
Feb 18, 2016
A very good 3 part article from conservative woman, it highlights the intentional manipulation of the British publics psychological state during covid, it’s an alarming read, I won’t go quoting it all as it’s quite long.
Its insane to see how governments view the public, we are a creature to be hunted and herded, they have no respect for their nations, it’s no surprise we get sold out to pathological globalism.
How has this happened in the UK????

Scroll to the bottom of each page for the next part.

NEVER have statisticians, mathematical biologists, psychologists, anthropologists, behavioural scientists and a few epidemiologists dictated government policy to such an extreme degree as over the past year.

On March 25, 2020, the Coronavirus Act received Royal Assent having been fast-tracked through Parliament in four working days. The Act contained emergency powers to enable public bodies to respond to the Covid-19 pandemic. The Government’s Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies, or Sage, and its subcommittees became the de facto leader of the operation. This was the point at which the UK ceased to be governed by elected representatives.

To this day, Sage do not answer to the public – they don’t even answer to the government. They ‘advise’ the government on all things Covid, and the government is then led by the ‘data’ to implement the most draconian restrictions on freedom in our nation’s history. Sage are accountable to no one. In my opinion, Sage have staged a covert coup and hardly anybody has taken notice, let alone the mainstream media.

If you take a closer look at the key ‘experts’, they have all had connections in some way with either Big Pharma, Big Tech or the Big NGOs, such as GAVI-The Vaccine Alliance, World Health Organisation, World Economic Forum, World Bank, Wellcome Trust and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. Many have had their research funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and the Wellcome Trust. In fact, the UK is the biggest beneficiary of university grants given by the Gates Foundation with $744million disbursed to 38 universities, the top beneficiaries being Imperial College London, University College London, London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine (LHSTM), King’s College London and Oxford University.


Jul 31, 2015
...all the wars that have been won and lost don't seem to matter very much anymore, there's no England now...

the kinks


Oct 19, 2019
...all the wars that have been won and lost don't seem to matter very much anymore, there's no England now...

the kinks
Little England is still alive and kicking. I think they are using that as a mechanism to encourage vaccine uptake, i.e. making it a battle between Us vs. The EU/The World.


May 27, 2017
United Kingdom
Fear has been the bioweapon of choice. Who needs the real stuff when you have fear.

The unquestioning British public have been unbelievable. A complete push over. This government can do absolutely anything they please now and as long it's 'for the greater good', (through fear)....we'll be better than China.

Lots of virtual signalling .....we won't be allowed out until everyone gets vaccinated. If you haven't been vaccinated look out....'it's all your fault that we're still in lock down', (otherwise known as under house arrest).
Pure evil happening here.

The green card thing has emerged on the BBC now!

So the health passport has become the green passport, the green certificate, you know, the thing that they add your air miles on, your energy use, your miles you travel to work, all 'for the greater good' to keep us at zero carbon emissions. Oh and will the green card give you credit for only having one child?

My brain is struggling to cope with the mentality of my fellow countrymen.


Oct 19, 2019
My brain is struggling to cope with the mentality of my fellow countrymen.
I feel your pain! It genuinely is baffling. Now we are supposed to believe there is a vaccine shortage. It's mind blowing that people don't see the tactics being deployed for what they are.



Jul 31, 2015
Little England is still alive and kicking. I think they are using that as a mechanism to encourage vaccine uptake, i.e. making it a battle between Us vs. The EU/The World.
Sefton I pray you are right


May 27, 2017
United Kingdom


Mar 26, 2014
Why can only a small percentage of people see this? When I speak people look at me as if I'm mad and stupid.

Unironically it's probably all the Peat issues (Serotonin etc) combined with all the subtle WW2 jingoism/Churchill/government worship

Edit: And the scum at the BBC.


Oct 19, 2019
Unironically it's probably all the Peat issues (Serotonin etc) combined with all the subtle WW2 jingoism/Churchill/government worship

Edit: And the scum at the BBC.
Many (especially boomers) are so used to believing the authorities have their best interests at heart and should be obeyed its comical to watch. They are the textbook definition of that high-serotonin personality in hibernation avoiding anything novel that threatens their safe worldview. All thinking is outsourced to an expert now.

Most over 60s view of reality is simply what the Daily Mail and BBC News tells them as most are still very skeptical of the internet. They are rarely exposed to any alternative views and when they are they just don't want to know. It's wilful blindness on an industrial scale.

I still hold on to some hope that there is a significant majority of under 40s who will reject the vaccine on mass when it's their turn.


Mar 26, 2014
Many (especially boomers) are so used to believing the authorities have their best interests at heart and should be obeyed its comical to watch. They are the textbook definition of that high-serotonin personality in hibernation avoiding anything novel that threatens their safe worldview. All thinking is outsourced to an expert now.

Most over 60s view of reality is simply what the Daily Mail and BBC News tells them as most are still very skeptical of the internet. They are rarely exposed to any alternative views and when they are they just don't want to know. It's wilful blindness on an industrial scale.

I still hold on to some hope that there is a significant majority of under 40s who will reject the vaccine on mass when it's their turn.

It's true. I went over all my logic about the "Pandemic", the vaccines, the economy (That's a whole different interpretation of events).

My Dad still had the vaccine. My Mum hasn't, yet. I don't think she is as strong-willed to resist if it becomes necessary to travel.

For me, it's a hill I am prepared to die on. I don't want the ******* thing! End of discussion.


