As a Woman, I just can’t relate to other women anymore


Sep 21, 2014


Aug 22, 2013
The sad and tragic fact is, women today, ARE acting like whores. On social media. And society reflects social media.

I’m not condemning these women. Just stating a fact. They act like whores. It’s the norm, not the exception. They have sex indiscrimanently and by their behavior, cause men to treat them like whores. They show everything they’ve got and leave nothing to the imagination.

Our imaginations, our mysteries are one of the sexiest things about us.

It didn’t use to be this way in society. Women really were the ones who were the doorkeepers so to speak, in the sexual arena. Just because I am against indiscriminate sexual encounters does not mean I advocate a return to sexual repression.

But basically I see women having no self respect for themselves. Of course they are a product of what is being fed to them by society, by social media. As are men.

And that’s my unapologetic observation and opinion.
I agree with you and find it disturbing that dressing provocatively and casual sex is the norm. I also think it stems from lack of self-respect. Generally I have held more of a live and let live kind of view towards what people do, but as my girls are approaching preteen/teen, I lately have started having stronger opinions on these matters of how girls (at least mine) ought to be raised.
Jul 17, 2021
Good post and as a female, I agree wholeheartedly. There was a line from a Tory Amos song that said, "Girls..... girls...... what have we ourselves."
I have one friend from elementary school who was an independent thinker/not a follower, and she is the only woman I have regard for (one of the only women I know who didn't get vaccinated). I don't want to talk to my family (and basically have not), extended family, because I cannot relate to them and I don't want to fight or be silent (highly influenced by culture and media). It is just too exhausting. Getting rid of my TV 21 years ago was so important for my sanity. It seems we are in a transitional time, where the insanity of our culture is going to die (figuratively and maybe literally). People with wholesome values, ability to think critically, and morality will remain (my opinion). I think there will be people in your future who you will admire.

Thank you. I don’t know how I missed your post. You’ve encapsulated what I’ve been trying to say in this thread with your posting the line from the Tori Amos song:

“Girls…….girls….what have we done to ourselves”????

That’s the crux of what I’m trying to say……girls, women, what have we done to ourselves?

What have we done to ourselves?

What have we done to ourselves?


Why are we settling and accepting and condoning and behaving in the lowest common denominator way, like living at the bottom of the barrel….acting like whores because……..yeah, it is whore behavior. You can’t candy coat it. If that offends someone by me saying that, so be it. It’s not about me. It’s about what I’m observing. And it’s not judging. It’s seeing and pointing out how far we’ve fallen.

And fallen we have.

And we love it.

Like that’s fine?


It’s not fine. It’s a sickness that modern women (and the rest of the world) have embraced as the norm today. And unless you’ve been living under a rock, this IS the norm today.

And in my opinion, it’s not ok.

Like the video James Gantz posted:

Woman Brags About Getting Trained By The Whole Basketball Team​


Women used to be the guiding influence of other women in society, yet here you have men doing that job now. In a round about way. If I was a guy, I would be rejecting them too. And really, you can’t blame them. MGTOW makes sense in light of what I’m saying.

Something. really. is. rotten. in. Denmark. (paraphrasing Shakespeare)

Something is really rotten in today’s society. When are we going to take a hard look at ourselves and realise what we’ve become?

My point is, we can be better. Someone posted that I was bitching. Well, you completely missed the point I was trying to make if that is all you got out of my thread.

As I stated before, I get that modern women are products of what they have been taught over the last 60+ years….BUT just because we’ve been taught this, doesn’t mean we have to accept this. And be carried away with the tide sweeping the world into the abyss.

Yes the abyss. Because that’s where we’re headed.

It’s not natural, it’s not normal and it’s not good for us as women to become the lowest common denominator. Or men. Or society.

We’ve bought the lie that says it’s natural, normal and good. And it’s not.

I really do think that what I’m saying goes further in that, it is a spiritual sickness we’ve been experiencing, and it is manifesting in the behavior I, we, some of us, are seeing.

A spiritual sickness that is eating us alive and we love it so. We love to wallow in our own filth and think it’s just fine.

