
Feb 18, 2018

What do you say then about this? COVID itself can cause myocarditis... which from this meta-analysis was 7x greater than the myocarditis from the vaccine. This is a point I'd like to emphasize as well, that COVID itself was not a benign virus. It was an epidemic that did ravage through the population, and itself can cause many of these long term problems that we are seeing in the population.



Feb 18, 2018
@Runenight201 I am curious did you catch covid or get jabbed? Of course feel free to not answer

I caught covid, then got the vaccine, then got COVID again all between 2020 and 2022

I am not the picture of good health, so I will say, when I got COVID it really sucked. I felt truly awful. The first time was worse than the second. My sister had it and didn’t feel a damn thing. Same with my friend, who compared it to just a cold. I had a family friend who passed away from it.


Jul 25, 2022
What do you say then about this? COVID itself can cause myocarditis... which from this meta-analysis was 7x greater than the myocarditis from the vaccine. This is a point I'd like to emphasize as well, that COVID itself was not a benign virus. It was an epidemic that did ravage through the population, and itself can cause many of these long term problems that we are seeing in the population.

I remember when this study came out, I didn't believe it at the time, and mountains of data since that time when MSM flaunted this study have proven its false.


Jul 25, 2022
One quick example off the top of my head below. I can dig up more if you're not trolling and are actually curious.

Anecdotally I personally know 2 people with myocarditis and 1 pericarditis since covid 19, all three vaxxed with symptoms occurring within weeks of an injection. None of the three cases would be reported as vax side effects in official data. In 2 of the cases the people are in denial that the vax could have caused this, the other person has dug a little deeper research wise and tried to get it listed as being a vax injury, but the medical industry wont listen. Dr told him its due to stress (all 3 subjects only in their 30's).

Meanwhile the media and their "science" and data were trying to convince us myocarditis only happened to 1 in a million vaxxed....while making sure to always refer to it as "mild".



Aug 1, 2023
Lets not forget the ventilators. They were part of the community standard of treatment. We had a ventilator shortage for a while in the US and Trump used his presidential to get more manufactured on an expedited basis. The doctors who are all trained to follow the community standards to avoid liability eventually figured out the the ventilators were killing the hospitalized patients. By the time the presidentially produced ventilators were manufactured they were no longer needed and were shipped overseas to assist other countries.
Yes, they killed people with ‘Covid’ in the following ways:
1. Deny early treatment
2. Have them come into hospital when O2 sat was so low, and they were weaker and sicker
3. Put them on remdesivir and ventilators
4. Treat them like Ebola patients with no meaningful human contact/generate more FEAR
5. Finish off (murder) the elderly patients with things like morphine and midazolam


Aug 1, 2023
Lets not forget the ventilators. They were part of the community standard of treatment. We had a ventilator shortage for a while in the US and Trump used his presidential to get more manufactured on an expedited basis. The doctors who are all trained to follow the community standards to avoid liability eventually figured out the the ventilators were killing the hospitalized patients. By the time the presidentially produced ventilators were manufactured they were no longer needed and were shipped overseas to assist other countries.
Trump is puzzling to me.

On the one hand he seemed to genuinely have wanted to help. He was supporting access to hydroxychloroquine and when he mentioned ‘bleach’ in the body/veins and everyone skewered him for it, I believe he was trying to discuss Chlorine Dioxide, but was getting it wrong.

And yet I am certain he signed off on some sort of pandemic experiment/vaccine/simulation thing for NIH/Fauci in Sept 2019 (Would need to look up again David Martin’s evidence on that document), and he then supported Warp Speed, and remains ‘proud’ of his ‘vaccine.’

My general take is Trump is a cabal figure but in a separate/competing faction… but how come he seemed to walk this fenceline of one foot in and one out? Is it simply wrestling over ultimate control and a matter of outward-impacting, internal fighting?


Feb 18, 2018
One quick example off the top of my head below. I can dig up more if you're not trolling and are actually curious.

Anecdotally I personally know 2 people with myocarditis and 1 pericarditis since covid 19, all three vaxxed with symptoms occurring within weeks of an injection. None of the three cases would be reported as vax side effects in official data. In 2 of the cases the people are in denial that the vax could have caused this, the other person has dug a little deeper research wise and tried to get it listed as being a vax injury, but the medical industry wont listen. Dr told him its due to stress (all 3 subjects only in their 30's).

Meanwhile the media and their "science" and data were trying to convince us myocarditis only happened to 1 in a million vaxxed....while making sure to always refer to it as "mild".


I’m not trolling and I’m not sure what you’re on about the media and their “science”. Just from checking the numbers of the first study from the meta-analysis I linked the risk of developing myocarditis from vaccination was 1 in 50,000.

