
May 27, 2017
United Kingdom
View attachment 22281

A new low. The UK is now essentially an open prison. Coerced vaccines and you can't leave. That is a failed state/society.
This is making ill. I cry often during the day. My more intelligent family and neighbours and friends can't see what's happening.
Vaccinations can be forced by declaring you mentally ill. I'm frightened.


Oct 19, 2019

Openly talking about suspending human rights "in certain circumstances" now. It's taken less than a year to get to this point, and the terrifying thing is a lot of people will actively welcome this.

Full thread:

This article from a speech in 2007 was very prescient: The Song That Is Irresistible: How the State Leads People to Their Own Destruction - LewRockwell

These excerpts pretty much sum up the current situation.




Mar 26, 2014
This is making ill. I cry often during the day. My more intelligent family and neighbours and friends can't see what's happening.
Vaccinations can be forced by declaring you mentally ill. I'm frightened.
Me too


Oct 19, 2019
This is making ill. I cry often during the day. My more intelligent family and neighbours and friends can't see what's happening.
Vaccinations can be forced by declaring you mentally ill. I'm frightened.
I'm sorry you are feeling this way. I don't think you will be alone. Better to see things for what they are than just be a sheep. Stay strong.


May 27, 2017
United Kingdom
View attachment 22282

Openly talking about suspending human rights "in certain circumstances" now. It's taken less than a year to get to this point, and the terrifying thing is a lot of people will actively welcome this.

Full thread:

This article from a speech in 2007 was very prescient: The Song That Is Irresistible: How the State Leads People to Their Own Destruction - LewRockwell

These excerpts pretty much sum up the current situation.

View attachment 22283

View attachment 22284

I didn't think it could get any worse, but hey suspend human rights tops it. My brain doesn't know what to do with that.


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
A very good 3 part article from conservative woman, it highlights the intentional manipulation of the British publics psychological state during covid, it’s an alarming read, I won’t go quoting it all as it’s quite long.
Its insane to see how governments view the public, we are a creature to be hunted and herded, they have no respect for their nations, it’s no surprise we get sold out to pathological globalism.
How has this happened in the UK????

Scroll to the bottom of each page for the next part.

NEVER have statisticians, mathematical biologists, psychologists, anthropologists, behavioural scientists and a few epidemiologists dictated government policy to such an extreme degree as over the past year.

On March 25, 2020, the Coronavirus Act received Royal Assent having been fast-tracked through Parliament in four working days. The Act contained emergency powers to enable public bodies to respond to the Covid-19 pandemic. The Government’s Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies, or Sage, and its subcommittees became the de facto leader of the operation. This was the point at which the UK ceased to be governed by elected representatives.

To this day, Sage do not answer to the public – they don’t even answer to the government. They ‘advise’ the government on all things Covid, and the government is then led by the ‘data’ to implement the most draconian restrictions on freedom in our nation’s history. Sage are accountable to no one. In my opinion, Sage have staged a covert coup and hardly anybody has taken notice, let alone the mainstream media.

If you take a closer look at the key ‘experts’, they have all had connections in some way with either Big Pharma, Big Tech or the Big NGOs, such as GAVI-The Vaccine Alliance, World Health Organisation, World Economic Forum, World Bank, Wellcome Trust and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. Many have had their research funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and the Wellcome Trust. In fact, the UK is the biggest beneficiary of university grants given by the Gates Foundation with $744million disbursed to 38 universities, the top beneficiaries being Imperial College London, University College London, London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine (LHSTM), King’s College London and Oxford University.

It has actually been discussed all over the world press for years...EXCEPT in Western MSM.


Mar 30, 2020
I didn't think it could get any worse, but hey suspend human rights tops it. My brain doesn't know what to do with that.

They've been trying to push this through with the police crackdown bill already, see my post earlier in the thread. They also used the excuse of leaving the EU to reduce certain human rights anyway, it shouldn't come as a surprise to us.

I stay up until about 5am every day looking for any sort of way out, then wake up feeling exhausted and depressed. I have loved ones overseas, but we have no idea when we'll be able to see each other again, and it's such a strain. If anyone in this thread finds one, I'd be incredibly grateful if they could message me.

