As a Woman, I just can’t relate to other women anymore

Jul 17, 2021
Actually no, that's just you being myopic & thinking everyone agrees with you.

Again, what's the number?

Because you're able to make this such a defined thing you'd better tell us the number of men you've fu*ked so we can be sure you're not a whore.

Again, better tell us the number that's allowed then your own number.

Who's society? Your tiny circle of friends that had to fit a very specific narrative?

So what do you call a man who's had a lot of partners? An Alpha? High T?

Again what's the number we're supposed to adhere too to match up to your standards?

1? 3? 5?

Does it have an age bracket difference?

Like once we're 40 are we whores if we've had ten dicks?

We need a solid number lady.

Just wanted you to know that I've been married for 16 years, have two teenage kids, have had 3 abortions of life I did think was a human being.

We just decided I didn't want any of them😉

But also before I got married I had plenty of partners that I didn't get STDS from or pregnant.

You do know that you don't have to bang the grossest person you can find on some app right?

So there's a HUGE swing of examples here one's a porn site, one a dating site, one social media.

Do I think women have self worth issues that might be made worse by sexually exploiting their bodies on only fans/dating sites?


Do I think that you're actually pretty self conscious about your own body & lashing out at women who feel comfortable in their skin in let's say selfies they feel attractive in?


Again how should they dress?

What's your standard for men? Are they whores for posturing their muscles? Abs? Talking about how much they earn?

Yeah but I have a feeling you're a full button up kinda gal who hates anyone who shows curves, cleavage, or any pride in their physical appearance.

But I don't know I own my own business & am not afraid to have some titty showing.

Here, let me re-write that for you:

"As to the friends issue, I don’t have friends who are perfect. I now have a small circle of friends who are likeminded, in that we share the same understanding about things and reject the anything goes mentality that permeates most of society today. The same rigid mindset that if people aren't exactly like us they're BIG OL whores because we don't allow room for nuances & hide behind fake morals that allow us to make wide casting judgments."

There, that's better.

You're just a female version of the guy who said all women secretly want to be raped, it's probably the only way we can't be whores right?

But hey what do I know, I'm just some dumb whore right?
Rereading what you wrote, you are really, just rude.


Jan 15, 2016
Your physiognomy checks out
Hmm, how about you show yourself so that others can make a preconceived judgement on your character and then proceed to pin it to a pseudoscience called "physiognomy"; oh wait, you would be afraid to do that, I understand..
It’s not about clothes…it’s about having self respect. When you have self respect, you don’t have the need to put it all out there on social media. In other words, exposing all ya got. All the time. Like the majority do on social media nowadays. And yeah, it’s across the board.
What you decide as being "self respect" is a subjective experience; as an alternative, I could say that if one never found the courage to express or show themselves, then they could be breaching their own personal form of self respect. It can be incredibly harmful to constantly subdue and deny a basic human need, and that would be enjoying sexuality.. to enjoy the intimacy, affections, to hear or see that you may be desired, and to reciprocate that. So, how does one make that judgement call for others? You could see someone on some avenue of social media partaking in sexuality or even just in self expression, yet in that persons personal life they may actual have restraint, or have had very little sexual experiences in person; the former is just an outlet that is the later. Ironically it is often those that have had their "fill" of sexuality that wish to impose some subjective definition on to others.


Oct 20, 2021
United States
Hmm, how about you show yourself so that others can make a preconceived judgement on your character and then proceed to pin it to a pseudoscience called "physiognomy"; oh wait, you would be afraid to do that, I understand..

What you decide as being "self respect" is a subjective experience; as an alternative, I could say that if one never found the courage to express or show themselves, then they could be breaching their own personal form of self respect. It can be incredibly harmful to constantly subdue and deny a basic human need, and that would be enjoying sexuality.. to enjoy the intimacy, affections, to hear or see that you may be desired, and to reciprocate that. So, how does one make that judgement call for others? You could see someone on some avenue of social media partaking in sexuality or even just in self expression, yet in that persons personal life they may actual have restraint, or have had very little sexual experiences in person; the former is just an outlet that is the later. Ironically it is often those that have had their "fill" of sexuality that wish to impose some subjective definition on to others.
You are literally a tranny. What else needs to be said?


Oct 4, 2019
Actually no, that's just you being myopic & thinking everyone agrees with you.

Again, what's the number?

Because you're able to make this such a defined thing you'd better tell us the number of men you've fu*ked so we can be sure you're not a whore.

Again, better tell us the number that's allowed then your own number.

Who's society? Your tiny circle of friends that had to fit a very specific narrative?

So what do you call a man who's had a lot of partners? An Alpha? High T?

Again what's the number we're supposed to adhere too to match up to your standards?

1? 3? 5?

Does it have an age bracket difference?

Like once we're 40 are we whores if we've had ten dicks?

We need a solid number lady.

Just wanted you to know that I've been married for 16 years, have two teenage kids, have had 3 abortions of life I did think was a human being.

We just decided I didn't want any of them😉

But also before I got married I had plenty of partners that I didn't get STDS from or pregnant.

You do know that you don't have to bang the grossest person you can find on some app right?