That video you posted did nothing to disprove the meta-analysis I posted, it simply stated there was a contradiction between Israeli, US, and UK data in regards to myocarditis. Note that these are 3 distinct populations with different environments, diets, and gene pools so there certainly could be more at play in regards to why this was the case. COVID did not affect every country equally, so clearly there are some other variables at play when it comes to how each population is affected, virus or vaccine. Also those were single studies, which in general is a weaker strand of evidence compared to a meta-analysis.

If you have more evidence could you please put a short little summary describing the main thesis of the video/etc…?


Jan 23, 2017
Drawing causation from observational studies is the same tactic that plant based advocates will use to "prove" that animal products are unhealthy. It doesn't work then and it cannot work here. It is never sound scientific thinking to draw causation from statistical data. At best you can state correlations, and then work to discover more evidence to support a body of theory. Want to know what is also trending with these increased deaths? A decrease in socialization, a decrease in regenerative exercise, a decrease in quality nutrition, an increase in mental health issues, an increase in alcohol consumption, an increase in drug use, an increase in perceived stress, an increase in learned helplessness, all of these are linked with worse health outcomes and early morbidity. If anything, the FEAR of the vaccine causing these excess deaths is itself introducing negative mental and emotional health, in addition with toxic media coverage of our politics, economy, and future, that is creating a vicious negative cycle of negative physiological states in human beings.

Your average young person is eating McDonalds or some other fast food crap, drinking alcohol every weekend, smoking weed, vaping, on their smart phone 6+ hours a day or otherwise sedentary behind a computer or tv screen, unable to properly socialize with their fellow peers, and you want to blame the vaccine? Sometimes the answer is so obvious yet we want to blame a red herring because it fits neatly with this agenda that the pharmaceutical companies are corrupt and they intentionally poisoned humanity to make $$$.

Now, since I invoked science, I have to be responsible and also say that I as well can't rule out that it is not vaccines themselves that are causative in these early deaths because there is an association. However, there are a number of confounding variables, and one can never draw causative inference from an observational study UNLESS the power of the study is overwhelmingly strong.

I know people who got the vaccine and are healthy as can be. Want to know why? They eat well, hydrate, don't do drugs or drink, sleep well, aren't stressed, and have a quality exercise routine. We can't underscore the importance of these things and how necessary they are to the human body in order to function properly.
How then, do you explain the rise in mortality, apparently worldwide, where vax was heavily taken?


Jan 16, 2023
I caught covid, then got the vaccine, then got COVID again all between 2020 and 2022

I am not the picture of good health, so I will say, when I got COVID it really sucked. I felt truly awful. The first time was worse than the second. My sister had it and didn’t feel a damn thing. Same with my friend, who compared it to just a cold. I had a family friend who passed away from it.
Thanks for the reply.
I too have seen many people around me - family members, friends, acquaintances, with and without previous health conditions, vaxxed and unvaxxed - get ill, die or having their previous conditions to decline (or not)!

Some really weird cases of people of various ages getting really ill after getting vaxxed. I think mostly in people disconnected from their own health, and this includes many doctors. Also people having health issues after having caught covid. I should have put all the cases I heard of on a spreadsheet and get my own statistic data.

I know for sure that complications from the vax, the disease and from vax + disease are ridiculously underreported.

David PS

Jan 5, 2016
Dark side of the moon
Trump is puzzling to me.
Trump is puzzling to me as well. He has clamored his way to the top, fallen and can not seem get back again. His past keep haunting him. I think of his current situation as being a version of Humpty Dumpty's great fall. All the GOP politicians and all of his many legal teams are scrambling to get back again. Time will eventually tell us if he is truly electable.

His latest conviction in NY state makes me wonder if his tax motivated manipulations will eclipse those of Al Capone. I seem to recall that he bragged about loopholes that allowed him to avoid paying taxes in the US. He did pay his taxes in China. That's entertainment!



Feb 18, 2018

So you showed me data from US, UK, and Wales. UK had 20 million people infected with COVID,

In the US, half of the population has reported as having been infected with COVID, Half the U.S. population has had COVID, but many cases are going unreported.

That's 150 million people in the US alone.

In one study on 259 people, 60% of people infected with COVID have had multiple organ damage 6 months post infection potentially due to the disease itself,

That's how I explain the rise in excess deaths


Jul 25, 2022
I’m not trolling and I’m not sure what you’re on about the media and their “science”. Just from checking the numbers of the first study from the meta-analysis I linked the risk of developing myocarditis from vaccination was 1 in 50,000.

That video you posted did nothing to disprove the meta-analysis I posted, it simply stated there was a contradiction between Israeli, US, and UK data in regards to myocarditis. Note that these are 3 distinct populations with different environments, diets, and gene pools so there certainly could be more at play in regards to why this was the case. COVID did not affect every country equally, so clearly there are some other variables at play when it comes to how each population is affected, virus or vaccine. Also those were single studies, which in general is a weaker strand of evidence compared to a meta-analysis.

If you have more evidence could you please put a short little summary describing the main thesis of the video/etc…?

