massive headache for them.
The southern states are not making much media the last few days because the end of days covid deaths didn’t happen.

Keep talking, keep dissenting and keep people reminded of Bill Gates connections to Jeffrey Epstein the child sex trafficker, Gates the delusional narcissistic fraud has now blocked comments on his tweets. Keep telling people Universal basic income is a slave wage, serfdom ,humiliating etc
Yes. When you start to connect all of the so called "rabbit trails" it looks kind of crazy and when you swallow the red pill you see the big picture in a different way. Its amazing that the powers that may be think they know what is best for others.


Feb 18, 2016
Yes. When you start to connect all of the so called "rabbit trails" it looks kind of crazy and when you swallow the red pill you see the big picture in a different way. Its amazing that the powers that may be think they know what is best for others.

Yep, just remember many people believe if they pull of digital tracking they will have more power than anything ever achieved in history, the reality is they won’t ,they are possibly more fragile, quantum algorithms will allow people to communicate with more security , the "cloud" has to be stored in structure, this can be got to physically and digitally so to speak, it will require mass compliance from a mass amount of computer engineers ,this won’t happen.
Dissenters who choose to go off grid will be even more dangerous than those dissenting from within , they can target the physical infrastructure.

Remember it all needs energy, there is a "peaty" solution , in the past the energy required to take out a king in his castle was far more than required to take out the digital kings IMO.
What happens when the batteries run out?


Sep 24, 2016
Migration is another point that alludes that this is a huge, longer planned operation.

Meaning foremost the hefty influx of migrants from from the south into both the US and Western Europe in the last 5-10 years.

Many of them are Covid-infected. Meaning a constant, relatively uncontrolled influx of spreaders.
We see lot of young Tunisians coming to Lampedusa and Sicily these last few weeks, many of the tested are infected.
The camps in Greece are full if infected.

(Note: many of those are relatively young people, no obesity. Hardly any serious cases)

Since effective countermeasures against mass migration have been thwarted and closing borders are defamed, there are three ways of how covid-migrants help along the „cause“

To keep the pandemic scare going in general, obviously.

Since closing or controlling borders is no option in the decadent and brainwashed western societies, the same old plot gets circulated: If you want to reduce migration, help the people locally and worldwide -> universal global income financed by empovering western middle classes (one key goal)

We the West as guilty racist and colonialist owe the poor people in the global south at the minimum to help them escape this scary pandemic. We need to finance universal vaccination for them (South Am/Africa) it’s the least we owe them.
-> Vaccine goal secured, financed and positive spin

And if some of the mean westerners have reservations to finance that, it’s to our own protection too. No more infected migrants.

It’s scary how well this was planned and prepared. It’s also scary how obvious it all becomes and how few would realize nonetheless


Feb 18, 2016
Migration is another point that alludes that this is a huge, longer planned operation.

Meaning foremost the hefty influx of migrants from from the south into both the US and Western Europe in the last 5-10 years.

Many of them are Covid-infected. Meaning a constant, relatively uncontrolled influx of spreaders.
We see lot of young Tunisians coming to Lampedusa and Sicily these last few weeks, many of the tested are infected.
The camps in Greece are full if infected.

(Note: many of those are relatively young people, no obesity. Hardly any serious cases)

Since effective countermeasures against mass migration have been thwarted and closing borders are defamed, there are three ways of how covid-migrants help along the „cause“

To keep the pandemic scare going in general, obviously.

Since closing or controlling borders is no option in the decadent and brainwashed western societies, the same old plot gets circulated: If you want to reduce migration, help the people locally and worldwide -> universal global income financed by empovering western middle classes (one key goal)

We the West as guilty racist and colonialist owe the poor people in the global south at the minimum to help them escape this scary pandemic. We need to finance universal vaccination for them (South Am/Africa) it’s the least we owe them.
-> Vaccine goal secured, financed and positive spin

And if some of the mean westerners have reservations to finance that, it’s to our own protection too. No more infected migrants.

It’s scary how well this was planned and prepared. It’s also scary how obvious it all becomes and how few would realize nonetheless

I agree, they will also appeal the anti immigration crowd by highlighting tracking for everyone means we can catch the "terrorists"

They are sitting on their behinds all day since they were kids, financial security, the silver spoon allows them to design and do whatever they want, they are still idiots ,enough of us know to disrupt and dissent.
The elites grandchildren will be demoralized and won’t have the energy to keep it going, they can’t even bare being on social media and having to read the comments, bill Epstein gates has blocked responses to his tweets.
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