“The prophets prophesy falsely,
And the priests rule by their own power;
And My people love to have it so.
But what will you do in the end?” (Jeremiah 5: 31)


Aug 17, 2018
Thank you. I don’t know how I missed your post. You’ve encapsulated what I’ve been trying to say in this thread with your posting the line from the Tori Amos song:

“Girls…….girls….what have we done to ourselves”????

That’s the crux of what I’m trying to say……girls, women, what have we done to ourselves?

What have we done to ourselves?

What have we done to ourselves?


Why are we settling and accepting and condoning and behaving in the lowest common denominator way, like living at the bottom of the barrel….acting like whores because……..yeah, it is whore behavior. You can’t candy coat it. If that offends someone by me saying that, so be it. It’s not about me. It’s about what I’m observing. And it’s not judging. It’s seeing and pointing out how far we’ve fallen.

And fallen we have.

And we love it.

Like that’s fine?


It’s not fine. It’s a sickness that modern women (and the rest of the world) have embraced as the norm today. And unless you’ve been living under a rock, this IS the norm today.

And in my opinion, it’s not ok.

Like the video James Gantz posted:

Woman Brags About Getting Trained By The Whole Basketball Team​


Women used to be the guiding influence of other women in society, yet here you have men doing that job now. In a round about way. If I was a guy, I would be rejecting them too. And really, you can’t blame them. MGTOW makes sense in light of what I’m saying.

Something. really. is. rotten. in. Denmark. (paraphrasing Shakespeare)

Something is really rotten in today’s society. When are we going to take a hard look at ourselves and realise what we’ve become?

My point is, we can be better. Someone posted that I was bitching. Well, you completely missed the point I was trying to make if that is all you got out of my thread.

As I stated before, I get that modern women are products of what they have been taught over the last 60+ years….BUT just because we’ve been taught this, doesn’t mean we have to accept this. And be carried away with the tide sweeping the world into the abyss.

Yes the abyss. Because that’s where we’re headed.

It’s not natural, it’s not normal and it’s not good for us as women to become the lowest common denominator. Or men. Or society.

We’ve bought the lie that says it’s natural, normal and good. And it’s not.

I really do think that what I’m saying goes further in that, it is a spiritual sickness we’ve been experiencing, and it is manifesting in the behavior I, we, some of us, are seeing.

A spiritual sickness that is eating us alive and we love it so. We love to wallow in our own filth and think it’s just fine.

“The prophets prophesy falsely,
And the priests rule by their own power;
And My people love to have it so.
But what will you do in the end?” (Jeremiah 5: 31)

Partially I blame fashion industry (which you were a part of) for this. Look at how women are dressed in many fashioned magazines. Many company websites actually block some of the fashion websites like Victoria secret because it's being viewed as a soft porn.

Then, all the teenage girls are seeing this and thinking it's ok to dress like this.


Mar 10, 2016
I don't understand how this relates to posts such as Haidut's about young people having less sex than their parents or grandparents.
The user i referred to earlier, who was banned, talked about how hard it was to get women to sleep with him without having conversations or getting to know each other first.


Jan 15, 2016
I don't understand how this relates to posts such as Haidut's about young people having less sex than their parents or grandparents.
The user i referred to earlier, who was banned, talked about how hard it was to get women to sleep with him without having conversations or getting to know each other first.
This is problem with using anecdotes in order to support someone's subjective opinion, when in reality I believe Haidut's post is likely closer to the truth of the situation.. and unfortunately the crux of that burden tends to be placed more on young men for a variety of reasons, one being that they often have a higher drive for sexual expression and desire for intimacy; another being that our current culture facilitates(capitalizes on) loneliness and hypergamy. There is also something fundamentally wrong with some notion of one sex "doorkeeping" in some "sexual arena".. these are concepts that have nothing to do with love, and are completely corrosive for genuine affection between people.

This was partially what I was trying to reply with originally before it spiraled into some nonsensical off topic discussion, all while being narratively framed by someone else's sick projection. That's all it is now, just "straw man" arguments, hypocrisy, and anecdotes; all wrapped in wonderful language.

Observing culture while empathizing with other peoples perspective and then coming back to my own experiences being biromantic, if I wasn't attracted to men I would very likely just embrace being asexual..
Jul 17, 2021
Partially I blame fashion industry (which you were a part of) for this. Look at how women are dressed in many fashioned magazines. Many company websites actually block some of the fashion websites like Victoria secret because it's being viewed as a soft porn.