I’m not sure if you are aware to just how corrupt “science” has become, particularly pharma and covid related science. Studies and meta analysis are easily manipulated.

The “single study” I posted was of over 380,000 people, There was no diffidence in myocarditis between those who got covid and those who haven’t... that’s very difficult to explain away and makes it near impossible show to that covid causes myocarditis.

Here’s another video from the same guy as above (whom I don’t trust either, but he generally only uses “official data”, which is often manipulated, yet still shows the absurdity of the lies we are be bombarded by.)

Vax vs unvax excess deaths in the UK... (This data is harder to find in my country and is even less trustworthy than UK’s data). Very hard to find in the US as well, which is intentional IMO.



Feb 18, 2018
I’m not sure if you are aware to just how corrupt “science” has become, particularly pharma and covid related science. Studies and meta analysis are easily manipulated.

The “single study” I posted was of over 380,000 people, There was no diffidence in myocarditis between those who got covid and those who haven’t... that’s very difficult to explain away and makes it near impossible show to that covid causes myocarditis.

Here’s another video from the same guy as above (whom I don’t trust either, but he generally only uses “official data”, which is often manipulated, yet still shows the absurdity of the lies we are be bombarded by.)

Vax vs unvax excess deaths in the UK... (This data is harder to find in my country and is even less trustworthy than UK’s data). Very hard to find in the US as well, which is intentional IMO.


Just because data is confusing or paradoxical does not right away mean corruption…

I gave you 3 reasons why we could have different health outcomes in different populations to the same stressor: environment, diet, and genes.

Most scientists won’t draw conclusive theories from single studies because a single study can’t capture the complexity that is this life. It takes many, many studies which lead to a general theory of what may be going on.


Forum Supporter
Aug 4, 2017
What do you say then about this? COVID itself can cause myocarditis... which from this meta-analysis was 7x greater than the myocarditis from the vaccine. This is a point I'd like to emphasize as well, that COVID itself was not a benign virus. It was an epidemic that did ravage through the population, and itself can cause many of these long term problems that we are seeing in the population.

Here is a link to an article with links to studies about this topic:

False, Misleading Information About COVID-19 Vaccines And Myocarditis Spreads Widely


Jul 25, 2022
Just because data is confusing or paradoxical does not right away mean corruption…

I gave you 3 reasons why we could have different health outcomes in different populations to the same stressor: environment, diet, and genes.

Most scientists won’t draw conclusive theories from single studies because a single study can’t capture the complexity that is this life. It takes many, many studies which lead to a general theory of what may be going on.
So, environment, genetics and stress didn't stop the population from getting myocarditis at fairly similar rates to other western nations, before covid, but somehow with covid, those factors did....gotcha.

Also the UK data now showing vax dying at higher rates than unvaxxed....

With your post count and time on site, I truly believe you are being disingenuous. Or perhaps a serious case of denial, which is understandable and I went through something similar after my wife was injured by the vax.


Aug 5, 2015
Happy Pumped Up GIF by AT&T


Seeing that you are not in good health now and probably come under the category of the vulnerable I'm wondering if you will be getting a covid booster @Runenight201 ? If not why not?


Feb 18, 2018
Vaccines cause myocarditis, cancer, death, etc...

But COVID doesn't, it's the hospital protocols which will kill you

Except there's a strong argument that COVID can cause long-term organ damage, spike protein circulating in the blood and causing inflammation, but that's not addressed here. I don't see what's the point of continuing the conversation if you all can't admit that COVID itself can cause injury as well. But no I'm in "denial"

So pretty much, if you are the average person, you have to weigh the risks of what's worse, the vaccine, or COVID, and then make the decision accordingly, because it's very rare you can be the lucky case of being an unvaccinated, un-infected with COVID, which would obviously be the preferable case. I will say, as having had both, I am obviously biased by my own personal experience, which was that my illnesses with COVID were 10x worse than the side effect I encountered from the vaccine I took, but of course, anecdotal evidences don't count for anything when determining total truth, we have to rely on data.

Which, in this information overload world, can tell any story you want, just depending on what your pre-conceived beliefs are. If you are the conspiratorial type (which is very obvious that the majority of people on this forum are), than any story that doesn't fit the narrative of the "powers that be" will be dismissed as misinformation (the same can obviously said about the "other side" and studies that show that the vaccine is dangerous). So we live in a world now where you have to pick a side and then you stick your head in the sand and rage into the wind. But this polarization exists across all domains, political, religious, socioeconomic, etc... and is so obviously a ginomorous problem with our culture. No one can agree on anything, truth is obscured, and humanity as a result suffers.

Could it really be that both COVID and the vaccine cause damage? Do we really need to be one or the other? How do we reckon with this potential truth?

I like the other thread that @David PS posted about healing from the Spike Protein, because at least that is a productive, optimistic avenue that anyone, vaccinated or not, who is dealing with debilitating symptoms can take.
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