
The issue I have with that study which says covid causes organ damage is that we don't know exactly how they proved those people had covid. The PCR test are not reliable. Even if you give them the benefit of the doubt what drugs were used to treat those people? Remdesivir was the standard protocol for treat people said to have covid and that causes organ damage. Were these people given the covid shots?


Feb 18, 2018
The issue I have with that study which says covid causes organ damage is that we don't know exactly how they proved those people had covid. The PCR test are not reliable. Even if you give them the benefit of the doubt what drugs were used to treat those people? Remdesivir was the standard protocol for treat people said to have covid and that causes organ damage. Were these people given the covid shots?

Yes it's only one piece of evidence, but if you search around on pubmed you can see quite a number of literature discussing long COVID

"More than 200 symptoms have been identified with impacts on multiple organ systems. At least 65 million individuals worldwide are estimated to have long COVID, with cases increasing daily"

We can't discount this when discussing about excess mortalities, illnesses, hospitilizations, etc...

I can't help but believe that failing to recognize this is being biased in the interpretation of what's happening.


Yes it's only one piece of evidence, but if you search around on pubmed you can see quite a number of literature discussing long COVID

"More than 200 symptoms have been identified with impacts on multiple organ systems. At least 65 million individuals worldwide are estimated to have long COVID, with cases increasing daily"

We can't discount this when discussing about excess mortalities, illnesses, hospitilizations, etc...

I can't help but believe that failing to recognize this is being biased in the interpretation of what's happening.
This would make sense if I hadn't seen that graph that spikes once the jabbing starts


Feb 18, 2018
Careful, because I guarantee you that that person is showing you the narrative they want to tell.

Vaccines also rolled out during mass waves of COVID infections as well, and in fact, from looking at a lot of those graphs, there was a trend in increase illnesses, mortalities, etc... even before the vaccines (which would make sense, since people were falling ill with COVID), however, that inflection point is never highlighted by the author, because it's not the story they want to tell.


Jul 25, 2022
Which, in this information overload world, can tell any story you want, just depending on what your pre-conceived beliefs are. If you are the conspiratorial type (which is very obvious that the majority of people on this forum are), than any story that doesn't fit the narrative of the "powers that be" will be dismissed as misinformation (the same can obviously said about the "other side" and studies that show that the vaccine is dangerous). So we live in a world now where you have to pick a side and then you stick your head in the sand and rage into the wind. But this polarization exists across all domains, political, religious, socioeconomic, etc... and is so obviously a ginomorous problem with our culture. No one can agree on anything, truth is obscured, and humanity as a result suffers.
I'd say this paragraph pretty much nails it, and that this divide between the people is being created intentionally by the powers that (shouldn't) be.

Using the idea of the spike protein is causing damage as you mentioned (assuming spike proteins even exist), the media told us the spike protein from the vax would only last a few days, No surprise that turned out to be a lie, and a couple studies are showing the body still producing spike protein 18 months after injection, with no end in sight. (I'm struggling to find these studies at the moment, but Dr Peter McCollough brought them into the publics attention)

Spike protein after "covid" however has proven to only last a couple days in the body.

IIRC the test for "spike protein" is just a test for a genetic sequence, so it could all be nonsense anyways, but that gets into the whole do viruses even exist debate.

Food for thought-since we just lived through a super dangerous and deadly covid pandemic, shouldn't all the antivaxxers be dead by now? Or at least expressing their regret from not taking the vax, contracting covid and suffering permanent damage? As far as I can tell, the only people with continuing health issues (long covid) are vaccinated.


Jul 25, 2022
Careful, because I guarantee you that that person is showing you the narrative they want to tell.

Vaccines also rolled out during mass waves of COVID infections as well, and in fact, from looking at a lot of those graphs, there was a trend in increase illnesses, mortalities, etc... even before the vaccines (which would make sense, since people were falling ill with COVID), however, that inflection point is never highlighted by the author, because it's not the story they want to tell.
Could the spike in illness be related to increases in testing, and countries manipulating the testing numbers with cycle thresholds and other techniques?

Could any early increase in mortality not be due to the fact that early treatment was being denied, medical care is largely being cancelled, and covid protocols at hospitals have proven to be deadly, rather than life saving?

You really have to have a lot of believe in coincidences, and have a lot of loyalty in governments, institutions and big pharma to still be defending their narrative after all the lies they've been caught in over the past 3 years.


Feb 18, 2018
@5LGreenback So you doubt spike proteins exist, yet if they do, vaccines create them long-term while COVID doesn't. Sounding pretty biased.

I won't comment on hospital protocols because I am not a doctor and don't know that world, but if someone is ill enough to warrant having to go to the hospital, that is not an infection that I'd consider benign.


