Energy, Fatigue And Exhaustion - An Interview With Paul Eck


Apr 15, 2015

One of the most important functions of calcium is not the creation of
bone tissue. It is the regulation of metabolism. Calcium tends to slow
down the metabolic rate. It is part of the body’s natural ‘braking’

It is no coincidence that newborns, who have an extremely high
rate of metabolism – have relatively low calcium levels. As we age,
the body begins to apply the calcium ‘brake’. Tissue calcium levels
rise higher and higher and the metabolism slows down.
Calcium lines the cell membrane. A low level of tissue calcium
allows the membrane to be more permeable – thus increasing the
speed of metabolism. A high level of tissue calcium reduces the
permeability of the cell membrane, thus slowing down the metabolic

Calcium is one of the most misunderstood nutrients. The
unfortunate truth is that most individuals do not have a true calcium
deficiency. What they have is an inability to utilize the excess
calcium that is already in their tissues.
To consume calcium that you do not need is to accelerate your
decline into slow metabolism – and into old age.

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