So there's a HUGE swing of examples here one's a porn site, one a dating site, one social media.

Do I think women have self worth issues that might be made worse by sexually exploiting their bodies on only fans/dating sites?


Do I think that you're actually pretty self conscious about your own body & lashing out at women who feel comfortable in their skin in let's say selfies they feel attractive in?


Again how should they dress?

What's your standard for men? Are they whores for posturing their muscles? Abs? Talking about how much they earn?

Yeah but I have a feeling you're a full button up kinda gal who hates anyone who shows curves, cleavage, or any pride in their physical appearance.

But I don't know I own my own business & am not afraid to have some titty showing.

Here, let me re-write that for you:

"As to the friends issue, I don’t have friends who are perfect. I now have a small circle of friends who are likeminded, in that we share the same understanding about things and reject the anything goes mentality that permeates most of society today. The same rigid mindset that if people aren't exactly like us they're BIG OL whores because we don't allow room for nuances & hide behind fake morals that allow us to make wide casting judgments."

There, that's better.

You're just a female version of the guy who said all women secretly want to be raped, it's probably the only way we can't be whores right?

But hey what do I know, I'm just some dumb whore right?
Men with self respect wouldnt marry woman who has a high body count they would only bang them

Men would likely marry a button upped girl over a girl who is dressed down

the dress sense gives men the clues as to what type of woman they're dealing with


Apr 29, 2021
i cant even relate to people on this forum anymore
i havent been able to relate to a single human in years
this forum has dogmas and is an ecco chamber just like everywhere else-just on a lesser scale.
if you think this forum is any different try to even question racial differences in iq and behaviour and see what happens. my last account was banned for just opening the conversation.


Apr 19, 2020
I can’t relate to other women in today’s modern society. And I am a woman. Seems collectively, women today have taken pills that make them literally insane. I really do think it’s a spiritual issue. Women have lost touch with who they are…we are women. We are supposed to be feminine. The fairer sex. loving our offspring. loving our husbands. Nurturing.

How can they not see that all their repulsive screaming and demanding and acting like idiots will get them nowhere but disrespect?

Seems other women are just miserable, like they hate themselves. Self loathing. They believe the medias lies, the tel- lie-vision’s lies. What they are taught in their indoctrination centers called higher education. They are never happy. I don’t think they even know what they are so angry about. But they are furious. Really, as a woman, I don’t belong on the same planet as them.

They are proud of being massively huge. Like it just doesn’t matter how they look. Or they act like whores on social media, showing everything they’ve got. Act like a whore, you will be treated like one. I don’t get it. I really don’t.

These lost women see nothing wrong in murdering another human being, their unborn child, who deserves to live just as much as they do.

The only women I now choose to be friends with, all think like I do. They all value things that modern women despise. I’m quite happy to have a small exclusive group of likeminded friends. I don’t mind that I’m the minority.

I don’t think I am better than these women, but I don’t understand them, I don’t support them and I don’t want to be around them.

I really can understand how bad it is for men today. That’s not giving men a free pass either. Many have porn addictions that lead to warped, unrealistic and reprobate expectations. And they are taught to be irresponcible. But how women act today, doesn’t help.

Women used to be the moral keepers for society as a whole. I’m not talking religionista uptight humorless women who are negative karen gestapo crews who are rude and get in your face over the smallest things.. But women who just have self dignity and common sense. And don’t fall for the disgusting societal lies.

And who actually like themselves.

Maybe that’s what we need. A movement of women who have the moral fortitude to stand up to these screaming, demanding mee mees, by just being decent, wholesome, healthy individuals, and rejecting their hysterical demands.
I know how you feel, no really, as in I can relate THAT I CAN'T relate so easily. And I am a man! I just found this thread, and seems are getting Real in da Hood people. (as in this Forum). Women are not being womanly and men are not being manly. First it is obvious that we all have our prejudices, our programming from mother father family culture, society, religion, etc.. One will never be free of such subliminal programs until one is able to self reflect and accept this. This is exactly part of the Acceptance or Self Respect and personal pride NOT arrogance in one's life and life's work that I understand Focused to be exploring. It doesn't mean that we discard the religious or tribal beliefs at all, though we can, but that we have understanding of the values or ethics and morals tied to it. Modern Culture wars is a thing. More than most people will accept. Many of our ideas, concepts, 'trust the science' science has completely manipulated most of us.


Jan 15, 2016


LMFAO you are a complete degenerate. Every time I see you comment with that ridiculous profile pic I cannot help but laugh. Seek help.

So, you care enough to visit my meaningless channel, post something that I have willingly shared(it is not for you by the way), and now proceed to say "seek help".. Not only that, you come into a thread just to demean some other poster with an irrelevant comment about "physiognomy", all while adding nothing to the actual conversation. Tell me, what kind of "help" would you recommend? Would reading "The Turner Diaries" give me insight into the help I need? Define for me what a "degenerate" is, thanks.

Are you upset? I apologize if I upset you in any way.