Jul 25, 2022
@5LGreenback So you doubt spike proteins exist, yet if they do, vaccines create them long-term while COVID doesn't. Sounding pretty biased.

I won't comment on hospital protocols because I am not a doctor and don't know that world, but if someone is ill enough to warrant having to go to the hospital, that is not an infection that I'd consider benign.
I’m just stating what the mainstream science was giving us, and yes it’s debatable, as all science should be. I’m undecided on where the truth lies there. I imagine you’ve looked into the debate there and made up your mind?

So what’s your explanation of the vax vs unvax data in the UK? Would you like me to find me data in other areas showing the same thing? I’m getting the feeling it’s not worthwhile.


Feb 18, 2018
I’m just stating what the mainstream science was giving us, and yes it’s debatable, as all science should be. I’m undecided on where the truth lies there. I imagine you’ve looked into the debate there and made up your mind?

So what’s your explanation of the vax vs unvax data in the UK? Would you like me to find me data in other areas showing the same thing? I’m getting the feeling it’s not worthwhile.

I have my bias yes of course. I'll let you know why. Prior to 2020, before COVID ever began, we were still in the midst of a year after year increase in Cancer Global trends in incidence, death, burden and risk factors of early-onset cancer from 1990 to 2019 | BMJ Oncology, Type 2 Diabetes, Cardiovascular Disease, auto-immune disease, all-cause mortality

This trend began before the pandemic, which means that there still is this other cause going on behind the scenes irrespective of COVID and the vaccine. No one can deny this, the data is crystal clear.

What is this other cause? How can anyone explain what this was? The COVID vaccine nor COVID had been around, so something must have been causing it....It's easy to blame the vaccine, or COVID, now and ignore whatever this other cause was, but that's a fools game, because that other cause is still around, and it's still causing damage.

As I've stated before, and I'll state again here, I am of the belief that this other cause is essentially a degeneration of our species caused by inappropriate diets, environmental toxicities, overwhelming stress, and poor lifestyle habits.

COVID, the vaccine, and the paranoia surrounding it all were essentially the straw that broke the camel's back. I believe that focusing on the former to be a much more productive use of time, rather than the latter. Focusing on building resilient human beings that have strong metabolisms, immune systems, organ systems, etc... An organism that doesn't get Long COVID, or isn't susceptible to the spike proteins produced by either the vaccine or COVID.


Oct 11, 2021
I have my bias yes of course. I'll let you know why. Prior to 2020, before COVID ever began, we were still in the midst of a year after year increase in Cancer Global trends in incidence, death, burden and risk factors of early-onset cancer from 1990 to 2019 | BMJ Oncology, Type 2 Diabetes, Cardiovascular Disease, auto-immune disease, all-cause mortality

This trend began before the pandemic, which means that there still is this other cause going on behind the scenes irrespective of COVID and the vaccine. No one can deny this, the data is crystal clear.

What is this other cause? How can anyone explain what this was? The COVID vaccine nor COVID had been around, so something must have been causing it....It's easy to blame the vaccine, or COVID, now and ignore whatever this other cause was, but that's a fools game, because that other cause is still around, and it's still causing damage.

As I've stated before, and I'll state again here, I am of the belief that this other cause is essentially a degeneration of our species caused by inappropriate diets, environmental toxicities, overwhelming stress, and poor lifestyle habits.

COVID, the vaccine, and the paranoia surrounding it all were essentially the straw that broke the camel's back. I believe that focusing on the former to be a much more productive use of time, rather than the latter. Focusing on building resilient human beings that have strong metabolisms, immune systems, organ systems, etc... An organism that doesn't get Long COVID, or isn't susceptible to the spike proteins produced by either the vaccine or COVID.

“Cigarettes don’t cause lung cancer because people got lung cancer before there were cigarettes”


Jan 23, 2017
So you showed me data from US, UK, and Wales. UK had 20 million people infected with COVID,

In the US, half of the population has reported as having been infected with COVID, Half the U.S. population has had COVID, but many cases are going unreported.

That's 150 million people in the US alone.

In one study on 259 people, 60% of people infected with COVID have had multiple organ damage 6 months post infection potentially due to the disease itself,

That's how I explain the rise in excess deaths
You are assuming the reported cases of Covid really were Covid. But @EthicalSkeptic and others have made cases for fraudulent reportage, that is, reporting covid when it's something else and NOT covid. From much I've have seen, the validity of the number of covid reported cases is entirely in doubt.


Aug 1, 2023
Mildly following this exchange.
A few thoughts:

I don’t think we need ‘spike’ present for the ‘pathogen’ to cause illness/disease, nor the supposed vaccines. It could be some other toxic substance (s).