Then, all the teenage girls are seeing this and thinking it's ok to dress like this.

Yes you are right. The fashion industry, which I was involved in, is part of the problem. However, there are different branches of the fashion industry. There’s Victoria’s Secret, which is more of a thing unto itself, and then there’s the bread and butter of the industry, the backbone of it, the catalogs. Or at least it used to be. I did mostly catalogs, magazines, some runway but by the time I got out of it, I’d had enough. Plus, I could see the hypocrisy and a whole bunch of other shady things that contributed to my decision to get out.

But again, my main points are that the accessability and influence of social media via the internet, has opened up a wide berth, where anyone, anywhere, can do, be and promote anything they want to and there’s no restraint.

And women (and men) have bought into it. As a society, as a whole (not talking about individuals) we’ve become sick spiritually and physically as a result of this influence and buying into the lie. It’s not healthy, it’s not good and is leading us towards a downward spiral into, as I said before, the abyss.

But God forbid I offer a different point of view or criticism of said behavior.


Aug 21, 2020
I don't understand how this relates to posts such as Haidut's about young people having less sex than their parents or grandparents.
The user i referred to earlier, who was banned, talked about how hard it was to get women to sleep with him without having conversations or getting to know each other first.
On the contrary, I would say that those threads could not be any more related!

By nature, men tend to have a much higher drive for sex as a physical act, and in the absence of restrictive cultural norms, they can naturally go to extreme lengths to satisfy that urge.

In a society where everyone is encouraged to have sex indiscriminately, this should theoretically lead to people having much greater amounts of sex.

But since women's sexuality is different than men's and inherently more selective, only a minority of men profit from this situation, monopolising the dating scene as a growing number of average (and thus unattractive) men lose any chance at finding even one average woman.

Clearly: as paradoxical as it may seem at first, whores, rape and incels are all directly related phenomena that result from the same degenerate sexual culture.

I would add, though, that I do not believe anyone profits from this situation in the long term, and that is why, as mentioned by other posters, our culture will slowly but inevitably move on from it, and the wisdom of our ancestors will again be ours too.
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Mar 10, 2016
I appreciate that you're attempting to make an economic statement out of the situation and agree with your optimism.

my notes:

1) you've viewed it in a vacuum. as if economic factors and changing cultural values / awareness was not a part of this
2) i don't understand what point you're attempting by "men naturally can go to extreme lengths" to obtain sex. but my argument was not against that user wanting easy sex. my argument was that he couldn't get it, aka where the whores at?
3) and my biggest point, rape is an objective and legal term, where whore is a subjective value statement. also, it is not very nice


Dec 4, 2021
My main issue with the thread is it's just a woman who couldn't make friends & so all women are whores...

The OP could have said "I have a hard time finding female friends that share my same values" & left it at that.

There was literally no reason to begin saying women unlike her are whores.

Especially if she's not even willing to define, in her view, what amount of sexual partners makes a woman a whore.

But no she had to make a grand stand of how morally pure she is, how she believes all women who don't fit her morals are whores & bask in the men who have untouched woman fantasies.

Then she thinks it's "rude" to be challenged but not rude to just call basically any woman who's not like her a whore 🤣

This lady tried to reach out to me last week & be all upset about the incel who said all women secretly want to be raped... How is her saying that basically all women are whores any different?

Lastly, this whole thread reeks of an older sexually repressed woman who hates other women for not being as miserable as she is.


Aug 21, 2020
I appreciate that you're attempting to make an economic statement out of the situation and agree with your optimism.

my notes:

1) you've viewed it in a vacuum. as if economic factors and changing cultural values / awareness was not a part of this
2) i don't understand what point you're attempting by "men naturally can go to extreme lengths" to obtain sex. but my argument was not against that user wanting easy sex. my argument was that he couldn't get it, aka where the whores at?
3) and my biggest point, rape is an objective and legal term, where whore is a subjective value statement. also, it is not very nice
Yes, I allowed myself to make some broad generalisations because I believe that this imbalance between the male and female experience is biologically based, and that it has to be addressed first in order to fully understand modern society.