It has actually been discussed all over the world press for years...EXCEPT in Western MSM.

This is not strictly true, in fact, it has been known in Britain for absolutely years, discussed as early as 2002. Also in the BBC. Here is another from 2003. If you scroll down to "related stories" you ought to see rather a lot of them. As with many of the most awful things in British legislation, it was started by Blair's government, but stalled; later revived by Theresa May as Home Secretary, then finally pushed through when she became PM. There is a certain irony to David (now Lord...) Blunkett initially thwarting it under Blair, because even a blind man could see how disastrous it would be. Of course, one could argue he was just paving the way for it to happen much later, but there we are.


May 27, 2017
United Kingdom
stay up until about 5am every day looking for any sort of way out, then wake up feeling exhausted and depressed. I have loved ones overseas, but we have no idea when we'll be able to see each other again, and it's such a strain. If anyone in this thread finds one, I'd be incredibly grateful if they could message me.
That's tough. Go easy on yourself.


Feb 18, 2016
It has actually been discussed all over the world press for years...EXCEPT in Western MSM.

Yep, problem is people are staying in information bubbles online that fit their meanings, there is only so much they can achieve with propaganda.
Its also really obvious when someone is shilling on behalf of the government, NATO are at this also using troops in the same way, I guess every nation is now.
If someone understands the propaganda techniques being used a bot could be coded to highlight the account as shilling for the authoritarians.


Feb 18, 2016
View attachment 22282

Openly talking about suspending human rights "in certain circumstances" now. It's taken less than a year to get to this point, and the terrifying thing is a lot of people will actively welcome this.

Full thread:

This article from a speech in 2007 was very prescient: The Song That Is Irresistible: How the State Leads People to Their Own Destruction - LewRockwell

These excerpts pretty much sum up the current situation.

View attachment 22283

View attachment 22284

Great post.
This is also known as the "strategy of tension", commonly used by those in power.
Even Wikipedia can’t cover it up-


Mar 30, 2020
That's tough. Go easy on yourself.
Thank you, I really appreciate the sentiment.

Great post.
This is also known as the "strategy of tension", commonly used by those in power.
Even Wikipedia can’t cover it up-
If you follow the link to the PACAC comittee now, they are accepting "evidence?" [sic?]. It is my understanding that they need to at least acknowledge this in some token way, even if they're just going to summarily dismiss it - so perhaps we should start sending well-formulated arguments as to why it's a terrible idea.

I'm not sure anyone here should have any faith that the current British government isn't more or less all in on it, but if there is even a sliver of hope that some of these people still have some semblance of a conscience, perhaps we should at least try to furnish them with ample studies? I suppose restricting ourselves to only one source per submission to prevent them discrediting everything in any given argument would also be useful.

Maybe I'm delirious with desperation at the moment - I imagine this is just lip service... but if thousands of people write in, it will have to occupy at least a line or two in their minutes, right?


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
If someone understands the propaganda techniques being used a bot could be coded to highlight the account as shilling for the authoritarians.

You don't even have to "understand" the propaganda techniques (e.g build an AI model). A simple similarity screening of online posts would do just fine. Take a sample of say 100 official press releases from Downing Street and then simply flag any online post (social media, news articles, etc) that is say 30%-70% similar based on stemmed words (and excluding common and non-descriptive words like "this", "that", "he", "she", "here", "there", etc). Multiple large scale studies have shown that this simple technique exposes pretty much all fanboys of a given "message" while also weeding out obvious plagiarism/reposts.


Feb 18, 2016
You don't even have to "understand" the propaganda techniques (e.g build an AI model). A simple similarity screening of online posts would do just fine. Take a sample of say 100 official press releases from Downing Street and then simply flag any online post (social media, news articles, etc) that is say 30%-70% similar based on stemmed words (and excluding common and non-descriptive words like "this", "that", "he", "she", "here", "there", etc). Multiple large scale studies have shown that this simple technique exposes pretty much all fanboys of a given "message" while also weeding out obvious plagiarism/reposts.

Sounds good, the thing is it doesn’t matter these days, the identity with whatever cult people are siding with will be believed.
It would be good for future generations to look through it though.


Mar 8, 2015
Amazing so many people are not thinking. Will it change ??