It also seems people were exposed to the thing they call ‘Coronavirus’ or ‘covid-19’ prior to 2020, at least by three months, but possibly far longer.

I’d love to ask every participant to examine his/her own circle:
What level and character of morbidity and mortality have you witnessed since 2020 or even 2019, and where was the inflection point? How does it compare to your experience pre-2019, and pre-December 2020?

For me there is zero question that something went off the rails in early 2021, and that’s just considering my own circle, not news reports. And 97% of it is happening in injected ppl.

So you tell me.


Jan 23, 2017
So you showed me data from US, UK, and Wales. UK had 20 million people infected with COVID,

In the US, half of the population has reported as having been infected with COVID, Half the U.S. population has had COVID, but many cases are going unreported.

That's 150 million people in the US alone.

In one study on 259 people, 60% of people infected with COVID have had multiple organ damage 6 months post infection potentially due to the disease itself,

That's how I explain the rise in excess deaths
More young people are dying now and suddenly in UK. It's not from covid, BTW.

Ed Dowd Drops Devastating Report on Cardiovascular Deaths in the UK
People under 45 are “dying suddenly” — and the numbers are only getting worse.



Aug 1, 2023
More young people are dying now and suddenly in UK. It's not from covid, BTW.

Ed Dowd Drops Devastating Report on Cardiovascular Deaths in the UK
People under 45 are “dying suddenly” — and the numbers are only getting worse.

Pretty sure you’ll get a reply that no one is arguing these young ppl are dying of acute Covid infection, but rather the longterm consequences of previous covid exposure/infection.

I’m open to that idea, but then let’s compare the incidence and outcome between injected and non-injected who’ve reportedly had a prior ‘covid’ infection. My experience is that while the vast majority of everyone I know took the shots, the illnesses and adverse effects on fetuses are basically only in the injected cohort. Not 100%, but approaching.


Aug 1, 2023
Pretty sure you’ll get a reply that no one is arguing these young ppl are dying of acute Covid infection, but rather the longterm consequences of previous covid exposure/infection.

I’m open to that idea, but then let’s compare the incidence and outcome between injected and non-injected who’ve reportedly had a prior ‘covid’ infection. My experience is that while the vast majority of everyone I know took the shots, the illnesses and adverse effects on fetuses are basically only in the injected cohort. Not 100%, but approaching.
I realize this is unclear, but:
-illness in the injected
-adverse events/morbidity in fetuses, are those of injected mothers (and fathers)

By the way, I would prefer to be wrong, of course. I have a niece on the way and my sister and BIL both took the shots.


Jan 23, 2017
Pretty sure you’ll get a reply that no one is arguing these young ppl are dying of acute Covid infection, but rather the longterm consequences of previous covid exposure/infection.

I’m open to that idea, but then let’s compare the incidence and outcome between injected and non-injected who’ve reportedly had a prior ‘covid’ infection. My experience is that while the vast majority of everyone I know took the shots, the illnesses and adverse effects on fetuses are basically only in the injected cohort. Not 100%, but approaching.
I have seen many reports of young people and athletes dying shortly after taking covid vax. Either the vax is a coincidence and the person was about to drop dead anyway at time they did, even if they did not take the vax, or the vax triggered something in them connected to getting covid before. Which is it?


Jan 16, 2023
Thanks for the reply.
I too have seen many people around me - family members, friends, acquaintances, with and without previous health conditions, vaxxed and unvaxxed - get ill, die or having their previous conditions to decline (or not)!

Some really weird cases of people of various ages getting really ill after getting vaxxed. I think mostly in people disconnected from their own health, and this includes many doctors. Also people having health issues after having caught covid. I should have put all the cases I heard of on a spreadsheet and get my own statistic data.

I know for sure that complications from the vax, the disease and from vax + disease are ridiculously underreported.
I am almost losing count of how many jabbed people I personally knew (one family member and 5 family friends) who did not catch covid and died of turbo cancer within a few months after diagnosis:

1 pancreas
1 lung
1 brain
2 leukemia
possibly skin (I lost contact with this wonderful doctor who closed his office and stopped seeing patients, I am not sure if he died).

Then several celebs as well.

Interestingly, people who previously had cancer in my contact circle had almost no adverse effects from the jabs.


I am almost losing count of how many jabbed people I personally knew (one family member and 5 family friends) who did not catch covid and died of turbo cancer within a few months after diagnosis:

1 pancreas
1 lung
1 brain
2 leukemia
possibly skin (I lost contact with this wonderful doctor who closed his office and stopped seeing patients, I am not sure if he died).

Then several celebs as well.

Interestingly, people who previously had cancer in my contact circle had almost no adverse effects from the jabs.
Interesting - what do you make of this?
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