The term whore is ideologically charged, sure, but it can only offend people who do not share the underlying belief system. In the same way, a sexually conservative woman will probably find the term "sexually repressed" — used by the above poster — very offensive and wrong. Using neutral terms when discussing with people from different backgrounds would be more adequate, but I am not sure that is actually possible.

About rape: is it really objective? At which point and to what extent does consent need to be expressed? As I see it, a degree of spontaneity and ambiguity is essential for attraction and love to develop; not to mention the fact that most of our sexual communication is non-verbal. Of course, that can never be an excuse to violate another person's integrity. But I feel that working towards a more respectful, humane view of sexuality — one which sees both subjects as part of a valuable union instead of mere objects for personal gratification — would do a lot more to improve the situation for all parties involved.
Jul 17, 2021
My main issue with the thread is it's just a woman who couldn't make friends & so all women are whores...

The OP could have said "I have a hard time finding female friends that share my same values" & left it at that.

There was literally no reason to begin saying women unlike her are whores.

Especially if she's not even willing to define, in her view, what amount of sexual partners makes a woman a whore.

But no she had to make a grand stand of how morally pure she is, how she believes all women who don't fit her morals are whores & bask in the men who have untouched woman fantasies.

Then she thinks it's "rude" to be challenged but not rude to just call basically any woman who's not like her a whore 🤣

This lady tried to reach out to me last week & be all upset about the incel who said all women secretly want to be raped... How is her saying that basically all women are whores any different?

Lastly, this whole thread reeks of an older sexually repressed woman who hates other women for not being as miserable as she is.
😁 Try harder.


Apr 19, 2020
Hey forum brothers and sisters, this is NOT REDDIT. Jeez Louise..... . It is obvious to watchers of modern culture and society, travellers and folks over a certain age (40? 60? 80? It depends upon one's perceptions.) have seen the degradation of morals and ethics across the board in the modern world. Media promotes this big time, nudging not just fashion and trends, but behaviour. I am just under 60 and when MTV came out I thought oh how cool. Then less than 10 years later, most of which NOT watching TV, and just half of those years living in the USA, it was easy to see the drugs/bling/$$$ culture being promoted, through MTV and more. So, to me this thread is about @FocusedOnHealth noting that she has more (my approximation) conservative/traditional values than women she knows.

When I was 18 at University I got into a discussion with some women down the hallway in the dorm. They said that they were bombarded by images from Vogue/Cosmo/TV etc., and that these were all pervasive and attempts to program the women. I said that men have imagery projected at them as well. And I said to them, "Don't buy these mags. Don't participate in this kind of media. Do your own thing. Take responsibility for the incoming messages."
I guess it takes a strong woman to do this.


Mar 10, 2016
Hey, doubling back for a few things.
Rape is and has been a charge in courts of law for some time now so, while sexual consent is often nuanced (I wouldn't say non-verbal), we do, as an American society, agree on a definition for it.
The term whore is ideologically charged, sure, but it can only offend people who do not share the underlying belief system
This hits it right on the nose. To reference America, again, we were never meant to be a united belief system. In fact, there are different belief systems within the same religion, even within the same denomination :) Take a look at Northern Ireland's history.
But back to America. Friedrich Hayek said it much better than I can, but something that makes America special is that we use principles as well as belief systems.
For example, innocent until proven guilty (a principle) vs. mob justice (imposing morality)
For example, separation of church and state (a principle) rather than state sanctioned-religion or forced conversion (moral superiority).

Using neutral terms when discussing with people from different backgrounds would be more adequate, but I am not sure that is actually possible.
I think it is possible :)

Brian Douglas

Jan 29, 2022
Men with self respect wouldnt marry woman who has a high body count they would only bang them

Men would likely marry a button upped girl over a girl who is dressed down

the dress sense gives men the clues as to what type of woman they're dealing with
Have stayed out of this fracas until now. Men with self respect wouldn't marry a woman who's had a lot of partners, just "bang" them? What self respect is that when you view a woman who has been, by your judgment, promiscuous & yet you'll sleep with her? You are now saying she's only worth sex? And somehow you're worth more? You are behaving no differently.
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