The U.S. erected a vast network of bio-labs in Ukraine and is scrubbing details from the net

Perry Staltic

Dec 14, 2020
It might be because they don't exist anymore. Pepe Escobar reported that they were blown up by Iskander ballistic missiles

Hugh Johnson

Mar 14, 2014
The Sultanate of Portugal
I recall Putin publicly asking questions about why were US biolabs gathering genetic material from Russians.


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Sep 12, 2020
Has anyone tried using something like wayback machine or any other internet archive. I have read others are doing this and saving the data for various issue's.


Mar 26, 2019
Sonoma County
The W.H.O. coordinates; even during the 'cold war' enemies were cooperating on bio-research.

Hot Viruses During the Cold War – Leonard Horowitz (1996)
Dozens of "WHO Chronicle’ articles that I photocopied and brought home revealed that by 1968 the WHO had been solely in control of the world's experimental "biologicals" for almost two decades.

WHO has exerted a powerful influence on the quality control of biological substances since its very inception in 1948. Since 1952, when WHO interest in the establishment of international requirements for such biological products began, various possible measures have been examined for attempting to achieve a greater degree of uniformity in the quality, safety, and potency of vaccines, antisera, etc. for the control of substances of particular interest to WHO in relation to its mass immunization and mass prophylaxis schemes in developing countries.

By the late 1960s, the WHO's viral research program shifted into hyperdrive. After reading several papers about their major advances, my attention focused on additional written confirmation of the USPHS's and the NCI's leading role in the WHO's viral and cancer research program. Perhaps not coincidentally, at the exact time the DOD petitioned Congress to fund their AIDS-like virus project, the WHO announced its center for viral research and development was the NCI.

Another WHO report added:
"As additional means of providing advanced training, three meetings on the joint activities of WHO virus reference centers and national virus laboratories have been held, one in Atlanta in 1967, one in Prague in 1968, and one in Dakar in 1968. At these meetings most of the time was devoted to laboratory bench work. They were designed not only to disseminate information on recent advances and on new techniques but also to foster closer relations between regional reference centers and national laboratories."

By 1968 - ten years into their viral research program - the NCI and WHO reference centers in Copenhagen, Denmark, and Lausanne, Switzerland, had served as authorized technical advisers and suppliers of "prototype virus strains, diagnostic and reference reagents [e.g., antibodies], antigens, and cell cultures" for more than "120 laboratories in 35 different countries." Within a year of this announcement, this number increased to "592 virus laboratories; 137 were outside Europe and North America."


Mar 26, 2019
Sonoma County
I recall Putin publicly asking questions about why were US biolabs gathering genetic material from Russians.
Probably for resale. I heard that PCR test DNA is being sold.

FBI Warns Los Angeles County Sheriff: Chinese Company Harvested Employee DNA

UK Covid Testing Company Plans to Sell Customers DNA For Medical Research

PCR Test DNA: Sold to BIG Pharma – Transhumanism Research

When a PCR test is administered, they are extracting a sample of your DNA. That sample is attached to your name. And a database is created. Labs can sell your DNA to other labs and often do! Most countries have little regulation in force. While the EU has the GDPR Act in force as of 2018, its protection is exempted during a state of national emergency… and any and all DNA samples can be available to whomever!

Why is our DNA important to our personal security and privacy? What uses are there for DNA?
1. Paternity, 2. Ancestry, 3. Crimes, 4. Disease analysis, 5. Genetic Mutation, 6. Forensics, 7. And – Possibly cloning…

Hugh Johnson

Mar 14, 2014
The Sultanate of Portugal
Probably for resale. I heard that PCR test DNA is being sold.

FBI Warns Los Angeles County Sheriff: Chinese Company Harvested Employee DNA

UK Covid Testing Company Plans to Sell Customers DNA For Medical Research

PCR Test DNA: Sold to BIG Pharma – Transhumanism Research

When a PCR test is administered, they are extracting a sample of your DNA. That sample is attached to your name. And a database is created. Labs can sell your DNA to other labs and often do! Most countries have little regulation in force. While the EU has the GDPR Act in force as of 2018, its protection is exempted during a state of national emergency… and any and all DNA samples can be available to whomever!

Why is our DNA important to our personal security and privacy? What uses are there for DNA?
1. Paternity, 2. Ancestry, 3. Crimes, 4. Disease analysis, 5. Genetic Mutation, 6. Forensics, 7. And – Possibly cloning…
That does not make any sense, since the US government was the purchaser of the DNA, and the suppliers even asked if Ukrainian is good enough (it was not).


Mar 26, 2019
Sonoma County
That does not make any sense, since the US government was the purchaser of the DNA, and the suppliers even asked if Ukrainian is good enough (it was not).
Exactly, they are a purchaser of this specific DNA (who knows why?). No argument there.
It is an information commodity being brokered; and bio-information will continue to be bought and traded.

video: Alison McDowell speaks about Human Capital Bonds

article: The Internet of Bodies and Human Capital Futures Bets In Brazil
Aspen Institute, with assistance from the University of St. Gallen in São Paulo, documented impact investing opportunities in Brazil in 2014, targeting BOP (base of pyramid) favela residents. The report identifies investment potential in the areas of education and healthcare access and banking since Brazil is one of the fifteen countries with the greatest income inequality. Favelas would be seen by venture philanthropists and social entrepreneurs as significant and potentially profitable sources of data if they can be “properly developed” with “evidence-based solutions.” This game of speculation can only proceed once rules are created, consensus is established, players are recruited, and the gameboard is set up. The human capital finance game runs on metrics.

In the coming years, global financiers, will attempt to meld dynamic pricing and mobile payments with biometric digital identity, Internet of Body sensors, and blockchain smart contracts and then weave it all into an expansive spatial web meant to control our social and economic relations in both the material world and, through digital assets, rights and privileges, in the Metaverse, as well. Click here to listen to an interview I did with Bonnie Faulkner of Guns and Butter that goes into more detail about how impact investing connects to digital twins, and mixed reality.


Apr 21, 2021
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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