Oct 20, 2021
United States
So, you care enough to visit my meaningless channel, post something that I have willingly shared(it is not for you by the way), and now proceed to say "seek help".. Not only that, you come into a thread just to demean some other poster with an irrelevant comment about "physiognomy", all while adding nothing to the actual conversation. Tell me, what kind of "help" would you recommend? Would reading "The Turner Diaries" give me insight into the help I need? Define for me what a "degenerate" is, thanks.

Are you upset? I apologize if I upset you in any way.
If it’s not for me (the viewer),who is it for? It’s literally linked in your profile so clearly you seek validation from members of this forum. You are crossdressing on a platform that children use. I don’t care about “age restriction”. No child or even teenager should be so easily exposed to some grown man exposing his **** with his protruding ballsack posing as a woman. The fact you need me to define all of these things proves to me that you are as deluded as I thought you were.

No where were you quoted or brought in to this discussion. My original comment was directly at someone else and who are you to say it’s irrelevant? But bringing up a book I found at a second hand store in a completely different thread is relevant? The irony is laughable.


Jan 15, 2016
If it’s not for me (the viewer),who is it for? It’s literally linked in your profile so clearly you seek validation from members of this forum. You are crossdressing on a platform that children use. I don’t care about “age restriction”. No child or even teenager should be so easily exposed to some grown man exposing his **** with his protruding ballsack posing as a woman. The fact you need me to define all of these things proves to me that you are as deluded as I thought you were.

No where were you quoted or brought in to this discussion. My original comment was directly at someone else and who are you to say it’s irrelevant? But bringing up a book I found at a second hand store in a completely different thread is relevant? The irony is laughable.
"Crossdressing" is to imply that clothing has a gender, which is ridiculous; people can wear whatever they want. It is your perception that defines what you think someone is "posing" as, and I personally don't care about your perception. I do however care about age restriction, there is a reason it is there, and there is a reason that what I post is "Untitled" without easily defined searching; it is inherently intended to not be found, and parents should have control over their childs account.

I'm calling your comment on another poster irrelevant because it clearly is? You simply wanted to say something hostile to someone you disagree with, that is also what you are continually doing to me as well. There is no irony here, you have repeatedly done this, and in turn I've decided to map you out.. So, instead of basing my judgement on your physical appearance I will do so by the content you post, by the things you say, by your ideology..


Apr 19, 2020
There really are malevolent forces at work, working thru compromised individuals, that truely want to eradicate the original definition of what manhood and womanhood means. Redefine it. Eradicate our humanity. People need to wake up to what is really going on behind the curtain. At least discuss it before it’s too late.

So, I say let’s talk about it before we can no longer speak.

Yes. (I was busy and sent the above before finishing.)

Spot On Sista. The powers that be want to and have changed society and molded it to a high level through the various mass mediums, MSM. We do not have to go into that here. (We can call them many names= JD Rockefellers and Brit. Royals, Deep State, etc..) But our system is sadly broken. And of course the primordial roles of Mother and Father, definition of men and women, and the complete colour revolution ON US.

Lying = Truth. PUFA = Essential Fatty acids. Man = Can have babies. Women can have d+cks. Ad nauseum...

It is like I 'switch gears' to relate to most peeps, men and women, and where I live there is an obvious feminization of the men, especially in the urban areas.
It is culture/hormones/TV modelling, and probably so much more that I don't know. Women are quite butch here in Australia in general, and imo partly due to the fact of the level of Manly Men is a High Bar, somewhat in modern times, and very STrongly Manly in recent generations. (I was first here in Australia in 1992 for 5 months in the outback, so I have some barometer).

Times are a changing people. As thanks for this forum where we can still communicate most subjects for Health.
Jul 17, 2021
Men with self respect wouldnt marry woman who has a high body count they would only bang them

Men would likely marry a button upped girl over a girl who is dressed down

the dress sense gives men the clues as to what type of woman they're dealing with
Thanks. You kinda prove my points.
Jul 17, 2021
I know how you feel, no really, as in I can relate THAT I CAN'T relate so easily. And I am a man! I just found this thread, and seems are getting Real in da Hood people. (as in this Forum). Women are not being womanly and men are not being manly. First it is obvious that we all have our prejudices, our programming from mother father family culture, society, religion, etc.. One will never be free of such subliminal programs until one is able to self reflect and accept this. This is exactly part of the Acceptance or Self Respect and personal pride NOT arrogance in one's life and life's work that I understand Focused to be exploring. It doesn't mean that we discard the religious or tribal beliefs at all, though we can, but that we have understanding of the values or ethics and morals tied to it. Modern Culture wars is a thing. More than most people will accept. Many of our ideas, concepts, 'trust the science' science has completely manipulated most of us.
I agree 👍
Jul 17, 2021
Well, it’s better to be trained by your man as to what he likes rather than an entire basketball team.

Just sayin….


Sep 21, 2014
What do you call a man who just wants to get laid?

Post in thread 'Insane Craving For Sex' Insane Craving For Sex

I guess he is only for the streets...
Maybe there is a correlation between playing a lot of darts and "just wanting to get laid".

Although, if I interpret the comments above yours correctly, basketball seems to be the better choice for this goal.
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