Newest Blood Test Results - Elevated Insulin / Insulin Resistance

Jul 20, 2016
Yoo have recently switched doctors and have had some more tests run. This time I had quite a few ran as it is a Boston Heart test. I have already bought some b1 and biotin for the insulin to see if it can help especially with the brain fog. I really am questioning what is causing the high insulin and wonder if it is cortisol. Anyway any and all advice would be appreciated

Total Cholesterol - 200
Direct LDL-C - 125
HDL-C - 58
Triglycerides - 105
Non-HDL-C - 142

ApoB - 101
LDL-P5 - 1333
sdLDL-C1 - 23
% sdLDL-C - 18
VLDL-C - 17
Lp(a) - <15
ApoA-I - 141.2

hs-CRP - .3
LpPLA2 - 199
MPO1 - 508

HbA1c - 5.3
HOMA - IR - 4.1
Glucose - 96
Adiponectin1 - 9.9
Insulin - 17

a-1 - 46.9
a-2 - 51.9
a-3 - 17.1
a-4 - 15.0
PreB1 - 8.9

Lathosterol - 155
Demosterol - 80
Beta - Sitosterol - 294
Campesterol - 256

TC/HDL-C - 3.4
VLDL - C/TG - 0.16
ApoB/ApoA-I - .7
HDL-C/TG - .55

AST -23
Alkaline Phosphate - 80
Creatine Kinase - 233
BUN/Creatine - 12.3
NT-proBNP - <20
URic Acid - 6.5
Homocysteine - 8.0
eGFR / Non - African American - 99
eGFR / African American - 115

BUN - 13.00
TSH - 4.02
Creatine - 1.06
Albumin - 4.9
Vitamin D, 25-OH - 32

Prolactin - 22
Last edited:
Jul 20, 2016
Adding in a couple more test results:

Testosterone - 523 - ng/dL Range: 348-1197
Free Testosterone: 23.1 pg/mL Range:9.3-26.5
Prolactin: 25.4 Range 4.0-15.2
Estradiol - 41.8 pg/mL Range: 7.6-42.6
C-Reactive Protien, Cardiac - .27 Rane 0-3


Apr 30, 2015
Dang, your prolactin is in the rediculous range. You ever think about laying off the fap or trying some lisuride?
Jul 20, 2016
Dang, your prolactin is in the rediculous range. You ever think about laying off the fap or trying some lisuride?

I actually don't fap much, but when I do *raises eyebrows*, lol.

Am currently on an estrogen blocker to see if this will lower it.

Vitamin E I think has been my best friend for this. I'll have to see if it improves next set of tests.

I think my prolactin is still relatively low in the grand scheme of things. I think people can get it into the 100's and above


Apr 30, 2015
I actually don't fap much, but when I do *raises eyebrows*, lol.

Am currently on an estrogen blocker to see if this will lower it.

Vitamin E I think has been my best friend for this. I'll have to see if it improves next set of tests.

I think my prolactin is still relatively low in the grand scheme of things. I think people can get it into the 100's and above

Yeah...its pretty cool that you have a target to aim for. Some of Haiduts stuff is fantastic for lowering prolactin. Are you losing hair at all?
Jul 20, 2016
I have seen his stuff but am kind of done experimenting if you will since I've been dealing with health issues for a while. I just want out. Yeah I do lose hair but baldness is in the fam


Jul 29, 2014
Yah that prolactin is very high. Ray has said that at the high range of what is considered normal (on some tests) men can develop breasts. Ray also says that prolactin and estrogen tend to rise together and also TSH and prolactin. All 3 of those are at the higher end according to your numbers. Here are some quotes I found...

"Back in the 70's, after the wave of pituitary tumors resulting from the high estrogen birth control pills, they found that the healthy range for women, on the standard scale of unit, was around 12 somewhere, maybe as high as 15. And for men it was around 4 to 7. They've now raised the upper limit for men to, sometimes they say it's as high as 20 and for women as high as 30, but all the men I've talked to who've had close to 20, even though they were said to be normal, they've all had developing breasts (gynocomastia)."

He also connects prolactin and estrogen to hairloss in the same interview.

[in regards to lowering prolactin with progesterone would work]
Sometimes it does, but thyroid is the basic thing. The tryptophan and serotonin happen to turn on a trigger that increases prolactin and thyroid-stimulating hormone. They tend to go together. And if your thyroid doesn't respond adequately to the rising TSH, it isn't able to lower the prolactin. They are tied closely together, and so a supplement of thyroid is sometimes needed. But without that, sometimes increasing the salt in your diet and using a vitamin B6 supplement, those can sometimes correct the prolactin. The B6 is involved in correcting the typtophan/serotonin metabolism, so it doesn't cause the inflammation and high prolactin.


Aug 31, 2016
Vancouver, BC
Well keto would definitely help the blood sugar, insulin resistance, brain fog, and the hair falling out. Something to keep in mind though, blood sugar rises and falls throughout the day. In fact, if you had a poor nights sleep, your blood sugar would be fairly elevated due to the cortisol. Cortisol's chief function is pull your blood sugar up for some fight or flight action. Being chased by a lion, holy crap, massive stress response kicks in, cortisol increases gluconeogenesis, and your blood sugar elevates and you run like hell... This is a natural normal response for our body's.