Fear has been the bioweapon of choice. Who needs the real stuff when you have fear.

The unquestioning British public have been unbelievable. A complete push over. This government can do absolutely anything they please now and as long it's 'for the greater good', (through fear)
Unfortunately, you are completely correct. People consumed by and being manipulated by their own fears. Proving to be an effective strategy for the moment... I too am surprised at the lack of public response. Hoping people can soon snap out of it and wake up and begin to think for themselves.


Oct 19, 2019
My Dad still had the vaccine. My Mum hasn't, yet. I don't think she is as strong-willed to resist if it becomes necessary to travel.

For me, it's a hill I am prepared to die on. I don't want the ******* thing! End of discussion.

My parents too, no questions asked. I have work colleagues asking me what I'll do if the workplace demands vaccination, I just say I'll see them in court! There's zero chance it's happening of my own volition. Same with travel and concerts etc., I'd rather just not give any money to companies that endorse passports etc.

Hoping people can soon snap out of it and wake up and begin to think for themselves.

I think the only way that happens on a mass scale is if a couple of big celebrities or politicians were to have the vaccine and suffer complications as a result. It will take too long for individual issues to filter through the grapevine to reach a critical mass scepticism. Even then the potential long term consequences won't be known for years anyway.


Mar 30, 2020
Unfortunately, you are completely correct. People consumed by and being manipulated by their own fears. Proving to be an effective strategy for the moment... I too am surprised at the lack of public response. Hoping people can soon snap out of it and wake up and begin to think for themselves.

I'm sorry to repost it, but the public barely gave a toss when this passed a second reading the other day - in fact there is probably a large section of the general populace who unquestioningly consume all forms of mainstream media, worship our current government, and welcome this bill; because it will finally deal with all those pesky, pesky protestors and keep those darned kids away from our precious statues, not to mention travellers/gypsies are criminalized elsewhere in the same document, because they cause mess
(I am serious, this is what was said in the debate: travellers apparently cause mess. They are slowly making it illegal to live nomadically or sleep in a vehicle, because constituents in Bury North or wherever it was do not like mess. If criminalizing travellers sounds ominously familiar to history students, perhaps it should).

We have committee and a third reading, it's almost certain to pass because of the overwhelming Conservative majority - not a single one of them rebelled. They don't even really care about publicly justifying this sort of thing any more, and they don't need to, there's nothing anyone can do in Parliament to stop them and every media outlet is apparently beholden to their spin doctors. Our last hope is Lords, and I don't think anyone should be at all optimistic about that.

The Labour MP for Streatham, Bell Ribero-Addy, was the only person to table a 'reasoned amendment' to scrap the entire bill, and this was signed by a number of back-benchers and representatives from other parties (ironic that the most junior MPs appear to be those who might still have a sliver of integrity), but it was promptly scuppered by David Lammy and the Blairites (what a band name) making a different amendment about some of the sentences not being harsh enough for violent crime - so even though Ribero-Addy's attempt to save us was doomed to begin with, it wasn't even given a real chance to die on its own feet. In fact, that argument is likely the only criticism you'll hear about this bill from journalists: it's not harsh enough on certain offenders, stuff about statues, and so on. It's all going to distract from the fact that this is socio-economic purging and a vaccine mandate in all but name.

It's true. I went over all my logic about the "Pandemic", the vaccines, the economy (That's a whole different interpretation of events).

My Dad still had the vaccine. My Mum hasn't, yet. I don't think she is as strong-willed to resist if it becomes necessary to travel.

For me, it's a hill I am prepared to die on. I don't want the ******* thing! End of discussion.

If one plans to avoid it indefinitely, they will have to stay at home forever anyway, because they've pledged to massively increase the number of plain-clothes policemen and putting one "at risk" of "disease" is soon to be an offence worthy of up to a decade in jail.

I've yet to see a single person on any platform mention this particular clause - even those who are apparently against mandatory vaccination have been strangely silent on the topic. Is it really hidden so well?

police bill.png
Jun 16, 2017
Even then the potential long term consequences won't be known for years anyway.
That's true. Ray has mentioned that the effects of GMO foods take generations to surface. The first generation that consumes it doesn't suffer anything. Same thing for the second. The third generation is completely sterile. So taking this vaccine is akin to eating these GMO foods, but much more serious, which is why I think it is extremely irresponsible to take it, not only for the person's own good, but also for the good of their offspring, which didn't choose to be damaged possibly for life due to a stupid decision to take an experimental vaccine whose effects are barely known.


Apr 6, 2018
Unironically it's probably all the Peat issues (Serotonin etc) combined with all the subtle WW2 jingoism/Churchill/government worship

Edit: And the scum at the BBC.


Feb 18, 2016
That's true. Ray has mentioned that the effects of GMO foods take generations to surface. The first generation that consumes it doesn't suffer anything. Same thing for the second. The third generation is completely sterile. So taking this vaccine is akin to eating these GMO foods, but much more serious, which is why I think it is extremely irresponsible to take it, not only for the person's own good, but also for the good of their offspring, which didn't choose to be damaged possibly for life due to a stupid decision to take an experimental vaccine whose effects are barely known.
The people from the covid cult and climate cult are bizarre, they couldn’t care less about future generations in relation to a vaccine but will react hysterically if you say you don’t care about future generations and the climate, you can’t reason with minds within a cult.


Oct 19, 2019

A new low. The UK is now essentially an open prison. Coerced vaccines and you can't leave. That is a failed state/society.
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