What will happen over the next year. Will the real job losses materialise ? Will we be locked down again ? Vaccination seems to be the norm year after year it seems.

I have never bought the agenda from day 1. Lockdown was amazing to see. It just doesnt make sense. However, I am pretty much the only one who doesnt believe in it. A mate has similar views, but societal/job pressure means he has to toe the line more than me. I am self employed so have to think for myself a bit more. Many trades people tend to be sceptics, but i am not meeting enough of them.

Where does it all end up though ?? I wonder if GB news (rupert murdochs new channel) might help to bring some balance into our media. We have none covering this crisis except talk radio. Unless we get real media reporting about the issues we are never going to become free. We are brain washed in the UK, and always have been. This crisis has opened my eyes, and they were half opened before, but seeing fully the lies is actually scary. However, you cannot go and live anywhere else. All places seem to have adopted the same narrative (except sweden).


Feb 18, 2016
Amazing so many people are not thinking. Will it change ??

What will happen over the next year. Will the real job losses materialise ? Will we be locked down again ? Vaccination seems to be the norm year after year it seems.

I have never bought the agenda from day 1. Lockdown was amazing to see. It just doesnt make sense. However, I am pretty much the only one who doesnt believe in it. A mate has similar views, but societal/job pressure means he has to toe the line more than me. I am self employed so have to think for myself a bit more. Many trades people tend to be sceptics, but i am not meeting enough of them.

Where does it all end up though ?? I wonder if GB news (rupert murdochs new channel) might help to bring some balance into our media. We have none covering this crisis except talk radio. Unless we get real media reporting about the issues we are never going to become free. We are brain washed in the UK, and always have been. This crisis has opened my eyes, and they were half opened before, but seeing fully the lies is actually scary. However, you cannot go and live anywhere else. All places seem to have adopted the same narrative (except sweden).

They are many groups in the UK starting up to hold the government to account, I think many folks have been ok with the pandemic unemployment benefit, many wanted a break from being a wage slave, this could have been the test to prove UBI will work.
Its sad that this is all it takes for folks to roll over, the reality is in every society there will be folks who just don’t want to work, I hear many mediocre artists talking about how great a UBI would be, it will allow them to concentrate on their art, many won’t do this, it’s a delusion. It’s also likely the government will have influence over what you spend the UBI on.


Oct 19, 2019
I think many folks have been ok with the pandemic unemployment benefit, many wanted a break from being a wage slave, this could have been the test to prove UBI will work.
This has been a key factor in the UK. Without the furlough scheme I would like to at least think there would have been anarchy if they'd tried the lockdowns the way they have. Many people are just so disillusioned with the everyday drudgery of their working lives it was a relief to be paid to stay at home. I definitely think some form of UBI is inevitable now, they have seen how readily it was accepted.

A few friends who know I'm skeptical of the vaccines have been asking for info. Is there a good general resource we can direct them to that lays out the issues? There's no way they are going to spend hours digging through a forum or reading scientific studies. I've sent this to a few people when they've asked but wonder if there are other well-reasoned resources that don't just come across as conspiracy nuttery like a lot of stuff.


Feb 18, 2016
This has been a key factor in the UK. Without the furlough scheme I would like to at least think there would have been anarchy if they'd tried the lockdowns the way they have. Many people are just so disillusioned with the everyday drudgery of their working lives it was a relief to be paid to stay at home. I definitely think some form of UBI is inevitable now, they have seen how readily it was accepted.

A few friends who know I'm skeptical of the vaccines have been asking for info. Is there a good general resource we can direct them to that lays out the issues? There's no way they are going to spend hours digging through a forum or reading scientific studies. I've sent this to a few people when they've asked but wonder if there are other well-reasoned resources that don't just come across as conspiracy nuttery like a lot of stuff.

The swiss policy research institute is good, they update regularly, it’s difficult for folks to read anything they don’t want to be true when it comes to the ruling class.
The thing is with furlough scheme folks expect to go back to work so it’s like an extended holiday, it will be different when there is no work to go back to and your living on 300 quid per week via UBI, possibly less. In Spain it’s already started I think, it’s like 1200 euro, some euro countries already give 200 euro dole per week.

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