Problem is, we aren't running from lions or predators, we are battling a different beast, bad diet, bad sleeping patterns, and bad advice. So you have to ask yourself "what exactly is responsible for raising blood sugar", hopefully you know the answers, but if not, here is coles notes list from what causes blood sugar to raise the quickest to the least:

A) Pure glucose. You won't find this readily available, at least I don't think. Emergency responders carry it to treat people with diabetic episodes. It's a gel you squirt in someones cheek, rapidly raises their blood sugar.
B) Dextrose. I think this belongs here. Some bodybuilders use this to quickly elevated insulin levels to drive nutrients in after workouts. Seeing as they don't consume sugar directly, it leads me to believe dextrose in their form is more potent

C) Table Sugar/ High fructose Corn Syrup/ Fructose - I'll just lump them all together here as the jury is out as to what fructose does. It's metabolized in the liver so people say it doesn't affect insulin. Others says it does affect insulin, causes physiological insulin resistance, as well as, glucose intolerance. Your best bet, take your blood sugar, eat a piece of fruit, then take another reading 30 and 60 min later to see what happens. Fructose should be fruit, not pulverized fruit into juices, this has a much larger impact. Sugar is 50% glucose 50% fructose. HFCS is 55% fructose, 45% glucose I believe. All are similarly composed the same, its just HFCS is processed and has basically been labelled poison by the medical community. You can literally give yourself fatty liver and reverse it at will by consuming things with HFCS in it. Milk can also be grouped into here. Whatever you're taking, if you take a blood sugar reading before, then consume something from this category, there is a high probability you will see elevated blood sugar levels 30-60 min after. The problem lies if at 2 hours time your blood sugar levels don't return to normal, that tells you there is insulin resistance going on.

D) Complex Carbs. Think grains and veggies. Slower to digest so slower to raise the blood sugar so barring insulin resistance, your blood sugar should keep in a good range.
E) Proteins. These can break down in the muscle via gluconeogenesis. This is a normal reaction and as stated earlier, think about the lion chasing you. Your body needs glucose now to GTFO! lol.

Then we have fats. Fats have no impact on insulin, so if your insulin resistant and want to lower your blood sugar, you should probably start hedging your bets in this category as the primary source of calories.
Jul 20, 2016
Hmm okay so I have also been proposed the keto diet by my new doctor. I am a bit wary of it just as I have read the work of Ray Peat /Matt Stone and how carbohydrates are not the direct cause of diabetes.

So would you suggest the keto diet in terms of short term? - until the body corrected itself or would you view it as more of a long term solution? I know some of the members on here have gone on no /low carb and eventually had problems long term down the road.

I am open to all ideas, however I my idea right now is to try to turn things around via the b vitamins - specifically - b1, b3, and biotin. As I have read reports on them being able to improve blood glucose metabolism / and insulin resistance and can be found here:

Using Vitamins (thiamine) For Improving Glucose Control -Thiamine
Biotin Restores Glucose Metabolism Even In Type I Diabetes - biotin


Mar 28, 2015
I actually don't fap much, but when I do *raises eyebrows*, lol.

Am currently on an estrogen blocker to see if this will lower it.

Vitamin E I think has been my best friend for this. I'll have to see if it improves next set of tests.

I think my prolactin is still relatively low in the grand scheme of things. I think people can get it into the 100's and above

What is FAP?


Mar 28, 2015
Adding in a couple more test results:

Testosterone - 523 - ng/dL Range: 348-1197
Free Testosterone: 23.1 pg/mL Range:9.3-26.5
Prolactin: 25.4 Range 4.0-15.2
Estradiol - 41.8 pg/mL Range: 7.6-42.6
C-Reactive Protien, Cardiac - .27 Rane 0-3

I agree with Tarmander that your Prolactin is too high for a male. It seems that you may be hypothyroid, which could explain why all these three are high....TSH, prolactin and Estrogen.

When my prolactin levels went up to 33, I felt like I was run over by a truck. I really couldn't do anything because I felt so bad. At that time I was already taking Thryoid, Progesterone and Aspirin regularly alongside a Peaty diet. An increase in all of those did nothing to bring down my high Prolactin. I then tried rest, lowering stress, sleep, red light and Metergoline. The following month my Prolactin level came down to 12, the month after that to 10 and now it currently stands at 7 (I'm female). I don't mean to promote these things but this is what helped me personally. Btw, I've tried Lisuride before and it made me very naseaus and feel bad. I haven't touched it since. I still have many other symptoms that need to be addressed because of Hypothyroidism but high Prolactin is no longer an issue for me. Good luck.


Mar 28, 2015
I have seen his stuff but am kind of done experimenting if you will since I've been dealing with health issues for a while. I just want out. Yeah I do lose hair but baldness is in the fam

You say that you want out, does this mean that you've been experimenting with certain vitamins or substances that have caused you to get worse? Experimenting has done this to me. I want out too but I don't really know how to undo my hypothyroidism. You're lucky that you have youth on your side.
Jul 20, 2016
Fapping is masturbating lol. There's a whole movement called nofap basically abstaining from it.

I'm interested to know more by what your high prolactin felt like to you? Could you describe it in more detail? Like what was it like talking to other people? Stuff like that...

When I say I want out I just want to be healed lol but I have to put the work in and experimenting will have to happen as something has to change. Really focusing on sleep at the moment as well as adding in the calories. I take thyroid but get jitters from it and need to solve this piece as well. Just little things that add up to a big whole which I feel like ***t. Although I will say I have had days where I feel amazing and that is what I want to lock in. Getting there consistently has been then hard part.

Most of my focus has been to break down the brain fog and for the longest time I thought it was prolactin. However now I realize it is actually from the insulin. So my efforts will be to get that down as a majority. I need to come up with a priority list type thing and work from there. Cause man nothing eats the person I Ann when I'm in a state of wellbeing. Haha nothing...
Jul 20, 2016
Just want to share this as I just learned it...directly from from article Blocking Tissue Destruction - "Prolactin (which is promoted by estrogen, and inhibited by progesterone)"

Just learned that progesterone can inhibit prolactin. I know this exists elsewhere on the forum but figured i'd share as this is the next thing on the test docket for me...
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals
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